Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

I didn't forget about this, just been a rough few days! Here's what I've got for my CS so far...


Name: Farris Knight
Alias: Starman
Age: 32
Personality: mysterious, stoic, calculating, stressed, observant
Archetype: Gadgeteer
Quarvat – Originally a Gravity Rod invented by the original Starman, Farris used his grandfather’s blueprints to convert the weapon into a Cosmic Rod. It grants him enhanced durability, flight, energy absorption and blasts, as well as enhanced speed and strength but not to any huge degree. It also protects him in space as he’s been to the moon and back twice now.

Starman Suit – Made from a type of material used by the military that is bullet proof, fire proof, and stab proof, the suit itself is pretty basic.

Starman Helmet – Taps into the Quarvat to grant Farris the enhanced durability, speed, and strength when in close proximity. Also acts as a two way control to the weapon and connects directly with the wearer’s mind through a temporary patch on the forehead.

Without the Quarvat and the helmet, Farris is just a dude in good shape in light body armor. All standard human weaknesses would apply.

Former Team Affiliation: none; grandfather was JSA
Background Hero: Robot Man
Potential Storylines: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend? Just give me a few bullet points…]
Sample Post: [Two paragraphs minimum with dialogue]
So we've potentially got a Doctor Light and an Animal Man, what's everybody else thinking? I'm finishing up my Starman CS as I'm typing this...
Character Sheets MUST include:

Personality: [five words best describing your hero]
Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer
Powers: [don't get too nuts]
Former Team Affiliation: [JSA, Titans, etc. if any]
Background Hero:
Potential Storylines: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend? Just give me a few bullet points…]
Sample Post: [Two paragraphs minimum with dialogue]


I'm thinking about doing a version of Starman myself, with somebody like Blue Devil as a background guy.
Always love one of your rps if you'll have me. I don't play cannon characters often but playing a broken-back batman who's struggling to deal with the fact he can't directly save Gotham. Maybe playing Aquaman who's tired of being cramped up as a political figure too, wishing he could just go beat up Starro, etc.

Most of the big guns are written out to make way for all of the newer heroes. Only the Flash and Wonder Woman are left from the founding group!

”The only way is justice.” – Bruce Wayne

The Justice League had been crippled. In the last several weeks the team had been wrecked between protecting their homes as well as the rest of the world. Batman was suffering back injuries after a battle with some organized Venom junkies in Gotham. Superman as well as several members of the expanded Justice League were killed or injured in the battle for Metropolis against the forces of Apokolips and Kalibak. While Aquaman was dealing with an uprising in Atlantis, the Green Lanterns (Hal & John) dealt with Durlan space pirates on the edge of the galaxy. The Flash and Wonder Woman were the only big guns left.

At the request of Batman, Mister Terrific was tasked with the Unlimited Protocol. After learning of the existence of an organized society of super villains, it was the only thing Batman knew to do if the League was ever taken down to three or less active founding members. Legacy heroes as well as elder statesman types tied to the Justice Society, former Titans, Outsiders, members of the Justice League International, time lost heroes from the Legion of Superheroes, as well as completely new heroes were all accepted into the Justice League Unlimited to form the largest group of superheroes ever known. The Martian Manhunter came out of semi-retirement to help with the recruiting and used the neural network to contact anyone the League had dealt with in the past as well as young metahumans looking to become new heroes. Even telepaths in the comics needed giant computer rooms for such a task, but the Martian was more powerful than anyone realized. Terrific had managed to get several dozen heroes in the loop, the Martian contacted nearly a hundred.

With the help of the Flash (Wally West), Terrific set up several teleporters around the United States as well as several spots associated with other teams of heroes. Just outside of Metropolis and Gotham, Titans T Tower, the Justice Society Brownstone, the Justice League International HQ in Europe, as well as other locations seemingly more random all had teleporters built to get heroes to the orbital HQ… the Watchtower. There were also around three dozen civilians stationed on the satellite to assist the League with maintaining the base that operated in shifts, some of them even lived on the satellite.


And there’s the new set-up. The Justice League is down and out. Recruiting has hit a fever pitch. My most well received RP series to date has been the JLU stuff, so I figured if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Based on the JLU cartoon series [to an extent] this RP will follow an expanded Justice League roster like nothing before it. These team rosters are always unique and I hope to see a few interesting takes on existing heroes as well as a few originals. This RP takes bits and pieces from the various DC comics related media, including the previously mentioned animated series as well as the many eras of comics, and animated films. The old JLU included most of the different collections of heroes I’d already mentioned with members from the Seven Soldiers, Freedom Fighters, JSA, etc. all joining this unlimited League. For story purposes several of the big guns have been written off the table, and just so everyone is on the same page the expanded JL that fought the forces of Apokolips mentioned in the RP synopsis looked something like this….

Superman – Thought to be dead, actually in a coma
Batman – Broken back
Wonder Woman – Active
The Flash – Active
Green Lantern [John] – Traveling in deep space
Aquaman – Dealing with Atlantian politics
Blue Beetle [Dan] – Deceased
Zatara – Retiring
Red Tornado – Currently being rebuilt
Lady Luck – Deceased; her luck ran out

I hope to get between 8-10 players for this, with players also having the option of a background Leaguer to use sparingly in their posts or for me to use as cannon fodder when new threats emerge. The Flash, Wonder Woman, Mr. Terrific, and the Martian Manhunter will be NPC’s and mentors to the rest of the group. CS requirements will be pretty standard with a bit towards the end for ‘Potential Storylines’. If I go with an episodic type of format like I did in the past JLU games I want to do a few episodes centered more on individual members. So if you’re assuming the Beetle or Zatara legacies, have an arch enemy who may come after you, ties to shady shadow organizations, make sure if you want it in the RP for the rest of us to deal with its mentioned!

If there’s enough interest I’ll post the CS requirements as early as tonight. Who’s game?
An encrypted message was sent to Zen en route to the nearest hospital. It was Oracle. Even in the twilight of her career she was a mastermind behind a computer.

“Take Bolt back to HQ. Surgeon is waiting. Transport for the others as well as PK-01 en route.”

Barbara Gordon had friends in the right places when stuff hit the fan. She wouldn’t have tried this Titans of Gotham experiment without having contingency plans for contingency plans. The former Doctor Mid-Night of the Justice Society was a blind surgeon named Pieter Cross. If you needed to know anybody in the superhero circles, it was this guy. Even in his 70’s he uses old League teleporter tech to travel to a dozen or so heroes a week in need across the globe. When Zen and Bolt got back to base, the man went to work.

Several blocks away Captain Renee Montoya was also aiding Gordon. She drove an old police transport vehicle rather than one of the newer flying models. This was for transporting the team back to base. A second flying unit wasn’t far behind her for what was left of Peacekeeper. He had multiple concussions, missing teeth, a broken nose… thank God that his arm and leg were made of lightweight materials. After he was released from Wireframe’s grasp he tried to say something. It was a mess of words what with the missing teeth, busted lips and gums, and the swelling of his face and head. It almost sounded like he was trying to say “I’ll get you...”


While the transport vehicle was old, it was also durable. Thankfully it was built for the weight of over a dozen criminals; otherwise Monolith would have been a bigger issue. Montoya had asked about what happened and had a separate EMS crew there for Shade Walker. As they arrived at their destination, a hidden exit tunnel another block away from the bunker under a nearby bridge, the police captain gave the young heroes some advice.

“Maybe with some training… you kids won’t almost kill somebody next time. Good luck.” she said with a smirk as they opened the tunnel hatch and descended down.

When they arrived back at the bunker Cross was finishing up with Bolt. He was sedated, but he was going to live. No major organs were hit. That’s when a green figure stepped out of the kitchen area towards the heroes. It was an older Beast Boy from the Titans’ past. Nowadays, he goes by Animal Man.

“Oracle told you to stay put because you needed real training. I’m getting too old to keep mentoring Titans… I should be in the JLU by now!” Animal Man/Gar said with some years behind him now.
“Who are you, any one of you, without your super friends?” PK01 asked as he pumped the gun for a final shot.

That’s when the mines at the far entrance as well as every other trap were set off. They sent the tank in first. That wasn’t a dumb move, but Peacekeeper came prepared. The young tough hero came at him with everything he had in one blow after busting through a wall and screaming PK-01’s name. PK-01 pulled his blade, enchanted by the evil sorceress Tala, who was a member of some supervillain team led by Gorilla Grodd.

“I killed Poison Ivy to get this blade enchanted.” he taunted as he dodged the young hero’s attack and slashed him multiple times across the arm and back. Monolith continued to attack despite being outclassed in hand to hand. The two were probably several dozen feet away from the injured Bolt when the other Titans began moving on the robotic super soldier.

The robotic hero Zen had taken to the air and began to blast at the legs of the adversary. One of the blasts caught meat, or rather the robotic limb that was Peacekeeper-01’s right leg. Now at more of a disadvantage he could see some mist powered metahuman exiting the vents, and a young girl that looked like she had an extension cord wrapped around her hands. PK-01 only took his eyes off of Monolith for a few seconds after taking the critical shot to his leg.

The slashes across Monolith’s arms hurt. More than he realized they would. Tank shells could do little more than leave his skin sore, and PK-01’s sword cut bloody gashes through it. This was a type of pain Monolith hadn’t experienced in a long time, and it just drove his adrenaline further. He was seeing red, and it was more than just the red running down his arm.

He screamed bloody murder, and lunges for PK-01. Monolith clenched his grip around the bastard’s wrist. He pulled, hard and snapped the cybernetic arm off like a dead twig.

The magic sword clattered to the ground. As though the arm were just a metal club, Monolith whirled it over his head and brought it down on PK-01’s armored head over, and over again. He was fully intent on beating the man to death.
After Bolt went back to the rest of the group, everyone spoke their mind. Monolith was like the big brother everyone didn’t know they needed. Tia had let go of JD a few minutes ago, however when Zen began disclosing the information he’d gathered Bolt was out like he was Batman. One minute he was there, and then he wasn’t. He was familiar enough with Old Gotham he knew the quickest way to the Gotham Airship Station, less than a ten minute flight at his top speed from the midtown bunker HQ of the Titans.

“That bastard is gonna pay for what he did to Gemini…” he thought speeding through the skies above normal traffic.

Bolt was almost in sight of the Airship Station and began absorbing all of the electricity in the area causing a blackout for several blocks. Not only did he damage the power grid, it was getting dark out and the Station was in a very poorly lit area of Old Gotham. It was barely even in city limits. It didn’t matter that the Station had its own backup generator; Bolt fried everything as soon as he got to the building.

Peacekeeper 01 was using the toilet when the lights went out. Bolt hovered through the hangar around the flattened GCPD blimp and was almost glowing with electricity. He didn’t trip the mines hidden under the floor on the way in. PK01 snuck through his living space and grabbed his enchanted blade as well as a pump action assault blaster. He’d make too much noise if he finished getting dressed, so he grabbed his face mask and went outside into the open hangar bare chested wielding the blaster. His robotic arm and leg gave him the advantage over most adversaries. Bolt damned himself the minute he hampered his own vision. He wondered if the armored nutjob was even at home.

“I’ve been watching your team, you know?” PK01 stated before blasting Bolt three times in the chest and taking the teen down. He walked towards the teen and continued to taunt him. “At least your friend was decent at hand to hand and tried a sneak attack with his dupe…”

He stood over the wounded teen on the ground, who tried to use his power to grab the manhole cover he flew in on for one last attack. Peacekeeper 01 side-stepped away and it missed him completely.

“Who are you, any one of you, without your super friends?” PK01 asked as he pumped the blaster for a killshot.


Back at the Bunker...

Zen’s words had given her a confidence that she had never known. These were all Tiara’s friends, something else she had never really known. And now one of them had ran off to avenge someone that he thought of as a brother. Could they be a family? Tia absorbed all of the shadows from the room, and her eyes changed from red to solid black. The room changed, it went dark… and cold. An instant later the group was outside of the condemned Blimp Station. The sun was setting, and they were in the large shadow of the hangar.

Only half of them were even prepared for a fight. What were they supposed to do? The rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts would begin to overtake the sixteen year old metahuman, not to mention the sudden power upgrade. And then three gunshots rang out. Her darkened eyes grew big, and she tried to let out a scream but there was nothing. Tia fell into the arms of Zen, her heart was still beating… but her body was pushed too hard.

The rest of the team went into action.
@BirdboyYou're on the list!
Let's see if changing the title does this any favors. LOL
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