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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago


  • Whats left of the Conomi Islands


A grin formed on Xerxes face as he recognized that voice, within the few moments that he fought the gorilla marine, his catch phrase was burned into his mind. Within seconds, the gorilla Marine was flying towards him, launching himself with his elbows like an idiot.

"You gotta be kidding me." Xerxes mumbled as the scenario played out in his mind. No doubt he could dodge the attack, but within mili-seconds he had formulated a plan, he would let the attack come.

As he twisted his body to face Gorilla, he used his broken arm to block the first wave air shells, his Friction Layer working on overdrive for his plan couldn't block it. The blows jarred the broken bone, but his durability allowed him to take them. The world slowed down as Anaru's signature punch came at him at a snails pace, but it didn't end there.

The screams of the smoke man was quickly audible over the rushing wind. Suddenly, he felt the warm grip of the smoke marines hands on his legs, attempting to disrupt his Friction Layer, but there was nothing there. As he grabbed Xerxes, his body lit up like a flare, a sphere of pure electricity and fire surrounding his body. Utilizing the field of static that he kept just a few inches off the surface of his skin began to go into overdrive. The friction it created with the air molecules created a massive spark, but Xerxes controlled it, condensed it, similar to the way he controlled his 'Primordial Burst". The energy being released literally ate the oxygen in the air so quickly this time, that the air seemed to be devoid of oxygen.

Complete and utter silence, no one could breath, no one would perceive sound as Xerxes mumbled theses words, all within a second.

"Heavenly Cataclysm."

Within a blink of an eye they were all enveloped is an extremely massive explosion, a sphere of pure pyro-electric fire literally vaporizing anything and everything in its path. In its center, the marines and Xerxes. The explosion vaporized anything within 40 feet in all directions, surrounding birds were literally turned to ash. A pressure wave snapped trees, bent iron rails, demolished buildings and grounded vessels. Hardly a window in the town below survived the blast. Thousands of people had stopped to watch the explosion from inside buildings, were blinded permanently as glass lodged itself in thier eye sockets.

The Marines were strong, but the explosion was was equivalent to 20 tons of TNT exploding. A massive ball of black smoke was left as a whoosh of oxygen returned to the site after the vacuum it created. Xerxes free fell through the air, falling in and out of consciousness before he smashed into a three story building a few miles away. Staggering, Xerxes' found that he had little energy left to fight, as he had over exerted himself to create such a powerful blast.

As the dust from the room cleared, he found himself in a child's room, who looked at him wide eyed. His broken arm now nearly shattered, he used it to grab the little boy by the neck. With his back to the wall, if the Marines happened to survive the blast, they would find him with beam blade tip at a boys throat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Black Shark

Loguetown Port, East Blue
@Hillan @j8cob

”Ooh, that hurt, Churchy.” Samehana fake whined, feigning distress for a moment before returning to her regular whimsical self. While Church had a habit of making jokes at her expense, it was clear that he didn’t have any malicious intent. Tough though he may have looked, he wasn’t actually a bad guy. At the cowboy’s comment about her rump, she merely scoffed. ”Tell me something I don’t know~. I could swear you got a good couple of squeezes in, buddyboy.” she retorted, sticking her tongue out playfully as she walked alongside her regular sparring partner, their captain leading the party.

The three made for a rather odd lineup. A bright-haired young man who struck the figure of both a rogue and a nobleman alike, a poncho-wearing, honest-to-god cowboy and a Fishwoman with hair that came very close to reaching the ground and a killer figure. Samehana found her companions to be quite the reliable pair of humans. Church’s skill with a gun certainly wasn’t anything to scoff at. Not to mention that he handled himself pretty damn well without them. Certainly didn’t hurt that he was his own special brand of intelligent to boot. And, while Sancho might not have possessed as much martial prowess as the cook and the first mate, he made up for it with a keen intellect(both book-wise and socially)and a high level of mastery of the powers granted to him by the Wool-Wool Fruit. Samehana was reminded of the time he’d managed to “defeat” her in a fight, an event which marked her joining the Golden Fleece Pirates in their still infant stage.

Samehana watched as “Kingslayer” Sancho worked his magic, almost impressed at how easy it was to convince the Marines to clear out of their way. Then again, it wasn’t like these grunts had the luxury of doing any fact checking at the moment.

As gunshots rang out from behind the Golden Fleece crew, Samehana couldn’t help but think about how the people inside the cafe were going to survive a hail of bullets. But more importantly: What the hell did they do to get a Marine squad on their asses? The kid in the red coat couldn’t have even been out of his teens yet. ”Hmmm. You think those kids back there were pirates too? I mean, they’d kinda have to be to get that kind of treatment.” the Fishwoman remarked offhand.

At the suggestion to steal a ship, Samehana nodded in agreement. It was about time for an “upgrade” from the ship they’d been voyaging in thus far, and a Navy ship with full supply was the perfect fit. And with most of the Marines focused elsewhere, that left only the dunce squad. As if things could be any easier! ”Sounds good to me. I’m sure all the real manpower is focused in town, so it should be a cakewalk getting rid of the smallfry back here.” she chimed, popping her knuckles. All that was left was to pick a ship that was to their liking and get to crackin’.

Zepp Kisaragi ?

Conomi Island, East Blue
@malmshodes @Ira

In the midst of all the commotion, Zepp stood looking pretty damn non-plussed. Though, the sudden fire and subsequent obliteration of half of the Sunny Massacre’s escape ship managed to at least provoke an eyebrow raise from the man. A strong wind erupted from behind Zepp as he watched a streak of electrical flame arc away from the ship, signaling the attempted escape of the masked criminal. Zepp turned around to fimd that Anaru had jumped off in pursuit, presumably looking to finish what he started. “At least warn a guy before ya go around blasting air everywhere, goddamnit.” Zepp complained as he observed the crater that Anaru left in his wake. With Johnny giving chase at roughly the same time as Anaru, a whole series of events happened in quick succession that led to a confrontation between the 99th Division’s Captain, and that big ass lizard man. More important, however, were the remaining members of the Sunny Massacre crew that were left afloat on a gigantic…. Bag? That was now floating back towards the island that they had just set sail from. Towards Zepp.

“Oh, well ain’t it just my lucky day.” the closed-eyed Marine muttered as he snatched a rifle from the hands of a Marine passing by, presumably in the midst of helping out the injured. Zepp licked his finger and put it up to test the winds before once again turning his attention to maskboy’s “friends”. One of them looked to be unconscious. Lucky. The other, however, was a female with vibrant crimson hair who looked to be mostly unharmed. A little dirty from the business on the ship, though. Zepp trained his rifle on the pair, deciding that it was about time he made his contribution. “Howdy! Whaddaya say to just quitting while you’re ahead, huh? We can get your pal there some medical attention and the best goddamn prison food this side of the Grand Line while we’re at it!” he called, attempting to solve this diplomatically for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 1 day ago


Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands.


It all happened so fast, so fast that I didnt fully react until seconds after it happened. She not only dodged the tail but she did it with her eyes closed, and that didnt even impede her charge against me. What kind of technique was that?! Nevermind that, my armor proved useless against her blade, scales that could shatter a normal blade cut into a deep wound on my leg. I fell onto a bleeding knee, most of the strength I had left was pure will power. I had never felt such pain before, no one was able to inflict such a wound upon me before. "I guess....theres a first time for everything." I muttered though my monstrous voice made it audible regardless. Was my sacrifice pointless? Was she right? I could hear Xerxes and Rock Solid Justice in the distance.

No. I couldn't surrender so easily, I wasn't ready to fall so quickly and allow them to progress to back up the Marines on the island. If all else fails I will take this ship with me to the bottom of the sea. "Damn Marines..." I muttered again, starting to stand again as I looked upon her. "Dogs of the world government, you lot think you control everything." Before I continued my sentence my left claw would grab the center mast of the ship. "Order and Law is necessary for society, yes I can agree that far. But to impose order on the whole world, the sea no less, with human ideals....that isnt natural, its not what its supposed to be....You people went to far." With what energy I had left, the mast would start to tear off the deck of the marine Vessel. "Its not freedom! And ill be damned if I let you lot take away the freedom of my family again!" With a final shout I'd tear off the mast of the ship with my claw, grabbing hold of it like a weapon before slamming it down upon the marine woman and the ship itself, my eyes were rolled back and black like a shark as I roared with rage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago




Interacting with:

The explosion rang out as the Monkeyman's fist was gonna collide with the Explosive-man's face. However, he decoy'd them, darting away with a small explosion, leaving them nothing short of a nuclear blast in his wake. The blast would explode, and Johnny's eyes would go white. He would cover the area around Xerxes in smoke as quickly as he could, absorbing a portion of the blast with his powers. Yet, it wouldn't be enough, as the smoke man disintegrated.

The would be escapee made it into the city, expecting to be scotch free, even going as far as to take a hostage. His plans ended when a knock on the boy's door - the room Xerxes stood in was heard, and outside stood not Smoking Johnny, The Ensign of the 99th Division. The man who stood in the doorway was the last man 146 people had ever seen, before he had snuffed out their light for the last time. His posture was changed, rigid, not laid-back, his eyes were cold, the green shimmer seemed faded, and he was no longer wearing the hat, his brown hair falling over his face, he even wore a black leather jacket over his white Marine Tunic.

He had a Cigar in his mouth and he looked Xerxes in the eye, he wasn't scared for the boy. He wasn't impressed.

He felt nothing.

Before Xerxes the pirate of the Spark Spark fruit, wasn't the Marine Officer he had fought over the last hour.
In front of him stood John Tabaku, Cipher Pol 9 Agent, and one of the most well trained Assassins the World government had ever created. He only sound heard was John inhaling the smoke from his cigar, exhaling it again.

"Let the boy go." He commanded. The boys eyes were filled with tears as the vibrating blade of heat almost grazed his skin. "Or don't. You're not getting out either way."

"You should've taken the deal Johnny gave you. I don't deal fair."
The Crimson Reaper wasn't facing a mere man anymore, he was facing someone a lot more Grim.

Shigan. His words rang out, as he flickered out of sigh, at a speed he had never shown before, using the Soru technique with his full mastery, it seemed as if the man in the black jacket teleported, as his finger pierced towards Xerxes's body, aiming at soft-tissue, instead of the heart of the liver, he was going to render his other arm completely useless.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dirk Messir

As the Marines who had entered the cafe began to spread out, Dirk considered his options. In his current location, he knew he'd be discovered sooner or later, and there was a good chance that he'd either be attacked on sight, or taken off by the Marines, and promptly discovered as an escaped slave. However, he figured he might live a little bit longer if he pretended to be innocent for a bit; after all, maybe they wouldn't immediately recognise him, and might let their guard down long enough for his Divine Purpose to reinstate itself. The knife in his hand was flipped over to a backward grip, and hidden in his coat sleeve, making it seem as though he was unarmed.

Sure enough, footsteps came round the front of the bar, and a fairly fat guy with a droopy lip rounded the bar, starting a little when he spied Dirk huddled in the corner. However, Dirk's new clothing and seemingly-scared demeanour seemed to do the trick - the Marine did little more than call out 'Hey, I found a civilian over here!', his captain responding 'Alright, so take them in for questioning.' The guy kneeled down, an apparent expression of kindness crossing his features, as he began saying meaningless words to help calm Dirk down and explain official Marine questioning procedure. Dirk didn't pay attention to those, instead waiting for the guy to get close enough for him to use his expert martial arts skills on the guy.

'So hey, what's your name, anyway?' the Marine asked. It occurred to Dirk that the guy was another person like Chipper - actually kind, and not a horrible person like everyone in the family he was with before. However, Dirk couldn't afford to get captured and returned to his previous owners.

'Finger Pistol.'


That was the last word the fat Marine ever uttered. Flipping the knife in his grip again, Dirk lunged, plunging it into the man's chest, stifling any noise he might have made as slipped on to his back, Dirk frantically stabbing the man until the light left his eyes. It was not a clean death, either physically or metaphorically - blood poured from his wounds, and though the remaining two less experienced Marines made fun of the fat one for apparently slipping on nothing, the one in charge almost immediately yelled at them to follow him over there. Dirk turned back to face the narrow end of the bar, crouched and covered in blood, waiting as the Marines moved toward the bar, two sets of footsteps passing him, and the last set...

A man wearing glasses looked over the bar, uttered 'What the f-', and was promptly knocked back by Dirk's abrupt leap over the shorter end of the bar, his knife piercing the recruit's shoulder before being immediately retracted as Dirk made a break for the nearest pillar. Somebody shot at him and missed just as he rounded behind it, giving him a moment's respite, as it was just wide enough to hide his entire body from view from the bar area. Once again, the older Marine shouted orders, telling the other two to get after the kid whilst he reloaded; scanning in front of him, Dirk found room to duck down on all fours again, now crawling silently beneath the table immediately before him, remaining quiet and breathing slowly and evenly as the two younger Marines arrived in the area.

'Where'd he go?!'

'I don't know, he was right behind the pillar! He didn't move out from there, did he?'

'I didn't see him move out... maybe he-'

'For God's sake, you two! Just shut up, find him, and make him pay for killing a Marine!'

From his vantage point, Dirk saw one of the Marines - probably glasses, given the drips of blood falling from above the level of the table - draw their cutlass from their belt, and both began to wander around, checking in as many conceivable locations as they could, except below the table proper. Considering that glasses was both already injured and probably more battle-skilled than his companion, Dirk began crawling after him, remaining beneath the tables as best he could until he was sure he wouldn't be seen as he crawled out from beneath them, immediately behind glasses. His Divine Purpose left his steps light and his body hunched beneath table level, letting him move across the glass unheard as he moved closer and closer to glasses, until he finally saw an opportunity - two otherwise-distant pillars happened to be arranged such that he wouldn't be seen from the other's location even when hidden behind one from the side - and took it, spearing glasses in the neck and roughly dragging his knife across it, spraying a shower of blood across a large area in front of the unfortunate man. He collapsed, the final rookie Marine began to run over with unfired gun in hand, and Dirk took his position, hiding behind the appropriate pillar until the blonde man reached him, very upset at the death of his friend, and begging him to stop joking around and get up, right up to the point Dirk fell upon him in another frenzy of stabbing.

The final Marine, apparently the leader of the group, chose this point to round the corner and aim his rifle at Dirk, yelling 'Alright, kid, stand up, hands empty, or I blow your brains across the floor!' The ex-slave stood, but did not drop his knife.

Instead, he was smirking viciously. A moment of dismay passed across the Marine, leaving him unsure how to react as Dirk began posturing.

'Fool! Absolute idiot!' Dirk crowed at the Marine, gesturing wildly. 'You don't even realise what you're facing off against! For you see, I am a master of the Six Styles martial art!'

'...Rock what?'

'I said six, not rock.'

'Never heard of it either way. Now go to hell!'

With an utterance of 'Paper Art', Dirk had already folded out of the bullet's path before it was fired, still smirking as he leaned down, grabbed up the blond Marine's rifle in his free hand, and roughly aimed and fired toward the Marine. The weapon's recoil flung his arm wide and threw the weapon from his grasp, but a hit to the stomach was achieved, the older man dropping his weapon from the shock, rather than the pain, of being shot. By the time he came to his senses, Dirk was already charging him; however, there was a reason he was in charge of other Marines, and a swift fist to the gut flung Dirk back enough for him to draw his cutlass and make his own attack, screaming that he'd gouge the bastard's eyes out for that. Yet it seemed impossible to hit the skinny kid - wherever he swung, stabbed, or swiped, his opponent was not, seeming to move out of the weapon's path the way a piece of paper in the wind would do, and it was only a matter of time before he overextended, leaving him open to a knife in the gut - or 'Finger Pistol', as Dirk proclaimed.

And then a few more besides.

And then, whilst the Marine struggled to stand, a kick to the stomach that threw him back into the table behind him, sliding down it until he was on his backside, only to receive another kick straight to the forehead that snapped his neck over the table's edge.

And only then did Dirk stumble back, breathing heavily after his exertions, and utter 'Tempest Kick' to the blood-soaked building's interior.

Dirk took a few moments to rest, making sure none of the Marines outside were paying any attention to what was happening inside the cafe, and looking up at the hole in the ceiling with the mildly upsetting realisation that there was no way he could jump that high and use it as an escape route. Even so, he'd acquired some benefit from the fight - there were plenty of cutlasses available for future use. He grabbed one from the body of the deceased superior and hid it in his coat alongside the kitchen knife, thought for a moment, then went over to the corpses of the blond Marine and glasses and took their cutlasses too, reasoning that they'd be needed too in case one broke. Finally, since he could not escape through either the hole in the ceiling, for lack of jump height, or the front door, for all the Marines, he decided to look for another way out.

His search led him into the cafe's kitchen, which still had a stove on, with the food cooking at it now scorched black; Dirk absent-mindedly turned this off as he passed, heading toward a door at the back of the room. It opened easily enough, but even so, he peered out from behind it just to make sure there was nobody on the other side who might be threatening, before stepping through into an alleyway and closing it behind him. With no Marines visible, and the sound of their actions coming from only one direction in that alley, the obvious choice for Dirk was to head in the opposite direction, and hope his Divine Purpose would bring him to the nearest port without being seen.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Collab between me and @dragonmancer

"Ah hell," Freya grimaced as her ships main mast was raised above her. As it arced down, she threw herself to the side, but it was a close one. The mast slammed into the deck, rocking it once again. Freya lost her footing, bouncing on the deck, clutching on to her sword for dear life. Just as she began to find her footing, something else sent the boat rocking: a massive explosion from above.


Due to my massive and nearly collapsed form I remained stagnant over the rocking ship, wincing at the unforeseen explosion above me. I was determined to stay alive, or at the very least keep fighting until I knew whoever was left of my crew could get away. The mast I had used as a weapon broke in half, and I would hurdle the remaining half of the mast towards the captain. I would immediately follow up with newfound yet stubborn will power as I ran towards her, or rather, attempted to, I was very clearly limping yet my top heavy weight and my other leg powered through regardless. Flames spewing from my forge-like mouth as I drew closer.


Freya's men scampered about in panic, but the Captain still stood, clutching her head as the dragon bore down on her. "You're damn stubborn, aren't you? Freya grunted, trying to backtrack. The flames largely moved of their own volition, ebbing and flowing through wind and whatever they consume, so Freya was having a harder time perceiving them. As she continued to back up, she knew the edge of her ship had to come eventually. Between the mast and the open air, she didn't have a lot of room to maneuver.

Clicking her tongue, she really didn't have much choice. Hopping up, she kicked off the fallen mast, getting some much needed air as she hurtled towards the dragon, blade poised to strike.


Shear determination alone had its limits, the pain I was enduring was beyond my experience, I could feel my very life slip away with the blood leaking from the large wound in my leg, yet even still I had gone in too far to stop now. Watching her leaping up to strike me, I would hold up my arm, allowing my next limb to take the hit from the blade, upon contact I would wince, still shocked the blade can cut through my scales. However as the blade struck me I would, against the desire of my own body and pounding conscience of pain, flex my muscles to help lock her blade inside the wound. I would be grinning had the pain not be so intense. As the blade became trapped in my body my tail lunged out.


The line of the dragon's will reaching straight into Freya, as she held her blade in his flesh, she couldn't help but wince, an anxious smile creeping on her face as she muttered, "Sneaky littl-"

Jackal's tail snapped out, striking Freya in her side. Her grip wouldn't last this time, and her sword stayed lodged in the dragon's limb. Freya was launched across the deck, bouncing on the mast and landing roughly on the other side, luckily away from the flames.


For a moment I felt victorious as I was finally able to strike her, however the soon faded as I was reaching limits beyond what force I could make myself muster. My body by now had long given up on me, the only thing keeping me conscience was the thought of my crew's safety. The fight wasn't over, I could keep going, so I thought. I began to struggle, ripping the sword out of my wound before attempting to move over to her. However the longer I stayed conscience the more I began to feel sluggish and hell wash over me. It only took three steps before I collapsed on both knees, though more weight was shifted to my wounded leg. I would try to crawl, move at all or summon more flames in my wake, though this proved useless, and my inevitable defeat came to pass, as I collapsed fully unconscious onto the burning deck. My body would shrink back into a human form, the knight-like armor appeared unscathed yet the blood leaking from it suggested my wounds were still fresh.


Coughing, Freya took a moment to push herself to her feet. Not sensing any incoming danger, she took her time, shaking her head as she stood straight. Looking back to her opponent, however, he was down for the count.

Freya called, "Anyone who can stand get the last of those fires!" Her men moved, and in just a few minutes, the area around Jackal was quenched. As they worked, Freya surveyed the damage, and not the Conomi Islands, or at least this pocket, more closely resembled a hellscape.

Pulling out a cigarette, she walked over to Jackal, taking her sword off the ground and sheathing it, before taking a seat on the slightly charred deck underneath her. Lighting it one once last ember in the deck, she took a drag before noting to the fallen pirate, the wreckage around them, screams echoing from the nearby town, "What a good kid like you fighting with the people who'd do something like this?"


I would wince as I struggled to lift my head. Death or slumber, which ever it was unknown to me, yet still called my name in the back of my head, it wouldn't be long before I passed out completely. I barely heard her words, and I had trouble thinking of an answer. She was right, after all, the pirates I worked for weren't exactly the best of people. I suppose I joined out of desperation of continuing a dead legacy, or perhaps it was out of spite for what the marines had done to my birth parents. The screams of innocent lives dying in the distance seemed to shatter my previous reality and guilt filling my body with sin. I could only think of a few words to reply to the marine. "I am Jackal Ventmaw, of the Hellkite Pirates." I managed to speak before finally passing out.


As one of her men came up with the ship's lone pair of seastone shackles, Freya sighed, "I'll remember that..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Location: Conomi Islands

Interacting with: @LokiLeo789 @Hillan

Anaru grinned as the smoke man restrained the exploding man, this was it, Anaru could take him down here, or at least, he thought. "Hammer!" Anaru shouted as he brought his fist down towards Xerxes' body, a wicked grin on his face, this blow would take him down, and avenge his fallen comrades, Anaru was feeling good, then everything blew up.

Anaru knew that this explosion was dangerous, so he made his body work overtime, his hair bristled up, his body bulked up, and he just, REALLY clenched up. alas, it was a really big explosion, Anaru was sent flying into the ground, looking like a meteor as he hit the ground, and acted like a meteor too, causing the ground to shake.

For most people, that would have been the end of the road, but as Anaru lay in a burning crater, his eyes burst open, he was about to get up, when he saw the smoke man, entering where the exploding man landed. Anaru let out a sigh of relief, he could keep going if he wanted, but the side effects would be horrid. "I'm leaving this to you Smoke-man, don't worry about me, I just need to enter a healing coma!" that was, a worrying thing to say, but it was a life return technique, entering a coma-like state, to heal faster.

Anaru exhaled, as his body stilled and his eyes closed, the healing coma was active, it seemed stupid to activate it in the middle of a war-zone, but Anaru's bulk, and his sheer stubborn will to somehow not die ever, would serve him plenty. he was really glad he could rest, that last explosion REALLY hurt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Its Alive

M a r x o

East Blue | Conomi Islands



Marxo awoke in disarray. He felt weak. Not because he had previously outclassed his powers , but because it seemed he was atop a makeshift raft and water was soaking his back. He immediately rose up and accessed the situation. He saw Melany wounded and barely cautious also riding the raft beside himself. He noticed the new ship he’d sized up was currently shattered in half and up in flames. He figured Xelo would be fine once he woke up. Xerxes was currently being tossed around like a punching bag by two marines. He figured he try to escape and come back….well maybe. He and Xerxes were apart of the same crew for a time . The only one that he couldn’t account for was...Jackal.

“Its about time I account for all this. Whaddya think Melany? First we gotta get you safe.” , as Marxo spoke he pulled another bottle ship from pocket. He also pulled a small metal scythe from inside the opposite pocket. Summoning the strength from his reserves ,he spoke . “Yori ōku no kakudai yori.” The boat and scythe began to enlarge, one was taller than Marxo , the other big enough for the two suffice upon.

It was a sailboat Marxo had built awhile ago and packaged inside a bottle. There were medical supplies and enough food to last 7 days, perishables only. He lifted Melany and proceeded to step onto the ship .As he took his final step he heard a Marine speak from earshot. His Observation Haki allowed him to sense the danger and immediately sidestep the marines shot. Marxo placed Melany onto the ship and bandaged her wounded arm . He then turned to face the Marine who’d threatened his life. “ I’ve heard of you. Zepp is it ? Well Zepp are you prepared? “ Marxo raised the scythe above his head as it shook with untrollable speed. “More More Sanjubai Giri “. The weapon was embroiled with the same color blue as his hair. The sheer force of vibration was enough to produce and wind that would pushed the sailboat towards an island in the Archipelago. It was only the beginning swung the scythe towards the marine unleashing a jetwave of explosive energy . The attack grew larger and gathered more speed as it hurled towards the marine ship. The after effect hurled a gust of wind into the boats sail giving them he pushed needed to reach the island. The attack however, reached the marine boat at about the same time. It had now grew 100x in size. It ripped into the ship poopdeck, sawing the boat in half, searching for its intended correspondent. This was the Power of Massacre Marxo.

As they reached the island Marxo tended to Melany wounds. He never actually thought he’d have to take care of his own doctor. He then drugged the ship ashore and laid her inside. “ Don’t be too alarmed. I’m going to shrink you for about 30 minutes. By the time this wears off everyone should be gone. Take this ship , food , and logpose and head for the next island . I’ll see you there.” He than proceeded to shrink the doctor and the ship . He laid them in a hollowed out cave near the shore and proceeded back to the shore. He politely waited on the beach for whatever marine to show up. His face an emotionless wreck , his eyes cold as death. He waited ….to kill.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
Avatar of LokiLeo789


Member Seen 10 days ago




  • Whats left of the Conomi Islands

Xerxes soothed the boy his blades dissipating, whistling a familiar tone as he bawled. He had no idea were he got in from, most likely a puzzle piece of his unfamiliar past. As he attempted to quiet the boy, his Friction Layer recreated itself, quickly reforming after dissipating to create his Heavenly Cataclysm. Xerxes was finished, the moment he had landed, he had determined that there was no way out, only surrendering when the situation was absolutely deemed unwinnable, and he knew when a situation was unwinnable.

Almost on que, the smoke man appeared once again, killing intent seemed to be reeking from him, Xerxes felt it felt as a slight pressure or chill. Unfortunately, it had little affect on him in the end, Xerxes oozed it all the time, but there was something else under this marines mask of grimness, a certain je ne sais quoi about him. Xerxes recognized it for some reason, but the answer stayed hidden, out of reach in the murky depths of his mind. Soon, he ignored it, no longer could he run, prison was warm at least.

"An alter ego I see, your more than a simple Marine." Xerxes predicted as the marine refereed to himself in the 3rd person, that was why the killing intent was new to him. Xerxes kept his lips in a thin line as his Observation Haki went into overdrive, unfortunately, it was a second late as the attack was already in motion. Xerxes made no move to block it, gritting his teeth, he allowed for the air bullet to pierce his body, pain blossoming though his good hand as he sat in place, unmoving for a few seconds before getting up slowly, letting the boy gently to the floor. Arms dangling by his sides, he grinned at the Marine under his mask.

"You caught me Johnny, you got me.

John nodded as he reached off of Xerxes, his finger exiting the criminal's shoulder. "You're lucky I didn't feel like killing you. he spoke, turning towards the child, whom was shaking with fear, tears streaming down his face. John nodded for the kid to head out of the door and wait outside. John got out a small box from his pocket, opened it up, and grabbed a hold of the handcuffs inside. One of them was steel, the other was seastone.

He smacked the seastone on onto Xerxes's leg, the steel cuff onto the furniture in the house. John heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and the shouting of Marines. He faded away in a wave of smoke, leaving Xerxes just as the Marines busted through the doors, pointing their rifles at the man. As he vanished, John flipped the pirate off.

Xerxes warched silently as the seastone and steel cuffs were placed his ankle, connected to furniture. At least this guy was smart enough to use seastone. With a sigh, Xerxes was resigned to his fate. Leaning on the wall to relax, fighting took alot out of you.

The Seastones effect went off instantly, constantly giveing off a wavelength that felt as if it was the sea itself. Upon contact the material drained him if his energy, his Friction Layer dissipating as it did so.

Before the Marines began to flood the room, Xerxes winked at Johnny, who threw up a middle finger. Two marines lifted him up by his biceps and dragged him down the stairs, a bit roughly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Bogard D. Sunny x Loguetown x Obtaining a Bloody First Mate
@Ira @CannedBread @BCTheEntity @Hillan @RyoRyoRyoken @Tmitche23 @j8cob

Kanki died but not before rampaging and taking down a lot of the marines in the process. Bullets had flew through the Fishman riddling his flesh with messy holes. He held a bundle of marines in his hands, some was hung around him like thick vines, as he died. A current of electricity arced off of him and into the white and blue crowd. He fell back onto his side with a few hundred pounds of bodies surrounding him. The blue lightning bolted through the crowd again, the last remains of his body’s natural weapon firing in excess.

Bogard’s cloak of red whiplashed in front of him; repelling lead bullets from touching him with inhuman speed and reflexes. Below him he could hear Dirk’s claims. The resulting screams afterwards would prove them true. I knew there was something interesting about him.

It was a blue flash and a tingling in the air that drew his attention towards a staid mound of bodies. It was pretty large hill of blue and white, of splotches and stains of red that was dyed within them, and… and of a broad sickly green form beneath it all. Disbelief crept into his heart, followed by a anger and rage that was tempered with the marines below, begging for his attention. Their bullets were rude, unknowing, insensitive friends to his grief-worthy news. And it enraged him.

“Red-Red Branch Art,” bellowed Red Hood as he looked for vengeance in excess.

His cloak whipped away the last remains of the bullets that would have hit him before thinning and rocketing off into the hostile crowd. It burst through the first marine, fracturing the ground and spouting grey dust into their midst with the impact behind it. Red Hood could see the tendril of red sliding through his flesh. Within the span of two seconds branches of red punctured, gashed, and impaled the marines nearby from that singular line.

A warm, horrendous rain fell onto the street. The blood of the countless marines fell from their uplifted bodies, their groans echoing darkly. A deep red, a beautiful red was in front of him now.

He felt his heart palpitate, his breathing heave deep but quiet. “Seventeen of your marines for the life of one of mines. That seems fair to me.” he muttered, eyes shifting towards the harbor.

His red cloak slithered from out the numerous marines, through the first victim, and back to him. He donned it once more, immersed his features in its hood and frowned, the gold of his eyes warning the now frightened survivors.

While they tried to wrap their heads around what they just saw, Bogard used his devil fruit abilities to high-tail it towards the port. The cloak’s tail ends stretched beneath his foot falls in mid-air, acting as bridges to the next roof if it was too far.

Bogard pulled the mini transponder snail from his pocket. The poor creature had been killed in his rage; it laid in his palm mushed and straightened to a thin, gruesome line. He threw it to the ground with a growl and instead started out to find Jax himself.

“Damn it all, Jax where’d you go?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago




Interacting with:

John had changed back into his regularly clothes, he had left the jacket, and put his hat back on, even grabbed his pistols again. He was now Johnny again, his posture back to the goofy spaghetti-western posture he had before. He watched as the Squad of Marines escorted the captured Xerxes towards a transport ship, it was heavily guarded, no one would be able to get onto that ship, so he wouldn't have to worry. Now, he instead had to go help his friends, check on Monkeyman, Zeep and Freya.

He materialized in smoke, landing next to Anaru, whom was now knocked out cold. "Phew! That was scary! He exclaimed, stretching. Getting just about disintegrated and having to regather yourself from dust? Not a fun time! Johnny said, grinning. He looked at Anary, kicking him in the arm "You dead?" He asked, and a soft grumble escaped from the Primate-Marine. He took that as a no, and went along. He looked over at their ship - more like, what remained of it.

"..The fuck happened, Captain?" Jonny asked Freya, whom seemed more than a little exhausted. Or should I call you 'Dragon Slayer Sir Freya' Now? He joked, looking at the knocked out Ancient Zoan laying on their deck. Two of the marines were scurrying back onto their feet. Johnny nodded at them. You should probably like, cuff him, before he wakes up. That would be pretty bad for u- well, you guys, at least. The Ensign laughed, as he looked at Freya. You okay, boss? He asked, this time genuinely a bit concerned for his Captain.

However, his concern ended once he heard a brief wizzing to the side of him, the sound got louder, prompting him to turn around, getting a bit surprised at the scythe - now 50 meters big - coming towards them, and it was only growing in size. Johnny looked at Freya, then back at the Scythe, then he grunted something along the lines of "Fuck it", turning into smoke, he darted towards one of the cannonballs that laid on the deck, using his Rocket Boost ability, he gained altitude, able to match that of the Scythes, "SMOKE SMOKE NICOTINE ROCKET CANNON FIRE" He shouted, as his elbow was replaced by the same type of afterburn that covered his legs, enhancing his speed with his throw, improving his strength. The cannonball hit the handle of the scythe, altering it's course. But it wouldn't be enough to make it stay out of the way of the ship. He needed help, but a certain black-shade moving on the scythe, in the corner of Johnny's eyes gave him all the certainty he'd need, as he fell down towards the ship, grabbing onto a rope as he fell, holding onto it he caused friction burns on his hands as he slid down next to Freya, rolling on the floor, blowing on his hands.

"OW OW OW" The Ensign shouted.


Sancho F. Graham

Loguetown, East Blue.

Interacting with:

Heading into the Docs, the ruckus behind them seemed to be dying down - in more ways than one. Sancho looked at his crew. Which of these fine vessels should we take, then? He asked, rhetorically. They had used a small gunboat before, keeping what few belongings in capsacks that were on their old boat - that was also docked at the harbor. He looked at the Fishwoman and nodded. Can you grab our things? Sancho asked, he then pointed on the biggest ship in the Harbor, it was a Marine Galleon, the second biggest-classed ship in the Navy arsenal, and the biggest one to patrol the Blues. He grinned. He had ridden a Galleon many times back home on Shinra, as it was their only real Warship, and he had quickly learned how to manage one, all part of his training at the hands of Granticus.

"We're taking this one." Sancho said, smiling a sly smile. The ship was branded "Blind Justice", and it would suit The Golden Fleece pirates just fine. there were four guards standing outside, leaning on their rifles, or against the lamp-posts neat the landing. It was poorly defended because the Marines were all in town, and they probably assumed nobody was crazy enough to try and steal one of their vessels.

Sancho grinned, motioning for Church to stand still. Upon seeing the golden-haired young man, they picked up their posture and loosely-held onto their guns. "Who are you?" One of them asked, and Sancho smiled, flicking his wrists.

"The new captain."

The Wool Wool Whip-Technique rung out of his coat as he slapped the four of them with two whips coming out of his arms, the tightly knit wool was harder than wood as it was flicked at them, hard enough to knock all four of them into the water. "Church, check if anyone else is on board, and toss them overboard." Sancho said, he was heading into the Captain's Cabin, to take a look before Samehana arrived, and they would set sail. The Captain's Cabin was located after the brig, which Sancho decided to check out, where any prisoners would be held. There, he found one young man in the holding cell. Sancho looked at him with a weird look. He paced around the Brig, the bars were metal - he thought. He grabbed a hold of them and felt woozy, his powers draining from him as he stumbled backwards.

"Damn seastone.." Sancho grunted, holding his head. "Who are you?" Sancho asked the man in the jail-cell. Sure, Sancho himself was a pirate and a criminal, by the eyes of the law, but he still despised most others who were seen the same way. They would still be criminals once Sancho's dream came true. Therefor, he wasn't gonna set some punk criminal who had hurt innocent people free, unless he had a damn good reason to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"You okay, boss?"

Freya flopped down on her back as Jackal was being taken away, kept in chains. She sighed, "Look at this mess. Just looking at it makes me so...tired. We have one ship even close to seaworthy and even then its only barely...more importantly though there's all the casualties. And the wounded. We should probably get on that as soon as possible." Letting out a groan, she stood up, grunting as her side throbbed. That tail got her good...

Before she could get to work, however, it seemed the Sunny Molasses Pirates weren't done with yet. Johnny moved first, meeting the massive scythe midair. It wouldn't be enough though. Freya charged forwards, reading the lines of the scythe's path. It's sweeping arc made a clear danger zone swirling its way to the ship, the path marked by the inner side of the blade. As she caught a flash from Zepp's direction, she took a few steps to the side, turning as the scythe came to cut her rear. Blade met blade, but the one enshrouded by Haki won out, denting the iron of the blade. Her arms winced under the strike, but the two blows were still not quite enough to stop it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Black Shark

Loguetown Port, East Blue
@Hillan @j8cob @Renny

Once they’d arrived on the docks, it wasn’t long before the Golden Fleece’s captain spotted a ship that he fancied. And Samehana couldn’t agree more with his choice. A full-blown Marine galleon. She’d seen quite a few in her travels, even up close, but having one to hang out on herself was an exciting proposition. Then, she was put on luggage duty. ”Aye aye, Cap’n.” she droned, giving a mocking salute as she skipped off to go retrieve their belongings from the small gunboat they made their way to Loguetown on. It wasn’t grabbing the bags that took the wind out of her sails. It was the fact that Sancho and Church would’ve taken care of the fun parts without her! It couldn’t be helped, though.

It didn’t take long for Samehana to gather the crew’s belongings and hoist them up on one shoulder. By the time she came back, though, the guards on the perimeter of the ship had already been taken care of. Looking around, a peculiar sight caught her attention for a moment. A figure was approaching the harbor at a fairly quick pace, occasionally being preceded by “bridges” of crimson. Upon further observation, she saw that it was one of the individuals from the cafe earlier, albeit without anybody she saw with him inside. And the bridges appeared to be the young boy’s coat, which would catch his footfalls like some kind of airborne red carpet. ”Neat.” she remarked before going about her own business. Without any trouble, she leapt from the dock onto the deck of the galleon and without dropping a thing. As expected, it was empty. Though, it wasn’t really hard to gauge whether any hostile presences were around considering her use of Observation Haki. So, while the other two were occupied with their own business, Samehana decided to be the lookout for any approaching enemies. After all, with the red-coated lad’s approach, there were bound to be Marines on the way too. Though, with the boy’s apparent swiftness, it looked like that wouldn’t be for a while yet. All that was left was for the sails to be drawn and for the crew to set off in their beautiful new ship.

Zepp Kisaragi

Conomi Island, East Blue
@Ira @Hillan @Pacifista

Great. Juuussst great. Right when things were looking up, the unconscious man on the makeshift raft was now conscious. Well, that didn’t matter, right? They were up shit creek without a paddle as far as Zepp could be bothered to care. Of course, things weren’t going to be that easy. Not too long after the guy woke up, he rattled off some words and then full-sized sailboat and scythe were in sprung about. At the man’s assertion that he knew him, Zepp raised an eyebrow but was left otherwise unperturbed, even in the face of the vibrations emanating from the scythe in the man’s hand. Sighing, Zepp simply tossed his rifle to the side and watched as the man hurled the scythe at the ship at incredible speed, the force of the wind blowing his own sailboat a fair distance away and causing massive amounts of water to suddenly be displaced, obscuring Zepp’s visual of the boat as it swiftly sailed off into the wild blue. But that went both ways. Pulling the brim of his hat down over his eyes, Zepp’s constant smile got even wider before he appeared to suddenly disappeared from the shore of the island. To those who were aware of the Rokushiki techniques, one would be aware that the man known to the 99th Division as “Zeppelli Kisaragi” was using the advanced Soru-Geppo combination technique known only as “Kamisori”, his rapid aerial movements masked by the spray of water that the scythe kicked up around it.

Meeting the scythe in midair, Zepp tapped on the surface of its blade and immediately immersed himself into its surface. At almost the exact same time, the blade was slammed by a cannonball thrown by Johnny, only to then receive a strong blow from Freyja in kind. While the two bliws were both impressive, it wasn’t enough to knock the massive scythe off course. Moving his 2D form up to where the scythe’s shaft met the blade, Zepp’s form appeared from the wood. Without a moment’s hesitation, Zepp stomped on the shaft and launched himself off towards the 99th’s vessel, in turn sending the scythe into the water with a large splash that wet the entire deck. While the ship didn’t get cleaved through entirely, it certainly wasn’t unscathed. The curved blade managed to carve an impressive gash into the ship, but she could still function well enough.

Zepp fell headfirst onto the deck and rolled, stopping after a few feet. “Well, that was a close one, wasn’t it?” the Marine remarked, panting. However, Zepp was far from tired out by the endeavour…..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago


As usual, Sancho was quick to decide what the crew would do next. And he set his sights on the biggest Marine vessel in sight. "I like this plan," Church mumbled to himself as he followed his captain. Samehana was sent to go to their ship, their old ship now, to get their things while the two men would commandeer the galleon. Sancho knocked the Marines on the dock into the water and climbed aboard. Church looked into the water briefly as the Marines began to resurface and try to recover. He drew one of his revolvers with his left hand and pointed it down at them in the water. "If you know what's good for you, keep swimming for a few minutes," he instructed them. Since their guns didn't float they were unarmed and had no choice but to comply, nodding their heads in unison in a slight panic.

With that dealt with, Church joined Sancho on the actual ship. The blonde was quick to start checking out the ship and clear it, but there was a single Marine that was still up on the deck near the helm. As Church calmly walked up to him the Marine began to panic and aimed his rifle at the gunslinger. Rather than shooting the man, as Church still wielded one of his guns, he instead used the bottle of whiskey in his other hand to knock the muzzle of the Marine's rifle off course and hold it away from him. The hard glass of the bottle didn't break and the Marine had nowhere near enough upper-body strength to overpower Church and his bottle. "You gonna jump or am I gonna have to put a few holes in you first?" Now he aimed the revolver at the Marine, prompting the young man to surrender his rifle and then dive into the water below. With that settled it appeared that the vessel, named Blind Justice, was theirs for the taking. It'd be several minutes before any Marines would be able to regroup and even try to challenge them, which was plenty of time for them to leave port. If any decided to chase in the other ships it would be trivial to have Samehana go and sink them.

Speaking of the Fishwoman, she just now arrived with their goods. She nonchalantly left them all on the deck, not that Church could blame her considering they hadn't figured out what the ship has in stock nor where to put their stuff, but it looked unsightly on an otherwise impressive boat. "I can get used to a beauty like this," Church spoke up as he approached Samehana. "You ain't half bad looking yourself, either." With a grin he put his revolver back in its holster and opened up the bottle of whiskey. While the Fishwoman seemed to be watching the dock and had her own Observation Haki, the two of them knew that Church was far more experienced with his. He didn't feel the need to look at the dock like she did, for he could feel if anyone was going to approach. He could certainly feel the aura of someone traveling through the air on their own coat. "Think that kid is gonna bring Marines to us? He shouldn't know we are here so I don't think he's gonna try to use us as a distraction..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Black Shark

Loguetown Port, East Blue
@j8cob @Renny

”Y’know, I never woulda thought I’d be sailing on one of these babies when I left Fishman Island.” Samehana remarked, leaning on the railing. Considering that she left her home to try and test her skills against strong opponents, primarily other martial artists, it would’ve been hard to believe that being part of a pirate crew (small though it may have been now) would have been in the cards for the Fishwoman. On some level, she was a bit disappointed that she might not get too many chances to hit up any dojos on their journeys. Though, the chance of fighting any Marines worth their salt had its own charm. Or even other pirate crews, really. The possibilities were endless. While the other two weren’t exactly the kinds to shy away from a scrap, even they tended to comment on her combat fanaticism on occasion. They’d grow to appreciate it like they did her food once they gained enough notoriety to be in the thick of some nasty brawls, though. Or she figured they would anyway.

Samehana watched the red-hooded boy’s path, only to be met with Church’s question. ”I’m sure you’re right about that, but aren’t you a bit curious about what he will do? After all, he managed to get out of a hail of gunfire without a scratch. He must have some tricks of his sleeve to pull that off at that age.” she responded, noting the boy’s apparent age. While things like that were child’s play for the Golden Fleece, they were all an experienced bunch. Even if the kid wasn’t too strong yet, there was probably potential. Turning away from the deck, Samehana picked up the crew’s luggage again.

”You get a chance to see if there’s any place I can put this stuff before we settle in? I kinda took a shortcut up here.” she inquired, figuring that the deck wasn’t exactly a prime place to leave their stuff. But, y’know, distractions.
”We should probably check to see what’s taking goldilocks so long while we’re at it.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Sancho F. Graham

Loguetown, East Blue.

Gathering a crew

Interacting with:

"I said that I have no clue what kind of frui-" Spiril started explain as the door to the brig opened, but he quickly fell silent when he looked up from the floor and at the man that was clearly no marine. He looked to be about the same height as Spiril, and they also seemed to be about the same age.

Sancho shook his head. "I asked you a question. It's rude to ignore a nobl- former nobleman." the lightning-haired man said, still disoriented from touching the bars.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch your question. I was too busy wondering where the marines that guarded this ship went." Spiril quickly responded, wondering just what this man wanted to know, and where the guards had vanished off to. "So, what was the question?"

Sancho shrugged. "Who are you?" He put it bluntly, looking around, there's gotta be a ledger here somewhere, he figured. He found one on a shelf, a black book. He smiled. He opened it up, it was the list of all the prisoners, a lot of names were crossed out, in fact, all of them were, but one. The only current prisoner on the ship. It made sense they'd only have one, this wasn't a prison ship, it just had a holding cell.

"Who I am?" Spiril repeated as he watched the man start to look around the room, seemingly searching for something. Spiril couldn't come up with a single reason for why this man seemed so interested in him, but Spiril had developed an interest in the man after he saw the effects the seastonebars had. They had seemed to make him a bit woozy and slightly disoriented, and that could only mean one thing, this guy had devil fruit powers.

"Spiril. huh. Arrested for theft? Doesn't say what you stole. What did you steal? Don't lie to me, or I'll leave you there to rot." Sancho warned the more boyish-looking man.

Spiril froze for a moment as the man suddenly said his name and listed his crime. "Well it's Spirillum, but I guess the marines got lazy when they wrote it down. And I didn't steal anything major. I just took a piece of fruit and then minutes later I'm locked up here." It was the truth, but he left out the details of what kind of fruit it was.

"A devil fruit, from the looks of these bars, I'd wager." Sancho mentioned, looking at the bars. "Well, this book doesn't mention any tendencies to violence." He said, peering his eyes into the man behind the bars. "Do you have any?"

"Do I look violent?" Spiril asked as he chuckled and struggled to get on his feet. "I can assure you that I'm not dangerous. They only reason I'm in this cage is that the Marine soldiers panicked when they saw me eat the fruit and so they just threw me in here until someone with a higher ranked could tell them what to do with me."

Sancho grinned. "I've come to not let appearance define someone's character." The blonde promised. "I see. So, you wouldn't, say, poison anyone? Stab them?.. Kidnap and boil their infants?" He asked, his voice deadly serious, making it hard to figure out if the last question was sarcastic, or not.

"Not under normal circumstances. I mean, if I had to do one of those things to survive, yes, yes I would." He paused for a moment as he thought about the last one. " Well, not the last one, but the rest, sure. Is that a good enough answer for you?"

The blonde in the leather coat nodded. "Uh-huh." He said, looking around the room. "So, how do you feel about pirates?" He asked, casually.

Spiril went out on a limb and assumed that this was a pirate of some sort and that the reason he was looking around the room was that he was searching for the key to the cell. "I have never had anything against most pirates. Sure, some of them are more monsters than men, but I have lived here in Loguetown my whole life, and I have learned that many of them are actually kind and won't hurt you unless you give them a reason to. But my opinion about you will come down to if you plan to free me or not."

Sancho smiled slyly as Spiril explained his thoughts. "Smart man. I'll set you free, and I'll expect you to remember that I could have just as easily let you rot here. You owe me." The blonde told him, as he looked for the key, but couldn't find it. He walked towards the cage and put his palm just outside of the lock, not touching the seastone. Strings of wool came out of his hand, going into the lock. Sancho hardened the wool once it had taken the form of the lock, and he turned the key he had just created, opening the door.

"What do you do, anyway?" He asked.

When Spiril heard that Sancho felt that he owed him something he frowned. "Well, I assume that you are thinking about stealing this ship, and I don't think that you would enjoy having the smell of a rotting body aboard your ship, but fine. I owe you one," and as he got done talking the door magically opened and he stepped out and stood right next to Sancho.

"What I do? Well, that is a really good question. I was put in handcuffs two minutes after eating the fruit, and since I haven't been back to the library I haven't been able to figure out what kind of fruit it was, but I assume that they would have a copy of the encyclopedia on this ship." At least he hoped so.

Sancho smirked. "Fair enough." He spoke, nodding to the outside of the brig. "So, we should go meet the crew then, I suppose." He said, pointing to the deck. He followed his newly-acquired crewmate out onto the deck where Church and Samehana are. He whistled to gather their attention. "You lot seeing trouble?" he asked before noticing their looks at the new guy.

"Oh yeah, we got a new crewmate. Don't scare him too much. We should set sail before the Marines come back." The Captain spoke, as he looked at the masts and the helm, he walked up towards the helm and took it, before he aimed his hand up at the sails, thin strings of wool was released from his fingers and anchored themselves to the rop, and with a pull of his hand, he set sail on the big vessel it would otherwise take ten sailors to sail.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Black Shark

Loguetown Port, East Blue
@j8cob @Hillan @Arakadin @BCTheEntity

Well, speak of the devil. Just as Samehana was about to go look for him, their golden-haired captain arrived. And he had an unfamiliar individual with him. He didn’t look too far off in age from the captain, but there was a distinct difference in the way they carried themselves. He certainly didn’t look like, or even ping her radar as being anyone with any particular strengths as a fighter. So, it ended up coming as quite the surprise when Sancho introduced the boy as their new crewmate. Then again, the guy might have proved that he could be of some use to the crew, so she wasn’t going to complain about the addition of this soft-looking man. If anything, she’d just kick Sancho’s ass later if he proved to be a liability. ”Nice to meetcha. I’m Samehana, the crew’s cook. Anything ya need, make sure to let me know~.” the Fishwoman chimed, punctuating her greeting with a cute wink.

Once she finished her introduction, however, she turned her attention in the direction of the town. ”As for trouble… Well, not any trouble for us.” she remarked, having caught wind of a whole host of other presences approaching the harbor. In particular, yet another young individual that happened to be skulking about like some sort of criminal. Assuming that she was with the red coat kid, she simply shook her head as Marines began to barrel towards the dock in short order. ”You might not like this too much, but I’d like to give the youngsters a nice little headstart on the white-and-blues.” she stated, quickly counting out the Marines’ number.
Measure twice, cut once as they say. After taking a proper account, she threw a quick jab at the air. Within a few seconds of throwing said punch, the Marines, both on the ground and on the rooftops, were suddenly impacted by enough force to knock them all either unconscious, or at the very least close to it. A small charity brought to the apparent criminals by the wonders of Fishman Karate, lazy though Samehana’s help may have been.

”Well, that takes care of the small fry. Looks like it’s about time we make our exit too.” and with that, Samehana pushed the crew’s bags into Church’s arms before diving into the water by the new galleon. Sancho had already set the sails himself, but the wind wouldn’t be enough to carry them far enough away that the approaching Marines wouldn’t catch up quickly enough to waste their time. So, as the crew’s resident muscle, Samehana decided to work more of her magic. Within a second of Samehana entering the water, the currently-named Blind Justice began to move out from the port at a rapid pace, being pushed along with the herculean strength of the Black Shark.

Zepp Kisaragi

Conomi Island, East Blue
@Hillan @Pacifista @NachoBachoPacho @dragonmancer

Having once again gotten to his feet, Zepp sighed as he took note of the crumpled brim of his hat, having been damaged by his fall onto the deck. “Awww, man. This was a good hat too.” he grumbled before joining Captain Freyja at her side. They’d already lost quite a large number of ships, and their own had sustained heavy damage. And, to top it all off, the majority of that damage had been done by one guy, nevermind the actions his comrades would take to worsen the situation.
“I say we cut our losses and just take whoever we’ve got in. If he has any kind of honor, he’ll probably try and bust his pals outta the slammer in due time. At least then, he’ll be coming to us rather than us trying to chase after ‘im with the ship in this condition.” Zepp suggested, figuring it was about time everyone called it a day. For now, they could consider it a tie.
“Oh, shit. Hey, Johnny, you wouldn’t happen to know where Lt. Kahurangi is, would ya?” Zepp asked, realising that he didn’t see their hulking companion anywhere. They were gonna have to pick him up too, at this rate. “Boom-Boom didn’t do him in, right?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago


  • Whats left of the Conomi Islands

Xerxes was dragged through the town, his mask ripped off his face, reveling the real devil underneath to the world. His handsome face was deadpan, expressionless, his red eyes like two orbs staring not at you, but through you. The townspeople watched silently, those that could still see. The monster that had terrorized them showed no remorse for what he had done. How could he? He had enjoyed himself. Morals meant little him, he hadn't had any since he awoke on Wolf without a past. He was a psycho at heart, wrapped in the body of a young man.

The Marines that dragged him were unnecessarily rough, jarring his broken arm and his messed up shoulder. Xerxes showed no sign of being in pain though, instead, as he was paraded, he began to smile warmly at the inhabits, winking at the woman and nodding at children as he passed. Their expressions were exactly what he was expecting, disgust, anger, rage, fury. He was like a stench so foul, so sharp, it felt as if the the very fires of hell have been set ablaze in their nostrils, infecting thier throat and lungs, a stench that definitely would scar thier senses for life. Xerxes took pleasure in that.

"Would you be so kind to make sure my cell is filled with the finest linen drapes and cushions. A pirate of my stature shouldn't be locked in the trash you call a cell." Xerxes said aloof.

"After all you've done, you wanna make requests, you disgust me." a Marine countered.

"You deserve to be drowned in see water for the rest of your life."

"Oh please, do you really think your little prison can hold me?" Xerxes retorted, shaking his head.

"It has held worse pirates than you, its said to be greater than the legendary Impel Down." one called out.

"Impel Down? If my memory sevres me right, which it hasn't, I'm fairly sure the great Monkey D. Luffy broke in an out of that prison. Am I right?" He chuckled.

The marines were left sputtering, unable to make a counter to his words, he was right.


"Don't you think if you made your prisoners comfortable, they wouldn't want to leave?" Xerxes said raising an eyebrow, forcing his twisted logic on them.

The Marines were as silent, unable to make a reasonable retort to Xerxes' claim.

"Your gonna have to bring that up with Captain Freya." one said simply.

Xerxes sighed, these soldiers were so close-minded, not a single one of them could hold an intellectual conversation. Soon, he was dragged back to what was left of the pier, which was the site of yet another battle. Marxo, who had finally decided to wake up from his nap, was embroiled in basically a three-way fight.

Xerxes whistled as the battle went on, he was impressed with his Captains tenacity, but it was wasted, this was a futile effort. Xerxes turned to an unconscious Jackal who was being handcuffed in seastone, just like he was.

"You got beat? Really?" Xerxes cackled before turning to look to the one named Freya. Unfortunately, he had not idea who that was. Luckily, a Marine pointed her out once he inquired of her.

"Captain Freya, you wouldn't happen to be taking requests would you?" he called, cocking his head to the side.

What happened to Mister Rock Solid?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 1 day ago


What was the Conomi Islands.


I dreamt of a burning ship, screams of war between marines and pirates I knew as family. I was resting over wooden debris, covered in the leftover wreckage and my father's parting gifts, looking into a devil fruit left in the palm of my hands.

I awoke in a start, alarmed and in disarray, I could vaguely hear the muddled voices of Xerxes and marine grunts. "Whats going on? did we make it? is everyone-" I stopped as I realized I was in chains, and in fact I felt completely powerless. Not so much exhausted, well i was exhausted beyond belief but there was something else too, as if my devil fruit powers were completely null. I reckognized Xerxes, seeing him captured too. "You too?" I sighed before looking to the face that beat me. I hesitated as I was being walked off by marines before speaking to her. "Who are you and how were you able to cut me?" I was bitter but I was still curious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Grimacing, Freya noted to Zepp, "I'm not sure how I feel about handling the cleanup with someone who can pull off attacks like that on the loose."

Her mood sank even lower as she heard the rancor of the one who caused most of this mess. She did over hear a couple of ludicrous comments, like the idea that any prison in the East Blue was at Impel Down's level. Then...

"Captain Freya, you wouldn't happen to be taking requests would you?"

Freya cringed, pointing at Xerxes before ordering with an uncharacteristic coldness, "Gag him and stuff him a cell. If he doesn't comply then knock him out." As he was roughly pushed along, her men finally got the dragon man standing as he regained some consciousness.

After some disarray, he asked, "Who are you and how were you able to cut me?"

Sighing out some of her frustration, she scratched her head, before mumbling, "Well, that's...eat your vegetables."

With that taken care of, Freya was hesitant to issue more orders, as her crew was still busy with trying to get the ship into a manageable state. Thinking ahead, she began, "Okay, once we can get this ship to deck we need to start the relief effort! Teru, call for any nearby backup! And someone find whoever chucked that scythe at us! And the Lieutenant while you're at it!"

There she was, giving a shit again. What a day...she'd have to sleep for a whole week to make up for it.

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