Avatar of PapaOso


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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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@Sad Ogo That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Classy move my friend. I'll be watching from a distance with a handful of salt ready to save the day :D.
@Su My apologies, when I realized there was just one more spot I backed off a bit because Eviledd showed interest first and had his sheet done first. Feel free to go ahead and look at the their sheet and if a spot opens up in the future I can jump in :). I'll keep developing the character and will stay subscribed to this RP in the meantime.
@Sad Ogo Good to know :). I could, of course, also drop the hunter part and just specialize as the cook if I'm stepping on any toes there.
My initial desire was to go with medic, but seeing that there's a Super Mutant Medic in the works I'll pitch something else...because that's just pretty damn cool and I'm interested to see how that turns out.

Please forgive me if these have already been pitched or claimed, I am at work at the moment and can't go through everything in the detail I would like. However, I wanted to make sure and post interest ASAP as I know this will probably fill up fast :).

My first pitch is a dedicated sniper / sharpshooter. Someone to watch the infiltrator's back from afar and pick off threats from a distance.

My second pitch is for a Hunter / Cook. Someone proficient with hunting game, processing meat, and preparing meals for the group. On a good day they can turn chicken shit into chicken salad that boosts morale. On the worst days they can at least keep the group going with the basics.

I could even potentially blend these two concepts into one if the desire is there. Once I get some feedback I'll either begin working on a CS or go back to the drawing board, so I look forward to hearing what you all think :).
Dear Gods in heaven this looks outstanding. I may apply in the coming days if that's alright xD.
Every time I think I'm going to leave this site for a bit something pulls me back in lol. This concept is something I've been seeking for years. I really like the Nordic flair and would really consider putting out a character sheet if you could use some fresh blood.
The blast rings out and you both immediately feel the heat of it. The shop owner to your right is hit full force with the explosion and is completely decimated by the blast.

Holland, you are able to dive over the edge of a stall at the very last moment; the structure absorbs most of the impact but a bit of shrapnel hits your right calf as you are mid dive. You take 4 piercing damage from the blast.

Grognak is not so fortunate. You are intoxicated and massive. On your best day nimble actions don't necessarily come naturally to you...on this day they definitely don't. You're reaction time is delayed just enough that all you can do is brace for the impact of the explosion. Jagged bits of metal and debris hit you along with a wave of fire and heat. You take 5 piercing damage and 4 fire damage for a total of 9. Thankfully you are able to maintain your footing despite the intoxication...that is of course depending on your max HP lol.
As the two of you ready yourselves and run towards the commotion, a second explosion erupts...this time much closer to you.

(I need both of you to make agility saves please. I will make a roll of my own to see how many others are killed / injured by this explosion.)
The community of Independence celebrates together in recognition of their mutual accomplishments and in honor of their Mayor...who has fallen ill. This celebration was designed by her for the community and though it is sad that she is not among her people for the event, she is in the thoughts and smiles of all of her supporters throughout the evening. Food has been devoured, drinks have been had...more drinks have been had, and a few hours of fellowship and revelry with your neighbors and friends has done good for your souls.

It is as the evening begins to come to a close and many begin putting their children to sleep that we pick up on your characters. You all find yourselves sitting around a scrap-metal fire pit; some with food or drink in hand, others conversing about the events of the day or your Mayor's potential health. It is then that you all hear the sound of singular gunfire. One shot ringing out in the area loudly. It was clearly fired close by. Just as your instinct pulls you to react in whatever way it would you hear more gunfire. This time in a burst. Then there is a third and final sound as an explosion echoes from the direction of the main gate.

Chaos erupts around you as dozens of civilians and survivors panic and run towards their homes. Some folks go for their weapons and jump into action, but most flee to some semblance of safety. What about you all? What is it that you do?
Sheriff Dalton smiles at his deputy's suggestion before lowering his shades down his nose to reveal his no-nonsense eyes. At face value his expression is one Holland has seen a million times before. However, you get the sense that there is something else in his face...something he's intentionally keeping at bay. ((@rush99999feel free to roll Insight for me please if you think Holland would do so.))

"Have I ever been one to pass up a free drink?" He let's out a low chuckle before continuing. "I am going to have to take a rain check on your offer though. I'll hold you to it another time, but I need to head up and check on the Mayor. Got some business with Haskell as well I need to look after. Go and have yourself a helluva time though. I'm not concerned for your safety with this big bastard by your side." He pats Grognak on the upper arm, not quite able to reach the shoulder. "Just don't get too far gone. With this many folks around we better at least try to pretend to do our jobs." He chuckles again before turning to leave.
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