Avatar of OliveYou


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5 days ago
Current I don’t know if I’ll get used to hearing Nero’s voice in Dante’s body, but I’m confident that Johnny will do a good job!
11 days ago
Updated my interest check!
5 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
5 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
6 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!


Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

Current 1x1 Interest Check: roleplayerguild.com/topics/194999-upd…

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@DominoPool I hope we can start soon.
@DominoPool thought so...
do we get to just start, or will they?

"T-thank you. Baking and gardening are all I'm really good at. I'm glad you enjoyed them." Ah. So, indeed physically strong, with agility to match. Lalisa herself is not the most fit of people, but she possess a certain strength from years of digging in the dirt. She wonders what sort of classes they teach here. Maybe magical studies?

"Your... sisters... Oh, there's no need to pay me back!" She adds hastily, putting the tin back in its place. "I'm just giving them out for fun. My grandmama says better a good impression than a bad one."

"Ah, I see..." There is again--Sisters United. Does she come from a big family? Lalisa clears her throat.

"Garden magic. I can make things grow. I love plants, so the powers came naturally when I was young. Oh! That reminds me..." Lalisa rummages in her bag, eventually pulling out a tin of cookies. She pops it open, revealing the gooey cookies inside. "Chocolate chip Cookies. Please, take one! And I also made some gluten-free, if that's your preference."

Ashley is an interesting character, she decides. Like a heroine. Not a helpless princess, that's for sure.

"Er... may I ask what you specialize in as well?"

"Lalisa Greenwood. I hope to get to know many of the students here." She shakes Ashley's hand, looking the girl over. She looks very strong and sure of herself, and Lalisa has to wonder what she meant by "a revolution". Is it rude to ask? Oh, how she wishes Grandmama was here! But there's nothing to help that, she must learn to fend for herself...

"How did you hear of the Academy?" Asks Lalisa curiously. "My grandmother is friends with a teacher here, and she wants me to learn how to be "self-sufficient". There are so many people here! I didn't know the Academy was such a popular choice..."
interested... count me in.
@SinfulSkills neko x human?? anything sort of casual, slow, cuteness and fluff always... can go for anything fantasy as well.

Lalisa almost couldn't believe her eyes. Just that morning, she had been at the train station, saying her goodbyes to her dear grandmother and lugging her suitcase to her appointed seat. And now! Now she was at the Academy, and she was going to stay here for... how long? Did Grandmama remember her brochure like she asked? Lalisa fumbles for her messenger bag, but quickly remembers she's in the middle of orientation and those things can wait.

It's bigger than the photos, she thinks. It's like she's been transported to inside a fairytale, a princess's castle... Sit up straight! You mustn't slouch, or Grandmama will be angry with you.

Ah, that girl... she's talking. To her? Lalisa, so far off into her thoughts, almost didn't notice. She catches the last part--"not some putrid guy, am I right?" What? Who's putrid? The Headmaster is a woman, not a man... Ah, you mustn't mess it up! Calm, Lalisa.

"Miss Headmaster is a very talented and powerful woman, isn't she?" She says carefully. It's true, Grandmama has always told her that...
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