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Lina a Reno's side, as he struggled to stand she helped him to his feet, letting him lean on her. However, Reno had a sour look, stating, "No."

Lina blinked. "Eh? But..."

"You somehow got out of danger, but he still endangered you and Lino. The two of you could have been killed."

Lina stated, "They tried to capture us and I fought them off! We were fine! And Lino's with Suan now, so they're safe."

"That's still not the kind of person I want calling the shots when it comes to our home!" Lina wasn't happy, but she didn't have a retort either. Giving Lina a somber look, he noted, "You...never used to argue with me before."

Lina looked to him, before saying, "Well, I never thought you were wrong before..."

Reno turned to Chester for a moment, then he pushed Lina away, standing on his own, though he was clearly straining. Standing as tall as he could, he began to walk back to the Azure compound, Lina following after him.

After a few minutes of Reno bleeding his way in, refusing outside help, he reentered Momo's chamber as those less wounded were starting to regain their bearings. Among them were Momo, who visibly flinched upon spotting Chester and Reno, and among the grunts there were a few foreigners, along with some islanders who'd been dragged into the fold. They had tried to recruit Reno those months ago, but he had refused them, and had earned their ire ever since.

"Now you want to talk," Momo grumbled, patting a wet rag over her swollen face.

"I want to talk," Reno said. Breathing heavily, he reached down, snatching the black coat off of one of Momo's Lieutenants, throwing it over his shoulders. "Let me join the Azure Company."

"Wh-what!?" Lina gaped.

Reno insisted, "Chester's plan isn't going to solve anything. He's not going to stay here to fight for us the rest of his life, and I'm not strong enough. Even if he beats Cerulean, there's still three other Companies. They play dirty: they'll find some way to win. What then? Even if they're all beaten, how long until another group comes along that I can't beat?"

Lina's face was stern, and she gripped her sword, but Reno silenced her, stating, "I beat the man you had outside. I'm not in good shape but I'm the one standing. I'm at least the level of your lieutenants."

Momo droned, "I suppose I can't argue that." Reno was silent as she pondered for a moment. Momo sighed, "You'll be lobbying for better business practices on our end, won't you? Cerulean won't be happy, but I'm in no position to refuse your offer to join. It's just a shame all your islanders were so weak. Maybe you'd have had more say."

Reno flinched, before saying, "Six years ago...we were the ones who ran, because we were weak. That's why we lived when all our friends, older brothers, fathers..." Standing it bit taller, he said, "But I'm not like that anymore. Never again."

Turning, he had a sharp intake of breath as he looked to Chester, stating, "And I'm making you an honorary member of the Azure Company."


"WHAT!?" Lina, Momo, and the Azure Company cried simultaneously.

Reno stated, "And until someone representing the Azure Company beats you, I officially represent Melonberry Island's interests within the Azure Company. No more sugar monopolies, no more forced recruitment." Momo gnashed her teeth, but there was not a word of protest from her lips.

Lina was clearly a bit bewildered. Looking down at her sword, she said, "Then what...am I supposed to do?" Glaring at Reno, she demanded, "Let me join too!"

Shaking his head, Reno began, "You're not joining the Azure Company. You're above that. You're above me. Yesterday was the first time I saw you smile in six years. That's my fault."

Raising a finger, he jabbed it at Chester, remarking, "What kinda pirate do you think you can be without a crew? Lina's better in a fight than I am, and she's a damn good cook to boot."

"Eh? Eh!?" Lina gasped.

"Don't you mess it up," Reno sputtered, before his feet finally gave way, and he crashed to his knees.

While Lina sank to his side, Momo raised her hand. "Get him some medical treatment, along with everyone else." She sighed, "He's one of us, after all."

While the voices of those celebrating were few, cheers from the islanders once oppressed rang out through the building.
Teeth bared, Reno charged out of the compound. It didn't take long for the ten or so men outside to become aware of his presence, and move for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a crow swooping down into the village, far out of his range. Snarling, he let loose his pistols, aiming at anyone with a firearm. As a few blade wielders moved in, Reno flipped one of his guns, swooping in and smashing a thug in the face. As he felt a dagger enter his arm, but he aimed his pistol and fired. His charge was stopped, but he wasn't going to stop for anything if he could help it.


Streaking over the buildings, as the crow flew, its keen eyes picked up on it's target: a man named Cho. Swooping down, it landed on the ground, but on the road spotted with blood and the fallen bodies of three wounded Azure Company members, none were fit enough to take the order off his leg.


Fallen to his knees, pistols hung in his limp hands, half a dozen goons still stood in varying degrees of health. The one who'd led them to the building before returning outside, sporting a beard, slung his machete over his black coat, muttering, "Dumb kid. Don't know when to quit. You couldn't even touch me either. Heh, you'd think I was Clear."

Reno spat blood, growling, "You had help."

Clear shrugged, before raising his machete.

"Reno!?" came a cry from the entry gate. Clear stepped to look, and Reno saw Lina. She was without her usually wide brimmed hat, and her dark pink dress had a spattering of blood near the hem, as did her sandals. She had her sword drawn, and it too was marred in blood. As she took in the scene, her heavy breathing slowed, as she bared her teeth. Her cool, emerald eyes flashed with a fire that sent chills down Reno's spine. A scar he had on his torso seemed to throb as he recognized that expression, unseen on his sister's face in years.

Clicking his tongue, Clear drew his pistol and fired. There was a spark as Lina's blade intercepted. Eyes widened, Reno watched as she began to streak forwards.

Two men, one with a pair of axes and the other with a cutlass, made at her. Lina's feet skittered, sending her to the side so that the man with the cutlass couldn't get past the axe wielder. As he raised his weapons, Lina stabbed low, piercing his thigh before coming in, raising her hand and smashing her hilt into her face. The cutlass wielder moved to strike as his ally fell, but three puncture wounds appeared in his chest before he could follow through.

As Lina made to move on, Clear was already in motion, bearing down at her, his huge machete raised. As he slung it down, she sidestepped, before elbowing him in the face, bloodying his nose. Reno's jaw dropped, but as he noticed movement, he called, "Lina!"

Lina's expression snapped back to normal just as a gunshot rang out, a bullet cutting into her side. She grimaced in pain, stumbling back as a hand clutched at her side. It was only a graze, but it was still deep enough to bleed. One of the remaining thugs pushed a spear forwards as he charged, but Lina grunted forwards, slipping away from the spear and thrusting in, her blade stabbing low but angled high, piercing up through the assailant's arm. As he recoiled, dropping his weapon, another gunshot rang out, then another. Reno's pistol slipped from his grasp at the recoil, but two men fell, one with a bullet in his chest and another with a bullet in his pistol arm.

Finally, Clear had his machete poised at Lina once again. Letting go over her wound, Lina grimaced as she held her sword in two hands. While he raised his weapon, she lunged forward, stabbing low. Clear danced back, letting her stab into the packed dirt. As she stepped forwards at him, he finally aimed another downwards strike. Gritting her teeth, she dug her knees into the dirt, thrusting her blade into his hands. The heavy weapon continued to descend, but she twisted her hilt, holding it from beneath, allowing the hilt to catch the machete. The force was still strong: Lina's hands could only just resist the sword's descent, and the blade dug into her shoulder, but stopped before going to far in, as beneath her feet, the ground she'd weakened had sunk under the weight distributed by her knees, absorbing some of the force blow.

Wide eyed, Clear lifted his machete, sliding his hands off of Lina's sword, but his weapon slipped from his bloodied grasp. As he held his pierced hands out wide, he gawked, "H-huh?" Lina stood, blade flashing across his chest, Clear falling to the ground in defeat.

Those still conscious watched in awe as Lina sheathed her blade, catching her breath. Her hands were tightened roughly at her sides, shoulders shaking. Reno felt a bittersweet taste: the sister he'd trained for six years had far exceed his expectations, but at what cost?
Fresh pipe in hand, Lady Momo's eyes were narrowed as Chester so casually entered. From her spot on her knees, she said, "You must be Chester. And Reno..." A faux smile creeping on to her chubby face, she cooed, "Has your little sister gotten any bigger?"

Reno snorted, refusing to sit on his knees as Momo so casually did. Looking up at the two men, Momo began, "So, let's cut to the chase. As I see it, you want to beat up Boss Cerulean, while you want the Azure Company off the island. I'm afraid neither of those things are going to happen. Cerulean's no pushover, even for someone like you, if what I've heard is true. And even if we are beaten, we're not just going to leave."

Reno cleared his throat loudly, before stating, "Unless one of you is beaten after a deal is struck. You're all about 'might makes right', aren't you? If Chester really is stronger than Cerulea-"

"Our rules only apply within our ranks, silly boy. Besides, might is more than just strength. I'm the most powerful person on the island, but I'm not it's strongest fighter, fufufu." Tapping out her pipe, she filtered in soem fresh tobacco before stating, "Besides, I'm done negotiating with you. All previous attempts have failed, after all. The two of you will be publicly executed for standing against the Azure Company. Chester for your regular, unprovoked assaults on Azure Company members and Reno for your blatant theft of our wares and aiding and abetting Chester." Reno flinched, and Momo giggled, "You're the only one who knows enough to steal that much of our product."

However, the two armed men didn't make a move to capture Reno or Chester. Even as Reno pulled one of his pistols and aimed it at Momo. Clearly caught off guard, Reno hesistated.

Taking a long drag from her pipe, Momo exhaled, before stating, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. If either of you struggle, then my men elsewhere in the building will send out a crow. That crow will reach some of my men in the field, who will kill your younger sisters." Reno had a sharp intake of breath, his pistol quavering, as Momo stuck her pipe back into her mouth.
Marxo be like:

Slapping a palm to his forehead, Reno growled, "Cerulean's not here yet you idiot."

Within the group of stunned men near the compound entrance, the one with a smoking rifle barrel was smacked by another, who shouted, "Why the hell did you shoot him!?"

"I panicked! Did you hear what he did to Chrome? Chrome!"

"Just shut up and go get Momo!"

As the messenger scampered away, the most experienced looking of the group waved as he turned to the building. "Lady Momo isn't going to want to see you outside." While most men went back to their posts, eyes warily on Reno and Chester, a few headed to the smaller, complete building, leaving the other one be.

As Chester and Reno made their way along. En route, Reno asked, "Chester...what are you going to do?"

"You haven't killed any of these guys. I'm not asking you too, but even if you beat Cerulean, then what? He'll just leave us alone? How long until some other pirate or mafia group comes along? Are you going to stay here forever?" Reno studied Chester, before stating, "I couldn't imagine it."
A few minutes later, Lina had nearly finished patching up Chester's cut when Reno returned from outside.

Noticing him, Lina asked, "Is something wrong?"

Remo hissed, "Nav might be down, but there are still more of them on the island. It could get ugly. Are you finished?"

Lina gave one last tug of the bandage on Chester's arm, before confirming, "Yeah."

"Take Lino to...the mayor's. No, too close to the Azure Company's headquarters. Suan's then."

Lina frowned, "Then what are you going to do?"

Reno insisted, "We're not sitting around here while the Azure Company can still move. I know the island as good as anyone here, so..." Reno pointed to Chester then back to him, "We're going to give things a look before they make another move. Any questions?"


"Ma'am, there's been a problem..."

Lifting up her head, Lady Momo had already had enough after that long night. Seeing her messenger, she growled, "What did he do this time!?"

"He's beaten Nav'ey. We don't know what he plans to do next yet..."

Puffing at her pipe, she clenched her teeth before it snapped like a twig in her hands. Throwing it down, she insisted, "No change in plans yet, but prepare a crow anyway. And try to keep eyes on him. All of them!"

Once left alone, Momo retrieved the shards of her pipe. She'd liked this one. And much like this town, she didn't want to see it broken.
Grimacing, Freya noted to Zepp, "I'm not sure how I feel about handling the cleanup with someone who can pull off attacks like that on the loose."

Her mood sank even lower as she heard the rancor of the one who caused most of this mess. She did over hear a couple of ludicrous comments, like the idea that any prison in the East Blue was at Impel Down's level. Then...

"Captain Freya, you wouldn't happen to be taking requests would you?"

Freya cringed, pointing at Xerxes before ordering with an uncharacteristic coldness, "Gag him and stuff him a cell. If he doesn't comply then knock him out." As he was roughly pushed along, her men finally got the dragon man standing as he regained some consciousness.

After some disarray, he asked, "Who are you and how were you able to cut me?"

Sighing out some of her frustration, she scratched her head, before mumbling, "Well, that's...eat your vegetables."

With that taken care of, Freya was hesitant to issue more orders, as her crew was still busy with trying to get the ship into a manageable state. Thinking ahead, she began, "Okay, once we can get this ship to deck we need to start the relief effort! Teru, call for any nearby backup! And someone find whoever chucked that scythe at us! And the Lieutenant while you're at it!"

There she was, giving a shit again. What a day...she'd have to sleep for a whole week to make up for it.

Standing at the door as Chester arrived, another Azure Company member with a black overcoat stood, though not as tall as Chrome before him. All around the house were more than a dozen others, mulling about as they waited. Tipping his hat up from his bald head, he looked over Chester before beginning, his voice gravelly, "Morning, fella. I got an offer for ya."

Leaning on the doorframe, hands in his pockets, he began, "Let's be honest: you're damn tough. Chrome wasn't a pushover, but you sure as hell pushed him over. Truth is though, you're not gonna want to be here in a week though. We've got, ah, 'Company' coming. You saw that big old unfinished building? We've been relocating here so Boss Cerulean'll be along with some of his top guys in a week or so. If you're still fucking around with us by then he won't take a liking to that, and chances are he'll have your shit pushed in."

Pointing a finger, he finished, "If you're a smart guy, and I know you're not dumb, you'll take our offer: a nice little boat ride outta our hair. It won't be free but we can work out the specifics on the way."

Stepping back, he saw Reno hovering nearby, and added, "Oh, and you'll want to come to. Separate matter." Briefly glancing past the two into the house, he concluded, "Trust me on this one."

A few small footfalls coming from behind, Lino came in, rubbing her eyes. She mumbled groggily, "Hnn, what's the noise..?"
Also, Ira hasn't posted IC since the marines stopped Marxo's attack, so we're waiting on him.
"The best drink in the world..." Lina mused, before smiling, "Between our Melonberry Punch and old man Devo's berry mead, you might find what it here, but they only go on sale tomorrow~" Knowing the sugar would need a night of hourly stirring to fully mix with their punch, Lina had an excited spring in her step, her hands clutched on the brick of sugar tightly.


As the evening sun was starting to set, Lina busied herself in the kitchen of her family's modest home. As the smell of cooking fish moved to the adjacent living room from the open kitchen, the rest of the family finally arrived. Lino came in first, practically bouncing as she realized what dinner was, while Reno came in later, a bit less amused.

Spotting Chester lying around, he grunted, "What are you doing here?"

Looking up from the stove in the next room, Lina stopped what she was doing to explain, huffing, "You told me to watch him, didn't you? What did you expect? Besides, Chester saved our butts this season: he took some sugar from the Azure Company goons who were harassing me. What have you done today?"

Reno looked at her not with anger, but bewilderment. Eventually, his face hardened, and he admitted, "You're right...but my day's not over yet." Turning on his heel, he stomped from the house.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Lino asked curiously, but Reno didn't respond. By the time Lina came to check, he was long gone.

"What's gotten into him..." Lina wondered, starting back to the kitchen.

When she was gone, Lino noted, "You're being weird too..." Tossing thoughts of her silly older siblings to the side, she bounced over to Chester, wondering innocently, "How'd you get sugar from the blue guys? You don't look like you have money."
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