Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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I hope you like Symbiotes....
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Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
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Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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Torrent shook her head, letting herself relax. There was nothing that could be done about this situation anymore.

"I'm going to go rest. No point in hunting now. We should leave by the evening, though. Between the goblin and this disaster I don't think it's safe to stay long term anymore," she said as Digby moved and Ash fluttered her way up a tree. She moved back towards their base camp, curling up and resting. She closed her eyes, and after a little time has passed decided to try once experiment before resting proper.

Channeling her magic like she would for her fire abilities, she tried to mix her venom with the fire. Fire magic was more than just fire, she thought, and it made sense that it could be manipulated. Looking at one of the inner walls, she took several minutes of concentrating on trying to combine the two in her own mouth. When she thought she might have a chance, she activated Fire Breath as she blew out Poison Breath.

A second thought occurred to her, however, regardless of the success of her experiment. Jason, for all his faults, had been a powerful mage in her mind. And he always talked and he made those little circles. Could it be that the words could extend as a spell?

"Fire and venom, damaging two, combine together as I spew!" she said as she channeled the magic for a second attempt, releasing the abilities again.

She tried to use Magic Analysis on the results before laying her head down to Meditate and rest proper.

Which led to her thinking.

The Demon King's reaction to being prayed to, however, made her think. It sounded like he didn't want to be considered a god because there already was gods. She wasn't sure what gods might exist, though it made sense that they'd probably be over different elements at least. None of those interested her.

But if there was something that could help her grow even stronger, stealthier...

She needed to be stronger. The attack had made that even clearer to her.

"Mistress of shadows, if you even exist and I'm not just thinking myself all wrong, hear my plea. I need more power, I need to be better, I need to be more than I am. This world is one of might like my old life, I've seen it over and over, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that there's nothing wrong in submitting to someone more than yourself. Give me a sign and I will follow. I am already stealthy and dangerous, I am strong. I will do whatever I need to do to be more. I'd grow more heads if it would help and I knew how. I offer myself in exchange for more. I beg — no, I demand to enter into your service."

Would she get an answer or a sign? She didn't expect much. Hell, she might just be muttering to herself at this point. But she had to try. She needed to grow more. She needed to grow faster.

Level 3: 6/30
Location Scrapyard – End
Word Count: 1,286

Zer0 watched with satisfaction as his bullets pierced through the mech. That satisfaction quickly turned into irritation as the bullets apparently didn't strike the weakpoint because the damn thing just kept going. He would've made a snarky comment at the one who had given out the intel for not updating it, but it wasn't worth the effort. He still had a badass to kill, after all.

But before he could open fire again, he saw that his bullets had ripped into his new friend / fellow Vault Hunter, who was now struggling as the tank's turret had plowed into him. Disappointment at himself and the Courier welled up within him as he started running forward as the tank flew up into the sky with a solid rocket jump. With a simple push of his limbs, Zer0 sent himself over the moat while the others continued the attack. They would do fine, he decided, because that jump was a last ditch effort if Zer0 had ever seen one.

Even Jack had had one, right before Zer0 and his friends had kicked the fucking face in of the Destroyer and Lilith had melted the bastard like the skag-sucker that he was. Even now Zer0 could only wish for the most painful of deaths for that maniac. Worse than any of the psychos on Pandora, worse than even the failures of the Badass Arena of Badassitude. He had been a plague on the galaxy, abusing his own kin for gain, and everwhere was better with him gone. Zer0 just hoped that he stayed dead. The only one he knew of who had tried to bring the deadman back, Professor Nakyama, had died when he'd fell down his holo-stairs like the pathetic little man that he had been. Destroying his samples of DNA should have been enough, but with this Galeem...Zer0 hoped that he didn't take the dead, too.

Zer0 stealthed as Death himself launched onto the offensive. He landed running, unstealthing moments later, before hearing more than seeing the demise of the tank bot while the engineer and his turret went down like a grubby Bullymong popped in the head. Unfortunately, the Courier wasn't much better off at this point. B0re was a highly useful skill, but Zer0 was used to allies who didn't get behind an enemy when there was a sniper who's bullets penetrated everything on the other side. He was also used to Maya and her ability to just shoot them back to full health whenever she felt like it, or using her Siren abilities to just instantly revive them from the brink of death. Sure they could all pick each other back up, but she could do it immediately and at a distance.

He really missed his team. They worked so well together. Idly he wondered where they might be. If they would be found in this world as a puppet like everyone else had been so far. The thought was a little disheartening and a little exciting, if he was being honest. That would be a real challenge, fighting his fellow Vault Hunters. The badasses of all badasses.

He stepped up towards the Courier, who had made a mad dash to grab the spirit left from Bastion while Zer0 had still been in the air. A shake of his head, and Zer0 crouched beside his comrade. So many of their rather large team had gotten injured, he couldn't imagine that it had to do with the size of the team. They didn't work together like how he and the Courier had in the canyon. Zer0 didn't even mind that he didn't know the name of the drifter. A little mystery was healthy, something that he knew tenfold more than anyone else.

Blazermate had done the brunt of the stabilizing of his friend, consuming the spirit of the Engineer before continue her work to heal the Courier back to full health. With a nod towards the robot, he held out a hand for the Courier to take.

“I apologise.
Miscalculation, but you
Should learn how to dodge.”

The apology wasn't the greatest, but Zer0 also wasn't the only one at fault in this kind of situation. He'd just need to keep better track of his new allies so that they didn't get in the way of his bullets. A simple enough personal challenge for him to beat.

Pulling the Courier to his feet once Blazermate was done with her administrations, regardless of if the man had accepted his hand, Zer0 continued speaking.

“Badass you may be
But even badasses can
Fall victim to death.”

With that said, he went to collect one of the souls (the Biri Spirit) from the moat now that Bowser had decided to blow them up. Might as well take advantage of the situation, if no one else was going to. Holding the random soul in his hand for a moment before he crushed it to collect its loot, Zer0 considered what it would give him. Maybe he'd get lucky and get a better sniper, though b0re really made even the worst of snipers more then capable of destroying even the Bunker.

Whatever the weapon was going to turn out to be, however, it would be useful. If not for him, then maybe for an ally. And hell, maybe duping worked in this world, too. He'd need to ask Michael if he would be willing to test that out with his big ass sniper. Zer0 could feel his fingers itching to get his hands on that thing. He crushed the soul, a brief thought of what that meant for the souls themselves before he decided that he could think about those thoughts later.

Glancing up at the castle, he was reminded of the time that they had stormed the deserts to take on Captain Scarlet. Her mighty sandskid was, arguably, almost like a fortress. Add in that Hyperious the Invincible had taken refuge in a giant rig...

Would there be a Hyperious hiding within? A new target, a new Raid Boss? He couldn't help but feel that the bright light falling was a signal of a real challenge waiting for him. He'd find it one way or another, defeat whatever beast the orb of light had summoned for them, and collect the loot that it dropped.

Or he wasn't a Vault Hunter. Falling back into step beside the Courier, Zer0 tried to track where the light landed. He'd remember where it landed if he could make out any of its surroundings, and he'd make sure he came across it eventually.

“Follow the light, de-
feat the raid boss that follows
Burn it all to dust.”

He spoke softly, likely softly enough that only those closest to him would hear, but his voice carried a hint of emotion to it for the first time since they had all awoken. It was a flavoring of anger, perhaps, or maybe excitement. No one but him would know for sure, but each thought of what he was feeling was about as correct as the rest.

This was his obsession. He flourished in violence and challenges, and having something as powerful as a Raid Boss to look forward to, for that was what he assumed it to be, was like giving an alcoholic the most expensive bottle of liquor on the planet.

And the fact that this Galeem was not unlike one of the Eridian weapons like the Warrior had been? That only added more to the fire burning within him. The greatest challenge of all just sat there in the sky, waiting for him.

Waiting for him to destroy it.

“A million stars
A bright light turns red with blood
As the light is snuffed.”


Level 2 - (13/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard - End
Word Count: 306

Zer0's mask displayed a frowning emoji as everyone seemed to ignore his dramatic posing, though he couldn't necessarily blame them. There was a lot going on at the moment.

So, instead, he simply leaned on his sword while watching the conversation between the sniper and the Courier. He couldn't necessarily blame the Courier for his reaction, nor could he much blame any of the others for their's.

Not that he really cared much. Interpersonal conflict was so very boring. There was no challenge to it. There was no loot to be gained, unless you killed the other of course. It was all talk, talk, talk, yap, yap, yap, blah blah —

Oh, they were leaving. Well, that was a pleasant surprise at least.

Slinging his sword back into its sheath, Zer0 fell into step beside his comrade.

The battlefield was a mess by the time that they arrived. The Courier set off towards the moat while everyone else jumped into whatever needless actions they were planning.

Something was exploding, which really was irritating. Why did everything have to expose? Those dumb Gremlins back in the canyon. These dumb things. The stupid suicide psychos back on Pandora. Boom Bewm.


Zer0 dropped to one knee, pulling up his scope to line up with the tank. A freaking tank-turret-thing. Whatever. It was dead soon anyways.

He lined up on the thing's center mass, lining up his shot so that the bullet would penetrate through the hull and into the odd reactor looking thing on its back. Going through the core of its body was all the more helpful now that b0re was activated again.

As the Courier made his attack, Zer0 pulled the trigger.

BAM. BAM. BAM. One, two, three bullets sent in quick succession.

How he wished he had a corrosive Maliwan right now.
Please feel free to skip me this round. Zer0's just going to be following the Courier and I don't like making posts just for the sake of getting XP for meaningless actions, y'know?

Ali opened her eyes slowly. She'd been laying here for hours after having nightmares of her parents divorce. She didn't know what the nightmares were exactly, but the feelings leftover as she entered into consciousness, as well as the tear streaks on her face, were enough for her to figure it out.

She supposed part of all of this was her fault. She'd been the one to catch her father cheating. She just didn't understand why he'd done those things. Were they not good enough? Was she not good enough? Did they do something wrong?

She'd the last several hours pondering those questions. She didn't regret choosing her mother in the least. She loved her mother and her mother loved her. Sure they were in an apartment now, but it was a nice one. Not all cramped like some of the ones closer to the heart of the city.

Her mind returned to the look on her father's face when they'd left the day before. It scared her a little bit of a lot, if she was being honest with herself. He didn't know where they'd been going, mother had made Ali promise not to tell, but she felt like that didn't matter to him.

He'd kinda looked at them like they were the ones doing the bad things.


She shut her alarm off suddenly, forcefully, as her heart pounded in her chest. She must've dozed off at some point. She glared daggers at the alarm clock, how dare it scare her so violently back into reality, before she pulled herself out bed.

Getting dressed was a chore. Starting a new school, she wanted to look at least halfway decent. First impressions mattered, no matter what people tried to say about not judging a book by its cover. That was crap. Everyone always judged by first impressions, and it could take forever to get people to look past their first impressions.

As she picked her outfit (See CS picture), she could smell breakfast from down below. Hurrying down, she started her day.

Some time later, Ali was on her way to school. It wasn't a far walk, only about fifteen minutes, but she felt worried on so many levels. A new school, new home, new life. What was the worst that could happen?
The Community Strikes Back

Chapter Two: The Rockers
As Creep called Broker, the phone was promptly picked up. As she began to request help, however, she was promptly over talked as the man explained that the Community was attacking everybody and they had their own problems to deal with.

The call to her allies connected to everyone, at least. Though not everyone gave any indication of agreement.

Inside, the building was threatening to collapse as it took more damage from something further in. Most everyone had evacuated at this point, though Swarm and his ally had apparently elected to stay and fight. Several arrows shot out through the wall at the two, stopped by Swarm's influence.

(Open invitation to Independents to get involved)
Chapter Three: The City
As Sylph declared her challenge, looking towards the thud she had heard, a grisly sight met her eyes. A young girl, maybe 10 years in age, lay in a crumpled heap. Surrounded by blood, her limbs in awkward angles, bones protruding from flesh. It was a terrible sight, made all the worse by the knowledge that the girl must've seized when she looked out the window to see what was going on below.

Would Sylph blame herself for not preventing the girl's death? There was no guarantee that the child had died on impact.

However, their was no reply from Eyeblight. Where was he?

From above, Outsider could see the villain was off to the side, across the electrical lines going towards a cafe. In a moment the villain entered the building...

As Metanoia prepared herself, Celia glanced at the chunk of shield she held in her hands. As Abaddon began to rise into view, she flicked the bone plate at the cape before charging in closer to Meta to engage. She struck out with a snap jab towards Meta's chest, her other arm flicking out to grab the changer’s left sword.

Down below, Lamprey pulled out a handgun, before firing a clip up at Abaddon.

@Crusader Lord
Chapter Four: The Girl
At Allison's words, the PA system went quiet. Deathly quiet.

More gunfire erupted at her, and she could hear a small sound as it cut off abruptly. Was something bouncing along the floor closer to her?

Lillian closed her eyes, her jaw clenched, and her fingers curling into fists as she focused on her breathing. She only stopped when Colin was unconscious. Stepping forward, she unhooked his game console from the plug, pulling out the power cord, and proceeded to pull his hands behind his back. Pulling out one of the PRT handcuffs, she cuffed him and then tied his feet together, winding the cord around the chain of the cuffs while she was at it. It wouldn't pull, but it would ensure that he wasn't going to be getting up and making problems if he awoke before someone got to him.

And who knew how long that could take? With the entire department busy? She could barely believe that they had to deal with Protean. Her heart hurt at the thought before she took a deep breath.

"We need to get him outside. I can't do anything inside except get in the way. We know he'll beat us in hand to hand. Outside I can go Mega. Or at least in the training room. We can do this.... Together." Her voice was small, quiet but audible, as she swallowed and stepped forward. "He might've taught us a lot, but he didn't teach us everything we know."

After a moment of hesitation, she stepped out of the room.


Jason, as soon as Sofia and CB were clear, took off at a sprint towards the villain. With a light push off his power he vaulted over the would be rambler, spinning around upon landing to lash out with his fist.

Ali arrived a mere minute after the last two mercs coming for the mission, reading in the view in front of her as she walked up.

The Second CDA Response and Refugee Centre was a busy busy place. Forklifts and trucks rumbled back and forth, marked with the CDA’s distinctive triangle signange. White and yellow was everywhere, shouts and commands mixed in with the noise of machinery. A squat helicopter sat on a cleared out space that, if one was generous, could be called a helipad, a woman with a clipboard and earpiece rapidly coming to the gate as Ali approached. Business as usual, really, for the few times she worked with them.

“FOR THE JOB?” The woman shouted over the roar of the facility.

“Aye," Ali replied, equally as loud. The woman consulted her clipboard for a second, then swiped an ID card through a door and lead her through. From there they went to some sort of reception, where a few details were tapped into a computer and a plastic lanyard was handed over to her. All official like. Ali accepted the lanyard quietly, winking at the woman

“Wear that on your persons whenever you’re in this facility. If you don’t, security is going to have words with you. Wait here for more mercenaries, and you’ll get a briefing before you’re up in the air.”

Stepping forward, it seemed that she was the forth one to show. Not a bad looking team, all things considered. What interested her, however, was not the dozing guy or the girl cleaning her weapon for what looked like the millionth time. No, it was the woman with one fancy looking rifle and the earbuds.

Setting herself down next to the woman, Ali pulled out her own rifle for a quick spot check. Making sure her scope hadn't shifted or been knocked out of focus, a quick check that she was good on ammunition. A check off her pistol. She nodded to herself, holding her sniper close as she leaned back and settled in to wait.

If her guess was right, it looked like she wasn't the only sniper to accept the job. A grin slipped across her face at the thought.

Torrent looked at the water, thinking. Trying to use her Scale Shift with water had turned her mildly... Transparent? It made her a lighter color, at any rate. Maybe she could work with that later to become invisible proper...

And then everything changed. She was terrified, she was going to die, and this was —

It was over. As quickly as it had came it was over. And one word stuck in her mind, even over the exploded mountain and the intimidation presence of the... Thing.

Someone had prayed.

"WHO. DID. IT?" Her voice was clear, but full of danger. "I told you not to pray. I TOLD YOU THE DEMON KING WARNED ME. Now who just tried to kill us all?"

She activated her Scale Shift on the ground beneath her feet instinctively, blending herself as her blood thundered through her as the flight response turned to fight.

"We were supposed to be safe to grow."

Level 2 - (12/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard
Word Count: 316

The moment the robo-scout's spirit slipped inside him, an incredible energy filled him. It flowed through every circuit, pumped through every vein, and suffused every cell—not the pain of burning, or the shock of electrocution, but a pure influx of energizing vitality. To onlookers, it appeared as though his body softened, becoming malleable as liquid while maintaining its shape. A split second, his particles re-coalesced, but each with an essentially different aspect. The assassin didn't lose a part of himself, but had become something more than he had been.

And it made him feel power.

He looked down, more curious than surprised at the changes to his legs. They looked... Kinda shitty, honestly. But they feel better, in a way, like there was more to them.

His visor lit up, not red but blue, with an emote as he looked across the way towards where the Courier had ran off to.


In a second he took off, running at a dead sprint. Nimbly he stepped around his slower allies, darting past them with far superior speed that had only increased in the last few moments. As he came upon the hill he jumped, launching himself higher than he ever had on his own before, and found himself jumping a second time in thin air! With deadly efficiency he drew his sniper, slamming in one of the rounds from the ammo case he'd gotten, and fired the shot into the pile left behind by the cloaked figure.

As his jump turned into downward momentum he drew his sword, disappearing from view. The only thing visible from his landing was the sudden flurry of strikes against the downed robots. He reappeared, his sword poking through the wreckage, with one foot on top of the pile and a hand on his hip.

"Turn to ash and die.
My sword cleaves, executing
Even Badasses."
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