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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

Okay...I posted, between @Incredible's post and mine that should advance the hospital group even further. A potential conflict looms lol :).

BTW, I put one of the corniest and most ridiculous jokes/references in post that I have ever seen....I'm sorry and please forgive me for my sin haha.
Maddox watched as the oxygen tank was taken from him and as the group tried to swap it out for the empty one, trying to help the young woman who looked to be getting worse. He really hoped that she didn’t die right there…not right in front of him at least. It’s not that he was affected all that bad by death; especially since he didn’t know her, but she was young…he couldn’t even really tell if she was a woman yet, and no one deserved to die that young.

The thought reminded him of the “God” that he had once believed in…how the supposed lord and savior of all humanity could let things like this happen to such…innocent seeming people while liars, killers, rapists, and thieves walked free everyday. That was why Cael Maddox chose not to believe; and if there did end up being a god in the sky watching over them, he had some unsavory words floating on the edge of his tongue that he wanted to say to him/her. Maddox new that he wasn’t necessarily a “good” person; that he had done some things that he wasn’t particularly proud of, but now that he had gotten out of prison…and especially now that the whole city had erupted into chaos and death, he really just didn’t feel like seeing this innocent girl die when he had tried to help her against his best instincts.

He began to look around at the group before him, a bunch of kids really. Not that he was old or anything, your thirties are really supposed to be the prime of your life, but seeing all of these teens made him feel old for whatever reason. He wasn’t even sure how to talk to them. He didn’t give one fuck about that kitchen pissing Just Beiber douche bag, and he imagined trying to relate to this bunch would be a crazy task to say the very least…or rather it would have been had he met them before the world had gone to hell, but he was pretty sure that things were different now. As far as he was concerned there were going to be two kinds of people in this situation: Survivors and The Walking Dead, and despite the fact that it pissed him off to even think about it as he listened to them ask questions and talk amongst themselves while trying to save the young woman's life, but he realized that these kids would have a lot better of a chance being among the survivors if they stuck with him, but his brain was yelling at him to just “Walk away you idiot! You did your part now get the fuck out of here”. He decided not to listen to himself, but he had a very bad feeling that this was going to come around to bite him in the ass. 'Maybe I should break the tension a little bit.' He declared to himself.

“Hopefully that will help her.” He spoke trying to lessen the always sarcastic, narcissistic tone that his voice always seemed to have attached to it. “Something tells me this is a little more serious than asthma kid.” He replied to the Asian girl who seemed like she didn’t have a clue in the world what was going on. “Hey, do you not know what’s happening outside? The whole world is going to hell. What are all of you doing in here anyways…shouldn’t you be in school or something.” He asked the Asian, and then addressed the group as a whole, realizing that that ass hole-ish sarcasm snuck into his last question.

Just about that time he heard a door crash open, and out stepped a man clad in what seemed to be military gear…a gas mask covering his face. Instinctively Maddox placed his body in between this man and the young adults as to protect them. ‘What the hell am I getting myself into?’ he asked himself hatefully. Grabbing his axe from behind his back he readied himself for a conflict as the strange man began talking at them in what appeared to be Russian.
BTW, @IncredibleBee, the group that you had Ivan confront is our group right? Just double checking before I post something stupid :D
How is everyone on this fine...boring day at work lol?
NacNak said
*peeks around corner looking left and right for Walkers before quietly opening door to thread and sneaking inside, quietly closing door behind me before I whisper* =3 =3

I'm pretty sure Anna is still accepting :-), if you want you can throw up a CS and we can go from there.
AllOurPrettySongs said Good night, Shields, my love

Good night my Australian Angel! Btw what is Australian heaven like? I would imagine there would be no bunnies lol, since they desolated the land all those generations ago :)
Damn, I was having so much fun in the OOC that I didn't finish my CS, so I'll do that tomorrow. It was awesome as hell to screw around with you guys, you truly made me feel welcome even before I've officially joined and that's pretty damn special, so thanks guys and gals. I'll talk to you all more tomorrow :-D
Major Ursa said
Woah, busy but back, what I miss?

Not much really, things were kind of slow today. Hopefully there can be some good advancement tomorrow :). To everyone that did post today it was great stuff! I'm excited to see how the characters interact more and how the story unfolds
wolverbells said
Things just got even better. He likes villains. My dogs name is Loki ☺️

Loki and Bane will take over the world of dog kind together! The time has come
wolverbells said

..........................................You win! Everything that I am and everything I have is yours; now until the end of times lol :-). Including a weenie dog named Bane because he is my town's reckoning....I know I'm lame.
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