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    1. onenote 10 yrs ago


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"Okay then. I'll give you a moment to get settled." Eliza said as she went out of the room to the living room and waited on him. He came out a bit later and before she could ask if he was settled, he was already saying his goodbyes and walking out the door with Leroy following close behind. "Hey casanova! Wait!" She called after him and when he turned she threw the keys to him. "Don't get into too much trouble and I expect you at work tomorrow!" She decided to give him the day off to get settled and he had said his back was hurting "...ugh, maybe I'm was spoiling him...I might have to make him work extra hard tomorrow to make up for it." She told herself before she took a running jump off balcony, launching herself into the air as she always did. She quickly flew over to the shop and got the letters and two small packages that were to be delivered and put them into her messenger bag before setting off again (having to jump into the air from the ground, because alas, her business was located on a ground floor...) As she was flying to the first destination, a scream suddenly broke out from down below.

Seeing how hard it is to ignore a scream filled with terror, Eliza looked down and saw...Did someone find a dead body!? There was a head and then there was a...body that was struggling to get up...okay, so even though the body looked human, Eliza was 85% sure humans couldn't move like that after be decapitated...but could zombies? Eh, the person probably wasn't human. The guy that found her probably was judging by his reaction. There was no one else around to really help with the situation, and while she was telling herself to stop butting into things that didn't concern her she flew down and landed near the two people. She first turned to the one with his head still attached. She noticed three things. The fact his body was covered in scars, his eyes were glowing red, and he had blood on him...and what looked like cat hair...okay Eliza was pretty sure this was a zombie. "I'll get to you in a minute." She told the guy. She was a little cautious turning her back to him but he looked to terrified to move right then and there. So she went over to the head and saw that the head was indeed alive by the eye movements. "Uh, hi." She told the head, who she believed to be a girl. "Do you need help?" Eliza's first instinct was to pick the girls head up and take it over to her body, but Eliza got the feeling that would be both rude...and kind of morbid..."How about I just go get your body..." She asked a moment later...


Guys, if any of you want something delivered to you (aka want to interact with Eliza) speak now or force me to make something up and find you. XD
Eliza, being the kind soul she is, took him under her wing and is able to put up with him, within reason of course.

I see what you did there XD
Just fyi ... there's a rather big collab post between @Pyromania99 and myself incoming next. Just a heads up. :p

Woo! Raijin and I are not alone! XD
<Snipped quote by onenote>

I will keep this in mind and probably be using it very soon.

Woo! Buisness XD
@Satsuki@Spawnling@Obscene Symphony@lydyn@Pyromania99@Shilly@Queen Cobra@t2wave@sheeplon@shivershiver@TearfulResonant and @Raijinslayer to I suppose?

Anyways, if any of you want to have a letter or package (as long as its not to big) delivered to you at any time, please send me a pm or something.
And so Raijin and mine's collaboration posts begin (I didn't want to post a lot cause I didn't want there to be a huge wall of text. Just know there will be a lot more of these in the near future...like, tonight. When it's Raijin's turn to post)
(Eliza's section will have her name in red at the begginging, Ian's will have his name in gold at the begginging)


Eliza's day started the same as any other. Start with morning stretches (mostly for her wings), get dressed and ready, then jump off the side of the building and into the air. That last bit was her favorite part of the day. Her little delivery shop didn't open till 9 (and even if she wasn't there, people could still leave their stuff to be delivered so long as they put their payment and mailing instructions in an envelope with their name on it in the "Payment box" she had set up. Made life so much easier for her) so she had a bit to go get some breakfast and enjoy the town's early morning scenery. She could see a lot from where she flew in the sky. As much as her glasses/goggles would allow at least. She could see the daily lives of people high above their heads, unnoticed usually, unless they happened to look up or noticed her shadow. It made Eliza happy to see everyone living their lives from up there.

Except for one person. The first few times she had run into Ian enough times that when she first saw him lying on the roof, she thought he was hiding from a few angry prankees. A couple of times after that, she thought it was just some place he liked to hang out. The more times she saw him there after that, especially going on into the night and the fact he would sometimes have a little tent set up there, Eliza realized that there was a good chance he lived there. She knew sticking her nose someplace it didn't belong wasn't the best idea...but she couldn't help but feel bad for him if that was the case. And today when she saw him there, asleep on the roof...well...She went off and got some breakfast before flying over to his roof and landing on it. She went over to him and gently nudged him with her foot a little while saying. "Hey! Wake up! I brought Breakfast!"


Ian woke with a little start, currently wrapped up in some patchwork blankets he'd stitched together in his off time, scratching his head as he looked up to see Eliza standing over him, bringing an offering of breakfast for him. What kind of demon would he be if he didn't accept such a gracious guest. But first, he had to get up to claim his meal, which brought up a rather painful sting from his back.

"Fuck, my back, That is the last time I follow a centaur into the forest . . . that being said, they sure do now how to party." Ian grinned mischievously at the thought, but he quickly shook himself from his fantasies when he remembered that he had company that had brought an offering of food to him. "Sup Boss, and I thank you for the kind offering. . . and please forget everything you just heard, it's of no consequence to anyone. That being said, I might be off for the next day or two, kind sprained my back after some . . . 'bareback riding' if you catch my drift." The smile returned, and with it came an excited wag of his tail from behind him, which soon reached out to grab the lunch bag that Eliza held in her hand.

"So, what brings you over to my rooftop abode today, bring me lunch of all things. Have you decided to take me up on my offer of passionate love making, I assure you that you won't regret it."


Eliza rolled her eyes at Ian's recounting of last night. Nothing she hadn't heard before from him really. She sat down as she handed Ian his food, noticing his tail, which she was sure she had only seen a few times before now, wagging like a dog's who had just received a treat. That was actually kind of cute. Anyways.

"Sorry, but we met in the wrong timeline for that to happen." Eliza told him as she took out her sausage biscuit and started munching on it. "It's more along the lines of I've been curious. You might have seen my fly up past here often, because I certainly see you and...well...I really don't want to be nosy but do you live up here Ian?" She asked him, a little worried.


Ian pulled out the biscuit in his pack and took a bite, taking a few seconds to chew and swallow before he responded to her question. "Yeah, never really had a roof over my head. Where I come form it's kind 'every demon for himself' after you hit 8, though I was lucky and my mom cared for me for an extra year before she had to kick me to the curb. After that I've just been wandering from palce to place, having lots of fun memories and exciting adventures along the way. I've also had a lot of crumby nights as well, one time I almost died of frostbite out in Russia, probably would have to if I hadn't been taken in by a nice family. . . got chased out a week later after I was caught in bed with the man's daughter, bit i swear that it had been a hundred percent her idea." Ian finished his biscuit, wiping his mouth on a corner of the blanket before giving off his trademark smile. "You know I'm defenseless against the charms of females of any races. As for seeing you fly by, then yeah, once or twice. Most of the time I'm up here, I'm either driunk off my ass orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- you know what, I'm just going to leave it at drunk off my ass/recovering from a hangover." Like hell I'm going to admit to my boss that I'm on drugs, not with my first decent paying job in months. Come on Ian, don't fuck yourself on this one.


Eliza listened quietly to his story. 9...and he was 19...that was ten years of adventuring before he ended up here. Eliza was a little jealous to be honest. Of course, his was forced adventuring, and he had just made the most of it like she did her own life, so she could admire him for that. "Listen Ian, we both know that you partake in things other than booze." Or at least that's what the stories she heard went, but judging by how his end of the conversation got awkward, it was probably true. "I don't really care. You've been working for me for a few months now and you haven't negatively affected my business. So what you do during your off time is up to you. But the one thing I can't really stand for is for you being out here. I mean, c'mon Ian, the winters here might not be as bad as those in Russia but I'd hate to get a call saying they found you frozen up here. You need a decent place to live."


Ian let out a breath of relief at that, laying down and looking u at the sky as he listen to the rest of what she had to say. Once she finished he kinda looked away from her, partly out of pride in what he's managed to cobble together up here, but mostly because of how ashamed he was with his current living situation. "This place is plenty decent," he mumbled weakly under his breath, not really wanting to admit that he did infact hae it up har more often than not. He didn't want to tell her that he couldn't afford to live here because that would be implying that he had a problem with his current pay grade, which he didn't, but it just wasn't enough for him to lie on his own, and he didn't know anyone that well that he'd feel comfortable living with them. Despite his willingness to sleep around, he was very picky about who he trusted to the level that he could live with them/ Guess I wasn't as unaffected by mom leaving me behind as I thought Ian let out a sigh, looking up into the sky and tracing the edges of the clouds with his tail. It was a thing he used to do all the time when he was younger, a fun activity and a good way to practice and exercise the tail, keeps it from getting to stiff. That's what his mom told him at least.
well its time for Eliza to accept her fate then. XD
It's a good thing Eliza never caught your twos attention.
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