Avatar of Omega Man


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15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

Four weeks ago….

JD was playing with a stolen smart phone one of the Robins had acquired. They fought the Jokerz on the regular but that didn’t mean that they didn’t have to steal something once in a while. He’d had it for a couple days. Somebody had dropped it after a gang war or something, and the police gave it back to him after they released everyone from custody. He was playing with the camera on the roof of a building in Old Gotham when a strange 3D animated head appeared on the screen. He thought it was some kind of filter, but he couldn’t get it off the screen.

“My name is Oracle. I used to be a friend of the Batman..” the head spoke to JD and he dropped the phone momentarily.

“Is this some sort of joke, did I click on something?” JD asked out loud picking up the phone.

“I know about your metahuman power. I’m putting a team together to take back Gotham from the likes of Bane and the Jokerz, and anything else in between.” Oracle explained. “I can give you a permanent place to live, food, purpose.”

“You have to take my friend too. He’s got a power too, he…” JD began before Oracle stopped him.

“If you’re talking about the kid who can become two people it’s not really what I’m looking for. He’s too much of a hot-head…” Oracle stated.

“He’s survived living in the streets for years. I’ve only been on them for a few months. He’s the best hand to hand fighter I’ve ever seen, even on tv...” JD continued to press this Oracle person.

“He’s too much of a risk.” Oracle said sternly.

“You’re asking me a favor to join this team, I’m asking for one in return. It’s either both of us or nobody. And you can keep this hacked phone…” JD said as he tossed it below towards a dumpster. As he made his way down the fire escape, a small drone flew down next to him.

“You and your friend meet another drone of mine at this location…” the drone said with the same voice as Oracle on the smartphone. The drone handed a folded piece of paper with an address on it to the young man. “Come at midnight, and don’t tell anyone.”


Five minutes ago Oracle came over the comms and said the police found Gemini’s body. People were crying, only a couple of them had even met Gemini as the team hadn’t been fully formed. JD put his hood on and passed Ghost in the hallway towards the personal living quarters of the heroes. Basically it was ten small one room apartments within the bunker.

“Bro… if they don’t get eight more people for this team I’m giving a dupe a room of his own and seeing how long he can stick around.” Gemini said, as Bolt thought back on their first reactions to the bunker.

The young hero didn’t make it into his personal quarters. The door slid up. And then it slid down after a few moments. It did this for around a minute or so before Bolt lost his cool and punched the door as hard as he could. He waved his hand and the manhole cover he’d recently acquired smashed through the part of the door that could no longer slide into the automated door device on its way out of his room. He stepped onto it and gritted his teeth. JD rolled up the sleeves on his super suit and hovered back towards the lounge area.

“I don’t care what the Wizard of Oz says. Gemini was my brother. I’m going after this armored nutjob. Who’s coming with me?” Bolt asked the group.
I'm thinking about taking out the alien bits and making it more supernatural with vampires. I thought for sure somebody would be game after seeing how super serious we are with Kevin Bacon as our town mayor. Maybe you guys aren't ready for Footloose Fridays...
In Retro City everything was just that, retro. It was like stepping back into the 80’s, this major metropolitan area was tucked away on the Eastern side of the ’States in some mountains. The 80’s wasn’t just a decade; it was a state of mind for this entire city. Limited technology, fashion, cars, video games… it was like traveling back in time. Basically a few millionaires and one billionaire decided to give all these people (around two million or so residents) clamoring for the old days a place to go. For some it was heaven, for those born outside of the city that moved in later on it was a challenge. It wasn’t the first of its kind, a city with a theme. There were others popping up everywhere; Neon City in Japan, New Cheyenne down in Texas, among several others.

GI Joe, Thundercats, He-Man, Voltron, and Jem and the Holograms, as well as Transformers were all still on television. David Bowie, Billy Idol, Madonna, Guns N’ Roses, and synthwave flooded the radio stations. Anything ‘new’ had to fit into the aesthetic. ‘New’ only made up 25-30% of the city itself. Industrial Park actually had manufacturing plants making 80’s themed merchandise for around the world to stay on brand. Slasher films and arcades had most teenagers’ attention. Nintendo embraced the culture and invested into continuing classics like Super Mario Bros and Megaman on the regular Nintendo. D&D was HUGE and Stranger Things was one of the only newer shows on tv in a licensing deal with Netflix. Kevin Bacon was just elected mayor like three months ago after Schwarzenegger stepped down due to a health scare.

On the eastern side of the city was a junkyard where a few teenagers discovered what appeared to be experimental weapons from outside of the city limits. Nothing that high tech was allowed in the city, but how did it get there? The boys discovered the mechanical gauntlets possessed different abilities and decided to use them to get back at members of a local biker gang that had tormented one of them in recent weeks. The boys kept the gauntlets secret and only trained with them at the junkyard. Months later after a newer younger biker gang of pale teenagers came to town, several vampire like creatures were seen abducting people in the woods and mountains surrounding Retro City. With no help from the outside world the boys knew what they had to do. With limited technology it wasn’t hard to keep their identities protected, not all of them even bothered to wear masks or face-paint.

One of the boys’ uncles was the owner of Winston’s Junkyard. Carl Winston was in his 60’s, ex-military, and had a replica of the A-Team van from the tv series the boys were allowed to get around in when not in the city running across rooftops. He was friends with the chief of police and listened to police radio in his garage. Carl taught the boys what he could about how to fight, how to shift their weight and make up for the large metal fists they wielded, and how to be respectful. After a wandering serial killer dubbed the Sandman came to town recently, the veteran almost lost his life if not for his military training. With limited resources the police department still hasn’t caught the man who targets victims in their sleep or figured out if he’s even still in the city.

Biker gangs, vampiric monsters, late night slashers, and 16-bit video games like Super Mario Bros. 6: Koopa’s Revenge… it’s gonna be one hell of a summer in Retro City.


So I tried doing a new spin on Power Rangers. That led into reimagining the Double Dragon concept in another RP. Now after making two games based on existing franchises I think it’s time I just split the difference and make my own. This is a strange concept, and I’m not even sure how exactly it’s going to play out story-wise. The different influences include old fighting games, the 80’s, a dash of Power Rangers, a dash of Powerpuff Girls, and a hint of anime. The CS requirements are gonna be something a bit different than the norm for most of my RPs, and smaller plot points may change after an OOC/IC are nearer to completion. I’m not completely invested in the monsters from space, so that may change. Maybe something supernatural would work better.

I’m only looking for a few players for this RP, myself and three others for the main cast. Originally the boys and the RP were to be called the Power Punch Boys, and then I thought of the Ultra Bash Bros… in game we’ll have to decide on something to call ourselves. I’ll likely go with Retro City for the title of the RP, or something similar. I only mention all of that because in the event there was to be a player wishing to use the girl archetype in the game her alias would HAVE to be Power Punch Girl.

So… if there’s enough interest I’ll post the CS requirements. If you like anything from the 80’s, teen heart throbs, arcade games, or Saturday morning cartoons… this should be your jam.
@HellHoundWoof I could actually use somebody for this in another RP I'm about to post an interest check for!

Batman was a thing of the past.

After the mysterious death of Bruce Wayne nearly a decade prior, Gotham City only began to get worse. Several of Batman’s allies kept the fight alive but in time they all moved on. Barbara Gordon was the only one who remained and after serving on the GCPD for several years she became the new Commissioner. The city was on the edge of chaos until hope came in the form of a new street gang. The Robins fought back against the Jokerz gang and were more help than the police would ever dare to admit. While she didn’t condone putting children in the line of fire, after several arrests took place following a gang war Gordon discovered a couple of the Robins were metahumans.

Gordon knew she had a better shot at protecting Gotham with a team of metahumans, and after disbanding the Robins she took the pair of super-powered teens and began recruiting for a new team. The Titans of Gotham would come into existence with the aid of Oracle, whose identity was only known by the two former Robins gang members. The team would be comprised of metahuman teens from in and around Gotham and its neighboring cities. Gordon gave the team access to an underground bunker that was built for Batman and his allies years prior to his death. The bunker itself was practically a miniature Bat-Cave complete with a 3D printer and costuming device. It appeared as if one of the Robins, Spoiler, and Batgirl had used the secret HQ last; however everything was covered with dust.

Gotham itself was something of a sight. While it wasn’t quite the Neo Gotham some envisioned for the future, it was well on its way there. Industrial Park had already begun to embrace the future technologies of the world, as did the GCPD and other emergency services. The police, fire department, and EMS crews all had access to hover cars and vehicles. The Bat-signal that used to sit on the old GCPD building was still on the roof of the new building, and the coup de grass for any tours of the department. The criminal element of the city had also adapted. Bane’s daughter had taken over his Venom operation, pushing new patches called slappers on everyone from athletes, to gym junkies, and even law enforcement. After the disbanding of the Robins, the Jokerz gang decided it had nothing better to do than go to war with itself and now there were two factions fighting for criminal supremacy. A vigilante known as Peace Keeper 01 was also wreaking havoc executing criminals for the pettiest of crimes, as well as a couple crooked cops he didn’t even bother exposing before murdering in a public area. He gained favor with the citizens of Gotham after taking down Poison Ivy and Black Mask, however more recently after firing on and killing several citizens for speeding he’s went off the deep end.


1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [none atm] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


Two weeks ago….

Gemini ran across the rooftops of midtown just as he did with the Robins. It was different, being his own hero rather than trying to adopt another hero’s symbol or look. He enjoyed his time with the Robins, and he had a good friend in Bolt. The two of them were recruited around the same time, and Bolt was the one to figure out that Gemini wasn’t actually a pair of twins. As he ran across the rooftops and jumped and rolled he activated his power and duplicated himself. Now he ran as a dynamic duo. But he was being watched.

“The woman in the GCPD… Oracle she wants to be called… gave us that slick place to live and use as an HQ. I used some of the tech to make this new suit…” the boys thought together as one as they continued their patrol.

“New target acquired.” said an armored up vigilante on the other end of a sniper scope.

“Can’t wait to see who else other than Bolt and me are recruited…” Gemini began to think before a loud BANG came out of seemingly nowhere and his duplicate dissipated from a headshot.

“YOU DON’T HAVE TO PLAY GAMES! SHOW YOURSELF!” Gemini screamed as Peace Keeper 01 stepped out from behind his cover.

“You’re the guy who took down Ivy and Black Mask. Why’d you take a shot at me?” Gemini asked puzzled, not knowing how dangerous this man truly was.

The man with bionic implants leaped from building to building, taking his eyes off of the rookie hero only momentarily until he dropped to the rooftop the teen hero occupied. After staring the young man down for what seemed like an eternity he finally spoke in a grizzled voice from behind his helmet/mask thing.

“Kids shouldn’t wear costumes.” He stated pulling out a giant bladed weapon from his back body armor weapons harness.

“Yeah yeah… and you shouldn’t tell people what to do!” Gemini replied back as his duplicate caught the vigilante off guard from behind with a futuristic satellite dish type of rooftop device to the back of the head. The young hero fought hard for several minutes but the man in the armor with his mechanical limbs was just too much. Even with the numbers advantage Peace Keeper 01 knew where to hit Gemini. The young hero had made him drop his blade earlier. He stepped back and picked it up while he had the kid and his duplicate on the ropes.

“You think you’re any kind of threat to me, punk? You think I can’t tell the difference between you and your dupe?” PK01 continued to taunt, taking out a small firearm and shooting the duplicate in the head once again and making him dissipate.

“Why are you doing this, the city needs more than just one hero?!” Gemini pleaded as Peace Keeper 01 threw him with one arm through a skylight in an old warehouse style apartment building that was rundown.

“Because I can.” Peace Keeper replied.

Present day, 2036….

The team was gathered at the bunker. Some of them were training, some were in civilian clothes, and then Oracle came over the monitors. It was around four in the evening. Nobody had seen or heard from Gemini in nearly two weeks.

“I’m so sorry team, but GCPD just found Gemini’s body in an old abandoned warehouse in midtown. The crime scene suggests it was Peace Keeper 01. Stay at HQ until I get more info. Oracle out.” She didn’t even wait for a response. Almost like the message was recorded rather than some kind of live transmission.

Bolt pulled his hood over his head and walked slowly towards his personal quarters. Gemini was the closest thing to a brother he had ever had. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this hero thing. Maybe none of them were.
Yeah... sorry LOL.

Trying to finish this opener for the IC but it's hard with the baby trying to go Yo Gabba Gabba all over the living room. I've got a babysitter Friday night if I don't get a chance to finish it up before then (meant to post this last night and forgot to hit -post reply-)
I've been wanting to attempt something somewhat similar with the characters and teams Hasbro wanted to build a universe around. GI Joe, Transformers, MASK, Jem & the Holograms, and Stretch Armstrong... but its super niche and I'd wager half the RPers on the Guild aren't even old enough to know half the concepts.
OOC is up people!

Batman was a thing of the past.

After the mysterious death of Bruce Wayne nearly a decade prior, Gotham City only began to get worse. Several of Batman’s allies kept the fight alive but in time they all moved on. Barbara Gordon was the only one who remained and after serving on the GCPD for several years she became the new Commissioner. The city was on the edge of chaos until hope came in the form of a new street gang. The Robins fought back against the Jokerz gang and were more help than the police would ever dare to admit. While she didn’t condone putting children in the line of fire, after several arrests took place following a gang war Gordon discovered a couple of the Robins were metahumans.

Gordon knew she had a better shot at protecting Gotham with a team of metahumans, and after disbanding the Robins she took the pair of super-powered teens and began recruiting for a new team. The Titans of Gotham would come into existence with the aid of Oracle, whose identity was only known by the two former Robins gang members. The team would be comprised of metahuman teens from in and around Gotham and its neighboring cities. Gordon gave the team access to an underground bunker that was built for Batman and his allies years prior to his death. The bunker itself was practically a miniature Bat-Cave complete with a 3D printer and costuming device. It appeared as if one of the Robins, Spoiler, and Batgirl had used the secret HQ last; however everything was covered with dust.

Gotham itself was something of a sight. While it wasn’t quite the Neo Gotham some envisioned for the future, it was well on its way there. Industrial Park had already begun to embrace the future technologies of the world, as did the GCPD and other emergency services. The police, fire department, and EMS crews all had access to hover cars and vehicles. The Bat-signal that used to sit on the old GCPD building was still on the roof of the new building, and the coup de grass for any tours of the department. The criminal element of the city had also adapted. Bane’s daughter had taken over his Venom operation, pushing new patches called slappers on everyone from athletes, to gym junkies, and even law enforcement. After the disbanding of the Robins, the Jokerz gang decided it had nothing better to do than go to war with itself and now there were two factions fighting for criminal supremacy. A vigilante known as Peace Keeper 01 was also wreaking havoc executing criminals for the pettiest of crimes, as well as a couple crooked cops he didn’t even bother exposing before murdering in a public area. He gained favor with the citizens of Gotham after taking down Poison Ivy and Black Mask, however more recently after firing on and killing several citizens for speeding he’s went off the deep end.

Who will answer the call of Oracle?

@Silver Carrot – Wireframe – wire shifting – F – 17
@FalloutJack – Trask – techno being – M – 15
@Blizz – Monolith – strength and durability – M – 17
@Skwint – Ghost – invisibility and intangibility – M – 18
@Lady Mischief – Shade Walker – shadow teleportation – F – 16
@Omega Man – Bolt – electricity generation and manipulation – M – 18
@Birdboy – Purple Haze – mist form – M – 18

So… the stage is set and we’re about to start defending the futuristic streets of Gotham. I’m already partially finished with the opening post for the IC, and once the actual post is ready the rest is just copy/pasting rules and such from some of my other RPs. As you can see there’s a cliff notes version of the cast in this opening post with everyone’s age, powers, etc. Everyone go ahead and repost your accepted CS’s in the character tab.

If anyone would like to join a Discord server for the RP, sound off in the replies and we’ll get one going. I don’t wanna bother if it’s just two or three of us.

GM Notes 6/18/23 – Working on finishing up the IC to get it posted tonight. Might try and make a few micros for this if I get time if anybody wants one.
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