Indeed, the plan was working. At this rate, she would be socially obligated to take one of those sweet, buttery, chocolaty confections. Truly Octavia was a genius among geniuses, and no one was even the wiser.
Then, that lavender-haired boy just came right up and screwed with everything.
"E-eh? W-what are you talking about? I'm not doing anything like that," replied Octavia in a manner so suspicious that the Osaka police force would have arrested her right on the spot.
Having been so flustered, Octavia lost the chance to enact her plan when the president, Mitsuko, began speaking to her. She couldn't very well take one while engaged in conversation. To stuff one's mouth while being spoken to would be decidedly unladylike. Octavia's eyes went from Mitsuko to the brownies and back again as she listened to the girl talk. Indeed, Octavia had imagined that the stapler boy had been a foolish ape as per Mitsuko's description. It was something of a relief that the president appeared to have him on a leash, although long-term relationships founded on what Octavia assumed was blackmail did not seem like the most healthy or stable for the club at large.
Then Mitsuko went on to describe stuff about souls, the gist of which being that ghosts were souls without bodies. Octavia took all of this to mind. Despite not believing in any occult stuff, Octavia was in Mitsuko's club. She chose to be there, and thus Octavia would show Mitsuko the proper respect of keeping in mind whatever she had to say. Octavia then took one of the forms provided.
"The pleasure is mine, Matsushima-san. I am Octavia King. Er, in English naming order."
A tinge of pink showed up on Octavia's cheeks. She had been dreading introductions somewhat for this very reason.
"Japanese naming order, it would be... King Octavia. I know how incredibly presumptuous this is, but would you mind terribly not calling me by surname? It is... somewhat embarrassing, although I'm certain that 'Octavia' may be hard to pronounce. My old fr- uh, acquaintances used to just call me 'Princess', though I must admit, I am not really a fan of that either."
As she spoke, her cheeks continued to brighten. Thankfully, once the introduction was done, she wouldn't have to bring it up again.