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Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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Lol everyone disappear for the night or what lol?

When Nathan finally stopped running he was in the courtyard, next to a magnificent fountain. The running water might help to sooth his mind and so he let himself almost fall onto it, leaning on it with his hands and chest. He hadn’t had an attack like that in weeks… Honestly he had hoped all of that was behind him, but things like that just don’t go away; a change of surroundings doesn’t change what you see in the mirror. His mother had been ruining his life since he was seven years old and even from the grave she haunted him. He needed desperately to find a way out of it, out of her grasp.

A moment or two passed as Nathan tried to piece himself back together again. It had always been hard to come back, and this time seemed more difficult than ever, but he could hear footsteps approaching...he knew that he had to be okay. It was far too early for him to be the damaged guy; here he had a chance to be somebody else and he was afraid that he was already ruining that chance. As his pursuers approached he stood and turned towards them, sweat dripping down his forehead. He was surprised to see three students behind him, two of them he recognized from being on his team, the third was a stranger. One was a read headed girl that had introduced herself as Allison. She was stunning. It wasn’t like Nathan hadn’t noticed her before, but this was the first time that he had actually looked at her...at anyone really; he was a pro of avoiding eye contact but that was one of the many thing he was hoping to change here. The other student that he recognized was Casper, who was probably the youngest of everyone he had met so far. The young teen wore mostly black, a phase that Nathan himself had gone through. He remembered for just a second how awful his hair looked dyed black and he smiled a bit, a good sign that he was coming back under control. The third student, a evenly stunning brunette girl that he was sure that he hadn’t seen before at all, but she had come to his aid. ‘Why?’ he asked himself, his smile slipping back into a more neutral expression. They were all just looking at him, waiting for him to explain himself.

You guys...uh...you didn’t have to run after me. I’m okay. I just had a...moment I guess.” He forced a little chuckle and ran his fingers through his hair as his eyes dropped to the ground; he was never going to be good at looking people in the eyes. “I’m sorry about what happened back there. I’m just dealing with some stuff...I’m sure we all are. I do appreciate you coming after though. That’s not something that I’m used to. I thought we did pretty good in there I guess.” He realized that he was beginning to ramble on, which is the ironic thing; the guy that is used to never speaking doesn’t know when the hell to stop once he gets started. it’s usually pretty awkward...this moment not being the exception. He just looked at them with what he hoped would be perceived as friendly eyes waiting for a response.
@Damo021 Go for it :D.
@Rhapsody I'm a straight man, but yes he's special because he's David Tennant ;) lol!
Well I was going to just control them all of the time, but for free roam stuff and for other situations I don't mind other people using them. Just not the headmaster....because he's special...muahahahahahaaaa!
@Damo021 You know what, sure, give it a test run but if there's anything just entirely out of character or contradictory I'll let you know.
@Kaalee Lol that might actually kill us both so let's be friends not enemies, okay. XD
@knighthawk There's only one way to find out lol!
@Shard Lol we're teenage mutants, it's hard not to be a little damaged!
@Princeofhearts Your post was awesome! I like how her powers work and she seems to come from a traumatic past which could potentially bond her and Nathan a bit because he's had his fair share of that as well xD.
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