Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

16 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

I've already been thinking more about the Spiderverse idea, different Spider-folks, etc. I've got more ideas for an enemy too, so the Hydro-Man thing isn't set in stone.
Hello again. It’s me… the guy with all of the superhero and 80’s/90’s cartoon inspired RPs. It recently dawned on me just how long it’s been since I made an RP a Marvel RP. It’s been somewhere between five and six years since I got one to an OOC/IC! So to remedy that here’s a few ideas I’d like to put out there to try and get a group of players behind, two Marvel and one DC… wait, I know I said ‘Marvel RP’ earlier just hear me out on that last idea.

The New Warriors – This is basically Marvel’s answer to the Teen Titans, however none of the heroes were another hero’s sidekick. Staying true to form, Night Thrasher will approach our heroes to form a new team in a 90’s influenced version of the Marvel U. to deal with a new menace in Brooklyn… the White Queen aka Emma Frost. I’ve got a spin on Kid Nova prepped for this one. Reworked canons and originals welcome, they just have to fit into the Marvel U.

Spiderverse – I’m still coming up with the finer points, because the newest Spiderverse movie makes it seem like Spidey 2099 is the villain in the trailers and that makes me feel some type of way. Like my last RP I’ll craft a Spider-person in the multiverse to gather a team of Spider-folk for a mission on one of the many alternate Earths in the Multiverse. I’m thinking Hydro-Man may take control of a major portion of an Earth’s ocean… or something. I mean… it’s gotta be BIG for a bunch of web warriors to go to town on it.

All New Outsiders – They don’t belong in the DC universe. Nobody trusts them. Nobody except the clone of Superman… Conner Kent. When Cadmus Labs gets back up and running, their scientists use DNA collected from multiple metahumans and superheroes to essentially clone/create the X-Men in the DC landscape. Players would have to choose an X-Men character to somewhat mirror, and if you need help finding a metahuman with the right DNA I can give an assist. I’ve got characters in mind based on Cyclops, Multiple Man, Banshee, and Colossus. Maybe a couple more, just depends on what the team lacks…

Each of these ideas would require around 5-7 players to get going. This is another one of those multi-interest interest checks because I don’t wanna pour a ton of time into an idea and then it not take off. I wanted to try some things that each offers something different, even if one of them is still in the DC Universe. Spiderman and the X-Men are both usually popular and the third idea with the New Warriors is kind of a shot in the dark. Ironman’s Iron Legion didn’t do it for anybody last time so I didn’t wanna try that one again LOL. So yeah… everybody lmk what you’d be down for!
Like an old buddy-cop movie from decades’ past, there were clearly two personalities here with different opinions. Will was able to figure out that his cousin had just got home from work; his hair was still wet from the shower he took when he got in. Will’s mom got Jay the job as a janitor at the local community college. William would eventually be doing the same thing in another week and a half now that he had superpowers and was taking time away from school. That was for another time; at this moment Will just wondered why his cousin was still acting so casual.

“You probably shouldn’t be drinking booze if you’re gonna fly to Centurion’s HQ. Could crash into a building or something… or are you not gonna come with?” Will commented.

Jay was still just relaxing in his fold-out chair.

“If you’re tired, the power of the Dragon will fix that. I can swing it alone if you want, but there’s a Dead Head a little ways up the road and you know he’s not doing the city any favors. Probably out pushing oblivion on people…” Will explained, “So… you wanna transform before I fly off?”

Before either one of them could really do or say anything else somebody could be heard screaming a couple buildings down. Will’s muscles tensed up. Was it the Dead Head? Maybe another crocodile wandered into the streets? Hell it could be a six foot tall mutant amphibian for all anybody knew…

Twenty years ago Centurion protected the streets of Sundown City. He was the only hero stepping up until one of the greatest fighters ever known came to town. The Golden Dragon was a man of few words who wielded great power. He could fly, throw cars around like baseballs, manipulate and generate fire, and… completely stole the limelight from Centurion. As technology continued to develop over the next couple decades, Centurion’s more futuristic tech seemed less and less impressive.

Three years ago the hurricane hit and destroyed part of a nearby dam. The east side of the city was flooded and life changed for thousands of residents. When the Golden Dragon became too old to continue protecting the city he opened a martial arts dojo. The Dragon tried to help Centurion move his HQ up to the roof of a safer building in the flooded part of the city, but the two older heroes were ambushed by a gang of tech scavengers that would eventually become the Dead Heads. They were led by a woman with red eyes who controlled the darkness around her. She would eventually become the Shadow Queen.

Three weeks ago Will and Jay walked into a gang war between the Wolfpack and the Dead Heads. They found shelter and the mark of the Dragon in the abandoned dojo and were transformed into dragon themed heroes. The fire they accidentally started in the building would have been blamed on the gangs by the Channel 17 News had they not flown out of the chaos looking like complete badasses. Sterling Shephard of Channel 17 News was appalled when local law enforcement deputized the Dragons after they assisted the police in capturing an escaped criminal named Abobo.

Two days ago the boys were contacted by Centurion. Will had heard of him before, superheroes were his ‘thing’ in his youth. Even past their prime, Centurion and the Golden Dragon were somewhat local celebrities. They met him at his rooftop HQ just a few blocks away from Jay’s apartment. Whatever happened to Golden Dragon was never figured out, but the boys told Centurion how they gained their abilities. None of them knew that eventually the mark of the dragon would show up elsewhere in the future.

Present Day, 2040 (We’ll say it’s in April)

The plan was simple enough: meet up at Jay’s apartment; transform on the roof or in the alley; and fly to Centurion’s HQ. Nobody was trying to go through the flooded areas and risk running into a crocodile. If rival street gangs going to war weren’t bad enough for the eastside slums, or the drug addicts staggering around on ‘oblivion’, random crocodiles wandering out of the flooded areas can sometimes also be a problem. Public transportation only went so far into the slums. So Will was unfortunately taking the last bit of his journey on foot.

“I tried transforming on my own and it didn’t work. Should test how close we have to be...” Will texted Jay on his smartphone. After putting it back in his pocket he glanced over his shoulder before crossing the street. It looked like a Dead Head was coming up behind him on foot. There was never just one around. And Jay’s apartment is still at least a few blocks away.

“I could run towards the flooded zone. The Dead Heads don’t go near there. I might be able to handle one in a fight… if he doesn’t have a gun or something.” He thought trying to speed up his walk without making it obvious he was uncomfortable. “DAMNIT!” he said out loud breaking into a run towards Jay’s apartment rather than the flooded zone. Thankfully, his speed was higher than that of a Dead Head. He was nearly twice as fast, and he wasn’t even in superhero dragon mode. When he got within a couple buildings of his cousins apartment complex he could feel something, possibly the connection to his cousin’s energy he needed. He pulled out his phone and quickly texted: “Meet me on your roof” before looking around once more and saying out loud “Power of the Dragon!”

In mere seconds the hero was flying to his cousin’s rooftop. When his cousin exited the door to the roof his costumed younger cousin asked…

“You think we should give ourselves codenames? Like… what are we right now? Dragon One and Dragon Two?” Will questioned.
Here's a few images of some of the cartoon's Dragon Warriors. The first has the Double Dragons with a new Warrior in the center, then the other image is most of the ones from the group in one shot. There's two or three not shown as well as the Junior Dragons which we likely won't get into...

Not that we're remaking stuff note for note, but for the Dragon Warriors they included the female armorer, an amputee, a Hawaiian sumo wrestler, an illiterate homeless martial artist, and a retired military vet now strapped to a giant stomach mounted cannon LOL.
Depowered Heroes

Powered Up Heroes

Sundown City's
Most Wanted


Secret ID:
William Lee Emery


enhanced strength, speed, flight, and the ability to throw fireballs. Twice as fast as Jay, who’s twice as strong.

big heart; lacks real street smarts

Will tries to be everything for everybody. He’s quiet, book smart, and an artist.

the darker haired one LOL

Growing up without his father around, Will’s life was turned upside down when his uncle was killed during a gang war. His mother insisted on moving in with her devastated sister and her two kids and it made for a cramped household. When his older cousin moved out and stepped away from the gangs and the delinquency however, his younger cousin Casey started getting into trouble and disappearing for days at a time.

When visiting his cousin in the eastside slums that weren’t flooded, Will updated Jay on what was happening with his brother and his mom. The two walked into a gang war that they narrowly escaped. After finding the mystical mark on the wall of an abandoned martial arts dojo, the two were transformed into superheroes and accidentally burned down the building when one breathed fire and the other threw a fireball at a roachrat.

Sterling Shephard of Channel 17 News claims the Double Dragons are a menace, despite them being low-key deputized by the police commissioner weeks after hitting the scene. Now with the former hero Centurion backing them and giving them an HQ, the Dragons have a real chance at making a difference.

none atm

The year was 2040. Sundown City was just as ravaged by natural disasters and criminal activity as the next major metropolitan area on the coast. Unlike most it came complete with a man who weaponized crocodiles in the flooded areas of the city, a cyberpunk street gang enhanced by techno-implants, electricity eating monsters, as well as a woman in the shadows controlling the chaos. In a corner of the eastside slums was an old run down martial arts dojo that two cousins took shelter in after a gang war broke out in the streets. After stumbling around in the dark for several minutes eventually the two young men came across some sort of glowing symbol on a wall that transformed them into a pair of dragon themed superheroes. Accidentally setting the building on fire the two cousins actually flew out of the ruble and flames as if they were baptized in the blaze.

After making a scene on local news and social media, the boys were contacted by a man claiming to have been a hero in Sundown City before the riots and civil unrest. After a hurricane swept through the area and flooded a quarter of the city, Centurion lost most of his tech to scavengers and could barely get around. He provided an HQ for the young heroes in what was left of his underground base moved to the roof of a building in the flooded side of the eastside slums.

Dubbed the Double Dragons by the press, the boys do what they can to aid police and take back the city.

This is one of those RPs that just comes together on its own. After another Power Rangers RP was attempted with a dragon theme I’ve had it in mind to do something similar to shows like PR and Kamen Rider. Like the cartoon in the 90’s, this RP has very little to do with the Double Dragon games themselves. It’s what I would have done if given the chance to lean more into the superhero side of things rather than what we got. Similar to the show, once @Double and I build the universe up a little we may take on a few more players as ‘Dragon Warriors’. There were a few in the cartoons that were unique and badass, though some others were pretty hokey. We’ve also discussed using the Battletoads somewhere since there was that epic crossover game back in the day.

Another big part of this RP is the near future setting. Originally I was just going to use Batman Beyond’s Neo Gotham as a template… but I wanted something a little grittier. In my mind I pictured something between Robocop and Judge Dredd. There’s flying cars, but not too many fancy skyscrapers. There’s future tech here and there, but the city itself has seen better days. The cartoon was pretty vague when it came to where society was at. There were police and there was crime and Mad Max type shit going on every now and again, but you couldn’t really tell if life was still the same for the other people in the city. Long story short, in this RP it is. There’s no gladiator type coliseum somewhere, there’s no supervillain monster truck drag races through the city, etc. Just trying to tone down the Saturday morning influence a bit LOL.

As far as the story and enemies, everything is still very much a WIP. I have a general idea where I wanna go, but since it’s gonna be stat based leveling up characters and building up our heroes will be key to take down the bigger enemies. We’ll have the aforementioned cyberpunk gang the Dead Heads as well as a more traditional street gang called the Wolfpack. A portion of Sundown City has also been flooded due to natural disasters, and a mercenary with an army of crocodiles at his command is said to be keeping away outsiders. It’s rumored he’s looking for something or someone. The Shadow Queen also manipulates the chaos in the city for her own goals, secretly backing the Dead Heads gang. Taking an interest in the Double Dragons she unleashes electricity eating monsters to take down the city’s power grid to throw sections of the city into darkness. Just in time for her champion, the Shadow Dragon, to take form.

Right now the plan is it's just @Double and myself, but if you're interested or watching this thread give us a yell! Like I mentioned, Dragon Warriors will eventually be a thing as well as the Battletoads if somebody would want to use one of those characters!

It was two forty-five and the bell just rang at Eisner High School. The school buses outside were a steel gray like most of the city. Thousands of citizens waited for the completion of the elevated mass transit system. Some kids still walked home as there were suburbs just across the highway. Jake Johnson looked for a broom closet to change into his blue clothing and don his mask. Mister Brightside was long gone by now, but surely a hero or two had made an attempt to take the guy down. As Boy Blue, Jake patrolled the edge of Kings Bay and practiced with his horn near the end of Copper Creek. Like many other days, he bumped into the Copper Kids Gang.

“We told ya, you ain’t welcome ‘round here.” One of the kids in their late teens claimed.

“I told you, sooner or later one of these mobsters is gonna execute the lot of you. You don’t have to be goons for hire.” Boy Blue stated in response. “Just tell me, who paid you to burn down the orphanage?”

The gang had been sipping on moonshine, likely given to them by one of the bootleggers tied to the mobs and gangs of the city. Their health was impaired to say the least.

((The Copper Kids Gang’s Health will be cut in half due to the moonshine in them and them not being very large people. Their Health will begin at 5 HP!!))

One of the kids wielding a ball bat came from behind BB and struck him in the shoulder.

BB – 12 (lost 1 HP)
CKG1 – 5

Boy Blue turned around and tripped the kid up, putting him on the ground. They were in a large field by Copper Creek next to a couple abandoned warehouses.

BB – 12
CKG1 – 4 (lost 1 HP)

Another kid came in with a cheap shot that turned Jake into a headbutt from another member of the gang.

BB – 10 (lost 2 HP from two separate attacks)
CKG2 – 5
CKG3 – 5

When he shook off the attacks and got his wits about him, Boy Blue pulled his mystical instrument from the holster he’d made in the back of his shirt and blasted the partial gang of misfit orphans.

BB – 10
CKG1 – 3
CKG2 – 4
CKG3 – 4 (I was going to blast all 5 members but I’m limited to 4 attacks per post)

From atop one of the abandoned buildings stood a towering figure. His student always did have a habit of getting himself into situations he couldn’t get himself out of. The older hero watched the kids gang up on Boy Blue, not feeling particularly in a hurry to save him. By observation alone, he determined that they were drunk. The man felt disappointed, more than anything.

Professor Ironside descended upon the kids, landing on his feet in front of Boy Blue with enough force that the ground audibly trembled in his presence. Despite being a superhero, his “costume” looked relatively plain. A sleeveless trench coat over a suit and blue tie. He wore an old, dingy gray welding mask to conceal his face, but what stood out most was his arms. They were solid metal, and faintly reflective in the evening sun. He stared down the literal children for several, dead silent seconds before deciding how to handle this situation.

”Do your families know where you are currently?” the metal-armed titan asked them, patiently. His voice reverberated through the mask in such a way that he sounded more machine than human. ”What would they say, if they knew you were harming an innocent boy?”

In the 1930’s, Steel City was ‘the place to be.’


1.) My word is law.

2.) Obey the law.

3.) No back-to-back posting.

a.) Health will be reset every two Levels [10 posts].

5.) Make sense. If your hero used basic melee punches and kicks along with other moves make sure it's clear in the post! ROLEPLAY BETWEEN THE LINES! Meaning don't be scared to get a little descriptive when not in the throes of battle.

6.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions or just ask to collaborate in the discord. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys!

7.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

8.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

9.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to halt posting.

10.) There is no rule #10.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (none ATM) will take control and their word will then be law.


It was a little past two o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon. Sirens could be heard in the distance, and a pair of individuals couldn’t wait to get away from Eisner High School. Just on the edge of Kings Bay, it was the largest of three high schools in Steel City. Unknown to the students and faculty, there was more than one hero under their roof. Several weeks ago Jake Johnson found one of the mystical instruments of the Piper and soon after adopted the identity of Boy Blue. The other just so happened to be a decorated war hero turned history teacher and the hero Professor Ironside. Both of them caught one another glancing up at the clock on the wall. There was a large flash of light down the street, and it was obvious who was causing trouble… Mister Brightside.

“Can I go to the restroom, Mr. Warren?” Jake asked from the back of the classroom.

“Class ends in thirty-two and a half minutes. Be patient, Mr. Johnson.” responded the metal handed history teacher.

The teacher knew the boy wanted a way out to go play hero, he wasn’t oblivious. In the weeks since Jake found the mystical instrument, Prof. Ironside saved the boy no less than six times. The kid was just too damn curious for his own good. One day he’d challenge the Copper Kids Gang, the next he was trying to take on some costumed idiot downtown making a scene. After he wore some blue clothes the Tribune gave him the alias Boy Blue and he started wearing a simple mask to help conceal his identity. The clock continued to creep ever so slowly towards two forty-five… and freedom.

Across town an undead man staggered through Kirby Park. Most of the locals just assumed the man had been drinking. They could never imagine that he was once dead and reanimated as a puppet of Doctor Death. Death sent letters to the police and taunted their every move. He had ties to the Tribune and sent letters to them as well, and not all of them were reprinted for the masses to read. Now his creation, his ‘Death Man’, approached a small child playing roughly twelve feet from her mother who was busy talking to another parent.
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