Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

20 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
11 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

Finishing up my next post, just finished @Weird Tales micro...

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@Omega Man can I have a micro?

Yeah man I'm working on a few different ones but I'll see what I can work up. As always I'll take liberties with the suit so it doesn't look exactly like Karate Kid from the LoSH...

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@Afro Samurai Accepted BTW! Can't wait to try and micro him...

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1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GMs controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8. (I actually took this non-rule from an old Lord Wraith RP LOL)

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [need a new one already!] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


It was a somewhat quiet Wednesday afternoon. The sun was shining and the residents were making as much noise as a city rivaling that of NYC should. Skyscrapers throughout midtown lead to one of the larger structures in the city, Metro Tower. Even in a world without a Superman the city was safe in the hands of the rechristened Justice League Unlimited. Wonder Woman and Robotman lead the charge with several heroes living in the Tower as full time heroes. Heroes like the enigmatic Evermore, Dakota’s own Static, as well as other new faces like the armored STRIPE, Agent Liberty, and the comical Ambush Bug were seen throughout the halls of the Tower. Wonder Woman was absent, away on a voyage to Themyscira for the next several days. So when a code yellow alert came over the screens in the Monitor Room it was up to Cliff Steele aka Robotman to gather a few heroes to deal with the threat. Several windows popped up showing reports of ‘snake people’ being seen in the woods outside of Midway City, Michigan. This happened to be Robotman’s old stomping grounds, and it was likely another splinter group of the Cult of Kobra.

“Buncha scaly bastards probably tried making their own Lazarus Pit again and pickled half their brains…” Cliff thought before turning on the intercom in the Tower. “CODE YELLOW IN MIDWAY CITY! NEED ABOUT FIVE VOLUNTEERS TO GET MY BACK! NEW RECRUITS DON’T BE SHY. C’MON GUYS AND GALS… NEWS REPORTS ARE SAYING IT’S ‘SNAKE PEOPLE’ HA HAA HAAH!” he said with a laugh. “REPEAT! CODE YELLOW IN MIDWAY…”

Minutes later a group had gathered in the teleporting station of the Tower ready for action. It was barely after 2 pm, and Robotman was certain at least one of them had just woken up.


Derek was just getting out of one of his classes at the East Gotham Technical Institute when his cell phone went off. He looked around for a few minutes and ducked off into an area where there was nobody around. He was already walking outside in between buildings so it was no big deal to walk around a corner and towards the far end of one of the parking lots. The young hero pulled out his phone and surely enough his friend and cosplay enthusiast, Ernestine, was messaging him about current events. After it became known that she designed the attire for the upstart hero, several fledgling superheroes and cosplayers began commissioning her to design costumes and gear for them as well.

01:05 pm - Ernie: OMG
01:05 pm - Ernie: A friend of Robotman’s wants me to redesign her look.
01:06 pm – Ever hear of Elasti-Girl?

Derek backed out of the messages since it had already been an hour since she messaged him and he began to Google Elasti-Girl. Before he could even finish typing the hero’s name another two messages popped up from Ernestine.

02:12 pm – Ernie: Check your news feed!
02:12 pm – Ernie: Trouble in LA

Derek backed out of the messenger program and went into another app on his phone labeled with a stylish T. He typed a message into what appeared as a more direct group message.

02:12 pm – SW: Trouble in LA
02:12 pm – SW: What time is it there?

He stared at his phone for a few more moments before looking around and rifting to a more discreet location. He started to put on his blue and white suit on a nearby rooftop and his phone went off again. And again. And after a few more moments it went off one more time. Derek pulled his mask on and looked at his phone he’d placed on the ground beside of his backpack.

02:15 pm – SB: It’s 11:15. I’m free, pick me up.
02:15 pm – Ernie: Don’t you have like a team now?
02:16 pm – HB: I’m game.

Sideways opened a new rift and popped up a few feet away from his teammate Silver Bolt just as she went into electricity mode. He grabbed her hand and led her into the rift. A rift opened up someplace else, this time directly in front of the helmet wearing Human Bomb. Derek’s phone went off again in his pocket. It was probably Ernie again. A rift opened in LA just outside of the Heretic Club and another corner store. Some guy in a power suit caused a blackout in the area and is feeding off the city’s electricity.

“The suit is FINALLY mine! I’ll show those idiots at STAR Labs REAL power!” he screamed.

“Let’s go Titans!” Sideways said leaping forward as the Human Bomb went into a sprint while Silver Bolt took to the air.

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<Snipped quote by Omega Man>

Fell asleep kinda early with my kid. Mentioned in the Discord I was still working on the Titans half of the opening post.

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<Snipped quote by Omega Man>

I love it! The costume was the hardest part to decide on for me, but this is great!

Here's two more versions colored like his suits in his animated series. Put them on the same avi base as mine...

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@Omega Man
I can make a Discord for the RP, if you want.

I was going to have my opening post with Willow being interviewed on TV, give some backstory on his company and whatnot.

I was just checking the iCheck to see who asked about one for this RP lol. It was you!

You can go ahead and make one for the game if you want, but I'll have to get with you on the specifics and what we have as far as separate channels go and the like.

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STRIPE, Agent Liberty, and Ambush Bug will be our background Leaguers and cannon fodder any time we need to make a threat look more menacing! I'm still working on the IC post but it's getting there. Spending some QT with the wife, watched my son help win his first junior football league game this morning, and just trying to do as much as I can in one day so I don't waste a minute.

A post I take time on is infinitely better than a rushed job you can tell is rushed. I wanna start this thing from a couple different angles and view points to really make this thing stand on its own but also open the world up for players to use secondaries and the different solo heroes and villains out in the rest of the DCU. It WILL be posted this evening/tonight, that much I'm certain.

@Afro Samurai Since I've been talking to you for a hot minute, if you still want in and can finish a CS for a member of the JLU before tomorrow night I can still make room for ya.

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@Chain Redesigned Static a little the other day and thought you might dig it!

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Anybody have any ideas for a couple background Leaguers? I need to make the Metro Tower a little more full. I was thinking about somebody other than Fire & Ice cause they're some of my go-to's.

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