"Okay then. I'll give you a moment to get settled." Eliza said as she went out of the room to the living room and waited on him. He came out a bit later and before she could ask if he was settled, he was already saying his goodbyes and walking out the door with Leroy following close behind. "Hey casanova! Wait!" She called after him and when he turned she threw the keys to him. "Don't get into too much trouble and I expect you at work tomorrow!" She decided to give him the day off to get settled and he had said his back was hurting "...ugh, maybe I'm was spoiling him...I might have to make him work extra hard tomorrow to make up for it." She told herself before she took a running jump off balcony, launching herself into the air as she always did. She quickly flew over to the shop and got the letters and two small packages that were to be delivered and put them into her messenger bag before setting off again (having to jump into the air from the ground, because alas, her business was located on a ground floor...) As she was flying to the first destination, a scream suddenly broke out from down below.
Seeing how hard it is to ignore a scream filled with terror, Eliza looked down and saw...Did someone find a dead body!? There was a head and then there was a...body that was struggling to get up...okay, so even though the body looked human, Eliza was 85% sure humans couldn't move like that after be decapitated...but could zombies? Eh, the person probably wasn't human. The guy that found her probably was judging by his reaction. There was no one else around to really help with the situation, and while she was telling herself to stop butting into things that didn't concern her she flew down and landed near the two people. She first turned to the one with his head still attached. She noticed three things. The fact his body was covered in scars, his eyes were glowing red, and he had blood on him...and what looked like cat hair...okay Eliza was pretty sure this was a zombie. "I'll get to you in a minute." She told the guy. She was a little cautious turning her back to him but he looked to terrified to move right then and there. So she went over to the head and saw that the head was indeed alive by the eye movements. "Uh, hi." She told the head, who she believed to be a girl. "Do you need help?" Eliza's first instinct was to pick the girls head up and take it over to her body, but Eliza got the feeling that would be both rude...and kind of morbid..."How about I just go get your body..." She asked a moment later...
Seeing how hard it is to ignore a scream filled with terror, Eliza looked down and saw...Did someone find a dead body!? There was a head and then there was a...body that was struggling to get up...okay, so even though the body looked human, Eliza was 85% sure humans couldn't move like that after be decapitated...but could zombies? Eh, the person probably wasn't human. The guy that found her probably was judging by his reaction. There was no one else around to really help with the situation, and while she was telling herself to stop butting into things that didn't concern her she flew down and landed near the two people. She first turned to the one with his head still attached. She noticed three things. The fact his body was covered in scars, his eyes were glowing red, and he had blood on him...and what looked like cat hair...okay Eliza was pretty sure this was a zombie. "I'll get to you in a minute." She told the guy. She was a little cautious turning her back to him but he looked to terrified to move right then and there. So she went over to the head and saw that the head was indeed alive by the eye movements. "Uh, hi." She told the head, who she believed to be a girl. "Do you need help?" Eliza's first instinct was to pick the girls head up and take it over to her body, but Eliza got the feeling that would be both rude...and kind of morbid..."How about I just go get your body..." She asked a moment later...