Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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  • Posts: 1729 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

The Community Strikes Back

Chapter One: Lethal Force
"Francine is dead by your hands. Your power trickery won't work here," Sonika said coldly at the swap to Francine, sending a strong blast of air into Farce, sending her into the wall.

As Mantis unleashed his attack, however, things didn't go....quite how he wanted. Sonika's first reaction was to fill the room with turbulent, forceful air movement, which affected his aim. Xolotl, meanwhile, entered his breaker state with a thunderous, ear-splitting crack, moving faster than Mantis could shoot, before the TV exploded as he seemed to phase into and then out of it. Which was right when Sonika hit Mantis with a veritable wall of force.

Chapter Two: The Rockers
While the little meeting was going on down below, the two figures entered into the building proper. Inside they immediate ran into a guard who.... Waved to them?!

"It's about time."

"There's unknown people in the lobby," one said quietly.

"Creep is dealing. Everyone else but this new guy is away. He's in his room, don't think he's awake yet, like right below us."

The second figure nodded, disappearing after a few moments, before he reappeared moments later.


They nodded.

@Belladonna@Lemonzest1337@Yoshua171(Open invitation to Independents to get involved)
Chapter Three: The City
As Sylph crashed to the ground with a loud crunching sound, Eyeblight turned his attention to the fallen Case 53 hero, his eyes seeming to almost glow. He took one step towards her before being blindsided by Outsider. The kinetic blasts flattened him, literally, before he just popped back up good as new and turned angrily towards the newcomer... Just to have three tendrils come at him.

He evaded two of them, moving far faster than one might expect from a scarecrow, and opened up a hole in himself around the third before slipping away from the grasping appendages.

"No fair! No eyes! LOOK AT ME, DAMN YOU!" he screeched. One poor woman from Outsider's own office building screamed as she collapsed in a puddle of urine, the sound muffled by the windows.

Which was the call for more chaos as a car came speeding down and rammed into Eyeblight who cackled madly as they moved away from the two heroes. At least until the car smashed into a stoplight, sending Eyeblight flying further away from them.

In the distance they could hear a helicopter approaching...

Meanwhile, Claire had decided to approach the two women.

The one who had destroyed the car glanced at her sideways as the two came to a stop. The one who had thrown the car was slightly closer than the other and had seemingly instantly drawn a pistol.

"We were told to spread chaos, sister Celia."

"Likelihood of being a cape is high, approaching us."

"Go ahead, sis."

Celia pulled the trigger nearly instantly, aiming for the gut.

With detached disinterest she watched to stupid glowing light, the slimes from the fight, the pool itself even. She was impatient, tired, and they should've reached the exit ages ago.

But whatever. She was tired, and tired of the fighting for her life. She'd had enough of that from that big baby and his oversized rattler. That's what those shaky things from before were, right? So hard to remember... She'd been resting, not actually sleeping unfortunately, since they'd stopped moving but she couldn't take it anymore.

Since they were waiting, the talking wasn't something she really was interested in, she took the time to curl herself up and gently flex her body, testing it's abilities. She was definitely flexible, and she knew how well digging worked.

Curiously she tried this shed skin thing she'd seem in the messages. Maybe if she just tried and concentrated and kinda drug herself along the ground a little?

Jason had found himself a seat, having made sure Whimsy and himself had arrived just too late for their flight. They were, naturally, redirected to another flight with room for two extras that would take them to Atlanta.... That left in 5 hours. He patted the poor attendant who had had to deal with that, insisting it was quite alright. He must've been intimidated by Jason's size.

None the less, they'd found a place to wait casually by one of the tram entrances. Quick and easy access, even without his power. And, of course, it was right next to where their gear was stashed.

All according to plan.

At least until the Bluetooth spoke up with Chatterbox's information. "Noted. On standby," he said quietly, leaning back. "Ready?" he asked Whimsy.
Wards: How Do You Like Your Coffee?


Lillian closed her eyes as Elliot brushed them off. At least he came? But Evelyn... She was different. More makeup than Lillian had seen on her before, not by much but it was noticeable. And she seemed almost more confident, perhaps? Maybe that event over Shatterpoint had gone better than she'd thought?

With everyone present though, she cleared her throat nervously. Decoy had trusted her with this for a reason. Right?

"I'm going to ask not to be interrupted while I explain. Please," she pleaded quietly, waiting for a moment before continuing. "I've been working with Decoy the last two weeks and... We've found a Community mole in the PRT. And she's confirmed it to be true. Sonar, Collin... Hasn't ever needed his helmet and he somehow falsified records enough to hide that he never met Hero. He's been spying on the PRT and all of us for months." She took a deep breath and moved on before anyone could speak up. "We need to lay a trap so that Decoy can find who he's relaying his info to. Cause, apparently, he can speak to people with his power and only they'll hear him. We need to convince him, without going to him or tipping him off, that there's something so important he needs to relay it immediately. Once Decoy confirms who he's relaying to we need to move in to take him into custody before he can tell his contact that he's being busted."

With her piece said she looked at her cup, a sad look on her face. "We can't let him get away with this betrayal. I know I haven't been the best teammate to most of you, but I know I can count on you all today. I think that if we pretend we're going after Patriarch, that we know where he is, and we found out somehow that it'll work. Especially if Elliot plays the center piece."

Caesar watched the eating match with a mild amusement, as the enemy tried and failed to gross out the cereal alien. Who, in turn, was making some fantastically delicious seeming meals. It really was an odd match, Caesar couldn't figure out the point of it.

Though at least it was an easy one? It almost didn't seem fair, really, compared to his broken arms and the intensely physical matches so far.

He almost didn't see Feya reaching for him and the others, managing to slip further away while she did... Whatever the hell she was doing. What even was that? Had she gotten into Cedric's stash, per chance?

But wait, she didn't drink! Right?
So, I assume by the Join Status saying "Apply" this is still open?

Yes, it is!
The Community Strikes Back

Chapter One: Lethal Force
As the remaining members of Lethal Force gathered, their wounds only just beginning to heal, it was with a heavy air. They had lost much in the last two months and mentally they were on rocky standing at best. Limbo continued to be unhelpful, if not down right hostile at times while Whip was - well - Whip. Could their partnership survive? Three had died, two had ran away, and all seemed like an uphill battle.

With any luck it would get easier, though, right? It couldn't get worse, surely.

It could.

As the parting question passed through Farce's lips there was a flicker to the lights before the wall to Farce's right exploded, the debris shooting into the room as if hit by a tornado. Stepping over the ruins of the wall was a woman in a white leotard with blue marks along her ribs and a white eyemask. A white and blue bandana covered the lower half of her face. Sonika herself stood before them, easily capable of blocking their attempts at an exit by herself.

As if fate itself wanted a piece of the duo, a thunderous clap echoed into the room as the lights flickered again before a blinding flash shot from the lights above as every light in the building exploded. With another thunderous, deafening clash the door burst in, broken right off it's hinges, before another figured stepped through.

Xolotl, heavy hitting enforcer for the Community, stood in all his Aztec glory.

"Patriarch wishes to have a word." Sonika said clearly.

"Surrender now or feel the wrath of a god!" Xolotl commanded, raising a single hand palm up.

Chapter Two: The Rockers
Adam, who had picked the cape name of Firefly, glanced at Swarm as they entered. While he had only had his powers for a short period of time he had a firm grip on how they functioned and, ultimately, had misgivings about this mission. But they were a team, and he didn't back away from a challenge. As they walked into the 'lobby' he followed just behind Swarm, his hands in his pockets. His unkempt brown hair was a little longer than average, and his brown eyes were more a dirt color. He wore easy clothes you might expect from a 20-something guy fresh out of college.

As the receptionist spoke up, he gestured at Swarm lazily. He wouldn't speak unless he had to, less chance of being tracked later.

Above, unnoticed, two figures appeared on the roof...

@Belladonna@Lemonzest1337(Open invitation to Independents to get involved)
Chapter Three: The City
"LOOK AT ME!" Eyeblight yelled maniacally from the center of downtown as he took on his Breaker form. Panic started nearly immediately in the busy time of day while people went to school and work. Several vehicles crashed into buildings and each other, crushing and running over bystanders, as the area quickly devolved into chaos.

Several blocks away, as Claire started walking down the street a sudden crashing sound would catch her attention before half of a car went tumbling down the street ahead of her. Momentarily after two women stepped into view, talking casually while they caused destruction.

"I've always wanted a sister," the first was saying excitedly. "And getting to work together? It's going to be great!"

"Yeah, sure. Here, let's see if you can put this one in a building," the second said casually as she punched into a parked car, the alarm going off as it vaporized around her fists. Shortly it was in two pieces and the first picked up and threw the back end. A loud crash echoed, followed by screams. "Wonder when those jackass capes from the others gonna show?"

"Well, we're doing what Patriarch wanted, so who cares?"

Nearby a certain dragon woman would hear all the chaos around her...

@Crusader Lord
Chapter Four: The Girl
Allison had left the cape life behind after getting involved in a fight for her life and watching multiple people die. Even causing two of those deaths herself with that cave in!

She'd gone back to college and her life to go back to normal and forget about everything. And she'd been doing amazingly well, everything considered! As she sat in lecture that day for an early class on Parahumans Theory she was slowly proving herself to be one of the top students for that class.

Before the sound of a series gunshots rang out from outside the lecture hall and the sound of screaming and sobbing could be heard.

And then the PA system crackled to life.

"Listen up you birdbrained fucks, I'm here for one bitch with a message. Patriarch sends his regards, Allison Mead. You kill ours and we kill you. You think hiding behind these people, trying to convince yourself you're anything more than a drunk playing at getting a degree? Ha! You're nothing more than a shitstain on the sidewalk. Worthless, stupid, fucking pathetic. I know all your dirty little secrets, so you can either stab yourself in the gut with those fancy blade powers of yours or I'll make you," the well known voice of Masterbaitor rang out through the campus.

All across the city chaos was being spread as various Community members, and apparently every cape aligned with them, started attacking various places of interest. From the mafia to government offices, nowhere seemed safe.

Lillian woke up a little early for once, unease sitting in her stomach. They knew the mole for sure and there was a second suspect. She couldn't believe it, honestly. Staring at her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her hair slowly in her morning ritual for when she needed to calm down for the day she wasn't terribly shocked when her communicator started beeping. Quickly she grabbed it and nodded to herself as she read it.

Quickly she got dressed from her pajamas into comfortable clothes, wearing leggings underneath her skirt and a nice and comfy hoodie for the cold. Within 5 minutes she was already on her way, jogging carefully through the streets as the sun rose lazily. Her breath, visible like a smoker's haze, came rhythmically with her steps as she pulled into a near run.

I won't let you down, she thought, a mantra in her head.

When she pulled up into the little cafe she was barely breathing hard as she ordered a hot chocolate and took her seat back in the corner and waited.

Kendall was the first to arrive, asking about the weather. With a small giggle and a raised eyebrow as she glanced out the window, Lillian took a sip before answering.

"Well, it's a little brisk but nothing surprising for this time of year," she replied softly.

As the rest of the Wards arrived she'd greet them with a friendly hello and smile. As Alessa sat down next to her, Lillian reached over and squeezed her hand before returning her attention to the others. Hopefully her girlfriend would recognize that she was worried, at least.


Jason entered the front of the airport lazily, moving through TSA without any issues with the plane ticket he'd bought and wasn't going to need. The team had spent 15 days preparing for this event. Chatterbox had his influence helping get them their gear inside, they'd planned and thought and argued and there was little that he could see going wrong.

They were going to meet up and retrieve their gear and be ready for...


Jason honestly wasn't very pleased with the lack of information. But it sounded like it was going to be a great fight, at least.

Blue nodded, keeping a firm hand on Bugsy after the initial repeated disasters of him falling, smiling sightly as he tried to explain his joke. "See, that was a good joke. But explaining it kinda made it lose impact. A little confidence, Bugsy, that's all you need. We'll make today a proper win, won't we? No need to feel down." She glanced up, nodding as Leonard appeared. "This is my friend I mentioned was coming, Bugsy. If you want we can continue moving forward, like we talked about. I really want to see you get your time for a full show. It'll be great, just like you."

Torrent watched on curiously, content to just rest during all this talking and observe everyone.

All too soon, however, it was time to go. As she pulled herself up again, she made one final call to those they were leaving behind. "Water got angry fish with big, sharp teeth. Don't recommend the stream or lake."

With that she started moving, speaking to her two allies. "Going by Torrent now. Evolved form, new name. I'm tired, but I can use Fireball and ranged attacks if needed. And assassinate stuff. I'm good at that."
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