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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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Sweet, keep 'em coming!
Okay, so the concept is this:

We are agents of a anti-super villain task force called Vanguard, made up of highly trained, but mundane (meaning no super powers) specialists. We are a team and each of us will have a specified role in the team and on the mission. This is our mission.

A highly dangerous, super powered terrorist named Alek Cortez is on a rampage in New York City. He has the ability to generate and detonate nuclear energy and is threatening to blow up the entire city. He has planted THREE thermonuclear bombs of his own design around the border of the city in a prearranged placement that, if detonated, would cause a chain reaction that would destroy the entire outer portions of the city. Cortez has made his demands and has revealed that if they aren't met within 24 hours he will not only detonate his bombs but he will also overcharge his core with nuclear energy resulting in his body releasing a nuclear blast so powerful that, along with his pre-placed bombs, will destroy the city and everyone within it.

His demands are as follows:

"In order to stop the deaths of every man, woman, and child in New York City you must force justice down upon the powers that be in this city. I am demanding to witness the public execution of the Mayor of New York, Tom Donovan, as well as District Attorney Stephanie Bolton or else every inch of this "proud" city will be turned to ash as every single person within it is destroyed as I bring New York to its knees and put it out of its disgusting misery."

Your team is our beloved city's only hope; almost 9 million lives lay in the balance. There is no room for failure. Get to work.


Pleas post a brief character concept that includes name, age, description, and his/her role on the team. All characters are to "mundane", meaning that not a single one of us will have any super powers. Your "role" can be almost anything that you think may be interesting to play and useful to the mission; from special ops soldiers to engineers to hackers, and everything in between. Post your concepts and once we get a good number to fill up a team we will jump right in and start the 24 hour countdown to victory or utter destruction.
If this goes well I'd love to run an X-men Academy style RP where we're all students at a new school for the gifted. Would anyone be up for that as well?
Awesome! I guess I'll set this up for tomorrow evening if that works for whoever wants in and we'll go from there! :D
<Snipped quote by GodOfWar>

I agree I have tried to make a one-shot RP that is fast paced and was done before people lost interest and it succeeded I think their really fun to do on a slow day.

I like your idea but I would also like to chime in. Again it would be cliche but would follow a team of investigators as a super-villain wrecks havoc in San Francisco (like Agents of Shield but not as bad :p) or any other city . The catch is they only have 24 hours to catch him before he destroys the Golden Gate Bridge. Yea I know cliched to hell but I think it would be fun running around the city trying to find the dude also we could out a real 24 time period on it so the RP can be a one-and-done in a day.

I'd be down as well!
I've been looking for you for centuries my brother of war!!!!!! Just kidding, but hey we have great names so it's nice to meet you :). I truly think that more one-off style RP's would be a great addition to the guild because it gives people opportunities to see things through and also not worry about committing to a long RP. I think that would make a great starting off point for the story.
Feel free to throw out some ideas and jump in :D.
Lol that's the spirit! What kinds of things are you interested in that we could base this RP around?
Would anyone be interested in simply jumping into a game right now? It would be more of a one shot than a full fledged RP, one that is entirely character driven that would begin and end within a day or two?

I'd like to start ASAP and am open to what kind of game we run. Any takers?
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