Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts


Level 2 - (11/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard
Word Count: 216

Zer0 observed the wreckage of the enemy as he stood atop a mound of debris and dead robots, his sword slung over his shoulder as if he was posing. Was he posing? Yeah, he definitely was.

How had swiveled back towards where they had came, however, as chaos erupted by the sniper and healer. That wasn't acceptable! No sir, not at all.

You know what they say. A Vault Hunters work was never done. He'd need to go help out secure the position and the loot, but first he had something he needed to do.

He grabbed two random spirits after sheathing his sword, crushing one (eradicator) as he had seen the Courier do earlier. In his other hand (scout), however, an odd thought occurred as he wondered what else could be done with these strange things. Surely they weren't just loot boxes? Maybe they could be more than that.

He brought it up closer to his chest, trying to see if he couldn't insert it into his suit like an upgrade, when suddenly it just went in him. Not the suit, but straight in as if it had just became a part of him.

"This may have been a
Bad idea. What the fuck
Did that thing just do?"

Ali was awoken from her dozing from her phone vibrating. A specific kind of vibrating. With a grin she pulled out the device to see who was looking to hire.

Mhmm. Pale Horse. She liked their jobs, normally, and the promise of a decent payout was definitely up her alley. She waited a few moments, however, because the CDA practically always made a counter offer. Sometimes it was more lucrative for her personal skill set. Mostly it was crap, though, in her opinion. But a job was a job.

Sure enough her phone vibrated again with a counter offer. Same pay, either way, but the CDA was offering 20% up front.

Things just got interesting. She had a choice this time. Attack or defend, the money was the same.

But.... Having the advantage of defending from a secure location was the better option for her. Plus that 20% up front was a little more tempting. She tapped to accept the job from the CDA, pulling herself to her feet and pulling out her single earbud. Best not to make it clear who she'd accepted in a situation like this.

Slinging Lisa over her shoulder, she went to get ready for departure.
Hero Name:

Civilian Name:
Allison “Ali” Lillian Chambers


Hero Appearance:

8 meters long. Think Toothless in size.

Civilian Appearance:

Ali stands at 5'4" with bright, innocent blue eyes.

Ali can turn into a small, fast, agile dragon of black coloring with vivid blue eyes tinged with orange around the slits of the pupils.

In this form she has the basic dragon physical capabilities, tooth and claw and limited flight.

She also has a steam breath, able to produce it in a directed stream or an AoE visibility denial. She can also produce it from her nostrils for an attempt at an intimidation factor.

Torrent awoke peacefully, slowly chimming to consciousness. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a fairly easy rest like that. She observed the little base they had made, a twinge of pride stirring in her, as she uncurled herself and exited their little base.

Drinking from the stream she listened to the others, thinking on all the progress they had made the day before, when the mention of the rogue goblin came up. She'd thought she had been imagining it with her groggy mind, but the confirmation made her awaken properly with a jolt. Her instincts told her to go after it, scout out the enemy like she'd done in the cave, but she quelled the thought in favor of Obeeom's suggestions. The fact that Ash was in agreement solidified the choice even more as she considered her options.

"9 points into Spell Cancel," she muttered. That was another new ability that might become useful. She wanted to learn Magic Break as well, though she didn't have enough skill points. Maybe Oberon would be willing to help her, since she was fairly confident that breaking his shield back before the goblins had advanced the other day was what had started that.

On the other hand she really wanted Suppress Presence. It would really help her stealth capabilities. Not that she needed much help there at this point.

Idly she wondered about the color shift ability. It was going to be useful, but she wanted to test something. Stepping into the stream carefully, she tried to activate the ability with the focus on the water around her. It would be interesting to see what happened.

Regardless of the results, she stepped back onto dry land and looked at Ash.

"I've got a lot of stealth abilities going on. I'll hunt. Maybe bring back meat. I'm good at being unnoticed, even before all this." She nodded slightly to herself before noticing that her skin was here. "And Ash? I want you to have my skin there. You like to test and experiment, right? Maybe it'll be useful to you."
I think the others summed it up well enough, and the only thing I really have to add for Torrent in "section three" is that she's going to focus on getting Glob leveled up and try to get Muffle III if possible. She'd be testing Fire Breath of there's time to try and extend the effect.

As for the issue you mentioned above, we discussed it in the discord and decided the best course of action would be to build it while leaving in support pillars. That way we don't need outside supplies and the structure will hold itself up.@Zeroth

Level 2 - (6/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard
Word Count: (I didn't count, but it's less than 750 obviously)

Zer0 took the time to carefully observe the situation. Ratchet had taken off with Kirby, Bowser had been a fool, the fat new guy was charging in with a chain that was ridiculously long, and half the robots had gone still. Looks like the Courier's little plan had worked. Zer0, not one to waste an opportunity, quickly stealthed and moved to flank the now exposed turrets and remains bots.

Almost lovingly he pulled up his sniper, taking aim, and fired. His bullet ripped forth through the stationary turrets before he fired several more times in the span of a few seconds to tear into the engineers as well.

With that done he moved to flank them from behind. Unsheathing his sword he moved forward, stabbing it up through the back of one of the robots so that the tip extended from it's head. Quickly pulling it out, he began moving quickly, low to the ground to give less of a target, and began his rampage through the back ranks of any surviving mechs that hadn't gone down from his b0re the other's gunfire.
Fucking. Yes. If you'll have me, Sel, I am so in.
@Crusader Lord@Yoshua171@Belladonna@PlatinumSkink@Spiffy

And a call out for all the people left in the Community situations.
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