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Alrighty, I'll go ahead and hand down my verdict.

Now, the thing is that skills aren't actually that impactful. Their main purpose here is to serve as a way of codifying a character's theme. This isn't the sort of environment where most skills will have much weight outside of guiding character interaction.

With that said, to reach even decent experience in three styles of martial arts is near-impossible order by the age of fifteen, if we're talking true experience and not the waterdown kind. Also, just from a posting perspective it's troublesome for you should she ever make use of that talent, because it requires that you've done a decent amount of research on all three styles, and have a good enough grasp on all of them conceptually that you can think of how to blend them appropriately, which is quite a lot of effort for something with pretty little payoff.

So, on that front, I will have to request that you either pretty sharply reduce her skill in each style, or go all-in on one of your choosing and have an appreciable level of skill in it for her age. Especially considering the sheer breadth of skills she has, it's unreasonable to think that she would have the same level of experience in martial arts as someone her own age who has focused exclusively on martial arts, and even a child like that would be far from mastery with under a decade of experience under his belt.

Also, keep in mind that she's a little girl in Japan, and this is a roleplay about ghosts, so the odds of firearms coming into play at any point in time will be minuscule at best and nonexistent at worst.

Besides that, I don't have any huge issues. While she does seem to have the whole "perfect" feeling about her, in this roleplay specifically I don't have a major objection to that, because things like that don't matter as much in either the character dynamics half, or the horror half, so if you want to make a princess locked in an ivory tower, be my guest.

So yeah, just reach a decision on the martial arts debacle, and you're good to go.

Right, I'll work on that, then. Since I ultimately expect it won't be used much (If at all), would it do to say that she just has vague "Self-defense training" without defining a specific style? We'll assume it's a single style that she is somewhat decent in with the best trainer that money can buy, but I doubt we'll start going around describing specifically how the mantis style directly counters the tiger claw technique in this specific scenario and whatnot. Since it's not something that I, as a player, am capable of talking about, it might work if I just keep it nebulous.

The gun thing and the horse thing were actually both more for flavor than anything else. I honestly didn't expect to use either, like, at all. Unless we end up going around with super soakers loaded up with holy water, I guess.

In addition, I was kind of going for that 'perfect' feel. You've seen anime. I wanted to do something like that.
<Snipped quote by Octo>

Okay fair enough, a lot of the times people go a little crazy with martial arts in their characters, that's why I ranted the way I did.

I can't say much about Krav Maga and Aikido, as I don't know much about those styles, but I can tell you that MMA is a sport style and is pretty much useless for self defense. There's too many rules. There aren't rules in a street fight.

Honestly if you want a good self defense style, I'd go with the one I mentioned I take, Shaolin Chuan Fa, or as most people know it as, Shaolin Kempo. That style has a little bit of everything, we have the punches and the kicks, we have forms, we have throws and grabs, everything. The best part is that its tailor fit to the individual, I'm five feet tall, I'm not going to do stuff the same as a big, muscular guy is going to, so I don't learn things the same as them. We deal with a lot of different scenarios too, like how to fight multiple opponents, even things like how to fight after you've been pepper sprayed and things like that.

And, to be honest, it's the best self defense training money can buy. And I'm not just saying that because it's the style I take. I could say a lot more about it, but to even touch on the history of the art or what we do in it would take a long time to type up.

Haha, you know, I was about to say "Are you sure you're not a bit biased because Shaolin Kempo is the style you train in?" before that last paragraph. You seem reasonable, though, so I'll put faith in your ability to be objective. Since the style is tailored for the individual, however, I'm not sure how I would go about talking about it if it came up. I don't know what exactly she would know and/or be capable of, or even how I would speak of the style in very broad strokes. Her ideal and my own would be that the skill doesn't get used at all, but it might nonetheless.

I wouldn't want to impose on you and ask for a crash course, because as you said, it would take a while to type up even if you were just giving me the gist. I suppose I could try looking up some videos on Youtube to get a rough idea just in case, but I also suppose I could just not worry about it at all unless a fight becomes unavoidable. That may be for the best, in the end.

All that said, if it's a good style to take on multiple attackers with, and if it's the best that money can buy, that's very likely the style for her.

<Snipped quote by Octo>

If I may also put in my two cents into this little discussion - and I'm not trying to offend anyone here, or claim that you're wrong, Bender - but as someone who has studied Taekwondo myself, I really don't see any problem with the character to be honest. Certainly studying more styles would take time, and while I doubt she'd be the best, I could see her being fairly decent if she was dedicated and had the time and money.

Depending on when exactly she started.

I started studying Taekwondo around...I can't exactly remember since it's been awhile - somewhere around when I was seven or eightish, I think. By the time I was fourteen or fifteen, I was well on my way to becoming a black belt. (Won a few tournaments as well) Unfortunately, due to various financial situations, I had to abandon it and am currently lacking all skill in the manner xP

While I'm not saying she'd be the best by any means, I don't see a problem with her being 'decently skilled' at all of them. She could hold her own in a fight against someone who had no idea what they were doing, but against another opponent who had trained better in one style, she'd probably get rekt. You know, just be reasonable with it and don't go overboard.

The most important thing is being able to fight and get away however possible, and if multiple styles would put her at a profound disadvantage against someone who had trained in one well, I'll just go with one style.

I haven't thought of when she started, though. It would definitely be important to start early, but you probably don't see a 5-year-old training in Shaolin Kempo. Seven or eight is probably a fairly good age, though. That would give her about eight years of the best possible training that money could buy, which is probably sufficient to at least be decent. She's still training, of course, but it's good to know. Thanks for the input!
<Snipped quote by Octo>

You're right. She is too skilled. At fifteen she can't be a self defense master, especially considering she's taking three different styles. Trying to split her focus between the three would mean she'd be even less skilled at each one. Because every style is different, what she does in one won't for the other. She can be good for her age, but she can't be a master. I've been taking one style (Shaolin Chuan Fa) for over ten years and I'm no where near a master yet.

Okay, rant over. For now.

Ah, well, it's more that I wanted a cool title for the skill that I called it "Self-Defense Mastery". I didn't mean to imply that she would be considered a master at all three styles. That would be absurd. It's my fault for labeling it as such, however. That said, I will plead ignorance to the subject of the martial arts. I don't personally have much knowledge of those things, but I found it hard to imagine that the single daughter of a hugely rich man would go without the best self-defense training money could buy, so I made sure to add something in.

As for the styles picked, I tried to go for the most straightforward items of which I knew in regards to the goal "Turn attempted attacks back onto the opponent, take advantage of openings, and end the fight quickly". I thought that Aikido was good at the defensive portion, I thought that the purpose of Krav Maga was ending a fight quickly however possible, and I thought that a general knowledge of MMA would help with holds and blending techniques.

If it's more practical and reasonable to just concentrate on one style, though, which do you think would be the best fit? I think that the biggest thing to consider is adaptability to multiple attackers, since we're assuming a kidnapping attempt as the most likely scenario. Any of the three I mentioned, or even a fourth style I may not have considered that fits the goal better. I'm open to editing.

Alright, I've finished. I do feel that she is perhaps a bit too skilled, but I've tried to give her an amount of limitations and drawbacks to balance things out. Not to mention, I don't think she'll end up getting any real use out of most of them (Though I could be wrong, because I don't know what you have planned). I hope this is alright.
<Snipped quote by Octo>

That there are!

Oh, wonderful. I'll try to finish up my character soon. Expect my entry within an hour or two, perhaps.
Oh, my. This looks very interesting. Are there any spaces open at the moment? Because I would like to join if so.
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