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I think so, but I would be able to answer that question more easily if everyone who's been accepted put their bios in the characters tab. ^^;

We had the thing were we just queued up in a line because we saw other people in a line.

i lived

If only Rin had slammed into the ground and left a comedic outline. At least that would make her rise and descent comedic. Instead, she landed with an wheeze. She couldn't even spend a millisecond to relax. A howl came followed by the onrush of a stampede. Rin had to flounder out of the way, lest she be crushed.

At the very least, she took out a tail before it left. Maybe it was an achievement. Difficult to tell when the barometer was "made to leave in a huff" and Shun's newfound career path of food processor.

She still had energy. At least, enough gas in her tank to move around. With Shun's pleas, Rin came over to help the red-lined girl up.

Though, how effective she was at doing so was questionable. It took a half-dozen attempts to give Shun a hand. Not because of a specific difficulty. Rin was just cycling through different methods of holding Shun before finally settling on that piggy-back ride.

Even with her body being more durable, she wasn't able to perform a bridal-carry. At least, not seconds after being flung into the air.

"Let's go see if the others are fine."

Though, Rin had an inkling that most of them were.

One of the figures in the distance looked suspiciously like he'd break copyright, after all.
@OwO eyo you still here?

Ingrid Lucentia von Draph
Interacting with: Wormwood @Dark Cloud
The Bridge || About to Meal Prep || Gramhundling--whatever that means

Ingrid slung her rod over her shoulder and let out an exasperated breath. "Quit the plumbuckering."

Ingrid's diction was strange. At times, she spoke true to her noble roots. Other times, she spoke in the same brash ways as a commoner. She even knew multiple languages of which were complex and ornate. Unfortunately, Ingrid didn't quite have the capacity in her brain to properly be a polyglot. Sometimes, she used the wrong language for the wrong people. Other times, it led to something known as an Ingridism: a word that had been completely and independently conceived in Ingrid's mind as an actual word, yet it was a complete mystery of how it came about.

Today, that word was plumbucker.

"You just have to answer honest and earnest." She said as she scratched her head. Even if someone could be picked up by the head and used as a ball for games, that wasn't any reason why they would react like a fish out of water.

"Answering like you got ants in your boots will just make it seem like you're up to something. And if you're just looking to fish, then by all means fish. Just like how I need to go prepare these fish, I don't need permission to do so.

She pat her hips as if looking for something.

Ah, that's what she forgot. Her knife.

And there was Rin flying a second time.

It was a cruel twist of fate that the girl so interested in reenacting the Wright brothers had flew so often.

Rin's mind sharpened. How could she avoid this? Everything was out of the question because she was spinning so quickly.

What was her power anyway? Math? She perceived lines on a coordinate plane to make slashes. But how did they slash? Well, fundamentally, it was just a force. And if she had access to forces, then she had access to vectors. When your mind functioned with such acuity, you could pick out how the environment around you looked even if you were spinning. With a click of her fingers, she emitted force with when her vision settled laterally.

She flew away from the trajectory of the long-tail's attack, spinning lessened from the sudden force on her body.

If what she needed was stopping power, then she'd use stopping power. If a needle wasn't enough, then Rin just needed a bigger attack.

With Shun acting as her flashing distraction, Rin generated a new shape. One infinitely more complex than a simple line. 3.14... times, even.

With her mind focused on the beast, a new shape formed upon her hand. One that spun and spun, its circular nature concealing just how fast it was rotating.

It was a god damn destructo disc and it was coming straight for the long tail.

It was enough. Rin saw the path that she could take. Just as the beasts could act to their own accord, so too could Rin. Her slash didn't do much, yet it was enough. Enough to instill a drop of confidence in a world that had hours earlier flung her into a tree. Confidence that would let her trust Shun to not allow beasts to swarm her. She'd finish off this beast with her geometric slashes.

The simplest way forwards was to overwhelm the beast. But if she had done so, she would be staking the strength of their selves against one another. Trying to outgas a beast was, perhaps, not the best way forwards. Humans were endurance animals, but only over the course of hours and days. Minutes? Beasts were much better. However, she possessed what beasts didn't; what humans lacked in intuition, they more than made up for in cunning.

She created another arc to throw at the beast. Blinding, blooming, violent. More dangerous-looking than before. However, its looks were the only thing dangerous about it. She put little force into it; what power it did possess reserved for visual flair. Behind it, she tracked the beast with her eyes. Her vision in the night wasn't the greatest. However, her perception gave ample time to parse the forms before her.

Behind the arc, she traced a simpler line. One that would drive forward. It was designed to pierce the beast. If it could simply clash with large arcs, then the answer was simple: a needle-like mass that focused all of its intensity towards one point. A penetrating attack that could not easily be blocked or deflected.

Of course she worried. There wasn't a bone in Maive's body that wouldn't. While previously Maive had been preoccupied with helping others, the sudden trip to a surreal balmy island had marked a change in her behaviour. Now, she always had something to do. Sorry, she'd tell others, I don't have the time right now.

Long walks along the beach were romantic. Searches along the English coast were less so. Maive patrolled the waters and looked for any clues. Unfortunately, her searches turned up with nothing. Perhaps if she was brave enough to jump into the depths again, she would find something... But she wasn't. She saw Victor frequently. Of course, she didn't have the heart to talk to him about it. She didn't have the heart to talk to anyone else about it, for that matter. After that all happened, Maive had receded into a shell of worry.

And then she was called into a room for an interview and saw two detectives staring her down.

Maive was, of course, not the type to get in trouble. In fact, this was the first time she was called to talk about anything. In anything, she was on the other side of the table whenever her siblings were up to no good. So she would react like anyone in her position would: she'd squeal like a pig. She'd tell the detectives about everything. The other world. Summoning a spirit. Launching everyone into the water and how it was her fault.

But a miracle happened. Though, perhaps it wasn't a miracle considering that Maive's tear ducts were closer to aqueducts at this point.

She bawled until she was unintelligible. The detectives still caught the main words. Hazing, dock, fall. The bit about the island had, perhaps thankfully, been shrouded in snot and wails. Any leading questions were answered in a similar manner. With sobbing and shakes of the head. Any attempt at consoling her or calming her down was, frankly, a failure.

"..." Detective Harris looked at Maive with a look of pity before placing a business card in front of her. "Please call this number if you remember any other details."

And that's how Maive's first run in with the cops went.

It wasn't perfect, but it was something. Rin had caused something to happen. She had managed buy a moment of respite, even if it involved shards of wood in her palms and the sudden prospect of being airborne. Landing next to Shun was a lucky break. Shun was battered and bleeding, but she was still breathing. At the very least, Rin knew that they were alive. Beyond that was her reflection of what she had done.

"I get it..." She whispered to Shun. Afflicted by a strange epiphany, Rin's thoughts began to compound.

What was she trying to make? A spear. What was a spear? It was such an ambiguous term. So many things could be called a spear. No, what was physical was not an idea. It was an imitation. It was substance at a point in time. No matter how she tried to imagine it, there was no way to create the perfect representation of a spear.

But why was she getting hung up on what a spear was? She could always take a step back. A spear was merely something used to pierce. Was there any reason why it couldn't have been something else? A bullet could pierce and so could a knife. In fact, was there any important distinction between piercing and slashing? It was all the same in the end. To damage and sunder substance was all there was to it. That was the essence.

She understood that she had to abandon her notions of what constituted a form. Necessity was the mother of invention, after all.

She pulled the energy from within her once more and dragged her finger along the beasts in the night.

What she had drew was not complex. What had formed in her mind was fundamentally simple. Something fundamental to everything, yet could not be observed in reality. It was something that could only be in the mind.

A single bisecting line.
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