Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School


In response to the omnidirection assault of peer pressure that Mitsuko was now facing, she held firm, taking a single step to the side as Seiko moved to stand next to her whilst murmuring something under her breath. While Yurika seemed to very earnestly want to get Mitsuko in a costume, one didn't need to be a master of human observation to gauge that it was fairly apparent that Seiko and Daichi's motives were...somewhat less pure. All the same, Mitsuko was admittedly troubled given that it could hurt the club if the president rashly went against the member majority at every turn, though she didn't allow said conflict to show on her face.

After a moment's consideration, Mitsuko gave a reply in a somewhat exasperated tone. "...If it's really that important to all of you, then I will procure a costume on my own." She stated, emphasizing her addendum sternly. "You're free to wear costumes to the Extravaganza, but again, please do not wear anything too frightening, even in a joking sense. The spirit's force is low, so if it is easily confused or frightened, the last thing we want to do is subject it to shock. As I don't want to risk anything being misused or damaged, to compensate for this, I'll only be bringing some of my artifacts. I should be able to fit the All-Seeing Eye and Mr. Bear inside the Arcane Pythos, so I'll be bringing that and Appraisal-san. Now then, if that really is all..."

Turning away from the group, Mitsuko walked over towards the backpack she had left not far from where she had been standing, bending over to unzip it. "My mother was a bit...excitable when I told her about the meeting, so she decided to make a small batch of brownies. I hope they're to everyone's liking." She explained, removing a moderately-sized tupperware container filled with already-sliced brownies. "Have as many as you like."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 1 day ago

Octavia simply watched as events in the club unfolded. There seemed to be an entire underworld associated with the club, rife with threats, blackmail, and probably seduction. Octavia didn't exactly have an eye for seducers, but it seemed like the sort of place in which those things would happen. And it was only the first day.

Well, at least she was somewhat assured that things here wouldn't be boring. Boring was the last thing that Octavia wanted, and already they had decided on a costumed ghost hunt. If that didn't kill her profound ennui, then nothing would. As a matter of fact, being hit with a stapler was almost refreshing in a way. Octavia touched her forehead, and let the throbbing pain shoot through her skull as Charles returned and lobbed an ice pack at her. She caught it this time.

"You know, I do not bite," Octavia scolded Charles, "you may safely hand me things rather than lobbing them at my face."

She winced as she applied the ice, and hissed in pain as she got acclimated to the temperature drop.

"Anyways, I think that going in costume sounds like an absolutely lovely idea. I think I shall have to pick something out, but it should not be too much of a problem."

She was glad that the president agreed to the costume aspect. Octavia still liked dressing up, whether it was in a pretty dress or a costume. She was afraid, however, that it would seem childish if no one else had agreed to it. This way, it was mandatory and Octavia could safely voice her pleasure.

She was also hesitant to voice her pleasure at the introduction of brownies to the party. On one hand, she loved sweets. On the other, she didn't want anybody to think her a glutton. With that in mind, she surreptitiously shuffled towards Mitsuko and the brownies and waited for others to take a few first. Then, she would roll her eyes and have one herself if 'everyone else was going to'. It was the perfect plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mura Sahashi

Mura had all but zoned out from the conversation, only to return from thought to the mention of costumes. Looking around once more, she noticed a new girl had come to join the motley crew that was the occult club, and looking with a notion of pain. Apparently Charlie had done something to the poor girl and was now being punished for said act. Or at least that was what Mura could gather as the arrogant cock walked back in, seemingly tired, and threw an ice pack straight at the girl. Talk about being a handful. But that wasn't Muras' concern, since Seiko seemed to be up with the president about wearing costumes. The girl did seem like the type to want to go shopping like that, and clothes shopping was always a relatively fun past time, even if the person you are going with has behind the scene motives that are... a little more devious.
"You Seiko, Yurika, if Mitsuko doesn't want to come along I could always come..." she said to the two girls, slightly trailing off towards the end as she began to realise what a terrible mistake she had made. Apparently, in the mind of school Mura, money didn't matter and neither did her... "clients", as they were. It looked as if her grave was already dug down far enough, with little to no way of climbing out. No one could find out about a, her job, b, her brother and c, the fact that she had very little to work with.

Looking up from the floor that she had been staring at for a couple of minutes, Mura focused upon the front of the room, but more importantly the brownies. Free snacks were one thing, but brownies, of home made quality to boot, were on a different level, in her opinion. She stared intently at the box they were contained in, and then slightly blushed as she realised that she was probably being looked at weirdly by everyone around her. Looking down again, she decided it was probably best to wait until another person went and took one first before she made her move. In the mean time, she began thinking about what kind of costume she would where. Something a little more... revealing? That would probably be Seikos' taste, but not really something she would choose. Definitely not something childish, but something a little less adult. Choices, choices...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Charles visibly cringed as the girls talked about wearing costumes to the Halloween Extravaganza. What a bunch of weirdos. Jesus Christ. Who wears a damn costume to converge with an imaginary ghost? What kind of half-wit idea is that? Then again, I could try and prank these losers. Charles's mind flashed with hundreds of different ideas? Pretend to be possessed? No, too low-effort. Bring in a mannequin, make it look like me and have it look like it's been killed? No, that's too high effort. Dammit, I really want to scare the living shit out of these rejects. Charles contemplated lots of different ideas, but only came to the conclusion that he would have a good long thing about the prank when he finally got back home. This meeting had seemed like it took ages. So much had happened in so little time.

Misuko unzipped a bag at the back of the classroom and got out a tray of delectable-looking brownies. At least one good thing will come from this crappy club Charles thought with a grin. He got up and began to walk towards the tray. Everyone else looked quite reluctant to take one, but Charles didn't know why. Embarrassment over an eating disorder? Allergic to something in the brownies? Well, more for me. He got to the back of the classroom and checked out the brownies, selectively deciding which one to take. He eventually decided on the biggest one and the second biggest one after about five seconds of contemplation. He crammed them into his mouth, and swallowed them down. They tasted great! He remembered when he was in England, his mother used to make brownies. Now she was just too busy most of the time.

"So, Mitsuko, can I have one of those permission slips, and can I leave after I've taken it?" Asked Charles, trying to sound as bored as possible. But he was actually feeling pretty excited about the whole thing, but not for the ghost part. He wanted to see everyone else making fools of themselves, and he was planning a prank. All was good in Charles's eyes.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto grinned as the club leader said they could in fact wear costumes, as long as it wasn't anything scary so they didn't disturb the ghost. Captain America wasn't scary, so her usual costume would work just fine. She was already excited to show off what an entire summers worth of paychecks could get you. Every piece of her costume had been expensive, but totally worth it in her eyes. Now she was looking forward to the whole thing even more. Chasing ghosts, on Halloween, at night, in the school, in costume. Man this was going to be so much fun. If things went south though... Well she'd just have to protect the other club members. Even punk ass bitch. Captain America didn't let helpless people die, even if they were assholes.

Apparently her single question spurred on a conversation about getting the club leader in a costume. A bunch of the girls wanted to go costume shopping with her. But she wanted to pick one out herself. Probably a smart move on her part. But it was still a fun conversation to listen to. If she didn't have a costume already, she would have wanted to go with them. But then again, they all probably wanted to look at cute dress type costumes. Makoto was pretty obviously not like most girls her age. If people hadn't known that before, chasing perverts through the school in a towel, and punching punk ass bitch would have proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The brownies came out and Makoto was instantly interested. "You're mom made them? That is so cool." She said. She got up to get one shortly after punk ass bitch did. She scoffed at the fact that he had grabbed the two biggest ones. Guess he was a pig in more ways than one. As she walked by him to the container of brownies, she growled and snapped her teeth at him, like some kind of guard dog. After that, Makoto completely ignored him and put her focus on the brownies instead. She picked out one of the smaller ones, not wanting to be greedy, and took a bite. "These are awesome." She said once she had swallowed the mouthful of chocolate. "Thank your mom for me would you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Daichi Izumi : Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School-

As the three students gazed at Mitsuko, Daichi went further to examine the fiber of Mitsukos well-being in an attempt to discern how she was processing the concurrent situation. Of course, the purple haired giants facade began fracturing the longer he scanned her face, calculating her next move. This cause the teens face to twitch slightly as the grin began to fade away into an icy stare, prone to having the chance to mold into another emotion on a whim.

Determining the outcome to this predicament was difficult, as there were myriads of conclusions. Daichi continued to wait for a response, feeling that this whole predicament, this whole plan was for naught... and in the end, the turn out was against his favor. Keeping that unidentifiable glare, the teen could only figure that extorting some form of discombobulation appeared to him that it was going to be a lengthy trial. With his patience on the line, Daichi wondered how many excruciatingly caustic days of dealing with her lunacy.

As he plopped down into a familiar chair, his arm crashed onto the desk as Daichi went to work, squinting at Mitsuko. "... eh, you're no fun," Daichi retorted, an audible sigh emanating from him during the middle of his statement. The teen lean forward a bit, overshadowing the desk he was occupying. "Honestly, you're missing bonding time with a couple of your new colleagues... but whatever, I guess as slightly looked forward to it."

At this point in time, the lavender haired teen was hiding nothing short of honesty. In short, he did want to see the girl embarrass herself, however once that event was possibly over with, Daichi would hold no qualms traversing the store... possibly. Pondering on attempting to figure a way to hit a sort spot, Daichi studied her longer before shooting out another reply. "... and by yourself? Geez, why not go with your friends or something? I'm sure they would enjoy that quality time with you." Daichi had a minor revelation, and held some hope that the cold demeanor and eccentric attitude she held did not frighten off prospective companions...

After all, he would feel some weight on his conscience if he discovered that as the truth... and would feel more over as pure, low down scoundrel. Befriending the girl, only to destroy that reality... that wasn't him... that wasn't even close to the Daichi he remembered himself as.

Shaking his head, the boy stared down at the desk as he became enamored with taking an elongated nap. Maybe he could take a jab at the prospect, if he was possibly right about the girl being lonely, after possibly forming a sound platonic relationship? Tapping his finger on the desk at a rapid pace, the boy was brought back from his mild trance at the report of snacks. The boys eyes ate every word as his head flew up, fixated on Mitsuko. Of course, he wasn't very hungry at the moment, key words moment, and might procure a one not only for him, but Akemi too.

Glancing over, Daichi only pondered on her mothers motives for conjuring up a batch of scrumptious looking brownies... As he measured each one, there was the possibility of fur the making an even greater impression to distract them from a mere facet which gave way to possibly uncovering truths about the president. Cringing a bit after feeling that he came to a resolution which supplemented Daichi with an addition to one of his younger theories.

"That's quite... sweet of your mother to prepare such a delectable treat," Daichi leisurely said, mentally scolding himself for making an inordinate pun, even rolling his eyes at it. "... heh, maybe I can bring some cooked Takoyaki with some help from my sister due to her being the superior culinary artist." As Daichi made the jest, he knew the fact that it was do ninety percent learning with trial and error, and ten percent of actual cooking. It was a horrid struggle to get anything edible out of him, which is why he left cooking to his sibling and father.

Of course, from what he discerned, others were excited by the idea, save for Charles who was prone to disgruntlement rather then unbridled enjoyment. Of course, Daichi eyed the boy, unfazed at his consistent attitude of stay in aloof and "cool." Daichi believed that type of mental structure was going to bar him from a few things. "He's the type of guy who'll never be happy... unless something changes within his mindset."

Of course, with the food, most people were showing reluctance in grabbing one as a result of attempting politeness... as far as Daichi was concerned. Of course, he found it very peculiar in a few others earlier talks, especially about traversing stores in search of a costume while not including Daichi... which was peculiar since he injected himself into the whole spiel. She seemed to harbor more attention on females, seemingly ignoring the male (Daichi) in this process... and held a questionable blush.

Of course, he might be guessing, but the girl was possibly uncomfortable in the presence of guys and dared not speak or mention them? From all he was concerned that face told him some facts about the girl, but not everything since he simply didn't judge the whole book by its cover... however, body language and tearing apart each word wasn't.Suffice to say, he just went on a possibly incorrect whim that she was like Seiko in that sense of enjoying companionship with other girls.

Heck, he'd ship it... if he was at least correct.

Aside from that, the boy took note of the action, or per say, inaction of his newfound companions as some of them stared at the brownies, particularly the arrival of a girl who received a stapler in a... less desirable fashion. As peculiar as it appeared, the girl did not take the risk of grabbing one or two brownies and snacking on them. It was certainly obvious that she was waiting for something to happen. As he studied the girl, it was apparent that she was possibly trying to be polite, or either avert appearing rude by taking a few... just like the other chick.

At any rate, as he scanned each person and their postponed decisions, Charles, unsurprisingly, took the liberty of being one of the first people to hear up to the table and grab some brownies. From the mere seconds he was standing there, it wasn't hard to tell that he was attempting to procure the lions share of the meal. Sighing, Daichi only wondered if his greediness would ever be quenched as the boy shoved both of them into his mouth in an impolite manner.

Of course, the girl who loved to get to the punch line was next in her endeavors of procuring food. Praising her mother, the short girl gladly went next after Charles. While doing so, he appeared miffed at the way he acted, honestly surprised at how... violent she was. As some weird display of power, she audibly growled at the boy while baring her teeth. Daichi was not expecting that and was perturbed by such an attitude, even after she asked Mitsuko to give her regards in baking these treats.

Of course, Daichi was probably going to get one for himself and another for his sister. The boy slowly rose from his seat, looking back at the other students before returning his attention to the crowd gathering by the treats. The teen turned over to the table, shoot in his eye up as he title his head to stare at the girl stiffly shuffling by the ice queen herself.

Before he even privileged himself to the chocolaty sweets, he Ben his head in Mitsuko and the other girls direction. Eyeing the blonde girl first, Daichi opted to respond to her to quell that girls sense of waiting. "You know, you don't need to stand there and wait for everyone to procure a few brownies... even if you're attempting to not appear rude, you won't." With that sentiment put forth, Daichi gave Mitsuko his attention next to address her mothers kindness. "Also, could you give your mom my gratitude as it was kind of her to bake some brownies for the group..."

Exhibiting a patient smile, Daichi turned towards the brownies, analyzing each one as he stepped further before just grabbing two random one. There was no method to this as he glimpsed at one of the delightful treats he took and hit into it... huh... The brownie was really tasty; Akemi would love this one. Turning around to face the president, he gave the girl a smile of approval before walking away, lingering a few feet away from the short girl.

Whether or not they were actually from her mom was out of the question, as Mitsuko could of gone through the grueling work of baking these while hiding her more happy side. This stemmed from the display from earlier as Daichi happily munched away as he leaned on the board He then began eyeing the club leader, as well as everyone else as his eyes dashed around to each person in the room.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"...If it's really that important to all of you, then I will procure a costume on my own."

Well, that could have gone better. She wanted to press the issue, really, but ah well. She could bother Mitsuko much more later. She already had an idea in the works for what she wanted to do at the little...'event' anyways. And by that, she meant pretty much doing exactly the opposite of what their leader said. She was fairly certain it was a horrible idea in the grand scheme of things, but well, she never claimed to be a master of good judgement. She could also enlist Charles help, since she had that bit of leverage on her...

For now, though, brownies!

"My mother was a bit...excitable when I told her about the meeting, so she decided to make a small batch of brownies. I hope they're to everyone's liking. Have as many as you like."

Mitsuko revealed an entire tupperware container full of the things. Well, they looked delicious, that was for sure. She walked over there, moving past the other students before grabbing one, and promptly stuffing the whole thing in her mouth.

"Teesh are delishoush. Your mom made tesh?" She said through a full mouth. She swallowed the one she ate after a few minutes before continuing, a small smile on her face. "Your mom sure can bake." With that, she grabbed a few more, before walking away from the group. She was planning on eating the rest of the brownies by herself, before she noticed Mura...by herself who was also blushing slightly.


Now, if this wasn't a good time to interject herself into someones thought processes, she didn't know what was.

"I'll ask those questions after you give the new girl the rundown." She said to Mitsuko. "For now, I'm going to enjoy these delicious brownies!" She left the small group, and walked right over to Mura. She would ask those questions later, but at the moment she was much more interested in Mura. For a variety of reasons. One, she probably really shouldn't eat so many brownies. Two, if she could get friendly with her she could possibly get some info on her supposed...after school activities.

"You know, if you keep blushing like that while staring at the front of the room, people might think you're imagining the prez in a skimpy costume." She teased with a friendly smile, walking to the front of the other girls desk. "Seiko Karuta!" she introduced herself, taking a seat next to Mura, still carrying a few brownies. "Really, call me Seiko though. Prez keeps calling me Karuta-san, and it feels like she's giving me the cold shoulder." The redhead sighed, faking being hurt. "Mura, right?"

She proceeded to eat another brownie before offering the other girl one. "Want one?~" She asked, holding out one of the brownies to her. "They're really good. I almost wanted to tease Mitsuko that she made them herself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yurika Yurumiya
Class 2-A, Yurei High School

"...If it's really that important to all of you, then I will procure a costume on my own."
Yurika wondered if she pushed Mitsuko a bit too far with the idea. Maybe she was being too overly enthusiastic about it and it probably rubbed the president the wrong way. Or she could just be shy and is afraid of being embarrassed about wearing a costume. Yurika then quickly glances at Seiko and Daichi. Or maybe she does not trust us enough to pick non-provocative one? Unbeknownst to Yurika, she was not being grouped with the other two by Mitsuko.

I should start slow and easy. Try to spend more time with her...hopefully before saturday comes, I have racked enough points to choose a costume for her. Seiko and Daichi must not be involved or Mitsuko would doubt my intentions.

"My mother was a bit...excitable when I told her about the meeting, so she decided to make a small batch of brownies. I hope they're to everyone's liking."

Hmmm...brownies. Yurika could smell the aroma from where she sat which was not far. They smell nice and I bet they are delicious as well. One may wonder why her mother prepared such a treat in the first place. However, Yurika was not one to think too much about. She got up to help herself but saw some of the others were already eating the brownies. Charles got himself two large ones and Yurika sweat dropped when he just gobbled both down like nothing. He must have been hungry.

Yurika walked up and took a brownie. She took a bite and the taste was...no words could not describe it. They were so freaking delicious. She had tried baking some before on her own a long time ago but she never did get it right. Her uncle just had to drop by during that time and she got a pretty long lecture for it. She took another bite. She was going to eat it slowly and savor the taste. Furthermore, acting like Charles would probably make her look bad in front of Mitsuko. Yurika then took another one. After finishing the two brownies, an idea popped up in her head. She turned to face Mitsuko with yet another smile.

"Mi-chan. These brownies are the most delicious batch I ever tasted...even better than the ones I baked on my own. Do you think your mother can teach me how to bake this...if its not too much trouble? I mean...its ok if you say no..."

This was an opportunity and the reluctance in asking her request was on purpose. Yurika did not want to be too forward after seeing Mitsuko's reaction before. She really hoped the girl would say yes though. Its not like she had any ulterior motive...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

After the others present had started eating the prepared baked goods, Mitsuko reached over and grabbd a small piece out of the container, unceremoniously popping it into her mouth before letting out a satisfied sigh that seemed almost practiced. Well, at any rate, it seemed like everyone was enjoying the brownies; not that it was surprising, when Mitsuko's mom made food, it generally went over well. Granted that her daughter hadn't inherited those same qualities, but that was beside the point.

Brushing off the generally disappointed replies to her not wanting to costume shop with the others, Mitsuko blinked upon hearing Seiko's introduction to the stapler-girl, tilting her head to the side slightly as she glanced in Seiko's direction. "...would you rather I call you 'Seiko'? You didn't say anything earlier." She spoke up, seeming a touch confused. With Yurika's question though, Mitsuko was given momentary pause, a grimace flashing across her face for an instant as the thought of...something flitted through her mind. "She...she is probably too busy. I can get you the recipe, though." She stated almost hurriedly.

As if wanting to sweep that topic under the rug as quickly as possible, Mitsuko moved over to where stapler-girl now was, smoothing over her expression with a placid smile. "Now then, I apologize for all of that. The idiot who threw an ice pack at you lost his temper because of his inferiority, and decided it would be a good idea for him to blindly throw a heavy object. If he does anything like that again, I'll ruin him, so don't worry. Ah, right, I am Matsushima Mitsuko, president of the Occult Club, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Regarding what you missed, there really isn't much to say. Essentially, just know that the concept of a soul is important, but not fully understood. Rational occultism isn't irreconcilable with science, but there are stupid occultists who deny science, so ignore those ones. A ghost is a soul without a body that suits it; if it has a suitable body, it's alive; if it has a body that doesn't suit it, then it's possessing that body. The Halloween Extravaganza will be a nighttime ghost hunt at the school, with a spirit I've been monitoring for a couple of weeks. Just get the waiver signed and hand it to me on Thursday." She said blandly, reaching into her bag as she spoke to remove a stack of papers, the aforementioned waivers, that she deposited next to the container of brownies.


Why did she not just explain everything like that earlier?

"Everyone, please take a waiver. This Thursday's club meeting will be a very brief thing; you'll just hand in your forms to me and then you'll be free to go. We won't have our first real seminar until after the Extravaganza."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Charles stood leaning against the wall, waiting for the waivers to be put out on the table. Lots of people had taken brownies after him, and they had said thank you. Charles hadn't thought that necessary. He had nothing to be thankful for tonight. The brownies were, in his eyes, an apology from life for humiliating him that night. Charles scowled as Makoto growled and snapped her teeth at him like a dog. Yeah, she's definitely a dog, a female dog Charles thought, his brow furrowed in annoyance. Makoto took the smallest brownie, as if to say she was a better person than Charles. Charles's brow furrowed even more. The night had been absolutely hideous, and Charles had a few things to think about. Was his empire just a sham? No, it couldn't be. These just must be a bunch of rebels to his rulership.

"The idiot who threw an ice pack at you lost his temper because of his inferiority, and decided it would be a good idea for him to blindly throw a heavy object. If he does anything like that again, I'll ruin him, so don't worry."

Charles's face filled with rage, but he held his tongue. Remember the pictures Charles, remember the pictures. he thought as he battled every urge he had to come back with something equally witty and rude. Eventually, the battle was lost and the urge to make a comeback faded away. He leaned against the wall looking bored.

"-if it has a body that doesn't suit it, then it's possessing that body."

Did that mean that someone could possibly be possessed in the Halloween Extravaganza? Please be Makoto, Mitsuko or Daichi, that would be hilarious and it would put those losers out of the picture. For good. Charles thought with a small sly grin on his otherwise grim face. If this ghost was real - and Charles highly doubted it - it could possess anyone here. But would Charles really let someone possibly be killed by a ghost if it happened to try and possess someone in the Occult Club? He didn't really know. It would depend on his mood and how they had treated him the day of the incident.

"Everyone, please take a waiver. This Thursday's club meeting will be a very brief thing; you'll just hand in your forms to me and then you'll be free to go. We won't have our first real seminar until after the Extravaganza."

Charles quickly walked up and grabbed a waiver, then folded it up and placed it in his trouser pocket. "There's not much point in me being here now. I think I'll leave." he said, before twisting around and walking out the door, slamming it behind him. Charles didn't care if he wasn't supposed to go yet - he was going to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 1 day ago

Indeed, the plan was working. At this rate, she would be socially obligated to take one of those sweet, buttery, chocolaty confections. Truly Octavia was a genius among geniuses, and no one was even the wiser.

Then, that lavender-haired boy just came right up and screwed with everything.

"E-eh? W-what are you talking about? I'm not doing anything like that," replied Octavia in a manner so suspicious that the Osaka police force would have arrested her right on the spot.

Having been so flustered, Octavia lost the chance to enact her plan when the president, Mitsuko, began speaking to her. She couldn't very well take one while engaged in conversation. To stuff one's mouth while being spoken to would be decidedly unladylike. Octavia's eyes went from Mitsuko to the brownies and back again as she listened to the girl talk. Indeed, Octavia had imagined that the stapler boy had been a foolish ape as per Mitsuko's description. It was something of a relief that the president appeared to have him on a leash, although long-term relationships founded on what Octavia assumed was blackmail did not seem like the most healthy or stable for the club at large.

Then Mitsuko went on to describe stuff about souls, the gist of which being that ghosts were souls without bodies. Octavia took all of this to mind. Despite not believing in any occult stuff, Octavia was in Mitsuko's club. She chose to be there, and thus Octavia would show Mitsuko the proper respect of keeping in mind whatever she had to say. Octavia then took one of the forms provided.

"The pleasure is mine, Matsushima-san. I am Octavia King. Er, in English naming order."

A tinge of pink showed up on Octavia's cheeks. She had been dreading introductions somewhat for this very reason.

"Japanese naming order, it would be... King Octavia. I know how incredibly presumptuous this is, but would you mind terribly not calling me by surname? It is... somewhat embarrassing, although I'm certain that 'Octavia' may be hard to pronounce. My old fr- uh, acquaintances used to just call me 'Princess', though I must admit, I am not really a fan of that either."

As she spoke, her cheeks continued to brighten. Thankfully, once the introduction was done, she wouldn't have to bring it up again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As Mura looked down at the floor, cheeks ever-so slightly red, the girl Seiko thought it would be a great time to strike up conversation. So this was the girl she had heard quite a bit about. Seiko Kurata, resident journalist, lesbian and - though she would likely deny it - pervert.
"You know, if you keep blushing like that while staring at the front of the room, people might think you're imagining the prez in a skimpy costume." the girl said as she walked over, making Mura blush just that bit more. Yes, Mistuko in a less than appropriate costume would be a great sight to behold, something told Mura that the prez wouldn't be into such a thing. Seiko introduced herself, and then went on about the president apparently giving her the cold shoulder. That didn't sound all that surprising, given Mitsukos' attitude for the past while, but something about that seemed a little out of character. Then she was completely caught off guard by the fact that the girl actually KNEW her name. Not that she should have been, since it had basically been spread all across the school, but nevertheless she was.
"Uh, y-yeah thats my name. And what about Mitsuko in a revealing costume? It would be just us lot, and I think she would look rather cu-" Mura, listen to me. Finish that sentence and we could be in for it!" "cool. She would look pretty cool." she finished, now blushing even more vibrantly than before. Christ, what had she gotten herself into?

Seiko then offered her a brownie from her hoard, which Mura graciously accepted before taking a small, and rather dainty bite from the corner. She had never really liked brownies, or chocolate of any sort. Except, this brownie. This brownie was altogether a different story. Her cheeks went from bright red to their normal colour as she closed her eyes and took a large bite from the brownie that had been very close to her mouth for the past while. People had always said she looked cute when being picky about food, which Mura never really got and always ignored. Opening her eyes again, she eyed Seiko for a little before looking away. It was really the first chance she had gotten to look at her from close up, so doing so now was an opportunity not to be missed. The girl was definitely cute, even if her tone and word choice didn't really seem to suit the face it belonged to. Well, all except the teasing parts.
"You're right. These brownies ARE really damn good. Good on Mitsuko's mum for making these beauties!" she finally replied, now with about a quarter of her original in her hand. Finishing that, it was probably a good time to get to know the girl better. Seiko may have been the journalist, but sometimes the journalist just had to suit back, shut the fuck up, and answer some questions of her own.
"So then. I've heard you're a journalist, or at least journalist in training. Sounds like an interesting career choice, and one I've looked at myself. Though I definitely wouldn't be good at it. I was wondering what made you want to do what you have been doing. You know, writing a blog and all that." Mura asked, trying to strike up some conversation without giving Seiko the chance to ask any of her personal questions, as she was known for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto finished off her brownie and stepped away from the container, so that everyone else could have one if they wanted. Maybe if there were some left over at the end she'd take another one, but not before then. The club leader announced something about waivers that they needed their parents to sign, as soon as they came out, punk ass bitch grabbed one and left. Good riddance. The room suddenly felt a lot nicer without that piece of trash stinking the place up. Makoto was curious about the what the waivers said, and why they needed them, but she still wanted to talk to the club leader about her own ghost encounter first.

But it looked like that would be difficult to do. Considering half the people in the room were surrounding her and pestering her about costumes. Makoto sighed, she'd just have to stick around for a little longer until the crowd thinned out. She heard someone introducing themselves as Octavia King, in English naming style. English? Makoto was suddenly very excited. Not realizing, or caring that she was probably interrupting a conversation, she went over to the girl and grabbed her hands. "England or America? She said in perfect, unaccented English. Actually it was her Japanese that was accented, because she had been raised in America.

Even if the girl was from England, Makoto was still excited to find someone who spoke English, and maybe even understood her American mannerisms. The only other people she knew who did were her parents, who tried their best to forget about America and just be Japanese, and tourists, who were frightened off by her sudden, and usually loud, advances. She decided she should probably explain why she was going this to Octavia, and, you know, introduce herself. "Oh yeah, my name is Makoto Zukamori. I was born here in Japan but raised in America. Probably explains a lot, huh?" People always seemed to understand her better when she mentioned the fact that she was raised in America. Makoto herself realized that it was for that reason that she was such a black sheep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Wha," blurted a confused Octavia as a girl she didn't know accosted her, grabbed her hands, and began speaking perfect English at her. Now, there were multiple reasons that she found this confusing, but the other girl quickly cleared them up. That didn't stop this from being somewhat odd, of course, but Makoto seemed almost like a puppy at the moment. The Japanese foreigner was an amalgamation of happy and excited, and Octavia simply couldn't take that away from her. She smiled at the other girl politely.

"Hello, Makoto. May I call you that since we're conversing in English? I'm Octavia King, from America," Octavia replied, also in perfect English.

God, she missed introducing herself like that without having to explain things. The girl seemed friendly, too. Somehow, it was easier to talk with this one than with the others. She felt less stiff. Perhaps it was the effect of being able to actually converse with someone in her native language. Someone besides just her father.

"I've actually spent more time here than in America, so you may just be more American than I am. I take it you, uh, like the states?" said Octavia, glancing down at her hands which were still engulfed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago

She gives me love and affection
Baby, did I mention
You're the only girl for me
No, I don't need a next one
Mama loves you too
She thinks I made the right selection
Now all that's left to-

OMI’s hit single came to a screeching halt before finishing the verse, all by just a single flick of the boy’s thumb. Eli Hughes, notes the marker for the room. 2-A. Here it was. The Occult club. Even before he silenced his phone, Eli could make out quite a ruckus coming from the other side of the door. Though he wasn’t sure if that was exactly a good thing. As he approached the club’s meeting room, a guy came stomping out, slamming the door behind him. Eli might have said something but...well, the look on the guy’s face didn’t exactly scream “I love people! Talk to me!” But hey, everyone has a bad day, yeah? Dude probably just needed to go fume about something. Not that it was any of Eli’s business.

Standing outside the door, he inhaled deeply. Crowds and new people weren’t exactly a problem for him. Hell, part of him actually liked, no, thrived on it. But his gut still always managed to knot up extra tight. Stage fright? The thought amused him. In a way, he was about to perform, wasn’t he? He exhaled. Well, standing around twiddling his thumbs wasn’t going to make things any easier.

Eli reached up to his right ear, yanking out the earbud. He shifted his phone to his open hand before yanking out the left earbud as well. As he was wrapping the cord around his phone, the screen lit up and an envelope sat on the front page. It was from Emm. Actually, there were three from Emm.

-hey bro

-im going to Mieko’s house after school
dont worry about walking me home today
already got the ok from pops

-have fun at nerd club

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. Nerd club, eh? He hadn’t said anything to either her or Pops about joining the Occult Club, but he had taken home a flier he found just chilling on the ground. It was enough to peak his interest. But...well...he must have just laid it on the kitchen table when he got home and forgot about it after grabbing a snack. She saw it and just about died laughing. Then she spent the next hour teasing him about it. Fun times, that. Though it did help to cement his decision. At this point, join it or not, she wasn’t going to let it go. So hell, might as well have at it, no?

He shot her a quick reply before putting his phone deep into his pocket. A shit-eating grin stretched from ear to ear. It was a little cruel, that. She had been insanely worried that right after they got to Japan, someone was just going to pick her up and run off with her. Eli supposed it could happen but...well, he was comfortable betting against it.

-K. Don’t get kidnapped, squirt.

With that wrapped up, Eli shot a look from side to side to make sure the coast was clear. Satisfied that it was, he strolled over to the door and made his entrance, the giant hunkering down to avoid decapitation by door frame.

“...an in America, so you may just be more American than I am. I take it you, uh, like the states?”

Eli made a quick scan of the room before entering fully. Well, there was nobody that he recognized. That was...well he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. He was vaguely aware of some chattering going on amongst the people inside, though he didn’t quite put together that one happened to be in glorious English. A couple things immediately struck him as odd. First, most, if not all of the people were rather cute girls. Not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, but he hadn’t expected such a drastic skew. Next, many of them were chowing down on brownies. Which...alright, he had nothing on that. And finally, the atmosphere...didn’t exactly scream creepy, ghosty Occult club to him. If anything, this could easily have been a baking club or a sweets connoisseur club. Or...shit, what if it was like some sort of woman’s studies club? Not that there was anything wrong with any of those, but...well, he’d feel rather silly if he had the wrong room. But he could have swore that the flier said 2-A.

“Hey yo, uh…’cuse me, I’m lookin’ fo-”

Eli blinked, realizing that he had spoken in English. Well, that was embarrassing. He wasn’t exactly sure what got him in THAT mindset. He paused for just a moment, switching gears into Japanese before picking that train of thought back up. Then, in his best - though heavily accented and likely butchered - Japanese, Eli continued, speaking up to everyone, yet no one in particular.

“Sorry. I am looking for the Occult Club? I am running a bit late, and I thought the flier said to go to Room 2-A? Would anybody know where it would be if not this? I am still a bit new here.”

Truth be told, he was a bit frazzled. Normally he would be at basketball practice right about now, but he managed to convince the coach that he was feeling a bit sick and needed to see the nurse. After a super rushed shower and then practically sprinting across the school, he could see himself having gotten the room number mixed up in his head. He was stressed about lying to coach and stressed about being late to the meeting. It happens. Actually, the more he thought about it, the more he had thoroughly convinced himself that the flier said 1-B. His cheeks began to warm up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Seiko Karuta~

"Uh, y-yeah thats my name. And what about Mitsuko in a revealing costume? It would be just us lot, and I think she would look rather cu-cool. She would look pretty cool."

...she was fairly certain Mura had almost said 'cute'. That would have been hilarious to hear coming from her. Seiko simply gave a small smile at the statement though, finishing the last brownie she had gotten as the other girl started eating the one she had given her, soon stating how good they in fact, were. Seemed pretty much everyone enjoyed Mitsuko's moms cooking, then. Maybe they could look forward to more delicious snacks in the future. That would be awesome.

"So then. I've heard you're a journalist, or at least journalist in training."

Mura said to her not long after. Ooh, trying to get the drop on her, was she? Kek~

"Sounds like an interesting career choice, and one I've looked at myself. Though I definitely wouldn't be good at it. I was wondering what made you want to do what you have been doing. You know, writing a blog and all that."

"Pfft, wasn't really that hard." She immediately replied. "I like writing, and I like sticking my nose in other peoples business. It's a win-win for me. So, I guess nothing really made me want to do it. I just do it because I want too." And that was about all she had to say on that matter, if only because there wasn't really much to say on it. It wasn't like she was hiding some big dark secret or something.

"Buuuut, enough about me~" She smiled, somewhat mischievously. "I wanna ask you something. Only fair, since you asked me something, after all." She continued. Mura wasn't about to get the upper hand in this little meeting so easily. "Soooo, there's tons of rumors about what you do after school, you know. There are some pretty...colorful ones, too~" she chuckled, pausing for a moment to let Mura try to imagine exactly where this conversation was going.

and then she promptly changed the subject.

"But who cares? I wanna know why you joined this occult club. Tell me, and I'll leave ya alone for now. Don't tell me and I'll have to speculate about your afternoon activities. On my blog, of course~" Whatever her choice, she was gonna go grab one of those waivers after Mura replied. She still did want to ask the Prez a few questions, after all. She supposed she could do that while waiting for everyone else to shuffle out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Three
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Three 1+1

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Matsushima Mitsuko
Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School

Well, this seemed to be going...relatively well. The prospective members that remained were conversing amongst one another, and it looked like most, if not all, of them were planning on attending the Halloween Extravaganza. The turnout had also surpassed Mitsuko's expectations, so on the whole this had gone fairly well in her eyes. She would need to make sure the All-Seeing Eye's batteries got replaced before Saturday; an incident like what happened with that last time was too annoying to-

The club president's thoughts were interrupted as another newcomer entered the classroom, Mitsuko turning to face him with a stoic expression.

...really? Could people not keep proper time? She was getting tired of repeating herself.

Not bothering to change her words, and with a trace of annoyance present in her tone, Mitsuko rattled off exactly the same crash course that she had given stapler-girl Octavia.

"Yes, this is the Occult Club. I am the president, Matsushima Mitsuko; it is a pleasure. You've missed the formal part of the meeting, but not much was discussed informationally. Essentially, just know that the concept of a soul is important, but not fully understood. Rational occultism isn't irreconcilable with science, but there are stupid occultists who deny science, so ignore those ones. A ghost is a soul without a body that suits it; if it has a suitable body, it's alive; if it has a body that doesn't suit it, then it's possessing that body. The Halloween Extravaganza will be a nighttime ghost hunt at the school, with a spirit I've been monitoring for a couple of weeks. Just get the waiver signed and hand it to me on Thursday." She stated somewhat exasperatedly, gesturing to the stack of waivers next to the container of brownies. "And take a brownie if you like, as well."

After speaking, Mitsuko let out a soft exhale as she took a step back from the table where the waivers and brownies were positioned, idly waiting for those who had stayed after to talk to her to do so; she wasn't about to leave while her dear club members still had questions, after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Charles wandered through the halls, taking turns trying to find the hallway that would lead him to the door. Lousy club. At least I'll get a few days free from this supernatural shit. Charles scowled as he thought about the time he had just spent in the Occult Club. Stupid Mitsuko, what right does she have to blackmail the king of Yurei High? I never even wanted to be in this dump of a school, let alone this freakshow of a club. I could have been blackmailed into Rugby, Football, even photography, but no, I was blackmailed into the crappiest and weirdest club in the whole school.. Charles went to get out his phone to continue where he left off in his game, but to his utter dismay, he realised he had left it in the room in his haste.

Charles swore and yelled, and began the journey back to the Occult Club, occasionally ripping down a poster or kicking a locker on the way back in his rage. Lousy club, it's even making me forget my damn phone. God, this will be embarrassing when I get back to the club.. "Ooo, come back have you?" Charles mocked Mitsuko's voice, his face getting more and more furrowed in frustration as he got closer to the dreaded room 2-A. Charles seriously considered running in there and attacking everyone, this would be a good time to grab Seiko and Mitsuko's phone and make a run for it. But he couldn't. Even if they weren't expecting him to be there, they would most likely tuck their phone back in their pockets at the sight of him.

Finally, Charles arrived at the door of the Occult Club. He let out a quiet sigh. He could easily just leave his phone and entrust it to the people in the Club. But Charles knew that he couldn't do that. Makoto would probably break it, and Seiko would get her prying hands all over it, reading his texts, checking his pictures, messaging people from his account. He hastily glanced into the room, same old people, but there was someone else in there, someone that, unlike most of the other people in the club, he actually knew and liked. Eli! Charles thought with a smile. Ahh, this guy is a total bit of banter. He speaks English too. That means he could tell him about what was going on without the risk of unwanted ears prying into the conversation. Charles opened the door.

He quickly darted to his seat and grabbed his phone, which was lying face down under the desk. Untouched, thankfully. He checked it just to make sure. No embarrassing texts sent from him, no pictures added or deleted. He sighed in relief. Then he turned to Eli, and spoke in his posh, accented voice, but this time in English.

"Hey, I know you! How are you Eli? What are you doing here in this freak show? Blackmailed as well? Well, whatever the reason, watch out for Makoto, she punches, and watch out for Seiko, one tiny mistake and you're screwed. Big time.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yurika Yurumiya
Class 2-A, Yurei High School

Yurika was slightly hurt ,but did not show it, by the expression Mitsuko had on her face when she had asked about the brownie recipe. Moreover, the hasty response given by her president gave off the feeling the girl was hiding something. Or maybe she is just shy, haha... Before Yurika could give a response, Mitsuko had moved over to the girl who hit by the stapler. Yurika's gaze fixed on Mitsuko for a while and if this was an anime, people watching would have their yuri goggles levels at maximum. She heard the stapler girl introducing herself to Mitsuko and then talking to Makoto. Octavia...quite a unique name for a foreigner. The duo seem to be speaking english as Yurika had a bit of trouble understanding what they were talking about.

She then turned to see a newcomer who had arrived late who seems to be yet another foreigner. She saw Charles re-entered the room after slamming it shut moments ago. Did he forget something? She noticed Charles's mood improved a bit when the newcomer came and heard him saying the name 'Eli'. Isn't that usually a girl's name? Yurika saw Seiko and Mura talking to each other. She had considered walking over to them to join their conversation. However, her thoughts were still on the white-haired girl who was now standing all by her lonesome by the table. She slowly walked over and stood beside her president.

"Why are you standing here all by yourself and not mingle, oh dear president? You should talk with your members and get to know them...not just for a standard Q&A. Sorry if I am annoyed you with my weird questions all afternoon...its just...I want to be your friend and I hope you will let me," said Yurika who tried to put the most friendliest and sincere smile she could on her face to try to get Mitsuko to open up. She really hoped for a positive friendly response. "We could do many interesting things or just hang out together!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 8 days ago


The girl that turned to face Eli looked...serious. Like, waaay too serious. That was the kind of look you only got when you’ve seen some shit and somehow walked away from it. If Eli had to guess, going off every single detail he knew about her (absolutely zilcho), then he would say...murder. This cold mama probably killed a couple fools on her way here this morning. Probably runs a massive criminal empire to boot.

Eli felt himself grinning despite his current predicament. Alright, so his little analysis of the girl was most likely downright wrong on so many level. Too many movies, Granny would say. But Granny also thought aliens were trying to abduct her cats so...maybe not linger too much on that bit of criticism. In any case, Eli managed to calm himself before he so rudely burst out laughing like a madman. The girl sized him up, then launched into a spiel that sounded...well-rehearsed? If not, somebody get this chick an award for some epic improv skills.

She introduced herself as Matsushima Mitsuko that was a bit of mouthful, and confirmed that this was indeed the Occult Club, of which she was president. Eli let out an audible sigh of relief, and his entire body seemed to relax and loosen up. He’d take being late over being lost anyday. But as the girl went on with her speech, he couldn’t help but feel as if she seemed a touch...annoyed? Miffed?

Alright, to be honest, that was fair. He WAS about thirty minutes late to a one-hour meeting. If her speech normally took thirty minutes and she pretty much just condensed it down to...less than one? Well, yeah, he’d probably be a bit annoyed himself if he were in her shoes. He had a decent excuse in his mind but...well, even a great excuse was still just an excuse. He’d have to figure out how to be a bit more punctual for next time. If need be, he’d talk to coach. He really didn’t WANT to have to do that, but if his hands were tied then…

Oh. Earth to Eli, come in Eli. What had she just said? He had been a bit wrapped up in his own thoughts that he hadn’t been paying full attention to her speech. Well, asking her to repeat herself was out of the question. She might not be some sort of mafioso, (or would it be yakuza here?), but he for whatever reason felt like it would be in his best interest to not get on Madame President’s nerves any more than he had already done. He did manage to pick up a few things, some of which may be important. Something about the Halloween Extravaganza and a ghost hunt at the school. Some more about a waiver to be returned by Thursday. There was also something about brownies.

Eli gave her a couple nods, indicating that he was following her - which he did, for the most part. “Thank you very much.” he called to her in whatever bastardized form of tongue that he was trying to pass as Japanese. Strolling over to the table with the waivers and brownies, Eli glanced around at the other students chatting lowly. He was just double checking, but no, he really DIDN’T know anyone in the club. He’d have to change that. Maybe this Halloween event then? Probably.

“Hey, I know you! How are you Eli”

Huh? That sounded pretty close. Eli turned around - just in time to see Charles. Eli grew a big shit-eating grin, before launching into some short choppy laughter. Well shit haha...if it ain’t my boy Charlie! What’s good, son?”He lifted up a fist and held it out for Charle to bump.

He liked Charlie well enough. Granted, being two foreigners in a majoratively Japanese high school...in Japan, might have had just a bit to do with it, but Charles actually wasn’t a bad guy either. Maybe a bit delusional at times, but hell, who wasn’t these days?

“What are you doing here in this freak show? Blackmailed as well? Well, whatever the reason, watch out for Makota, she punches and watch out for Seiko, one tiny mistake and you’re screwed. Big time.”

Eli laughed again. They couldn't be that bad. Charles had a bit of a flair for drama at times. Still, part of his mind went back to the President. If she really was using blackmail or bribery just to get members to join her club...well maybe she really WAS the head some criminal organization?

He wouldn’t cross it off the list just yet.

“Heh, ain’t no blackmailing or sexual favors for this guy. So I guess I’m just one of your freaks.” He ended with a shrug. “But uh...what about you? You mentioned blackmail...do they really
have anything on you?”
He paused for a moment, considering his buddy. Of course they did….

“That bad?, eh?”
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