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I would prefer Youkai to either be aligned with the DHA or against them for the sake of being involved in the RP. I may make an exception depending on the case you make for her in being relevant to the RP and other people's characters though. That said, this won't be a common thing. No neutral parties unless you can convince me with a good case for her.

I figured. I thought it would be nice to have a character that's kind of 'between' Humans and Youkai. For the most part, once a DHA member encounters a Youkai, they're gonna get right to the ass-kicking. Nobody's asking Zorgoth the Babyeater why he eats the babies. It's chainsaw time. With a ghost, though, it's a bit more nuanced. You can't just kill it, and it's probably not gonna hurt you. It's a different kind of conflict.

If you want a clear alignment, she could side with the DHA though. Her main motivation is her own amusement, and that sort of thing might be fun for her. She's no good at direct combat, but it's hard to do any actual damage to her which makes her a great resource for scouting and investigation.

Anyways, here's the sheet in case you're curious. Even if it's a no, I'll probably think something else up, so no big.

<Snipped quote by Octo>

Depends on what you mean by acceptable.

If it's as a character in the RP as a neutral party, it's possible since there are Demons that don't want to bring harm to people. If it's as part of the DHA, it's unlikely because they are a human organization, any Demon assisting them, would likely have to be contracted.

Yeah, I'm going for a neutral thing. She has no interest in hurting Humans, and cares about the DHA insofar as they can be fun to mess with. Ostensibly she'd have her own interests outside any of the groups, though I could see her getting involved in plot for her own enjoyment. Once you've been dead for so long, it's really about making your own fun.
Would a Youkai that doesn't particularly want to hurt anyone be acceptable? I was thinking of a ghost that mostly makes a nuisance of herself and enjoys scaring Humans. More of a trickster than a threat.
Go ahead and put me on the interest list if anything opens up.

MHA is fun and I like an underdog story. Seeya~
Jessica grinned her big shark grin, feeling accomplishment well up inside of her. She definitely didn't feel good because she helped a scared kid and it was the right thing to do. No, she felt good because she was AWESOME and now she could make that woman bow and apologize! She would order that lady to get down on her hands and knees and assume the dogeza stance just like in her anime!

"GAHAHA!" Jessica laughed loudly out of nowhere, to nobody but herself like an ABSOLUTE CHAD.

As if her massive accomplishment wasn't enough, the TV star Jensen Ackles of award-winning drama blah blah blah you get the point DIVULGED the nature of his epithet. He must've been pretty confident and, from the sounds of it, he had every reason to be. However, like that one cartoon said, "knowing is half the battle". Now that she knew what his epithet was, she could SCHEME ways to counter it just in case.

As Jessica turned to head back to the beach, her head HUGE from accomplishment, she quickly came face to face with a girl who looked like a PUNK. Dammit... PUNK was JESSICA'S aesthetic! At least when she wasn't a delinquent. It switched between the two depending. Jessica was about to tell the woman off for TOTALLY APING HER STYLE when she found herself being ABSOLUTELY FLATTERED.

"W-well," Jessica replied, blushing a bit, "I'm actually EVIL, you know? Definitely not a good person. But thank you for noticing how AWESOME I am. Actually, we were just... did I recently eat a candy?"

Jessica smacked her lips, paused a second, and then opened the bottle in order to sniff it.

She had combined a bottle and something that could be bottled, but had only assumed it was sap. Maybe it was syrup or something? She gave the contents a sniff.

"We were just, uh... going back to camp... with this kid... to make that teacher apologize," Jessica answered, a little distracted.

"You know... that busybody meganekko. I like your shirt, by the way. Do you think this TRACKSUIT looks cool on me?"
"Ah... it's that WEIRD CELEBRITY that was harassing me," Jessica said as Mark came up to them, GAGGING a little for effect, "you know that you only get away with picking on LITTLE GIRLS because you're famous, right?"

Although... dunking on this WEIRDO kind of took a back seat to saving a kid at the moment. A task which, due to the child engaging in dialogue with them, became significantly easier. It took a while, but they were able to locate the girl. She was stuck up in a tree, like a cat in a cartoon.

...Not Jessica's favorite configuration. Only HEROES saved cats from trees, and Jessica was a VILLAIN through and through. Surely one of the others would be able to save this small child. Then again, she appeared to be stuck in some thick SAP. That might be difficult for the others to handle.

Jessica flip-flopped between wanting to RUB this rescue in that DUMB WOMAN'S face and MAINTAINING her VILLAINOUS PRESENCE, but then something that the little girl said tugged at Jessica's BLACK HEARTSTRINGS.

Jessica bit her lower lip, and looked up at the kid.

"I bet... your mommy misses you a whole lot. I guess... I can help get you down."

Jessica thought, for a moment, about how much her own mother probably didn't even know she was gone, much less missed her. Then again, that was just business. Her older sister was perfect. A genius. Why waste time on the runt that nobody needed? Nobody needed her... but at least she could do this.

Jessica took out her lighter, and flicked the switch. She touched the PLASTIC CARAPACE of the bubble machine, and combined PLASTIC with HEAT to create a different configuration of plastic: a bottle, to be precise. Then, holding the bottle, she touched a streak of sap that was running down the tree. By combining a BOTTLE with the SAP, she was able to make a BOTTLE of SAP.

One strength of her ability was that, by combining things, she used the components to create a new object. Thus, the sap had all but disappeared from the tree and was now inside her bottle. The girl would be released, but Jessica wasn't strong enough to reach her all the way up in that tree, much less help her down.

"Sap's taken care of. Can either of you help get that kid down? I skip school because I'm an EVIL DELINQUENT, but if I DIDN'T skip school, I would fail gym."

Jessica examined her bottle, and considered all the things she could do with sap. Depending on the sort of sap it was, it could be used to make syrup, lacquer, or, uh...

Probably other stuff too! Maybe the teacher could identify the type and uses, because it was not Jessica's area of expertise.
Jessica laughed as Penny flung her sword into a tree a good couple of yards away. The girl had some pretty funny reactions. Getting mad at the 'Eyebrows' thing was a good time, but throwing her sword at the implication that she might be dating Jude was even funnier. It seemed like a pretty innocuous question, after all. The ensuing overreaction from her little summons was almost just icing on the cake.

But nope, that was hilarious too.

Jessica started up a surprisingly girlish giggle before clearing her throat and heading back into her VILLAINOUS "GAHAHA". As Jessica followed along, she felt herself wondering why she ever thought Penny was SCARY. That girl wasn't scary at all, only the sword was. Not to mention...

"Y-yeah, I came here ALONE too... I'm not REAL GOOD with people. But I definitely would'a remembered those EYEBROWS if I'd ever seen you on the STREET," Jessica informed the girl, trying to TEASE her enough so that she wouldn't realize that Jessica was being REAL for once.

When they came across the bubble machine, Jessica inspected it. Notable components were a FAN, a POWER SOURCE, and a PLASTIC CARAPACE. Certainly she could get some use out of it eventually, depending on what they needed. Jessica nodded at the small men that stood astride it.

"Nothing IMMEDIATELY USEFUL, but I can think of a FEW things in the LONG TERM. Take it."

Then they heard a couple of different noises. If this was a VIDEO GAME or a CYOA BOOK, the ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT would probably be the correct choice, because it wasn't the IMMEDIATELY OBVIOUS one. But this was IRL, and some KID needed HELP. There wasn't a choice to be made. Jessica immediately set off with Penny to find whoever was calling out, spreading out a little to widen their search radius while remaining in visual contact with Penny.
Instead of oohing and aahing about Jessica's AWESOME SECRET CLUB and BEGGING HER to be a part of her cool exclusive group, the sentiment was largely ignored as people started wandering off. Jessica PUFFED HER CHEEKS in annoyance as she followed after Penny, who seemed well equipped to get them through the foliage quickly.

Even Jessica's meager epithet had its advantages, but even if she had the materials to create a chainsaw, she doubted she was strong enough to clear the path ahead. Penny was much stronger than she was, and seemed to be practiced with her blade. For a few moments, Jessica took in Penny's movements.

Jessica was tiny and weak. She had always been tiny and weak. Thus, she had picked up the habit of looking at everyone else as if they were a potential threat. It was important to understand physical capabilities and epithet powers just in case things didn't go well for her. Assessing Penny's capabilities now could save her life later.

While she was fairly certain she knew most of what Penny was capable of, Jude's ability was a bit more ambiguous. He could make copies with augmented qualities, but he also displayed an odd ability to send the necklace she had confiscated from Lou back at the man at a high speed. Due to her eyesight at the time, she wasn't able to glean any more than that. She'd have to watch out for him.

Jessica looked at Penny, and then at Jude.

"Hey, Jude. You seem to get along pretty well with Penny. You two FRIENDS or somethin'? GOIN' OUT? If I'm gonna be with you two, I gotta know what the DEAL is. I have DIFFICULTY parsing SOCIAL DYNAMICS."
Thank you very much!
Hello, I am Octo. I really like octopuses and cuttlefishes! They're super cute!

I joined this site a while back, but haven't posted much. I've found myself with a bit more free time lately, though, so I'm back to have some fun! Be very nice to me, because I'm good and deserve the best!

I like playing as rich girls, because money solves everything. It's the strongest power there is.

My favorite color is green. Not because of money, but just because it's pretty. Also money.

I like video games and cooking, and I watch a lot of Japanese cartoons. I've seen every episode of Malcolm in the Middle at least 4 times. My favorite cartoon growing up was Invader Zim, and I was a goth in high school.

But I am a goth no more. I have left that life behind me.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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