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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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As Cael Maddox followed the small herd of dead creatures from what he considered a safe distance, making damn sure not to alert any of them to his position, a strange thought came to his mind. It pertained to how he was feeling, or rather what he wasn’t feeling. In all of the craziness around him and with all of the death and disorder that he had seen in the last day or so one would think that he would be scared, but he wasn’t. A little in shock, definitely, but not scared…really more numb than anything. The only person that he truly cared about, other than himself of course, was his brother, and he was thousands of miles away fighting a war that most likely would never amount to anything; especially now that the dead were walking the earth. Maddox wondered if it things were as bad across seas as they were here, he hoped not. ‘Maybe we’re the only place affected by all this crazy shit’. He thought to himself, immediately feeling the idiotic optimism in his inner voice.

He was, and had always been, a realist…a borderline pessimist, and he understood that whatever it was exactly that was going on around them probably wasn’t something that could easily be controlled. The insane rate of spreading that was already evident was information enough to prove that shit was going down, and that things would probably be much…much different now than they were, and he really didn’t know how he felt about that fact. It seemed like it had taken thirty years for him to realize that maybe he needed to change some things…and now all hell breaks loose; was he supposed to take that as a sign that he wasn’t supposed or deserving to get a fresh start after all, was it just a little to late, or was this the kind of fresh start that he had needed all along…only time would tell.

Maddox was pulled out of his thoughts as the sound of voices coming from a short distance away shook him into returning to the reality of the moment. He crouched down, getting low enough behind the table he was looting that he was confident he wouldn’t be seen. Quieting his mind, which was a victory in itself, he attempted to listen in on what the voices were saying. All he heard was what sounded like someone begging to not be shot, which gave him the impression of potential danger. He was glad that the small herd of dead things had already passed where he assumed the voices were coming from, but he hoped to every fake god that the noises didn’t attract them back towards their direction. For now, he would just wait and see what happened…he was ready for a fight if it came to it.
Oh it's a photoshopped picture of Liam McIntyre who played Spartacus in the Starz series after Andy Whitfield passed away. This picture is him photoshopped to be wearing Jedi Armor. I used it for a character image in a Table Top rpg that I played awhile back and fell in love with the pic lol :D.
Anna, I’m probably going to wait until you post again before I post, since you guys are directly interacting, or at the very least my next post will mainly be about further exploration of the Hospital or something so that Ryland, Travis, and Shannon can interact before I get involved :)
How's everyone doing today? :D
@Paige, no worries! I'm sorry that the rp fell apart like it did :(

@Anna, I'm good either way :D, and yes I love Supernatural! I own the first 8 seasons lol.
BTW Anna, I just posted and I'm assuming that our characters are going to run into each other since you guys are heading in the direction to leave the building and I'm heading deeper inside. How would you like to play this out? :D
Hi Paigesweetheart! I haven't seen you since the X-Men: The New Era RP Group on the old site :).
Thus far things hadn't quite gone to plan...The hospital was crawling with the dead creatures. He still didn't really know what to think about everything and couldn't even begin to process it; at least not until he felt better about his situation, and getting enough medical supplies from this fucking place would hopefully be a damn good start. 'The whole world has gone to hell...gotta' keep moving', he thought to himself as he made his way through the hallways as quickly and quietly as he could, always scanning the surrounding area looking for anything that could be useful and was reasonable to try and take with him. He had already gathered up some gauze, rubbing alcohol, a few bottles of stronger than over the counter pain killers, and even managed to stick two first aid kits in his pack. 'Goddamn I sure am glad I got here when I did...give it a few more days and this place will probably be cleaned out.' He thought to himself as he walked along.

BOOM!...the piercing sound a gunshot exploded in the distance, causing his ears to ring momentarily. Instinctively he dropped down behind the desk he was looting immediately as the noise rung and he could hear the dead creatures that he had managed to avoid and sneak around shuffle together towards where the direction that the had noise supposedly come from. 'Shit...why couldn't they go the other damn way.' his inner voice pondered as he waited for them to pass and then began to follow them slowly and as freaking quietly as he could. As long as he stayed behind them and they were distracted by the gunfire he knew that he would have a better chance to look around. He ducked into a nearby door that once opened revealed itself to be a maintenance closet, where he found a roll of duct tape, a flashlight, a roll of extension cord, and a multi-tool which he figured would come in quite handy sooner or later. Before he could turn around and leave the closet another gunshot rang out loud, and like before he waited momentarily before continuing on. 'I'm not sure I even want to know what's going on up there.'

Walking along the now vacant hallway, thanks to whoever the hell was blasting their gun around, he looked around but didn't see anything else that he thought was worth taking. Before turning a corner he doubled back around momentarily to give the area a once over with his eyes before leaving the hallway. Nothing. Then he turned his body back around to continue on and as his head turned and his eyes faced forward he was met by a grotesque and horrifying sight. Immediately he felt something grabbing at him and now he could clearly see the dead creature, that looked to have once been a nurse, lashing out at him with it's jaws like a rabid dog. For a moment he was in shock as the attack happened so suddenly, but soon his mind cleared and his instincts kicked back in as he used the handle of the fire axe he was wielding to force the dead woman away from him, pushing her back as hard as he could. The dead bitch stumbled back, but immediately lunged back after him again but this time he was prepared. Lifting the weapon over his head Maddox swung down hard, bringing the blade end of the Fire Axe to meet the skin and bone on the top of her head, splitting it down the middle. She dropped to the ground, his axe firmly stuck between the two halves of her once whole head. Maddox grimaced a little bit at the site for a second, but then, pressing his boot against the corpse laying under him he pulled and freed his axe from its mark. He turned the weapon around in his hand; 'maybe I should use the blunt side next time.' Maddox realized and looked forward to continue his trek.

BTW, Anna is there any specific plot that you/we are potentially working towards or is it more of an organic rp journey lol? I'm fine either way I was just wondering :D.
So this is a question for those who watched tonight's episode of the Walking Dead. If you did not see it there might be some potential SPOILERS in this question as well as the answers...so read at your own risk lol.

My question is why do you think Bob was crying when he went out by himself near the end of the episode?
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