Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

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Jason stopped for a brief moment as Hunter disabled the bomb, only to immediately turn and start running as bomb after bomb started appearing. By the time Chatterbox had started calling for him, he was already almost there. Grabbing Whimsy, he put the on his back and started moving.

"Do what you do best, Whimsy. We're ending this," he said quickly.

As he ran past Alloy he scooped her up under his arm, grunting at the added weight and the interruption of his momentum. Flipping his power, he was off.

They moved faster than any human could hope to, each step taking them a good dozen feet forward.

There was a pattern. A clear pattern. Jason didn't go for the next appearance spot, no, he went for the one after that, so they'd be there before it was opening.

He set Alloy down, crouching as he took her hand.

When the portal opened, he'd dash in and grab the little bastard, yanking him out and back into their reality. And he'd make sure he stayed here, one way or another.

The Community Strikes Back

Chapter Two: The Rockers
Everyone around seemed to come to the decision that the HQ was a lost cause, and that continuing to battle there would only result in a worsening situation.

Swarm and Firefly exited unmolested by the hallucinatory gas that Mire produced, and we're lucky enough thanks to the blinding to avoid being skewered.

Mire promptly followed, crashing through the front doors in a blind rage. Her gas followed, quickly spreading out in the direction of her momentum for several seconds before it would start to fill the street. The unconscious Rockers from the reception area, who were in the street, were quickly blanketed in the gas.

At that point, Sheila's phone alerted her of a reply. It seemed the bulk of her forces had condensed together, and had followed protocol to only reply with one message for a group. All in all it seemed only six were unaccounted for, not counting Visage or Pester. Two were in the street, however, but there was no word on the other four.

As Chad blanketed a large portion the only remaining intact portion of the bill HQ in lava, things suddenly changed. Another loud crash sounded from the building, and moments later an impressive figure rose above the ruins. Her appearance, from the wings to the general eye-catching nature of her appearance, filled everyone looking with a sense of "Friend / Ally".

A well known independent hero, Angel had made her official showing as she flew slowly forward. She was here to help! With a smooth movement, she pointed down towards the groups on the street.

And in a burst of smoke, an edge-lord looking man appeared, bow in hand, at street level. Rend, former member of the Minutemen before their disbandment, raised his weapon directly at the gas cloud. He fired before he disappeared, arrows flying from multiple directions towards Swarm's bubble of safety inside the gas, and at Mire before her form was obscured.

"Stand down!" Angel commanded as she landed the concrete with enough force to crack it. Rising from her 'superhero landing', she crossed her arms. Keeping just out of reach of the gas.

Chapter Three: The City
As Sylph blundered, Eyeblight cackled and continued his approach. This was a bad situation all around, but Sylph's mind was already freying at the edges. How could she hope to beat what she couldn't see? She had to know that she was at the limits of what she could take without having her mind ruined from his power. If she could get back to the hole, maybe Outsider could help subdue the madman.

As it turned out, that wouldn't be necessary. As Sylph's barrier started up, she could faintly hear a strange sound. Almost like gas?

And then a bright light flared against the darkness of her eyelids, accompanied by the sound of a woman yelling. And then came the scream. A raw, primal sound filled with terror, not unlike the sounds of Eyeblight's victims. But it was in his own voice?

If Sylph opened her eyes, she'd see a man in a burlap ragdoll outfit that was on fire. His body was already covered in 3rd degree burns that didn't look fresh, and he was running towards her in a blind panic. Behind him was a stream of fire from a homemade flamethrower that the girl had managed to make up.

It seemed Eyeblight had abandoned his Breaker form, was insensate with terror and panic, and was going to jump out the hole in the wall.

@Crusader Lord
Chapter Four: The Girl
As Allison ran, she could hear footsteps pounding after her, followed by a scream and the sound of something wet hitting the floor. It seemed her barriers were working, at any rate, but for how long? There were a lot of ways through the building, and there were bound to be more goons coming for her.

As she went deeper towards the source of the PA system, the sound of many sirens would reach her ears.

"TROLL! WE HAVE THE BUILDING SURROUNDED. SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY OR BE TAKEN BY FORCE, YOUR CALL!" a voice called out from a loud speaker. It seemed the PRT had appeared.

"Everyone relax and stay where you are. If you're not with the Community and Troll, you have nothing to worry about," the calm voice of Morales came over the speaker.

"Oh fuck you, you fucking cumsponges. Go fuck a firetruck you goddamn neanderthal," MB's voice sounded over the PA system almost immediately in response.
Another huge call-out. Tsktsk.

For the Wards:

For the Jacks:
@yoshua171@BCTheEntity@Old Amsterdam@Crusader Lord

You have 5 days. I'm currently waiting for more Jacks before I drop a Jason post, and I know Yosh said he'd be late. But official yada yada.
The Community Strikes Back

Chapter Two: The Rockers
The woman let out a bit of a laugh at the scene in front of her as Mire struck out. Her attack penetrated the force Swarm was protecting, heading straight for him as he stood there confidently. It was only they the quick action of his ally Firefly that he wasn't killed on the spot. The two tumbled to the ground as Firefly shot another burst of whatever at Mire, burning another hole in her. "I think it's time to leave," he muttered to Swarm as he pulled the man to his feet.

It was then that an arrow flew through from the roof, slamming into Mire's head hard enough that it might as well have been a brick. Curiously, however, was the fact that it didn't penetrate. At all. It just hit her full on.

That was when the woman stepped forward, slowly extending her wings and flapping, hard. Mire's gas that had managed to get around Swarm was blown back and away temporarily, leaving Swarm and Firefly practically blind outside of their little bubble of safety.

Speaking of the gas, it seemed that it was beginning to push out through the front doors...

(Open invitation to Independents to get involved)
Chapter Three: The City
As Sylph was pushed quickly through the window, she had a split second to get her bearings before that maniacal laughing hit her ears. Exiting the room, which seemed to be a bedroom if she bothered to look, she entered a sparsely decorated living room. Across from her, beating on a closet door, was her target.

As she looked at him, she felt something shift in her. (Insert permanent nervous twitch here). She pushed through it, however, shooting a blast of air at him that practically flattened him against the door. He turned, looking straight at her, before he abandoned the door in favor of her.

"LOOK. AT. ME." he commanded. Behind him, the closet door had a hole from where he'd attacked it, and Sylph could just barely see a small child in the arms of a teenager. The young woman had her eyes screwed shut, tears streaming down her face, as she held the crying baby to her chest keeping it from looking at the villain. Sylph had less than seconds to act before he would be on her.

Lillian ran. She'd hardly ever ran so fast as she did today. Following the directions, she raided the... Security locker? Secret stash? She really didn't know what to call it, and there wasn't any time to worry about it.

Strapping the combat rifle to her back, she set back off towards the others with the pistol and grenade in hand.

She'd never fired a gun before, but she knew how to use the grenade. And guns weren't hard, right? They used them in movies all the time, and she'd seen the troopers use them before. Well, hold them. The one thing she'd noticed with the troopers compared to real life, however, was that they kept their fingers actually off the trigger unless they were actively using the gun. Like when they'd arrested the Rockers. She mimicked that as she ran.

"Decoy, what's the ammo in these? Rubber or live?" she asked quietly.

"Experimental containment foam rounds."

Well, that was a surprise. She nodded to herself, gripping the pistol more securely.

As she neared the battle zone again, she slowed down. Making sure she wasn't making too much noise, she'd arguably be impossible to hear except through enhanced senses like her own.

As she neared the hole she'd made, she readied the grenade. Protean was breathing heavily she could hear, and she'd caught mention of something about a Father.

As she came to the hole, she acted. Darting into the room, she tossed the grenade, activating it's mechanism, and aimed towards the space between Protean and the wall. If she timed it right, it would activate without risking going too far and catching her friends.

Immediately after letting go of the grenade, she pulled back her other hand and threw the gun, safety on, as hard as she could towards Kens' hiding place. She couldn't leave any asset unused here. And she could smell the gunpowder. He'd shot something recently, she was sure of it. He could make use of that pistol.

Once the pistol left her hands, she pulled the assault rifle around. It was big, odd to handle for an inexperienced kid like herself, but she did the best she could. She took aim at Protean and she aimed low. Even if she missed she'd just be hitting the floor.

She flipped the safety off and pulled the trigger.

Torrent watched the goblins leave, a little smug at having been mistaken for a demon or something. She really was one with the shadows at this point, wasn't she? Her stealth skills were getting better, stronger.

She was getting better, stronger.

While the others started to separate, going about their own business, Torrent took the moment to slither away. She followed Digby stealthily for a few minutes before becoming bored, and turned her attention to roaming in an ever wider circle around their camp. Any plants she found she used her plant analysis on, utilizing her other analysis skills if it seemed like there was something magical or different about the plant, and ate what she could to fill herself up.

From there, she thought.

Her attempt at combining spells just hadn't worked out right. But if she had had a way to cast them together, but still separate, things might've gone better. But she'd need, what, another head or something to even do that. How did one even manage something like that?

She certainly didn't know, at least not at the moment, so she instead turned her attention towards something she could do.

"I hope I've pleased you," she said quietly while she rested. Her eyes were on her shadow as she spoke. She needed to know if it had been a trick of her mind or if there had been a sign of something watching. "A sign would be nice. I want to prove myself to you, being of Shadows. But how, I wonder..."

Level 3: 11/30 (+3 for post, -1 for Friend Heart)
Location Moat – Various
Word Count: 1,233

Zer0 disappeared halfway to Gaige, the girl's fierce expression turning to one of surprise for just a moment before she took a defensive stance. Calling Deathtrap back to her, the robot almost made it before Zer0 reappeared, not behind Gaige as the teenager had been expecting, but slightly to her side. With her between him and the robot, Zer0 swung his sword. Gaige, for her part, reacted faster than one might expect, barely getting her mechanical arm up to block the attack. A clang of metal, not unlike the sound of Zer0's blade connecting with Deathtrap's body, rang out before the assassin disappeared again. Deathtrap moved to cover the girl with the bulk of his hulking mass, attempting to provide her a defense against the unseen assailant. Zer0, however, had worked with the duo for a rather long amount of time, fighting through all kinds of hordes together as they tackled challenges and enemies. As much as they knew him, he knew them. The difference was that, since being revived by Kirby's Friend Heart, Zer0 had had a chance to grow past his default state. While these two were buffed to three times their base abilities, they were still at their base level. Or so Zer0 figured, anyways. That pistol, and her mechanical arm, were all Gaige actually had in terms of abilities to attack him directly, and Deathtrap was limited to his enhanced movement and melee strikes. While those were all formidable, made even worse by the buff, Zer0 was a master in close range combat.

Zer0 had noticed that advantage. And he was going to take advantage of it, abuse it, and win. So far he had only engaged the pair in melee combat, making them be on guard for a close range sneak attack, in particular. He had played them on their field, and while he had the superior skills, they had each other and enhanced power. An assassination attempt, really, with a sudden reappearance and a quick strike for a vital spot.

Zer0 had, instead, immediately backed off after his last attack, using his own enhanced movement speed to gain some distance before launching himself into the air as high as he could.

He reappeared, above the sight of both Gaige and Deathtrap who were looking around instead of up, and took aim with the sniper and unleashed a series of shots, expending the entire clip. Six bullets shot out, ripping their way through Deathtrap's bulk, and clipping into relatively non-vital areas on Gaige herself. While the robot took all six, only three had managed to clip Gaige. She cried out in pain while Zer0 activated his air jump, reloading as he came safely back to the earth. He rolled, moving fluidly into a run as he holstered the gun, aiming to put some distance between himself and the incoming Deathtrap.

His shots seemed to have had an effect on the bot, it's flight seeming to be slightly off-kilter as the light of it's eye dimmed. As Zer0 made a course for Gaige, the girl unloaded the rest of her pistol's clip at him, her aim slightly off. Still, a bullet ripped through his left shoulder, knocking him off balance and to the ground while another one punched into his left hip. While he recovered quickly, it wasn't quick enough to avoid the swipe by the death bot.

Zer0 went flying, deep claw marks in his back, barely managing to activate his stealth ability as he rolled and bounced across the ground. As his visor settled on Gaige, who had been moving closer to finish him off, he settled into a crouch as she came within range. Assassinate.

Whoosh! The air rushed past him as he dashed, faster even than he could normally, unsheathing his blade as the distance closed rapidly. He struck out, hard, his momentum carrying him past Gaige as he uncloaked and skidded to a halt. The girl stood still for a moment, her mouth open in an almost comical O, before collapsing to her knees and then the ground. A hole had been opened up in her side.

Zer0 turned, sheathing his sword as Deathtrap dematerialized, making his way as quickly as he could to Gaige. Flipping her over, he noted that she was still alive. He bent down bringing out a Friend Heart carefully. From what he had gathered, from watching the Courier earlier and listening to the Master of Masters, this would revive her. He could save her. He could have one of his teammates back. He would be one step closer to being able to put all this craziness back to how it was supposed to be. He could fix things with a proper team.

There was no hesitation as he put the Heart into her chest. He watched on, intrigued, as the color returned to her. He fired off his sniper, into the sky, before pressing the heated barrel against the wound he had inflicted upon her. Cauterizing the wound, while helpful, wouldn't be enough. He needed to get her to Blazermate. Hell, he needed to get himself there. He watched, mildly intrigued as the girl opened her eyes slowly, hissing in pain.

“What the hell, Zer0?” She grumbled, accepting the hand he held out for her. He pulled her up slowly, giving a slight pat against her back.

“The Light is banished,
My friend is herself again,
Let us rampage, yes?”

She snorted in reply, punching his shoulder with her metal arm. “Good old Zer0, haven't changed a bit.”

Zer0 pointed back towards the others, leading Gaige so that they could find Blasermate. The odd robot would be able to fix them up. If they were any lesser creatures instead of the mighty Vault Hunters that they were, they might have killed each other.

But Vault Hunters weren't that easy to kill.

“You got some...interesting legs there, Zer0,” Gaige commented as they walked, slowly, towards their destination. He shrugged in reply, not offering an explanation. Typical. “Noticed you got some fancy color and additions to your helmet. The hell happened? You getting upgrades without including me and DT?”

Zer0 shook his head.

“Spirits absorbed, give
Buffs. Broken for loot. Or save
For a new summon.”

It was one of the most straightforward answers he had ever given. Gaige's eyebrows furrowed at that as they supported each other, her mind running through the possibilities. Blazermate, noticing them, made her way to meet them halfway, on the edge of the moat, and promptly began healing Zer0. As that was happening, he pointed at Gaige to indicate that she too needed healing, which Blazermate was happy to provide.

Gaige, meanwhile, was carefully inspecting the medibot.

“So, what are you? You're really high tech, but it's not like anything I've seen before. Definitely better than anything those Hyperion bootlickers could make. What are you, Atlas?” she jabbered out in excitement, completely missing the mention of Galeem.

Zer0 looked over the battlefield, as more and more of the individual fights wrapped up or were already over, looking to see if there was anything that he could do. A challenge, some loot, whatever. It didn't seem like much, other than the big Bowser who had entered the castle. Though if that aura of his didn't turn off....Now there was a challenge.

Lillian skidded to a halt just barely in time to avoid getting stuck in the silk blocking the doorway. There was no way she could slide through, so she turned around in anticipation of an attack as Protean spoke. A scent caught her by surprise, the smell of gunpowder and cigarettes. What was the Director doing down here?

Sure enough, a snake was shooting at her. She twisted, moving out of the way, and transformed to the biggest she could in such an enclosed space. She snapped down on the snake's head before it fully correct itself to chase after her, severing it and letting the head fall to the floor. In the next instance, she spun back around, crashing through the wall.

That hurt, but she still had a plan to enact. With all the others occupying Protean, she slipped back into her human form and took off running.

"Decoy, I need directions to the trooper's armory, please!" she said urgently as she kept running.

She hoped her friends would be okay until she got back. And that the Director wouldn't do anything rash...


Jason blinked, mildly surprised by the sudden corporeality of the villain before lunging at him. He was just a hair too slow, however, and he was suddenly looking at a bomb.


"Can you do anything about this, Headhunter?" he asked quickly. "Or should I take it and try to get it out of here?"

Torrent was mildly confused by the entire exchange before she became rather irritated with these goblins. And, of course, there were goblins everywhere. And they just wanted to use her and her friends for some kind of goblin war.

Fucking goblins.

As they prepared to leave, however, she spoke up, maintaining her stealth.

"Rattleskull is dead. We killed him. He was weak and didn't know his place."

Her piece said, she watched them leave, keeping herself alert for any sign of changed behavior.

Once they were out of earshot, she spoke to her friends.

"Either we go with them tomorrow, or we leave. This place isn't safe anymore if we're not going with them." Her tone displayed her irritation at the situation. Between the mountain exploding bastard and these goblins, this was no longer a safe haven like she had wanted it to be. "I'll defer to you all in what we do. But I don't want to be used by people who aren't my friends."

She scooped at some dirt in front of their little hideout, making a small trench of sorts to vent some of her frustrations.

"I need more heads," she grumbled to herself, reflecting on her experiment before she was rudely interrupted by the goblins.

Torrent was mildly relieved when she didn't blow herself up this time, though it had been close. She'd at least learned a decent bit from her quick experiment, even if she didn't exactly understand what was going on with her skills. But they were better, at any rate, and she had a kind of stun attack....

Now if only she could concentrate longer.

And... Her eyes lingered on the shadow as it seemed to hold for just a bit longer than what seemed natural.

"I'll take that as you're watching, then," she murmured. "I'll prove myself one with the shadows..."

Which was, of course, when the horn sounded and a commotion began. Inching herself forward, Torrent camouflaged herself to the dirt of their hideout as she utilized her stealth abilities and watched. She used her various analysis skills on the creatures that she could see, keeping herself prepared but unseen.
@Lady Selune
Sure enough, as she poked her mostly invisible head out, there appeared to be two men mugging a young woman. Trash from the overturned trashcan spewed out into the pavement as the two leered down at the woman, who was mostly blocked from Charlie's view.

No one had noticed her yet, but police would be several minutes away. Would Charlie step in?

Unsurprisingly, except to the bully, the confrontation didn't go quite as well as they had thought. While their victim wasn't much taller than the leader himself, who was an impressive 6'2" football star, they had failed to notice that he wasn't like most of their victims. In fact, he was more on their level without his powers than they might have guessed. As such, the attack to the groin went unblocked. While that would put most boys down, this bully had taken his fair share of hits below the belt. Somewhat desensitized to the pain, he only mildly bent forward, quickly recovering enough to send out a hard jab that connected solidly to the solar plexus, driving the wind cleanly out of Charles' lungs.

The other two swiftly advanced, wrangling his arms out wide and slightly behind him while applying pressure to his shoulder blades.

"Oh, you asked for it you little shit," the leader growled, opening up with two punches at Charles chest.
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