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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


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@Damo021 I would love to do this :D.
Okay, so I got a post up kind of concluding this situation. I didn't have enough time to edit properly so if there are any terrible errors just let me know :D. I know that we got off to a slow start but I'm having a blast so far and can't wait to see where we take this thing. You all have made fantastic characters and everyone is playing them so well. Thanks for being an awesome group boys and girls :)!
Nathan had been taking everything in when the chaos began. Everything spun out of control in an instant with explosions and downed professors. He didn’t know what to do. Looking around it was clear that he wasn’t alone in that fact as other students stood frozen in fear and uncertainty. He knew damn well that they needed to act...it was just a matter of figuring out what exactly he needed to do. He had never been in a situation quite like this; of course he had experienced his share of traumatic moments, but nothing on this scale. Nathan watched some students run towards their seemingly unconscious teachers as Alex barked orders at them all, though unfortunately his mind wasn’t clear enough to hear exactly it was that Alex told him to do so for a few more second he simply stood frozen fear.

Fear, he knew that word all too well. It had been a motif of his life thus far and quite frankly he had accepted that it was a facet of life that would be there to stay, but he was sick and tired of being afraid all of the time. Again he looked around, he didn’t know anything at all that he could do to help the situation and his base survival instincts were telling him to just get out of the way and find a safe place but he knew that with that door closed there would be no way he could reach safety. Momentarily he pondered a way to get the door open but nothing came to mind and as the storm in his head stirred he looked up at the giant robot, at its terrifying and dangerous eyes. They began to glow a bright red again, becoming brighter and brighter as they charged up for another blast. ‘That’s it!’ He thought to himself as a light bulb turned on and exploded in his head with an idea. He ran straight towards the middle of the room, yelling as loudly as he could at the mechanical giant trying to destroy them all….He had never been so afraid in his life, but he didn’t know what else to do. The robot’s gaze adjusted and followed him forwards, its eyes growing ever brighter, and suddenly Nathan stopped dead in his tracks with his fists clenched at his sides just in time for the robots beam to blast forth from its eyes, firing true and slamming into Nathan center mass. A blinding red light illuminated throughout the entire room as impact was made and the only visible thing in the area where Nathan had been standing was the light of the blast.

A continuous stream of laser shot from those menacing eyes for what felt like an eternity, but a moment later it was over and Nathan was revealed to still be standing in the now crater like ruble where he had stopped. His arms were stretched out and his shirt was almost entirely burned off as he skin smoked and his eyes glowed bright with that same red light as the robots.

Is that all you’ve got you bastard?” Nathan yelled out breathless, his voice cracking. He knew that there wasn’t anything that he could do to destroy the robot but if he could could keep its focus for long enough and absorb the blasts then maybe...just maybe...he could stall long enough for everyone else to get out and to safety.

It was in that moment that the robot above them began to flicker, then just like that it disappeared. Then the massive hole in the ceiling began to reform, metallic substance that was the entirety of the room began to reshape and move back into place almost as if it was liquid. The rubble began to disappear and even the crater that Nathan had been left standing in began reshape and form itself back into the solid, flat floor. Both Professor Everose and Pierce stand up, the cuts and bruises from their body disappear just like the robot and with a cocky smirk on his face Prof. Pierce looks on at everyone and speaks.

Like I said before...Welcome to the Danger Room.

The lights brightened and another voice comes over some kind of intercom, this one though had a thick, British accent.

Well...That actually went much better than I had anticipated. Professor Pierce perhaps there is some genius behind you mad ideas.” As these words were spoken a spotlight of sorts came on with a loud click, illuminating the observation deck, and much like the robot, the scene of an empty control room flickered and dropped revealing a man wearing a luxurious suit that was dark blue in color looking down over everyone. It was Headmaster Malcolm Ashford. “Good effort students. This was your first test here in my academy, and you did much better than was expected. Though don’t let that go to your heads because if that robot, which is called a Sentinel, had been here in true form, you would have been fighting a losing battle. This experimental training session is just one of the many things that our “Danger Room” can do. You will be spending a lot of time in here over the next few years, but even so this room and the lessons you learn here are only a small part of what your education will consist of. You all came in here today and did your best. It wasn’t the most fluid teamwork, and not everyone came around to action, but these things are expected in your first trial by fire. You did good….next time do better.” The Headmaster smiles at everyone before turning to leave the control room. As he does so the lights in there turn off behind him. ‘It was all a test’ Nathan thought to himself, almost angrily. ‘It was all an illusion’. It was finally starting to sink in just exactly where he was and even more importantly what he was there to become. This wasn’t going to be your average school...It was going to be much, much more interesting.
I'm finishing up some things at work and hopefully, if I have time, I'll another post up here in the next couple of hours xD.
@Damo021 The staff would probably be most displeased lol.
@Shard Casper could always help take care of the injured or try to get the doors open somehow. He's never useless :).
@Princeofhearts Accepted :). Go ahead and move it over to the character tab.

@Shard I definitely wouldn't mind the help! XD.
@Damo021 We can always introduce you afterwards but if you can get in on the action somehow I'm down for it :).
@Guess Who@KaiserElectric You guys are more than welcome to submit characters :).
@Princeofhearts It just said no mind control. Telekinesis is perfectly fine :D.
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