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Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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Btw I saw Star Wars again last night and loved even more than the first night. (No Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it please xD)
Nathan Maddox

“Do you need some more time? Or do you have classes to get to?”. Allison asked him caringly. He actually hadn’t memorized his schedule yet, but knew that he wasn’t supposed to have another class today until around lunch time. The other part of her question would be much harder to answer. He did need more time, in fact he didn’t know if he was ever going to get over what had happened...what he had done. He wanted to explain to her why he was so screwed up, everything that had gone down during his early years, and the events that happened the night that his “powers” were awakened… At first he had perceived them as more of a curse than a gift, because SHE had used his abilities as the sickest form of blackmail to brainwash him into doing whatever she demanded of him. The she that was referring to was his mother, his sick and vile human being of a mother. He was losing it again, but only on the inside. Thankfully he realized in time to pull himself back together. That bitch was dead anyways, even though no one but him knew that it was by his hands.

“No I think that I’ll be alright...eventually.” Nathan answered with an obvious honesty, finally gathering the courage to look Allison in the eyes for more than just a millisecond. Her eyes were a soft green, as stunning as could be. She was honestly one of the most beautiful girls that he had ever seen, far too beautiful for someone like him; he understood that and so he didn’t even fantasize about that possibility...even though in this moment of vulnerability he was wishing that he would. Her kindness had truly meant a lot to him and he hoped that she could sense that. “I don’t have class for a few hours so I guess I have a bit of free time ahead of me. I hope that I’m not causing you to be late for anything Ali. I appreciate everything just now and I’ll go ahead and stop wasting your time and let you get back to it.” He smiled at her, this time genuinely with warmth. “And don’t for one second discount what you did in there. You were great. I don’t blame them for throwing us into the fire like that, it was test…an example of what we might be up against one day. Given the circumstances I think that we did as good as we could have, and you were a part of that.” After finishing his words he smiled at her again. “I’ll let you get back to being amazing….see you later.” He backed up against the fountain and took a seat on the side. He didn’t really have anywhere to go and the running water was very tranquil to him. He assumed that she was probably wanting to get back to her business and he felt like he had wasted enough of her time.
How's everyone doing today?
@knighthawk I think you played him perfectly :D. I'm very glad that I let go of the reins a bit on this one and let you guys try your hands with the teachers. It's been wonderful so far.
I'm back guys xD. Thanks so much for your patience! I posted and after we wrap up our current scenes we'll go ahead and move the story along a bit. I love the character interactions and relationship building that's been going on :D, which is why I think these "free roam" bits are so important; it's where the real role playing happens.
Nathan Maddox

Though he had begun to grasp most of his self control by this point, Nathan hadn’t expected what happened during this little gathering he had created by mistake. The first thing to note was how the young teen Casper, who was in appearance almost still a boy, had coldly just walked away after making sure that Nathan was going to be okay. That was strange enough as it is, but he could handle it. Then Ali spoke to him, obviously trying to sooth him and get his mind off of the negativity that had just happened. Her words actually completed their mission to a small extent and just seeing a friendly face seemed to help him tremendously more than he could have guessed. The redhead asked him about his powers after caringly scolding him for jumping in front of the blast so recklessly. She seemed to care even though she didn’t know him...that was a new experience for him, and something that truly meant more than he could ever relay. As he was preparing an answer for her regarding her question on his abilities the rhyming pattern of strangeness struck again. The stranger among them, the beautiful brunette that had come to his aid despite having never met him, stepped forward and reached out, advancing on him seemingly in an attempt to touch his face. With caution and curiosity, he let her.

As her fingers touched his cheek he felt it, her abilities activate. In an instant she was inside his head, not in his thoughts but in his emotions. He sensed her feeling his anger as though it was her own and he could tell that she was getting the full blast of anxiety, sadness, resentment, hatred, darkness, and rage that blew about the storms in his head. Thank god she couldn’t see his memories. He felt violated at first, but after only a few seconds he began to feel understood to a degree that he had never been before. She backed away from him quickly, her eyes still closed.

I...I have to go….” She spoke, never looking at either of the remaining participants of this event and suddenly turned to leave. Nathan watched in shock and quiet as she walked away. There was a rather long, awkward moment of silence before he turned back towards Ali, remembering her question. He looked on at her with a look that explained all too well that he didn’t know what the hell was going on, but after shaking his head a bit in acceptance he replied to her.

Umm...Sorry about that I guess. I uh...Yeah my powers let me absorb different types of energy. I’m not exactly sure about the extent of it, but that’s pretty much what I am.” He forced himself to smile, which honestly felt good in this situation given the madness that had just occurred. “I’m really sorry that I scared you...It wasn’t my intention at all. I’m an idiot. I didn’t even think about it being some kind of test I just did the only thing to think of to save you...and everyone else. I didn’t know what else to do. All I’m good at is taking a hit I guess.” He chuckled nervously a bit after the last part of his reply before adopting a more serious expression. “Thanks, by the way, for uh...coming after me. I just needed a minute to breath. I’m sorry for worrying you all. It means a lot though, really. I’m not used to people caring like that.
@Rhapsody I'm so sorry to keep you waiting! I got really sick at work on Wed night and haven't been able to shake it yet. I have to go out of town tonight to go help a friend move (something that I really want to ditch because I feel like hell has taken over my body lol, but I promised him more than a month ago that I's help.), but afterwards when I get home I'll do my best to get a post up :). Thanks for being patient guys!
@KaiserElectric I love the character!
I love you guys lol! This is one of the best groups I've ever had :D. I'm hoping to get a post up a little later this evening after things die down here at work, but if not I'm supposed to be off tomorrow xD.
@Guess Who I agree, the character is definitely accepted :).
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