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With it being in Advanced it'd be at least 2-3 paragraphs plus some dialog. Gotta be able to carry yourself as a writer without thinking you need to ask permission before taking on mini bosses and such. Static would be a great addition to the team as well...


Okay, sounds good to me!

Also, have a thing:

I started working on a sheet for Static if that sounds cool (hopefully I'll finish by tomorrow, getting kinda tired), but I did have a question.

Is there a requirement for post size? I usually manage 1-2 easily enough, more when I feel it or if it's a collab. That's also more because I write more action focused posts than introspective ones. Just let me know if its going to be a problem.
Stand User
Name: Jeffery Derringer Glenn (goes by J.D.)
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Brief description of appearance: Of toned and somewhat muscular build, J.D. wouldn't look out of place in a pose off. Being black, his skin is dark, his black hair very short, and his eyes brown. Said eyes are usually underneath a pair of corrective lenses, though he likes to attach a set of shaded lens that he can flip up. His wide smile has a noticeable gap in his front teeth. He typically likes to wear a white and blue cap at an angle with a wing motif, along with a flight jacket over a shirt and a peace sign necklace, and either shorts or jeans based on the weather.

Personality summary: Like the wind, J.D. is wild and uncontrollable. He's one to like a good time, no matter who objects. While his pace is fast as he bounces around, he's not one to be committed, taking suggestions well for the most part. He doesn't like being tied down however, and if placed in a such a position he gets irritable. He is generally quick to anger but quick to forgive as well.

Short biography: Native to Pleasant Valley, the J.D. of ten years ago would have found the name ironic. He never knew his father, and while his mother was able to care for him, she eventually put him up for foster care and vanished to parts unknown. At age four, he had known little of a true home life before being taken in by his foster parents, whom were not the kindest. He was fed and schooled, but when not doing homework, he was generally expected to do chores, under threat of being made to leave. Out of fear, he put up with it, but as he grew, he realized his situation was abnormal, and at age eleven, ran away.

The next week would be just as miserable, perhaps more so, but his runaway life did not last long. While he did manage to keep away from authorities, he soon found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. While rifling through the trash near a closed restaurant, a body stumbled through the door before falling to the ground, an arrow sticking out. As the assailant followed, J.D. ran, frightened for his life, but the assailant retrieved the arrow and loosed it once more, piercing J.D.'s neck.

He awoke in the hospital some time later, miraculously alive, and with a new wind under his wings. This would mark a turn in his fortunes, where as he tells it, he got a windfall when his mother died, passing off a bit of cash to him, which he invested into stocks, lucking out and getting enough to live comfortably.

But recently, a threat cropped up that might interrupt his life of comfort...

Dark Secret: [REDACTED]
Other Named from J.D. Souther and Glenn Frey

Name: Birds of a Feather

Description of Appearance: Birds of a Feather is a rather unorthodox Stand, and as such doesn't have a typical appearance. Its true form would be that of a large hawk with a blue tint to its normal brown and black coloration. It initially manifests as feathers on J.D.'s person, which he requires for his abilities.

Power: Centered around the feathers he can form on his person, Birds of a Feather is an ability of conjuration. By touching something with the point, the feather attaches as if it were naturally part of the object, and transforms into either one or two wings. It doesn't need a lot of force: J.D. can achieve the same effect by throwing a feather as long as it strikes with the point, something he's practiced, though it might be more or less difficult based on conditions such as wind speed or distance from the target.

Once a feather is attached, he has a limited amount of control: not only can he manipulate the movements of the wings, but he can grow other attachments like beaks or talons, also under his control. For example, he can stick a feather in a foe's jacket, and they will find themselves being clawed and pecked from the underside. A feather in the side of their head can mean they will find their head bobbing as wings flap wildly. However, he can't control what he sticks directly: a jacket is still an inanimate object, and a cranium is still controlled by that person's nervous system.

He can't create an infinite amount, however: one feather means one pair of wings, one pair of talons, and one beak. If he jabs in multiple feathers, however, he can make more copies. There are some other limitations as well: he can only grow wings from where he jabbed the feather, though other parts can be anywhere regardless of how much sense it makes (i.e. two talons could be right next to each other, evenly spaced, or on opposite sides). Outside of his fairly notable range, his feathers only last a few minutes, and will only scratch, peck, or flap wildly independent of his control. If someone else gets one of his feathers and jabs it into something, it merely moves on its own for a few minutes unless J.D. becomes aware of it, after which he can control it normally. Feathers from the wings are normal, being different from the feathers he himself produces. The wings are also only slightly stronger than a regular bird's: even if he attaches a hundred feathers to a car it still isn't going to fly, even he could control them all so perfectly.


Destructive Power: C (the claws and talons can do some work, but they're more effective against flesh than a Stand)
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: C (Not much tougher than a bird, but J.D. only takes damage if the feather itself is damaged: one feather is like one of his fingers or toes)
Precision: B
J.D. shivered briefly. Was it the chill weather or that powerful, lingering presence? He could hardly tell at the moment. Tightening the sipper of his white flight jacket, he slipped his hands into the pockets in an effort to retain some heat. "Summer went too quick..." he muttered quietly to himself.

Looking around the beachfront as Maz's Stand moved about, J.D. clicked his tongue, muttering, "Just light a flare why don'tcha..." Looking closer at the black print of the newspaper on the pink dragon's skin, he couldn't help but snort, "I dunno what you expect to see with all this rain, but if you don't be careful he's gonna melt, ha!"

Cringing as the droplets hit his skin, he poked a finger out of his jacket pocket, jabbing it towards the former abode of the recently deceased Damien Bourke, J.D. droned, "I say we just give it a look." If there's anything to find...
Working on a post, but I noticed something.

Maz makes a mental comment about Bruno's Stand, but in the main OOC post it states the Rats only know the names of each others Stands rather than any abilities. x:
I'll be posting tomorrow!

Hope the Stand isn't too weird for you. :B

Color me interested!
"The runt can leave: my problem's with the geezer. People with actual legs have the right of way, idiot," Itsurou insisted.

Pulling further out of the tablet, wispy lower torso vanishing into the pocket while his arms became free," Rong waved, "Hold on, we're talking here." Itsurou clicked his tongue, but went silent.

Pinky picking at his nose, Rong began, "Well, most of the dead just rot, till they got nothing left to rot. Cemeteries are always livelier than you think, there're some hauntings...this town's pretty big, but what everyone's gearing up for now is...well, you know, don't you? Otherwise you wouldn't be so far from home, right?"
So, I was looking to start up a 1x1! Can you guess what setting I might be interested in? ;o

Well, first, a little about me! I generally post at least once every one-two days, though usually bit more. It highly depends on my work schedule. I'm not unwilling to do romance, but I only care for it as a subplot with a M/F pairing, though I'll play either gender. I definitely do NOT do sex scenes. I write in past tense and third person, and expect the same from you. I can generally post at least once a day, work permitting, but the more we talk about the story, the easier it will be for us to post! In regards to post length and the like, it varies based on scene (dialogue posts would be shorter, for instance), but as long as you feel confident that you can post at least 2/3 paragraphs a post, then we'll be fine. Though collabs are also options for quick back and forths. I don't really want to go offsite, like chat or such, but I'm alright with either threads or PMs.

So, about the game itself: I was hoping for a typical Pokemon Journey! Trainers, their Pokemon, and a long walk across the region. I'm open to ideas on the specifics, but I have a few ideas myself.

Firstly, I was thinking we go through an original region. While I have no specific ideas at the moment, the idea is that we'd build it up as we go along. Name drop a town here and end up there later down the line! Add some landmarks, an antagonistic team, and we'd be set!

I'm familiar with Pokemon from all generations so I'd rather not have any limits there. More tools!

One possible idea to work with to give more character interaction is rather simple: more characters! Instead of one trainer each, we could have two! We'd each have one character interested in Pokemon Battles and the League challenge, and another more interested in something else, like Contests. If you have any other suggestions, that's fine too! I'm also perfectly fine with one character each.

While battles in the games serve their purpose, I've been reading Pokemon Special and I rather like how they handle it. While your Gym battles, casual fights, and other matches play out like duels (not unlike the ones you're used to from the games and anime), when guys like Team Rocket are involved or things are otherwise more serious, rules get thrown out the window. Multiple Pokemon being used, disabling the opposing trainer, tons of trickery: it'd be a great way to push our characters out of their comfort zone and force them to adapt!

I'm only interested in starting one game, but go ahead and post here or message me if you're interested! Aside from your interest, what I need most is what kind of character(s) you wish to play, so we can begin to plot things!
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