Name: Daeneil Balanos
Age: 22
Race: Dryad (Oak)
Gender: Male
Describe yourself in 3 words: Focused, quiet, honest.
What skills do you have that you can offer to this job: Everyone in my family is well-versed in carpentry, whittling, and other forms of wood-working, especially the less taught magical kinds...
What experiences do you have working with magical artifacts: I've been handling them since I was born.
What experiences do you have with concocting potions, salves and balms, and mixing herbs: Sadly, not many. My apple tree cousin was a baker-potion maker, but we didn't talk much...
Would you like to work full-time or part-time? Full time, please.
Do you require extensive training? No.
Are you comfortable with being left alone in the shop for extended periods of time? I'm not so good with people, I'd rather stay behind the scenes... B-but I'm sure I can take it!