"I want to believe in the good in people, even considering our existence…"
Fiore Abla, of Italian fiore, "flower", and alba, "dawn", meaning "flower of the dawn". Name: Fiore Alba
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Female
Role: Mechanic/Medic -- Fiore specializes in treating injuries, both physical or mental. Her contacts allow her to see a larger range of vital signs and help her immensely when her brain fails her.
Abilities:Medical Proficiency -- Fiore has studied extensively in the medical field, reading entire bookshelves as a way of keeping herself busy while bedridden with sickness. Even as a young child, she was capable of treating cuts, broken bones, and even self-administered stiches on at least one occasion. Her natural skills are supplemented by her hardworking nature and hatred of suffering. By taking to the battlefield, she hopes to reach more people in need of treatment.
All-Seeing Eye -- Although Fiore is not the best with technology, her years of hard work paid off. Her specially made contacts give her a larger field of vision, as well as recognize injuries and help with medical procedures.
And How Does That Make You Feel? -- Mental health is also a big worry of Fiore's, especially with the kind of war the Birthed are expected to wage. Her open mind and calming voice can make for an impromptu psychiatrist session if need be, and she hopes to try and lessen the effects of PTSD and other mental diseases with new treatments. Her career of a psychologist is just beginning, though, and she still has much to learn.
Weaknesses:Second-Rate Nanotech Skills -- Nanotech is half of what makes up the Birthed, but Fiore's knowledge of the technological is sadly lacking. She can hardly turn a wrench, let alone fine-tune somebody's innermost workings. She's going to need some help.
Small Body, Big Heart -- Fiore's tiny. She still needs help reaching the top shelf, and her childlike stature and face may alarm some people who were expecting an adult. And although her continued breaking of bones and toughening of skin may have built up some resistance, don't expect her to take hits like a Birthed would. She can be quite frail.
Appearance: 4'9, childlike build and features; Fiore was never strong or physically healthy, and her childhood was frequented by bouts of sickness and broken bones. It didn't help that she wanted to climb trees and run races with the other kids. The skin on her arms is especially marred by bruises, cuts, and scars, as she works without armguards or protection. Her fingers are deft and slender, as most of what she does requires precision, and her nails are cut short.
Straight black hair down to middle of back, amber eyes that shift color occasionally; her contacts are built to recognize signs of injury and she thought the sunset color scheme was pretty. She usually wears hand-me-down clothes from other neighbors, but she's been trying to develop more a battlefield-ready uniform for tougher situations. There's a large scar on her left foot, stretching from her big toe all the way to her pinky.
Personality: Fiore is deceptively childish and innocent; her mind is one of both astonishing cleverness and naivete. Although her giant library and aptitude for learning have sharpened her mind in some ways, she still holds onto the optimism and wonder that may grate on the nerves of the more seasoned warriors. Her greatest wish to give people peace and happiness, and dislikes the very notion of war. However, as the situation doesn't seem to have changed in the last ten years, Fiore accepts the role the Birthed have been bred for and hopes to join them in changing the world, for better or worse.
Background: Fiore has spent her life in the Village like many others, studying and playing and growing up in the perhaps unorthodox community of scientists and runaways. Her father, a civilian evicted from his previous residence, had taken up house in the Village and raised Fiore under the supervision and teaching of the researchers, who treated Fiore like a daughter and hoped for her to become a Mechanic when the time came. The Birthed were all good friends of Fiore, and she considers them as much of a family as her father is.
Her mother died when Fiore was very young, from injuries sustained from the long trek from the city to the Village. Fiore remembers her very little and only wishes she had known enough to save her back then. Her father is a hardworking man and worried about Fiore's weakness whenever she came down with something--Fiore is all he has left. Fiore returns the sentiment, though she always reminds him he has many friends here.