Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Oi, Tweedledumbass. Would you mind shutting the hell up? There are some people here who might want to listen to this thing, even if it is kinda boring. No offence. But if YOU want some broken bones I'll be happy to lend you some, you damn dog."

Charles was extremely annoyed now, he could feel the veins pulsating on his head. He began to speak. "Oh hi, hot girl who was sitting quietly. Do I have to spell it out to all of you idiots? Don't you get it? Are you all retarded? Deaf? I. Rule. This. School. When you all figure this out, things will be much happier around he-"

The punch came out of nowhere, and it shook his spine as he was struck above the stomach. The breath was forced from his lungs, and he could feel the world going dizzy as the look of shock on his face twitched with pain. He coughed and spluttered for breath, and could hear muffled voices coming from somewhere. Makoto he thought, his vision clouding.

"You think you can intimidate me?"
I'm surrounded by people...
"Nothing scares me, especially not little punks like yourself"
I just got punched by a girl, and now I'm visibly pained...
"Go ahead, turn everyone against me, try and get people to attack me."
Seiko, the blogger is here
"I don't care, whatever you throw at me, I'll throw right back in your face ten times harder."
She's probably writing all this down, and she probably took a picture
"Soon You'll learn to fear a name, and that's Captain America."
My empire is going to crumble.

Charles was coughing and spluttering, and out of the corner of his blurry vision he could see Makoto sit back down in her seat. He saw something solid on his desk - a stapler left from the class that was here before. He picked it up slung it at the girl, but his vision was blurry and he was dizzy. It hit somewhere, Charles couldn't see where. With that, he collapsed on the desk and closed his eyes, still wincing from the pain of the punch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"I've got a question. So, let's say a person becomes a ghost because they have unfinished business, after their business has been finished... Can they rest in peace? Or is my- ...or will they be forced to roam the world forever?"

She turned her head towards the source of the voice. Makoto again. Was it just her, or did she cut herself off there? She was fairly sure she heard the word 'my' before she cut herself off....had Makoto lost someone recently? Seiko frowned slightly, before ignoring it. While she was curious, and would love to investigate...that'd be a bit, well, mean to try and pry. So she brushed it off and focused back on the president and whatever answer she was about to give.

"Well, the means by which a ghost ceases to be depends on how they became a ghost. For instance, if the soul is anchored to a physical location, damaging that location should result in the soul fading away. Alternatively, there are sources of...'spiritual damage', which can be seen as methods to 'kill' a ghost with. For your specific situation, where a soul has persisted by anchoring itself to a purpose, we can't actually be sure if that's something that can occur, or if it's just a part of legend. That said, I would imagine that if the purpose is fulfilled, the anchor would cease to exist, and the soul would appropriately dissipate; of course, that's just my conjecture."


Seiko clicked her pen in thought, before scribbling a few notes down. So basic stuff, or at least anyone who had any notion of what a ghost was would be able to logically put together. No, she didn't believe in ghosts, she just had done some research for...writing. She did fancy herself a writer, after all. Mostly fantasy stuff - which probably meant a lot of her writing wasn't based in occult fact, but eh. Details details.

"Of course. This isn't an Occult Discussion Club, after all, it is an Occult Club. To that end, we will be interacting with spiritual entities rather regularly."

Ooh, on to the fun stuff, then! The leader took a phone out of a pocket...along with something else. Seiko looked at the object, fairly certain that was some...kind of phone attachment with something duct taped to the end of it. She stifled a laugh. What did...did prez lady actually think that would work? Before she could get a word in though, Mitsuko continued on, saying something about staying at the school at night.

Appraisal...san?...what, did she name that thing? Really? Seiko had to stifle another giggle, albeit somewhat poorly. She had to admit, that was just a tiny bit adorable. She was getting more and more interested in this little club. There was definitely enough material here for her to write plenty! But well, a thought for another time. Back to the thought at hand.

While others might see that as an interesting idea, it wasn't her first time sneaking about the campus at night. She had, in her various information gathering schemes, had gotten in. Most of the time she had gotten away with it too...no need to uh, tell anyone that though.

Going wouldn't really be much of a problem for her, even without the wavier. She'd be going either way, even if her parents said no. Not like they would, though. Mitsuko continued on, saying stuff about something sensing something at the school, then leading to something about a ghost appearing at the extravaganza. OOh, Halloween with ghosts.

...come to think of it, this would be the perfect time to play a harmless little prank on these guys. Maybe she would....heh~

Before she could say anything further, though, the fight that had been happening earlier had finally escalated once again. Seiko immediately turned her head towards the three arguing parties.

"Don't you get it, you pathetic waste of my time? I practically run this dump of a school. The rumors that spread, I pretty much proof read them all."

He...ran this dump of a school? Seiko laughed loudly at that. Puh-lease. If there was anyone who ran it, it was her. The sway of words was ten times more effective then fear or intimidation. Well, she could run it if she wanted too. She knew how to work the rumor mill and use information to her advantage.

"The fights you hear about and sometimes see, I plan them. Being nice to me is pretty much the difference between popularity and being a complete reject. So if you think and you can come in here and insult me, then think again scarface. If you even think about replying with some 'witty' comment, you may find yourself with a few less friends, and maybe a few broken bones, you understand me? That goes for you too, lanky."

Ooh. Someone was delusional. She had half a mind to speak up herself and put this guy in his place. But no, she had to write all of this glorious content down! She'd use it to the fullest extent she could! She'd probably go home tonight and make a hilarious story about it. Charles wouldn't really like what she was doing - it was her intent to write the truth, after all, so...this was probably going to end badly for him.

"Oi, Tweedledumbass. Would you mind shutting the hell up? There are some people here who might want to listen to this thing, even if it is kinda boring. No offence. But if YOU want some broken bones I'll be happy to lend you some, you damn dog."
Ooh, a third contender introduced herself! Mura, the girl who practiced compensated dating!...old news. Well, old rumors. She hadn't confirmed it for herself yet, but that was a definite thing she was gonna do in the semi-near future. She seemed fun...and feisty. The redhead instantly liked her. Tweedledumbass? That was hilarious, and she doubted Charles would take too kindly to it. The hand that wasn't furiously scribbling on her notepad rested on the camera on her desk. She was ready to snap dozens of pictures a second as soon as someone started fighting.

And as soon as Makoto walked over to him, she started doing just that.

"Okay. I won't make a witty comeback."

Wham. She slammed her fist right into him. She wasn't familiar with biology or anything, but damn - that sounded like it hurt. A lot. Like a lot a lot. Makoto wasn't done, though. Not by a long shot. Seiko kept snapping pictures - this this! Was exactly what she craved. A huge, somewhat unsettling grin was plastered on her face as she continued to take pictures and notes.

"You think you can intimidate me? Nothing scares me, especially not little punks like yourself. Go ahead, turn everyone against me, try and get people to attack me. I don't care, whatever you throw at me, I'll throw right back in your face ten times harder. Soon You'll learn to fear a name, and that's Captain America."

With that, she walked back over to her seat, and Seiko stopped the picture taking. She was - well, now that was the most fun she had in awhile! She sat back in her own seat, giving a happy-sounding sigh. Well, that was certainly good for her mood!~ She almost felt like writing a little short story, but well, later. That....name though...wasn't that some American super-hero? Kinda lame, really. He was one of the boring ones, if she was remembering right...then again, she kinda always found herself liking the bad-guys in the super-hero universes more.

"I just knocked the wind out of him, hard. So we should have a few minutes of him actually being quiet. I would apologize for the interruption, but I'm not sorry so it would be a complete lie." Seiko simply laughed. Yep, she liked Makoto. Well, unless she was the one on the receiving end of that.

It however, seemed as though Charles wasn't going to end it there.

Now, Seiko may have liked causing mischief...but throwing a stapler at someone? That was...well, that was just damn stupid. Unfortunately, she also lacked any means of trying to stop it, and could only really watch as it soared towards whatever target Charles had tried to throw it at.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 1 day ago

Octavia was horribly, horribly late. It was not the cliche 'late for school with toast in your mouth' thing (for she had found her way to the school quite easily and had awoken at a reasonable hour), but she was late for the occult club's first meeting after the school day had ended. Well, it couldn't really be helped considering that this was her first day at a new school. These things were bound to happen, but that didn't excuse it from being terribly rude of her.

She stood in front of the shut door of classroom 2-A, where the occult club was supposedly meeting. She heard what sounded like shouting for a second, and waited for things to calm down a little before she going in.

"Ah, the occult club members certainly are passionate. As expected of such a strange and interesting meeting of characters."

And then, suddenly, there was a profound silence. This was her cue. Octavia opened the door, prepared to stride in with the grace and elegance befitting of a young lady, when she got nailed in the face by a stapler.

"FUCK," she cried out, hissing and holding her forehead. She was prepared for assassins and kidnappers. She had protocols. But she wasn't prepared for that.

"God dammit, shit!"

Octavia stumbled into the room and slammed her back against the wall, howling in pain as she held her forehead. Her entire 'proper young lady' persona crumbled around her as she cursed the way her father taught her. The Texas way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

"...really? This has to be a joke."

Shaking her head in response to the ever-escalating conflict that had overwhelmed the club meeting, Mitsuko fixed a cold gaze on Makoto and Charles both before glancing in the direction of the wounded newcomer. "My apologies for my subordinate's actions; if you need an ice pack, do let me know."

Her expression set firmly, a exquisite glass figurine held in place, she stepped forwards to the now-collapsed figure of Charlie and reached over, grabbing the delinquent by the hair to wrench his head up off of his desk.

"I will be blunt, dog. You are here because I have use for you. The second that I decide that the detriment you provide has a higher weight than that use is the second that I break you." She stated calmly, her voice failing to betray any emotion, as though she was talking down to a child. It seemed that she didn't realize that, even in an injured state, Charlie was still fully capable of retaliating against her. Or perhaps she did realize, and simply didn't care.

"Do you understand that, dog? You are to follow my instructions to the letter, and that is final. If you step out of line and I decide that your presence isn't worth my time anymore, then I'm happy to stop playing this little game. I don't care what you do outside of my club. Cause all the chaos you want, seek revenge, start a fire, it does not matter to me. However, when you are following my instructions, in my organization, you are not to take a step out of line, or I can assure you that you will regret it. Are we clear?"

After releasing Charlie's head and sighing to herself helplessly, she turned slightly to Makoto, her expression equally stiff. "...as for you, I don't care how upset you get with others. If you want to resort to physical violence, then do it outside of my club. Debate, discussion, and even argument are all fine; this is a controversial club, so such things are to be expected. What I will not tolerate are showings of physical violence and vigilante justice. As this is your first offense, I won't be taking action, but keep that in mind in the future."

"If you lot can't follow those directions, then things will get especially problematic when spiritual force congregations get higher. It's not the sort of thing I'm capable of handling on my own, and overuse of Mr. Bear would be problematic, so I will be trusting in your capacity to listen to me and trust in my judgment."

With that, Mitsuko airily stepped back to the front of the classroom, a pale hand briefly reaching up to massage her temples before she looked back out over the group. "Now then, if there are any remaining questions or comments, kindly voice them at this time. Newcomer, if you came for the Occult Club meeting, then I can explain what I told the others prior to your arrival after the bulk of the meeting is over; for now, just know that the Halloween Extravaganza will be a ghost hunt on the school campus this Saturday night, and an introduction to the occult; I'll be passing out permission slips at the end of the meeting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Daichi Izumi : Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School-

Peace and quiet was all Daichi wished for, but instead was cursed with a curious case of an incessant fly buzzing in his ear. Barely opening his eyes, he was about to tell him to quiet down, but was swiftly dealt with... by the club president, who he listened to as if he was a loyal subordinate. Finding this case mildly interesting, he committed quizzing Mitsuko over this phenomenon before being forced away by the endless noise piercing his ears.

Of course, this didn't mean he failed to take note of the ammo Charles managed to give him... that showed where his brain was. Rubbing his eyes fervently to brush away any traces of sleep, Daichi made one last comment before listening to the presidents speech. "Hey, it isn't my fault you decided to hit on me before learning I was a guy... also, you're sending mixed messages about how my sister and I look since we are twins... eh, anyways, I'm wasting my words on someone that isn't important, so whatevs."

And with that spoken fact, Daichi propped his arm up once more to rest his head on it while listening to the girl who went a methodical speech about the conundrum known as the soul... which was also pretty basic stuff he recalled, except now Mitsuko was going into depth over how specific claims to how a ghost is able to exist without a proper body to host the ethereal being. Along with that, sloughing off any says that a ghost specifically only was among the living due to a detremental lust for revenge, giving out theories and false facts to give some weight to her ideology.

"Going off... what they perceived," the boy muttered at a leisurely pace as he unsurprisingly yawned once more, displaying not his boredom, but the fact that he wanted to delve into his own controlled chaos known as the dream... but that could be delayed as the ongoing situation heralded concurrent acts... specifically disclosing any information the students were curious to receive before advancing to the topic of what the Halloween Extravaganzas theme was going to be this year.

Of course, Daichi was intrusive on how the woman would manage to pull off such an utterly ridiculous and incredulous stunt to prove that spectres exist in this realm. Of course, a young girl piped up before the boy could get his say on this whole spiel. She quizzed when they would behind their so-called misadventures in ghost hunting to procure some experience before Sidney decided to add on to the hyperactive and supposedly immature girls remark.

Of course, at this point, this whole thing became null in his mind and rapped his fingers on the desk, pondering on what he could due to increase his attentiveness... or in his case, avert boredom. After a few more minutes of listening, picking up on the girls mild stutter, swiftly processing and concluding why the rough chick was in a club like this... the problem is, he couldn't go any further than what he heard, but knew that she wished to communicate with a "lost soul" that she was close to.

Of course, as much as he wanted to say she was hallucinating, the placid giant could not bring himself to not shattering the lies she indulged in. Daichi felt as it would be pure cruelty to take on such an action like that since this person was someone who was close, so he was silent as they interacted. Of course, she began to geek out once more through pure speculation over the occurance of a spirit bound to an object... and could only be released if the material was destroyed.

"That absolutely denies all logic as it would technically required a person to split every single atom associated with that object. Simply splitting it in two like a gourd would not work, nor would it be any more practical since it would take an elongated amount of time to "destroy" all the molecules..." Daichi found this sound reasoning to denounce entities residing in objects that keep them bound in a meta-physical world.

However, things became ten times more peculiar as the cold club president began... fooling around with an air pressure sensor... however, it wasn't any old air pressure sensor... it was an air pressure sensor attached to a block of wood! So ingenious. As silly as it looked, Daichi found the excitable state of the president to be a tad cute and weird at the same time. Of course, he could ask what that... thing she made was going to do and why she was so keen on cherishing it...

Well, the answer was bestowed to everyone momentarily as she called it "appraisal-san." There were stranger names out there, but she made the claim of it picking up a clumping of ethereal forces flocking to the school. Curious about how this "appraisal-san" worked, Daichi's left eyebrow shot up with his head lifting from his erect right arm. He eyed the current location of the inventions location, finding it more interesting than a delusional boys claims of grandeur and hollow threats that were never to exist. Did this chick have a nack for creating me materials possibly functioned in the way she didn't expect it to work, or was she just attempting to trick them to draw them into the web of lies... either way, he did not want to know at this point - he felt a need to know.

... and then his trance was shattered as another girl stepped forth to berate someone. Daichi could only feel contempt for the person she was dissing, but at the same time felt this was getting slightly out of hand... moreso taken to extreme lengths... even though Charles was a bit of a huge bitch. Daichi eyed the girl for a moment with a neutral look, harboring no hate or distaste for her as he uttered ""interesting" before his eyes rested on the waivers. There was no way to escape fate this time, especially with those white reminders about and an occult crazed twin sister who chatter constantly about the supernatural. Looks like there is no rest for the truly elevated.

However, the next few minutes turned out to be much more volatile than he would expect them to be. For starters, the girl next to him began growling at the boy before standing up, trudging to the back, and slamming their fists right into Charles stomach. Ok, this chick was either on her menstrual cycle or had some experience growing up tough as nails. At any rate, he shrugged while mentally recording the events with an air of indifference. Still, she went on about her own twisted sense of justice all while having a Marvel character be her idol.

Of course, what he duly noted was a... wait, why was there... you know what, nevermind. Apparently the bastard threw a stapler in a poor display of retaliation against the girl. From that angle, force of how he threw it... it would precisely slam into the door, causing no harm, but an unoticeable ding in the door. Daichi did notice the distraught appearance etched, which meant he finally knew his own despair. At most, everyone in here participating in this little skirmish could be compared to a child's first steps into school life filled to the brim with cliques waiting to induct a person into their mindset.

And, of course, Seiko was at work snipping away at the events. If he could easily compare her consistent clicking to something, it would be the rapid heartbeat of a hummingbird. Though, it was annoying, at least she was getting good material. Downside of this all was that they were all evolving into hypocrites. As much as Daichi hated to admit it. This was disproportionate retribution, and at most he deserved a well timed shut up to the class, not bruises he could... blackmail the fighting girl with...


Yeah, he was pretty sure at this point he was to expect the unexpected and sighed vehemently at this whole unprecedented situation and demeanor of the other students. Eventually, he was fairly certain the stapler would of hit the door by now... wait, doors do not cry in pain or ask for sex... or talk about a religion... or going to the bathroom.

Daichi rotated himself to find that there was a distraught lady bumbling about, holding her head after she was struck randomly by a stapler. Daichi could only roll his eyes at this whole situation before covering his eyes with a hand, shaking his head back and forth in a fashion similar to a pendulum. In a few seconds, the club president finally finished evaluating this whole conondrum which happened on a whim. It was a little difficult to digest, but at least he could agree with Mitsuko on something.

"I honestly wish it was too Matsushima-san," Daichi interjected in, his blue eyes still obscured by the palm of his hand. Under such conditions, the whole event should have never came to fruition. However, one thing caught Daichis attention and it wasn't the harsh attitude or cold aura protruding from her, but what she said specifically. Excluding his hand, Daichi carefully moved himself up as if he was a fragile mannequin before rotating his head to watch the fuss.

His eyes focused not only on the lips of the girl, but her composure, analyzing each and every one of her movements. Daichis eyes dashed around to each precise part, indulging in every movement between the two as if he was devouring takoyaki. This was all part to how he understood things easily and his equal success in school of course. At any rate, she displayed herself as an officer who they would learn to fear. Honestly, Daichi found this to be a tad over dramatic like the other events, but ignored it for the time being.

Eventually, returning to the subject on hand, with nothing else to deter her went on to quizzing them all over if they had any lingering interests that they wished to procure the answer to. Yawning slightly, the giant raised up his hand before taking up his chance. Daichi spoke in a laidback tone, almost if he was going to fall asleep on a minutes notice. "Mind if I inquire how your contraption or "appraisal-san" works for detecting signatures of supposedly incorporeal beings, or how these other devices properly function... because I'll be straightforward here, the whole premise of this occult stuff honestly is more like events that would exist in a child's story book... apologies for going off on a tangent, but why do you believe these inventions work for detecting or warding the deceased and how they do it to theoretically keep us safe. I'm curious so we can "prepare" accordingly through using the items..."

Hopefully the president would be able to sate his appetite with this juicy bit of information as he was wondering about that peculiar taped up invention she had, as well as the numerous others she brought into the world... those poor wasted pieces of duct tape...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

Mitsuko nodded slightly at Daichi's question, evidently having anticipated something in that vein. It would be a little bit odd if nobody had thought to question the absurd-looking contraption that she had made use of. "Appraisal-san is one of the items I've created. I've given them the moniker of 'magitech artifacts' to signify their nature as being a combination of the supernatural and mundane, and because I believe that it sounds entertaining." She explained, her voice petering off a bit as she mentioned the second factor behind her decision, though it regained its prior firmness as she continued.

"Essentially, a magitech artifact is created by finding a mundane object and an object with some level of 'supernatural presence' to it, and then ensuring a physical closeness between the two to form a holistic object. However, the two components must have some level of conceptual balance. You can't just stick some supernatural object on any old mundane object and expect it to work; it requires a very intricate understanding of the balance of mundane to supernatural, and of the conceptual purpose of each component and the holistic combination. Explaining the exact principles behind it would take...a very, very long time; it's something that, even after years of practice, I myself have only scratched the surface on."

"Appraisal-san is my most-used artifact. As you've probably gathered, it's the barometer smartphone periphery, with a sliver of wood from a sacred elderberry tree attached to the end of the sensor. After some fiddling with the program and a very lengthy work process, it's been adjusted from an air pressure sensor to a spiritual force sensor, able to detect and report on spiritual force and locations where it congregates. It can also be pointed at an unprotected spiritual entity in order to display what spiritual data it can gather, which will be useful on Saturday. It's an invaluable tool, and one that I've made liberal use of in the past when interacting with spiritual entities."

"Among other artifacts are spiritual-class weapons to damage spiritual entities, should they be hostile, items meant to contain and trap spiritual entities, the Spectral Fishing Rod, and, as a last resort, Mr. Bear. If you don't believe that the items work the way that I say that they do, and that I'm merely an eccentric or am acting out for attention or something similarly trite, then you're entitled to your beliefs. I do hope, however, that you attend the Extravaganza so that I can demonstrate their credibility." Mitsuko finished, shrugging slightly as though she was uncaring towards her own words.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Charles began to regain his senses, but still lay with his head sideways on the desk. This is it Charles thought. Everything I've worked on, everyone I've had destroyed, every rumor I've spread. All crumbled. What now? Retreat from the limelight and back off, or try and rebuild my crumbling kingdom? Charles could hear Seiko snapping, he could hear people whispering and laughing. These were nerds, and he had been completely humbled by them. So much for getting a girlfriend from this freak fest he thought sadly to himself. Charles watched as the stapler he threw missed Makoto by a mile, and headed straight towards the door. Right at the last minute, somebody opened it and it hit her. Oops Charles thought.

Then he heard light footsteps coming towards his desk. He felt his hair be wrenched up and he winced in pain as he looked into the face of Matsushima Mitsuko. Oh crap, don't do anything, please... he thought desperately, trying to work up the strength to raise a fist. But he just couldn't. "I will be blunt, dog. You are here because I have use for you. The second that I decide that the detriment you provide has a higher weight than that use is the second that I break you." Charles was confused at the frequent use of dog to describe him. How am I a dog?

"Do you understand that, dog? You are to follow my instructions to the letter, and that is final. If you step out of line and I decide that your presence isn't worth my time anymore, then I'm happy to stop playing this little game. I don't care what you do outside of my club. Cause all the chaos you want, seek revenge, start a fire, it does not matter to me. However, when you are following my instructions, in my organization, you are not to take a step out of line, or I can assure you that you will regret it. Are we clear?"

Inside Charles, his entire brain was flashing with anger and hatred. His fists curled with rage. But before he could think about striking, his head was dropped back onto the desk and the light footsteps walked away. He was vaguely aware of the lanky boy with long hair saying something to him, but he couldn't be asked to say a witty reply, even thought his mind was flashing with thousands of ways to insult every part about this long haired person.

Why are they not afraid? Why don't they take me seriously? Has this whole empire been an illusion?

Charles managed to force one word, although it was very quiet. "Fine.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto felt a lot better than she had a few minutes, or even a few hours ago. Now that she had relieved the burning desire to hit someone that the grief gave her, and in the best way possible. Not even the club leader's scolding of her for using violence could bring her down. For the first time since her grandmother's death, she felt normal. Now though, she thought her parent's idea in investing in a punching bag was a good idea. Apparently she was in the anger cycle of grief. At least she was one step closer to acceptance. She still wasn't going to see a therapist. What could some stranger tell her about herself that she didn't already know?

Makoto had seen the school stalker/investigator/journalist, Seiko, taking pictures of the whole thing. She was fine with that, as long as they didn't end up somewhere public. She was fine with Seiko in general, as long as the girl didn't ask questions that were too personal. In which case she just ignored her. "Enjoy the show?" She mouthed to the girl before turning her attention back to the club leader. Well, at least she turned her eyes back. Most of this stuff still went over her head. Maybe she'd understand better after the Halloween ghost hunt. That brought a question to mind that she hadn't thought of before.

It was the most important question of all and one that she should have thought of before, considering the word Halloween had been mentioned. "Hey, club leader, if this ghost hunt is happening on Halloween, should we all show up in costume?" She asked completely seriously. Makoto loved Halloween, it was an excuse to dress up in a costume and run around in public without being looked at like she was crazy. And of course, every year she went as some variation of Captain America. And this being Japan, nobody else dressed up as her beloved American superheroes. They were more about their anime characters and fancy Lolita clothing and all that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"God dammit, shit!"

The stapler sailed right into another girl who had just walked into the room. Damn that looked like it hurt. She hoped the other girl was mostly alright - that couldn't have felt good. She still got an amazing picture of it though. Right when the stapler smacked her in the face. She'd save that for later. For now, back to Charles and Mitsuko. She definitely made the right choice in coming here to this club. These losers were comedy gold.

"I will be blunt, dog. You are here because I have use for you. The second that I decide that the detriment you provide has a higher weight than that use is the second that I break you."


"Do you understand that, dog? You are to follow my instructions to the letter, and that is final. If you step out of line and I decide that your presence isn't worth my time anymore, then I'm happy to stop playing this little game. I don't care what you do outside of my club. Cause all the chaos you want, seek revenge, start a fire, it does not matter to me. However, when you are following my instructions, in my organization, you are not to take a step out of line, or I can assure you that you will regret it. Are we clear?"

...damn, Mitsuko. Just...wow. She had not expected that girl to say something like that! Seiko laughed a bit at her behavoir - yep, still cute. She found herself definitely liking Mitsuko after that calm little outburst. Not even Makoto was spared from her little scolding.

"...as for you, I don't care how upset you get with others. If you want to resort to physical violence, then do it outside of my club. Debate, discussion, and even argument are all fine; this is a controversial club, so such things are to be expected. What I will not tolerate are showings of physical violence and vigilante justice. As this is your first offense, I won't be taking action, but keep that in mind in the future."

She stepped back to the front of the classroom before continuing. Asking if they had any more questions before showing little concern for the newcomer. Seiko was fairly certain that well, she should probably have been taken to the nurse's office or whatever. Getting hit in the face with a stapler was probably not good for ones health. She gave the newcomer a somewhat concerned look, before dismissing it. Daichi had just asked a rather interesting question, and she wasn't about to miss out on it.

So...appraisal-san was a 'magitech artifact'? Her own thoughts of that being complete and utter bullshit aside, Mitsuko had some pretty interesting ideas. Especially the idea about the 'spectral fishing rod' and 'Mr. Bear'. Seiko clicked her pen in thought, humming quietly to herself.

"Well, my own personal skepticism aside," she began. "I do have some questions, but I'll ask them later. Oh, aside from one - Mind hanging around after the club meeting, Mitsuko? I wanna get an interview with ya for my blog. I'm thinking about detailing most of the clubs activities. Someone's gotta be there to document your silly nonexistent ghosts after all, and interviewing our adorable leader seems like a good first step!"

She teased, though she didn't actually mean to offend Mitsuko with the silly nonexistent ghost part. Also, if she said no she was probably gonna end up following Mitsuko home and probably end up pestering her about it, but shush. No need to spread that around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 1 day ago

Octavia continued clutching her forehead for a minute or two as things went on as what she assumed was normal for the club. Before she spoke, she had to gather her wits. Cursing and hollering was not her ideal first impression, so she had to run straight back to the attitude she had in front of the room. She would drag that Octavia back kicking and screaming if she had to, and revise her entrance as best she could. She would show them all the true power of a proper lady; the power to act wonderfully delightful even if you wanted to shout your head off.

"Mm. yes," Octavia managed to grunt, "an ice pack would be, ugh, absolutely lovely, miss club president."

She forced a polite smile onto her lips, and looked around at perhaps the most mismatched group of people she had ever seen. She had trouble imagining that every last one of these people was into the occult, and due to their comments it seemed like the group had its fair share of skeptics like herself. Octavia, of course, didn't believe in such things. She had decided to join on the simple basis that every other club seemed terribly dull and boring, and ghost hunting seemed exciting even if they never saw one.

Octavia looked at Seiko and then at Mitsuko and added, "I will stay afterwards as well, to hear what I missed out on. I will admit my hesitance to listen to a speech that ended in a stapler being lobbed at the door, but I will attribute that to the quality of the person who threw it rather than the quality of the provided information. I am in your care."

Octavia bowed politely, hoping to regain a couple of ojou-points.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Charles was beginning to get his breath back, and the pain above his stomach, although it still hurt, was beginning to go down a little bit. The world was beginning to stop spinning, and his vision was starting to get clear again. He looked around and saw the person he had hit with a stapler. It was an accident he thought. Can't punish me for something I didn't mean to do. Charles turned away. The world had stopped spinning now and he could see clearly again. He slipped out a coke can from his pocket and took a generous sip. Much better he thought with a tiny smile on his face. Everything was good again.

Oh wait. No it wasn't. People wouldn't believe the stories unless they had proof. And there was certainly proof, no question about that. What else had this nosy blogger taken a picture of? Him laying with his head on the desk? Mitsuko dragging him up by the hair. He had three things that could ruin his reputation, right there, on camera. How many people read this blog of Seiko's? Just the super-nerd community, or was it widely read. Charles hoped against hope that it wasn't the latter. But he assumed it would be the first one. Even so, how many nerds were there around the school? It could easily spread fast. Charles knew what he had to do. There was about an 60% chance of it failing horribly, but he gave it a go.

"Psst. Psst! Seiko! Look, you and me both know how damaging to me it would be if those photos were put on that blog of yours. So, how about you... just don't put them on there? Please? I'll do anything you want. How does that sound?

Charles made his best effort to sound as nice as possible to Seiko. He knew she was a lesbian so he couldn't use his, in Charles's eyes, dashing good looks to his advantage. He knew Seiko could be cruel and would do anything for a good story on her blog. Charles just hoped that she was in a good mood. I mean, she looks pretty damn happy! Wait, that's probably just because she knows that she now has a really great story to put on her blog.. Charles sighed. This was his only chance of ever getting away with this. He had never had anything embarrassing happen to him before, so if Seiko refused, this incident would be always remembered. He'd lose everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

"Ah, Charles, please stop trying to chat up Karuta-san. I'll need you to run down to the nurse's office and get an ice pack for the poor girl who you just mercilessly assaulted with a stapler. It's the least you can do for being so temperamental, no?"

Letting out an airy hum, Mitsuko instructed the panicked delinquent with a standardly stoic tone, before deciding to add a brief addition to her statement. "And Karuta-san, I would like to request that you don't publish the photos you just took. Obviously, I can't stop you if you'd really like to, but it's just more convenient for me if the dog doesn't get broken this quickly. Besides, this way you can have something to hold over his head." She explained, shrugging slightly before letting out yet another sigh. "At any rate, it's your decision, but I just thought I'd let you know about my preference. To answer your question, though, I'll happily stay for an interview, though it will have to occur after I've given our new addition a crash course in what she had missed."

It went without saying that Mitsuko didn't bother addressing the combination of skepticism and teasing that Seiko seemed fond of in these conversations, as she was not the kind to easily react to the latter, and held no regard for the former. It wasn't as if it was her profound duty to go out of her way and actively preach of the truth of the occult; reality did that job for her. If people wanted to be wrong, it really wasn't any of her business.

"Hey, club leader, if this ghost hunt is happening on Halloween, should we all show up in costume?"


After hearing Makoto's question, for the briefest of moments, Mitsuko let out a sound that was decidedly un-Mitsuko, her expression momentarily displaying a combination of confusion and bewilderment, as though the very concept of the American's question was something that had never entered her mind. To be fair, that was the case.

Almost hastily, Mitsuko's expression smoothed itself back over once more, the temporarily ripples in that placid lake quickly banished. "...If you'd like to wear a costume, there is no prohibition. There's certainly no requirement, though. I'd also ask that you not wear anything too far...'out there'. The spirit I've been monitoring has a fairly weak innate spiritual force, so there's a chance that it might be easily scared or something similar. As I haven't interacted with it yet, I can't be sure, but better safe than sorry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Daichi Izumi : Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School-

As the boy finished his question, his desire for an answer came forth with a respectable acknowledgement from the lavender haired maiden. Daichi took note of the girls light nod, which he classified with an air of confidence, despite a lack of displaying little to no existing etches of specificity. With the way Daichi identified it, the harsh, craggy appearance was probably a mere facade to keep herself from disclosing the excitability of going into a convoluted explanation over those...

... creations she proclaimed were "magitech artifacts" she designed herself. Daichi was full blown in amazement at the point... at how far this chick went to stretching the belief of the occult so far as to develop new words to underline her inventions... however the way she went about this all was kinda geeky in an endearing fashion. Reclining in his seat, Daichi set both of his arms to cross each other, tapping the fabric in a slow, methodical manner, as if he was taking his time digesting the newfound information that Mitsuko took the time of instructing them all over.

"Appraisal-san... a device that only works through the balance of duct taping two items of a similar physicality," the boy uttered, completely dumbfounded about how far she was delving to make this club a success. Honestly, to him this whole explanation was baffling and warranted him to shut his mind as he began swinging his head back and further, closing his eyes as he tried to penetrate what was going through Mitsukos mind.

Of course, it was going off the eccentric personality she emanated and found himself gushing over the occult... quite literally what he felt was every fiber in her body urged her to speak about generally the occult, or so he perceived. Usually he was right, seldom incorrect. Eventually, he began questioning once more how his sister managed to properly beg him into jumping on this train. Addressing the president once more, he continuously absorbed each word she spoke of as utter importance... mainly as a way to keep his sanity intact.

As she continued to mundanely speak of the supernatural elements within those items, she somehow managed to calibrate the object to properly function within certain parameters of detecting spirits congregating in the vicinity. This was very conceptual and figured that this had to be an honest joke about it being a small slab of wood from an elderberry tree that gave it properties for assisting in the clubs... endeavors.

And then she went on to naming more dysfunctional devices as a spectral fishing rod which he assumed was for dragging souls around or some other complex and sketchy explanation... with this "Mr. Bear" which he assumed was a teddy bear that was designed to house a soul of a forlorn spectral being. As silly as these names sound, she was correct about sounding as if she was unusual was correct, but found it a bit adorable. Shrugging, Daichi donned a mischievous grin as he was about to be "brutally" honest to her.

"Honestly Matsushima-san," Daichi spoke in a lax manner as he propped his arms down onto the table, making sure his eyes were directly in contact with Mitsukos to discern any mistrust within her. As he briefly paused for those few seconds, he began talking once more on the subject. "I find the whole premise ridiculous, however I'm not going to be ditching this endeavor since it gets me out of cleaning up after the Halloween Extravaganza... also, the way you name things is honestly adorable in a sense..."

With that little ordeal completed, Daichi awaited to see the reaction that would appear on that glacial face of hers. However, after the little speech more inordinate questions began piercing the noons skyline, specifically the chick with an iron fist. Daichi yawned, shaking his head at the premise of appearing at this event in a costume completely random, and almost childish to a pint. Daichi just sighed as he rested his head on the desk.

Of course, another familiar females voice followed soon after, with a curious case of Seiko wishing to interview the club president on... a couple of precise features, such as documenting how she expects there to be nothing occupying the vicinity with the exception of them and dust. Daichi couldn't help but agree as he reclined his head back to give her a solemn stare... to only find someone locking their wounds and traversing forward to Seiko, desperation imbued within the boys body language.

All Daichi knew at this point that the lech was groveling at the feet of Seiko, who would probably mercilessly taunt him, or something other jab. The teen felt he had a proper idea of what he was concerned about, which reminded him of one more incriminating detail to satisfy his needs. He could easily fend the lech off from his sister, but seeing as there were simpler methodology, he opted to stay a little later with Seiko, Mitsuko, and another chick.

"Hope you don't mind me lingering around also, Matsushima-san," Daichi voice echoed as he focused once more on the lavender haired lady. "I'm especially curious about a few conundrums and info you mentioned... hope you don't mind complying with a couple of well adorned answers..." And with that said, gave the girl a relaxed smile before resting his chin on his arms, the boy lingering on the edge of sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"Psst. Psst! Seiko! Look, you and me both know how damaging to me it would be if those photos were put on that blog of yours. So, how about you... just don't put them on there? Please? I'll do anything you want. How does that sound?"

Seiko heard a little annoying fly talking to her. She turned her head and gave Charles a glance. He was asking her not to publish those photos. Pfft...ahahaahahaha. Like hell she wasn't. The idea of him doing whatever she wanted too was enticing, though. She could use a goon to do any kind of dirty work she might need. Er, not that she actually had a lot of dirty work that needed doing, really. Though, if she did keep them she could easily just use them for leverage later...

"Well, alright then. I suppose I do have-"

"Ah, Charles, please stop trying to chat up Karuta-san. I'll need you to run down to the nurse's office and get an ice pack for the poor girl who you just mercilessly assaulted with a stapler. It's the least you can do for being so temperamental, no?"

Aaaaaand interrupted by their leader.

"And Karuta-san, I would like to request that you don't publish the photos you just took. Obviously, I can't stop you if you'd really like to, but it's just more convenient for me if the dog doesn't get broken this quickly. Besides, this way you can have something to hold over his head."

...well, it seemed her and the prez had the same ideas, then! Well, at least when it came to getting people to do things. Blackmail was pretty effective tool for getting people to do stuff. Well, that and a bit of flirting also helped. Erm, of course, not that she ever actually do those things unless she had no other way of achieving it, of course!

"At any rate, it's your decision, but I just thought I'd let you know about my preference. To answer your question, though, I'll happily stay for an interview, though it will have to occur after I've given our new addition a crash course in what she had missed."

Well, that was good news! She'd make sure to sneak a few embarrassing questions in there along with some semi-serious ones. And of course, after the newcomer got filled in on what she missed. Well good - this satisfied her for now at least, and she stuffed the camera back into her jacket, before turning back to Charles, ignoring the small exchange between Mitusko and Makoto.

"It's your lucky day, Charles." She said, giving him a small smile. "I won't publish this or anything about this fight since Mitsuko asked me nicely not too." She clicked her pen thoughtfully from her seat."That, and having some dirt on you in case I need a...lets call it a favor, seems like a really good idea!" She giggled, though definitely not in a friendly way. "And don't get any ideas. I keep back-ups of all my pictures somewhere, so don't try and be smart. Unless you think you can take this camera from me before I get home, that is. Now...what questions could I ask?~" She hummed to herself, clicking her pen in her usual fashion as she went back to her notepad. She needed to get some questions ready! Some fairly decent ones should be easy enough to come up with....but of course, she needed to throw a few in there just for fun, too....but what? Decisions decisions~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yurika Yurumiya
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

Yurika silently watched as Mitsuko scolded the two and her leader's handling of Charles made the girl remember some unhappy memories. She held back a smirk. Charles running the school? He seem more like a lackey to her...one easily manipulated as shown by her leader. If I was...no no bad Yurika. Yurika shook her head to forget about those times. She had wanted to change after all and she hoped the fights would stop or at least be frequent or the Occult club should be changed to the Misfits Club. Maybe she should try and talk to Charles after the club is over...though she would prefer talking to Mitsuko about her gadgets.

"If you lot can't follow those directions, then things will get especially problematic when spiritual force congregations get higher. It's not the sort of thing I'm capable of handling on my own, and overuse of Mr. Bear would be problematic, so I will be trusting in your capacity to listen to me and trust in my judgment."

Don't worry...you got no problem with me about that..and Mr Bear? Yurika fought back a giggle and the childishly cute name. Well...Mi-chan is a girl after all. Makoto's question was regarding her gadgets but Yurika was not listening to it since her leader was talking using fancy words again. She really needs to learn to simplify and shorten her explanations but that just show she is really serious about this.

Yurika noticed Charles seemed down. Was his pride wounded? Maybe he realized nobody in this room feared him? Maybe he just needs a real friend? The older girl wondered if she was well-suited for the role. Her attention quickly was diverted to another individual when the next question came up. It was Seiko.

"I do have some questions, but I'll ask them later. Oh, aside from one - Mind hanging around after the club meeting, Mitsuko? I wanna get an interview with ya for my blog. I'm thinking about detailing most of the clubs activities. Someone's gotta be there to document your silly nonexistent ghosts after all, and interviewing our adorable leader seems like a good first step!"

No fair, Sei-chan! I wanted to ask Mi-chan to hang out with me to talk about her gadgets! Leave it to the 'shady journalist' getting first blood! The girl who got hit by the stapler then spoke up about staying behind as well. Ah! Mi-chan did say she would fill in the girl about the details after the meeting! Yurika then faintly heard Charles whispering something to Seiko though she chose to ignore it since it was probably about the photos Seiko took a moment ago.

"Ah, Charles, please stop trying to chat up Karuta-san. I'll need you to run down to the nurse's office and get an ice pack for the poor girl who you just mercilessly assaulted with a stapler. It's the least you can do for being so temperamental, no?"

Pfft...she is really working him to bone isn't she?
When Mitsuko was caught off-guard by Makoto's question about costumes, this got an idea going in Yurika's head. Mi-chan in a costume...maybe I should get her in one then get Sei-chan to take pictures of it. The surprised expression on Mitsuko's face was priceless and too cute that Yurika wondered if Mitsuko would be even cuter if she was being embarrassed. Maybe she should get Makoto's and Seiko's cooperation on the matter. Charles's may be inclined to help as well as he most probably would like to get back at Mitsuko. Her president was cute and pictures may increase her popularity in a positive way and the occult club may rise in reputation though the opposite can occur as well.

"The spirit I've been monitoring has a fairly weak innate spiritual force, so there's a chance that it might be easily scared or something similar. As I haven't interacted with it yet, I can't be sure, but better safe than sorry."

"Or maybe it would be more forward and brave if our cute president wore something nice and fancy..."
Yurika did not realize she had said it out softly and covered her mouth so that she would not finish her sentence. She hoped nobody had heard her or caught staring so intently at her president.
I would really like to see Mi-chan in a witch costume...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

"Hm? Of course it seems ridiculous to you. If it seemed reasonable, you'd be right, but you can't be right because you're far too busy being wrong. Either way, you can keep being wrong if you're really that committed to it; it's none of my business, honestly. If that was an attempt at flirting with me though, I'll have to decline. Not my taste."

Her recovery from momentarily being caught off-guard having been completed, Mitsuko gave a bland reply to Daichi. A careful listener would probably have noticed what seemed like the trace of a sneer in her tone, but her facial expression didn't seem to have any indication as such. "With all the people that will be staying after, it hardly feels like the club meeting will actually be ending, but I suppose that's fine." She remarked, speaking half-to-herself as she spared another glance at the wall-mounted clock.

"...and no, Yurumiya-san, I will not be wearing a costume. In the first place, I haven't bothered getting one. In the second place, I see no benefit in wearing one. And in the third place, I'll be bringing my primary-use magitech artifacts, as well as Mr. Bear in case things go south, so I'll be wearing a rather large backpack that will clash horribly with any costume that's at all cute." She explained, shaking her head as if she were annoyed by the concept of wearing a costume itself, before loosing a short exhale and speaking up once more.

"Charlie. Ice pack. Now. As for the rest of you, if there are no further questions, I'll distribute snacks and those of you who don't have somewhere to be are free to stay and talk to me, once I've finished giving our poor injured newcomer a crash course."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yurika Yurumiya
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

"...and no, Yurumiya-san, I will not be wearing a costume. In the first place, I haven't bothered getting one. In the second place, I see no benefit in wearing one. And in the third place, I'll be bringing my primary-use magitech artifacts, as well as Mr. Bear in case things go south, so I'll be wearing a rather large backpack that will clash horribly with any costume that's at all cute."

Yurika pouted as the idea was shot down by Mitsuko. She was not going to give up on this particular matter. It was Halloween after all and costumes would totally help. She needed to convince the good leader about the 'benefits'.

"Eeeeeeeh...but there is no harm wearing a costume. Reason one: If you don't have one, we can go pick one out for you together. The activity is on saturday that gives us plenty of time to find a costume. If you are embarrassed, I don't mind wearing a costume as well with you. Reason two: you are wrong that it would not have any benefits. If we wear the costumes, it would be more fun and people would not be afraid while the activity is ongoing as it would seem like a happy bonding exercise. Also, we can totally bond while getting the costumes and get to know each other better unless you want to keep seeing a repeat of today and needing to threaten people? Lastly, I will rebuke that last point of carrying all those equipment. You do not have to carry all of those stuff you know. You got your own personal mule, Charles at the back there and if you do not trust him...you can leave it to me, the great Yurika, to be your baggage holder! I will be extra careful with them, you can rely on me!"

Yurika was willing to carry all those heavy equipment if it gets Mitsuko in a costume and also she realized she just planned an outing with the girl as well. I AM a genius! Yurika looked at Mitsuko with eyes filled with expectation and hope.

"Please...Mi-chan? In the spirit of halloween. Pleeeeeeeasse?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"It's your lucky day, Charles. I won't publish this or anything about this fight since Mitsuko asked me nicely not too. That, and having some dirt on you in case I need a...lets call it a favor, seems like a really good idea! And don't get any ideas. I keep back-ups of all my pictures somewhere, so don't try and be smart. Unless you think you can take this camera from me before I get home, that is."

The way Seiko paused before saying about the "favor" made Charles feel uneasy. What would she ask him to do? A wide variety of horrible thoughts flashed over Charles's mind, ranging from him being forced to announce his love to a reject girl, to him being forced to do Seiko's homework for her. He definitely preferred the second one, although he'd probably fail it miserably. Charles definitely wasn't the smartest kid in the world, but he definitely wasn't an idiot. He was an expert of talking his way out of situations, however, and he had certainly talked his way out of this sticky situation.

"Charlie. Ice pack. Now. As for the rest of you, if there are no further questions, I'll distribute snacks and those of you who don't have somewhere to be are free to stay and talk to me, once I've finished giving our poor injured newcomer a crash course."

Charles muttered in annoyance, and stood up to leave the room. He gave dirty looks to Makoto and Daichi, and as hey walked past Seiko he said: "Thanks. Remember, anything you want.". He walked past Mitsuko and gave her a small dirty look, before leaving the room and slamming the door shut behind him. The moment he was out of the class, and a bit down the hallway, he went mad. He kicked some lockers and shouted many, many expletives before even getting ten metres from the classroom door. When he calmed down, he looked around. The school was extremely eerie when no one was there and shadows flashed next to him as he walked past windows which let in the golden afternoon sun

Even for a person like Charles, he was beginning to get a bit confused. Why were there no other clubs? As he walked past the diner, he peered in. The shadows wrapped around the place where he ate every day, and it gave him the chills thinking about it. He was nearing the nurse's office now, he could see it approaching at the end of the hallway. He walked in the room, and after finding the lights he turned them on. Charles quickly walked to the freezer at the end of the room, he quickly grabbed an ice pack, and walked out, turning the lights off behind him as he went. The ice pack was freezing and it made his hands feel a little numb. Charles was getting annoyed, and he ran quickly to the Occult Club classroom.

After around 30 seconds he reached the classroom, and opened the door, sweating. He tossed the ice pack casually to the injured girl and walked back to his seat, unexpectedly waiting for his snacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"Thanks. Remember, anything you want."

Hehe, she'd keep that in mind, Charles...poor guy. He had no idea what he was probably getting himself into. But well, thoughts of torturing the poor guy later, for now, focus on questions-

"Or maybe it would be more forward and brave if our cute president wore something nice and fancy..."

Well, so much for asking questions. Now she was thinking about how Mitsuko would look in a costume. Mitsuko in a costume? Yes please! That would probably be quite the sight to see. Mitsuko shot down the proposition pretty quickly, though. Unfortunately, Seiko was not about to let this go. It would just be too good to see her in some sort of costume. She didn't exactly know what would suit the other girl...but she was thinking maybe a witch? It would work, since she liked the occult so much.

It seemed like Yurika was much of the same mind as her. Well, kind of. They had entirely different reasons for wanting to see Mitsuko dress up as something, but their goals were the same. In an instant, Seiko got out of her chair, practically leaping over to Mitsuko, quite

"Someone say costume?" She said. Really, It was kind of astonishing just how quickly she seemed move from her seat to standing practically next to the club leader. "That's a great idea!" She continued. "Halloween without costumes just isn't Halloween at all! And I could totally help you pick out one that suits you." By something that 'suits her' she meant something slightly revealing, but details, details. "The three of us could totally go costume shopping or something before Saturday. We could even make our own with a little bit of effort, if you wanna do that! We should even make it mandatory that everyone comes dressed as something. It'd be a cool little first activity for the club. Also good material for my blog...but details, details!"

Well, that was about all she could say on the matter. Well, all she could say without trying to get the rest of the students gathered to try and persuade them it was a good idea. She thought that might be a tad bit excessive for the moment. If Mitsuko didn't give though, she'd definitely resort to that, though.

"So come ooon!~ It'll be fun! Look, at Yurika. How can you say no to this adorable face?" Seiko said, motioning to Yurika. "Could you really be so heartless as to dash her hopes and dreams like that? To dash both of our hopes and dreams? Come oooon~"

She barely registered Charles coming back and throwing the ice pack at the injured girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Daichi Izumi : Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School-

Of course their leader wouldn't allow her icy facade to shatter into myriads of pieces. As the girl responded to Daichi, the giant scanned the girls face for any traces of in a costumotion. Aside from her mundane and dull expression, she heralded contempt for Daichi and his claims with immature logic. Cocking his left eyebrow up, a slight sneer formed upon his face. Daichi knew at this point he was possibly right with one of his theories as he eyed a desperate Charles. The cake at this point could not possibly be even sweeter at this point.

... and of course, the acknowledgement of his attempts to "flirt," Daichi found himself unable to procure any sort of disbelief, the seeds of mischief failing to be sowed upon the icy landscape of stubbornness... Other than the mockery Daichi found in Mitsukos voice prompted him to glare at her as his sneer dissipated into a stone cold frown. The boy was taking this as a bit of a challenge due to his innate failure of making the girl flustered.

"... two can play at that game Matsushima-san... I'm gonna break that icy demeanor as I need to keep this track record of clustering guys and teasing chicks. I'll color your cheeks red one way or another." Of course, lazy as Daichi was, he was going to make a brazen attempt at embarrassing the small girl. A miniscule smile began to take form on his face, growing into a devious grin. She was going to rue mocking the boy once he succeeded in such a playful endeavor.

... which means he was going to have to hang out with the occult obsessed lady almost every day in an attempt to elicit some response which he could honestly validate as a display of humiliation... of course, how he would perform this task is beyond him as she was immune to benign embellishments. Pondering for a few seconds, Daichi simply searched for a plan to possibly get her into that mood... before being handed the silver platter which gave him an exceptional scheme.

Daichi took note of Mitsuko not wishing to procure a costume since she did not prepare one and in due part that it would clash with the backpack carrying those toys. He knew what his destiny was and how to swiftly deal with such an inconvenient matter. The boy rubbed his neck in an attempt to appear uncaring about this whole predicament set forth, internally yearning that she would be pressured into traversing the stores, searching for something that would possibly give her that faint blush.

Of course, Daichi was waiting for the most precise time to speak up to avoid any lingering suspicion, lest his future plans never come to fruition. The hyperactive chick known as Yurumiya spoke out, expressing certain reasons for her having to dress up in costume. Of course, she did make a well ordinate point and offered to assist in picking out a perfect costume... heh, maybe he could search for a "gratifying" costume that would fit her in an interesting way.

Next, was the claim of people fearing something within the confines of the school. An audible chuckle emanated from Daichi. Frightened at what? The only thing a person had to fear was the dust in the vicinity which could cause rapid sneezing. At most, what else would they have to be far of? Shaking his head, the boy rolled his eyes before mentioning forming bonds. Now that she mentioned it, that was pretty sound, especially with a volatile group as this. He tipped his head to the side, interested in that suggestion as it was something he wouldn't oppose... plus, it would be entertaining to mess with these people down the road.

And then she made the most logical statement of using Charles as a pack mule. Honestly, humiliating the megalomaniac even further was a genius statement. The boy would have to comply and possibly be further subjegated to embarrassment. That would possibly give Seiko myriads of pictures which gave the lesbian the opportunity to use him to her advantage if he ever procured those other pictures of allotted interest.

As the girl begged with puppy dog eyes, Daichi felt his part to play was eventually ariving as he began to rise from his seat. Before he could get a word in, Seiko practically bounced on the subject, announcing her claims as agreement with Yurika... huh, so that was her real name. Studying the girl, he found that she had other things planned which related to garnering eye candy. Daichi was beginning to like this girl, mainly because she unwittingly fit the mold for his ideals.

And of course, she added in the fact that everyone had to come dressed... which means the whole group of students would possibly have to tag a long and watch as Mitsuko was forced to display herself in a possibly indecent costume. At most, it would get a good giggle out of him and contrast that male demeanor with a red as roses blush... of course, he studied the girl a bit longer, concluding it would be difficult to adorn her with such attire... but hell, it would be an amusing venture.

"Honestly, as ridiculous as this whole searching for ghost thing, I have to agree that it would be entertaining to come dressed up for this "event." She does have a fair point of forming bonds with each other so it wouldn't hurt... heh, maybe I can tag along and help too... After all, I honestly don't have anything better to do." As Daichi stated his part, the boy shot Mitsuko a lackadaisical smile that basically stated "come on, have a bit of fun."

Of course, he had his own definition of "fun" here, especially with how she reacted earlier...
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