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I love Princess 😘
2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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Bump!!!! :D I'm very interested in a Firefly RP!
Is this open to new applicants? I'd love to join! I'm currently in an Elder Scrolls RPG over Skype and would love to delve into this as well :D.
It's been quite some time but I am back and cannot wait to begin weaving tales with you all once again XD.
(Just a heads-up, I live in Germany, have a full time job, and married so please be patient with me if you are in North America.)

I too have a family and full-time job. That being said is this bad boy open to one more :D?

Name: Sebastian Vael

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Homeworld: Jelucan

Profession: Ex-Imperial Officer, Hired Gun/Enforcer

Appearance: Vael has a large scar on his right forearm that is the result of a severe burn that he suffered years ago. He also has a small but distinguishable scar on the left side of his upper lip. His burned arm still aches from time to time, and the sensation has taken an almost superstitious “6th sense” in his mind meaning that it always seems to ache when he gets a bad feeling about something.

Personality: Vael’s a little...rough around the edges. He doesn’t have the best manners, can be antisocial sometimes, and can come off as intense at first sight, but there are reasons for these things and they define who he truly is. His bad manners stem from the fact that he more or less raised himself, and because underneath his tough exterior he could be described as a dreamer of impossible dreams and sometimes even as a child at heart. Despite the fact that he knows that the galaxy is a terrible place full of war and death there is still a place in Vael’s heart where he needs to believe that “good” people still exist in the galaxy.

Bio: Sebastian grew up as a Second Waver on the planet of Jelucan. His family owned a quaint trade business that saw them to a decently comfortable life. He was a bit of a troublemaker when he was younger, but he managed to make it into the Imperial officer Academy. As a cadet of the Empire he took to referring to himself mostly by his last name, and he did well for himself; especially in combat training. He was never one to excel in the academic side of things, however with the help of friends he passed his tests and graduated. He was stationed as a security officer on a Star Destroyer, where he had the opportunity to live a fairly comfortable life, but it didn’t take long for him to realize that the propaganda of the Empire was a lie and that it wasn’t as noble as it might seem. A fellow graduate of his class and good friend to him was executed before his very eyes, which turned his doubt in the Empire into full fledged fear and hatred. Vael wasn’t a self-righteous angel by any means but undeserved execution was far beyond his breaking point. He managed to escape while working guard duty during a ceremony on Coruscant.

From there he was on the run for awhile before reaching the Outer Rim, where he managed to find work for a trade caravan as a hired gun and ship hand. The crew was made up of a diverse group of species and people, and proved to be decent enough. He worked with them for a couple of years before the company was bought out by Teemo the Hutt to be used as a smuggling operation, and he was introduced to the Slug Lord himself. After a year or so of doing good work with the caravan, Teemo offered to bring Vael into his local operation on Mos Shutta as an enforcer. He refused, not wanting to sign his soul over to the devil again; working security for a smuggling operation is one thing, but working hand in hand with a known slaver and murderer is another entirely. This offended Teemo, who took the “choice” out of Vael’s hands by forcing him to work for him. Vael was kept basically as a prisoner, but sent out as a part of the Hutt’s goon squad to “enforce” whatever it was that Teemo needed him to. There he was forced to do some things that he wishes he didn’t go through with. It’s taken over a year to find an out, but he finally saw one when he caught some prisoners making a run for it. Instead of trying to stop them he helped them take out some of the guards before joining them on the run.

Now, as he runs with a group of mostly strangers and the Tatooine suns are burning down onto his face and neck, he begins to realize the severity of what it was that he had just done. He had his freedom for now, but would it be worth what was coming. He ducked into the cantina with the others and knew very well that he would find the answer to that question soon enough.

Weapons: Vael has the essential tools for the trade, most notably a heavy blaster pistol and a slugthrower.

Gear/Equipment/Items: Comlink, a credit chip with less than 100 credits on it, plans to the Death Star (just kidding!), and his armor:

Obligations: Bounty: wanted captured alive by Teemo the Hutt
Live your dreams of becoming a WWE Superstar! Play established wrestlers or create new ones with unique gimmicks. Have matches. Climb the card. Build relationships. Live the ups, the downs, and experience all the drama of being a Professional Wrestler in the ring and back stage.

Or...something like that lol. I'd like to start up a wrestling RP. I'm not exactly sure how to do that, but I've been wanting to do so for awhile and would love to see if there is any interest in this and maybe get some advice/thoughts on how we should perhaps go about doing this.
@Guess Who Thanks, it's been a double edged sword thus far but hopefully it'll smooth over.
I'm here as well. Just got promoted at work so I'm busier than hell right now but it should balance out soon :). I'm not going anywhere boys and girls.
@knighthawk I agree, it's necessary. I can't believe that it's been that long, but days bleed together when you work full time and have an insane toddler in your life lol :).
The fight started off with a punch square in the nose...Not a great start. Nathan felt his eyes water over immediately after the strike, the force of the blow actually knocking him backwards and forcing him to keep his footing. He had been in fights before, most of which he lost, but he had never in a million years thought that he would see himself fighting...well himself, and from the get go this entire scenario had him a bit thrown off. Rearing back in pain Nathan reached up to his nose to make sure that it wasn't broken; as far as he could tell it wasn't. The gray scale version of him stared at him with a smug and arrogant grin that he honestly didn't even know that his face could make until now. It didn't pursue him but rather stood there with its cocky smile waiting to see how he was going to react. Nathan didn't know what to do, but he was pissed.

He lunged forward as quickly as he could manage and went straight in with an attempted tackle. The was a brief look of shock in his copycat's eyes as Nathan made contact, forcing his shoulder deep into the clones ribs and beginning their descent towards the ground. Before the clone could hit the hard gym floor he somehow managed to turn the momentum around to where as they landed he would be on top of Nathan, giving him an unexpected advantage. Nathan's hip hit the ground hard and before he could even collect himself the clone began pummeling him again and again; all Nathan could do at this point was block. His arms managed to soak up most of the damage, and as this was happening Nathan desperately tried to come of with a plan to not only get him out from under his attacker but that would hopefully help him get the upper hand. Then he realized exactly what he needed to do.

Nathan waited a few more seconds before dropping his guard all together, which of course allowed a few well placed strikes to hit their mark which was unfortunately again his damned nose. He knew that in order to do what he hoped would get him back on track in this fight that he would have to take a few hits, and they hurt like hell, but his mind was focused on his next move rather than the pain. He reached up ferociously and grabbed his clone by the neck as soon as the doppelganger was going down for another punch. His intent wasn't to choke his attacker, but rather he simply activated his powers once their skin made contact.

Instantly the false Nathan's eyes lit up and shock and fear as the true Nathan could feel himself siphoning his enemy's energy. For a moment it seemed as though he had gotten control in this battle as the clone's face began to deteriorate and seeming dry out in front of him. All seemed well until the clone reached its arms out towards Nathan, grabbing him by the face, and doing the exact same thing. Nathan had never felt it before, never experienced what it actually felt like for someone when he used his powers on them, until now. It was excruciating. An immediate and intense exhaustion flooded his senses as both Nathan and his doppelganger had each other exactly where they needed them to be in order to win this thing. A panic rose inside of Nathan as he wondered what he should do next.
@Rhapsody I agree lol! I'll get a post up tomorrow xD.

@knighthawk Let's not get too ahead of ourselves here lol. No established villains yet, let's give this thing room to grow first. I know we've slowed down a bit but that is always expected after the first little while. We do need to address the one's we've lost but that can be as simple as stating that they were reassigned to different teams or something like that. They can still exist in the fiction as NPC's if needed. I have lot's of ideas for the future and I do have a game plan that we can talk a bit more about in private :D. Something big will be happening soon that I'll need your help with. I appreciate you stepping up to help, but let's not be overzealous here and let things play out as they will unless we need to intervene. With all of that said, what's this I hear about a band lol????
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