Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
Episode One: Magnetic Monster Interactions: @Omega Man- Switchblade @Blizz- Shattercrash Chaos ensued around Liam in slow motion. His derealization from the moment was actually the only thing keeping him from falling into a full fledged panic attack. He was there…but he wasn’t. His mind was elsewhere in his memories reliving the best and worst moments of his life like a movie. This trauma response was probably some form of coping mechanism that he hadn’t even gotten the chance to mention in therapy yet, but here in the moment he wasn’t sure if it was the only thing keeping him alive or if it was putting him in more danger than he already was.
It became clear, in the milliseconds that had passed since he began to disassociate, that he wasn’t ready for this. He was no Titan. However, another realization came to him as debris crashed around him, bodies were flung about, and blood was spilled…the realization that he would NEVER be ready for this. In a weird way that thought brought him back to reality a bit. It wasn’t comforting, but it was honest. The kind of honesty that makes you wake up from the episode of self loathing that is definitely going to get you killed. As he snapped out of the moment of panic he heard Switchblade’s advice to calm down. Moments later he heard Blitz’s command to get Sacrifice out of here. Sacrifice wasn’t going anywhere.
In an instant he took in everything that happened over the last few seconds…minutes he honestly wasn’t sure. He processed everything as quickly as he could. Shattercrash had been launched in the air and was now falling back towards the lab in a burst of brilliant violet. [i]She’s going for Polaris[i]. Liam looked over to Switchblade with an assuring nod.
“I’m okay. I can help.”
He looked back up towards Shattercrash through the hole in the lab's ceiling. It was clear that she was targeting the man that had sent her flying in the first place. Sacrifice would make sure that she hit with as much force as she could. He focused on her and the violet energy that illuminated the area. He could almost feel her power as he channeled his own energy. Grabbing his left middle finger in his right hand he took a deep breath and snapped it…
Grimacing in pain, Sacrifice felt the surge of energy grow within him. He channeled it and focused it towards Shattercrash. A cord of distorted air that most wouldn’t even notice connected between the two of them like an ethereal tether. Even from this distance he was able to feel the connection. As his energy became hers he focused on amplifying her abilities as much as he could. He would never be like the others. He would never be the hero flying down to land a mighty strike against the enemy…that just wasn’t in the cards for him. However, he’d make sure that hero had as much juice in her tank as he could so that she could be the big damn hero they needed to save the day.
At first, Calbert had no idea why the young man had started to sing. He felt awkward for a half second before the song began to sound familiar. The words unlocked within the depths of his brain. His vision seemed to change as he saw a blurry image of a dark-haired woman reaching her hand across a bed to his cheek. The male voice became a female’s. The silky feel of the sheets. Her blue nightgown. The way her streaks of silver lit up under the moonlight came in from the window. It was an ethereal memory. For a moment, he felt like he had traveled back in time.
Calbert’s expression softened as he listened. If he’s here… Then what of Meredith? He was silent in his thoughts as he met his son’s eyes.
“My son.” He put a hand on his shoulder. “You are my blood… My family. “ He said with conviction. “I do not care to see you any other way… “He paused, his heart racing as he began the dreaded question, “What..” His eyes narrowed, and his gaze slightly lowered, “What of your mother?”
The seconds between Cas’s question and his father’s response felt like an eternity. There was a part of him that felt so awkward having just sung to a stranger. Another piece of him hoped the man did not recognize the song at all, as to prove Cassius right in assuming that this man never loved his mother and could never have been a father to him. He was torn…Silently ripped apart by what could be a better future for him and the very idea that there was a father here all along that could have helped fill the voids he and his mother knew throughout their lives.
Why were they not together? What had happened between them? Had he hurt her? Had she…hurt him? Cassius wanted to blame it all on this man in front of him. He wanted to ball up a fist and break his father's teeth down his throat for the pain of losing his mother. Though…he did not. Instead, he listened to the man’s response and was surprisingly moved by the words despite not trusting a single thing he said on the surface. The little boy he once was wanted to trust this man, but the man he had become knew better. For now, though, he would smile and see where this was to go. He had plans after all.
Then came the question about his mother. His eyes dropped to the floor and he answered.
“She has passed, father. She had been ill for a number of years and finally succumbed. I was not there to say goodbye to her. That is why I am here. Not just because she’s gone…but because I would like the opportunity to right that wrong. By getting to know you. By finding my family.”
Calbert’s expression fell even though the answer had been expected. It had hurt even after all these years to know that she was gone. There had been such turmoil between the two of them so long ago, but he had always cared for her. Maybe he hadn’t loved her in the way she had wanted but he had cared. He was silent as he took this in, his eyes narrowing with emotion. He then stared at Cassius and for a moment, wondered if he could trust this man and his words. He supposed if he indeed was his son, then he knew the answer to that infernal question. He clenched his jaw.
Finally, he moved forward and gave his son a hug, putting his arms around him. He had decided that it did not matter his intentions nor if anything he had been told was the truth. It only mattered that this was his blood and that meant he’d do anything to protect him. “I’m sorry Cassius. I will be here for you from now on.”
The man hugged him. At that moment, Cassius felt the briefest shock of vindication. Then…he felt nothing. This was by design. Of course he was happy to see this whole thing start off so positively, but he forced himself to calm the emotions stirring within him and refocused his mind on the bigger picture. This had been a great start, but he knew that trusting his father just based on this one moment would be a mistake. One that he and his plans would not be willing to make. He considered his next words for a moment before continuing.
”I want you to know that your words mean so very much to me, father.” Cassius rested his hand on Calbert’s shoulder and smiled at him. “I’m sure that there is much for us to discuss…and of course I look forward to all that comes next. Hopefully, I can be of use to this family…to you…and we can make right the wrongs of us never being side by side. It will be a wonderful and complex journey for the both of us I’m sure…but for the time, let us part before tears are spilled or this wonderful moment is ruined.” Cassius lets a sarcastic laugh follow his words and gives the man a hearty pat on the shoulder. ”It seems I have other business to attend to. There is an archery contest that I was sure I would miss, but given that our meeting went far smoother than I ever would have expected I believe that I can make it if I leave…well…immediately.
He didn’t even give the man a moment to respond. Instead, he gave a sly bow…turned heel as formally as he possibly could, and walked away back out the gate and towards the contest.
Location: The Archery Competition Time: 10:00 AM
Cassius replayed the meeting over in his head numerous times on his way to sign up for the archery competition. Minutes passed like seconds as everything else around him was a blur. He had to stop and ask a rather attractive couple to point him in the right direction, and almost considered skipping the contest altogether to see if the two were up for a little fun, but alas…he had just arrived. Even he knew it was a bit too early to stir up trouble. Plus, the contest sounded like exactly what he needed to unwind a bit. His mind had been so focused on the business at hand that it would be fun to just enjoy himself in a friendly competition. Hopefully it would give him the opportunity to mingle a bit and get to know some of the other nobles floating around. He was now one of them afterall. He laughed out loud at the extreme bizarreness of the thought.
Upon his arrival, he signed in under the name Lord Cassius Vael of House Damien. He looked forward to any confusion this would bring. The very thought amused him. What a way to debut.
Time: 9:35 Location: The Gates of House Damien Interaction: @princess The next few minutes felt like hours as Cas waited for what would come next. There still was not an ounce of nervousness inside him which was almost concerning. This was to be an instrumental piece of his future, but he was not anxious nor did he feel any trepidation. He would not be denied.
He thought of his mother’s songs and the comforting words she had blessed him with over the years. She could calm even the most violent of storms that raged inside his mind. Her very presence was like medicine to him, and he missed her more in this moment than he ever had before. It almost felt as though she was with him. Through all of the violence he had come to see and the hardships he had been forced to face over the years he had been changed in many ways. Much of the sweet heart and selflessness that his mother held dear from him was now buried deeper than he ever intended, but his love for the woman who raised him never faltered nor changed. As long as he had her memory...as long as he could hear her songs in his dreams those parts of him that she loved would never truly die.
It was a different side of him that stood present in this moment, however. A side that was not gifted by his mother. This side of Cassius was uncompromising and housed ruthlessness on tap. It was the side of him that helped him thrive with an axe in hand and blood all around him. Just as true a side as his mother’s sweetness...but very different to say to say the least. Perhaps this part of him was gifted by the man he came here to meet. Only time would tell, and as he watched a figure descend the pathway to the gate it seemed as though he wouldn’t have to wait long.
"Tell me your name."
The nature of the way the man in front of him asked the words forced a revelation upon Cassius. This man...his father, and he was sure that he was indeed his father the moment he looked into his eyes, had always known. It was obvious by the man’s inflection that he was not asking his name out of a sense of curiosity...but rather for confirmation. This changes things, at least by a margin. Cassius began to form the first syllable of his name on his lips but stopped. He thought of his mother. How she perhaps loved this man with the same heart with which she loved him. Instead of simply speaking his name Cassius closed his eyes and did something that he had not done in years. He began to sing her song. Anyone who had felt the love of his mother’s heart would know this song.
He only sang a few lines, but it was more than enough to get the point across. His eyes opened slowly and he looked directly at the man in front of him.
“I’d rather hear you speak my name...father. What is it? What is the name of your bastard son?”
Time: 9:30 AM Location: Just outside the Damien Estate Interaction: N/A The bazaar on the outskirts of the Damien estate would normally have been a sight for sore eyes to a travel weary Cassius, especially as this was his first time here in Sorian proper...but on this day nothing seemed of ordinary stock. No brothel caught his eye, nor did a scent capture his attention. He was a man, on this day at least, strictly with business in mind. It would be the first steps toward a new life; a better life. He could not think of any mortal nor god that could stand in the way of him winning this day.
This was to be the day that the lowly and battle tested Cassius Vael was to become a Lord. Not by deed or by gift, but rather by luck. With his mother’s death came the reveal that he had always come from a noble line…that of Count Calbert Damien to be exact. His father’s identity had always been hidden from him for reasons that he honestly still did not understand, but now that he was aware of just who he actually was...ambition was already beginning to bubble beneath the surface of his greater desires. For too long he scraped by in the muck and blood of the mercenary profession. It was time to take his piece of this world and become more than he was ever destined to be. Fuck destiny he thought to himself.
All he had to do was meet this Count for himself, convince him of the truth that he was his bastard son, and take his place in nobility. He knew it sounded far-fetched and was probably more difficult than he was letting it seem in his own mind, but hell he had faced overwhelming odds many times before and yet here he was alive and well. This certainly could not be any harder than when he and the rest of the Iron Wolves were cut off from reinforcements out in the middle of the sea fighting a two front battle against pirates and the kind of raging storm you only read about in novels...could it?
The bazaar, the people, and everything else around him were nothing more than a blur moving in slow motion as he stared ahead at the gates of the Damien Estate. Within those walls were people that shared his blood. Family. The only real family he had ever known was his mother. Sure, he had his comrades in the Iron Wolves as a family of sorts, but in that line of work it was hard to become too close to anyone. There was a much higher guarantee that you would never see them again and so most kept each other at a comfortable distance to say the least. Definitely helped the sex remain casual, so that kind of dynamic did have its benefits but a traditional family experience was not among them. This, however was a matter of blood. A father, potential siblings, and an actual home that wasn’t tacked on to the side of a barn. This was something that Cassius never imagined that he would have...Especially starting in the later years of his 20s.
Finally, Cassius found himself at the path out of the bazaar and towards the estate gates that his eyes had been locked on this whole time. It was now or never. A sly smile formed on his face as the absence of doubt and nervousness shocked even him. He felt collected and ready to take these steps. He did not imagine ever feeling at home in a place like this, but that wouldn’t stop him from claiming something that was his birthright. He belonged here...for better or for worse.
Approaching the gate attendant he took in the view in front of him. The ornate design of the gate itself probably cost more than Cassius had ever spent on anything, and the house beyond was truly something to behold. The beautiful trees that lined the property were immaculately groomed and the intricate stone walkway was nicely designed and laid out. His father was no king, but the Count clearly had his fair share of coin. I bet daddy Calbert is the worst kind of rich fool. Let us ruin this exquisite day for him…shall we? He thought to himself with a smirk.
The attendant addressed him as he made his final approach...Honestly he didn’t hear a word of what the man said. It didn’t matter. All that mattered is the these gates would open...one way or another.
“I’m going to need you to run and grab the master of the house, ol’ Count Calbert Damien...Tell the man his bastard has arrived.”
Hair Length/Texture:Cas has messy, shoulder length hair pulled back into a lazy braid.
Hair Color: Mostly dark brown with shocks of gray. The premature graying is a trait from his mother’s family and he adores it.
Skin Color: Naturally lightish skin that has been tanned by time spent under a hot sun.
Facial details(freckles, moles, etc): Most notably there is a scar that runs diagonally the distance of his right eye from his forehead to his cheek. The scar is a decade old and as healed as it’s ever going to get.
Distinguishing features: A decently well-groomed beard, eyes that entice many who are fortunate enough to see them, and a smile that could charm a king.
Clothing Preferences: Cassius prefers practicality over elegance. He usually wears leather tunics over an undershirt, riding pants, and weathered but well made boots. Additionally, he owns a suit of decent armor that he uses as a mercenary. I imagine his taste in clothing is going to have to evolve now that he’s entered nobility.
Likes: 🔰 Dogs 🔰 Rain Storms 🔰 Coin 🔰 Competition 🔰 Warm Meals 🔰 Good Drinks 🔰 Good Sex 🔰 Bad Sex 🔰 Good Battles 🔰 Vulgarity 🔰 Challenging Himself 🔰 A Good Song
Dislikes: 🔰 Insincerity 🔰 Heights 🔰 Whining 🔰 Zealotry 🔰 Bigots 🔰 Prudeness 🔰 Beating Around the Bush
Sexuality: Pansexual with penchant towards women.
Hobbies: 🔰 Training 🔰 Drinking 🔰 Hunting 🔰 Eroticism 🔰 The Occasional Good Book
Life Goals/Dreams: Until recently Cas was content with his life. Sure, there has always been ambition bubbling at the surface, but he was convinced that his life was meant to be spent in the blood and muck of battle with other mercenaries. At one point he had aspirations to take over as the commander of the Iron Wolves (the band of mercenaries he was with), but recently things have changed his perspective…and since finding out about the passing of his mother and that he’s the bastard son of a Count his plans have changed drastically.
Personality Summary: Cassius exudes a charismatic, enigmatic, and often unpredictable personality. He's the embodiment of charm, wit, and allure, drawing people in with his magnetic presence and devil-may-care attitude.
He is known for his sharp tongue and penchant for sarcasm, often using quips and clever remarks to navigate through situations, even in the most dire circumstances. His humor is often dark and laced with irony, reflecting his years among the Iron Wolves.
Beneath his charming façade lies a complex individual with layers of vulnerability, pain, and longing. Cassius wrestles with his own demons, haunted by his tumultuous past and the choices he's made throughout his life.
Despite his flaws and occasional ruthless, oftentimes questionable behavior...Cassius possesses a certain allure that makes it difficult for others to resist him. He's fiercely loyal to those he cares about, willing to go to great lengths to protect them...even if it means embracing the darker side of his nature.
He is 🔰 Bold 🔰 Brash 🔰 Arrogant 🔰 Abrasive 🔰 Vulgar 🔰 Competitive 🔰 Lustful 🔰 Hungry
But he is also 🔰 Loyal 🔰 Empathetic 🔰 Open Minded 🔰 Competent 🔰 Pragmatic 🔰 Musical
Current occupation: 3rd in Command of the Iron Wolves Mercenary Band
Any past occupations?: Stable Hand
Relatives: Father: Count Calbert Damien (This is new information to Cassius)
Mother: Meredith Vael, a once renowned musician that fell on hard times after the birth of her son. She developed an illness that made singing more and more difficult over the years. She passed away this year, and Cassius misses her songs more than anything in the world
Skills: 🔰 Proficient with an sword/axe & shield 🔰 Capable Archer 🔰 Survivalist & Hunter 🔰 Battlefield Tactics 🔰 Charming in an asshole kind of way 🔰 Singing (though he rarely shares this gift) 🔰 Can drink with the best of them 🔰 He might be a little selfish in life, but he’s definitely not in bed
History Summary: Cassius's early years were a nomadic symphony orchestrated by his mother's life as a traveling musician. He was raised fatherless and independent. Most of his time not on the road was spent on his own exploring whatever village, town, or city the troupe had found themselves that week. It was nothing close to a luxurious life, but it was free…and it was all he had ever known.
Things took an unexpected turn when his mother fell ill and was unable to sing like she once could. They found refuge under the roof of Briar, a stablemaster who had long courted Meredith. While Briar proved a caretaker for Cas’s mother, his bond with the man never blossomed, overshadowed by Cassius's tempestuous spirit. His honesty bordered on bluntness, his emotions bared for all to see, and mischief was his constant companion.
Assigned to Briar's stables, Cassius struggled with roots after a peripatetic childhood, yearning for the open road. Despite Meredith's encouragement to embrace his musical talents, doubt gnawed at his confidence. Yet, where uncertainty lingered in his melodies, his prowess in combat rang clear. Conflict was his chorus, a dance he couldn't resist. So, when the infamous mercenary company known as the Iron Wolves beckoned, he decided to pursue the life of a sellsword and eagerly enlisted.
Departing home at 15, Cassius encountered the harsh reality of mercenary life, its allure tainted by bloodshed and loss. While companions faded, he remained steadfast, carving his path through bloodshed and combat. Amidst skirmishes and survival, he sustained communication with his family, however tenuous and sporadic it might be, and sent a significant portion of his earnings home to ensure his mother and Briar were provided for.
Through the crucible of conflict, Cassius forged his identity, a blend of swagger and savagery. As years bled into a decade, nights were spent in revelry, where wine flowed freely and dalliances beckoned, a fleeting reprieve from the battlefield's embrace.Cassius found himself almost as skilled with his tongue and charm as he was with an axe or sword in hand.
As time went on, Cassius rose through the ranks of the Iron Wolves, carving quite the name for himself among his peers and building a legacy that many he encountered would never forget. His comrades hoped and expected that he would take a role of leadership in the Wolves, but his own trepidation to be locked down by a life of responsibility as well as some…less than ideal incidents that caused him to become disillusioned with mercenary life as a whole led him to pivot away from such a move. The horrors he had witnessed, the blood he had spilled, the dances with death itself..all of these things painted who he was. They left scars on him both physically and spiritually that led him to grow restless. He honestly thought that he would have been happy living the life of a soldier of fortune for all of his days, but something in him craved for more. Something in him wanted substance to his life that he would never find amidst the flames of a warrior’s existence. He hadn’t a clue what that thing was, but he could no longer deny that his very soul was beckoning for something else. Then, everything changed.
The night his mother's passing reached him, the letter sat in his blood-covered hand and mingled with sweat, painting a tableau of grief and regret. Two and a half years had slipped through his fingers, a testament to life's relentless march when you live by the sword. Briar's missive bore news of inheritance and closure. Returning home, Cassius unearthed secrets long buried…a lineage intertwined with nobility. One that his mother had chosen to keep from him.
In the waning light of revelation, Cassius confronted the legacy of his bloodline. He was the son of a nobleman named Calbert Damien, a Count nonetheless. As the past unfurled its tapestry, he stood at the crossroads of ancestry and aspiration, poised to reclaim his birthright amidst a life thus far lived in chaos. The guilt he carried surrounding his mother’s passing and the fact that instead of spending more time with her towards the end he was gallivanting his way around the world. Part of him had known for some time that he had been running from the realities of his mother’s illness. He was a man with no fear, well, aside from the fear he felt facing the mortality of the only person he had ever truly loved…and the only person who he felt could ever truly love him. Meredith was gone, he would never see his mother again nor would he ever hear the beauty of her songs. He was faced with a choice…keep wandering aimlessly through life seeking pleasures and beauty and warfare as a way to numb the truth within, or find his father and face his claim to nobility.
History Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?: A little of both. He grew up on the road with a loving mother, but the nature of her business led to many hours of Cassius taking care of himself from a young age. He never doubted his mother’s love for a second though, and very rarely felt any neglect though the truth is that there was plenty of it.
When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?: His mother’s songs always made him feel better. He still dreams of her performances and hears her voice in his memories..
What were you like in your teenage years?: Feisty and constantly getting into fights.
How close are you to your parents?: Never knew his father until recently. Very close to his mother prior to her recent passing.
Do you have any trauma that haunts you?: Plenty. He has seen things during his life as a sellsword that have left marks on him both physically and spiritually. He buries it or learns from it, but there’s plenty of unresolved trauma there just waiting to boil over.
What advice would you give your younger self?: Be less trouble for your mother. Sing for her more. Dodge the knife that cut your face…or maybe not, some women love it.
Were you an obedient child or defiant?: Defiant through and through.
What is your biggest regret?: Not visiting his mother before she died.
Romance Have you ever been in love? : He’s made plenty of love but no…not in the true sense.
What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner: Someone willing to love him for who he is. Someone who’s willing to laugh with him, give him as much hell as he dishes out, and not try to change him into something he’s not. Someone who can put him in his place when he’s being an asshole. Someone who doesn’t want to tame him but rather live beside him as an equal.
How do you display affection? What is your love language?: Usually he comes off as an arrogant asshole, but beyond that he likes to flirt and he’s playful with those he cares for. His love language is definitely physical affection, and he has A LOT of affection to give.
Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?: Yes, it was with a local farmer’s daughter when he was 11. It took him by surprise.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?: No. He believes that love has too much depth to be so simple. Who knows, maybe he’s right or maybe he’s wrong.
What does marriage mean to you?: Nothing, at least not until he meets the one. He finds it limiting.
Are you currently crushing on anyone?: The man and wife he met at the tavern last night.
Do you ever consider having children in the future?: He’d prefer a dog, but deep down in places Cassius doesn’t often admit exist...there has always been a part of him that wants to be a father
Personality Describe your ideal Sunday morning: If you’ve made it this far I’m sure you can use your imagination. Wink wink
What kind of person do you aspire to be?: Deep…deep down he wants to be a hero. Someone with honor, but that’s not what’s at the surface. For the first time in his life he sees an opportunity for power, and that sure sounds good right now. Only time will tell who he becomes.
What bad habits do you have?: Cursing, spitting, abrasiveness, picking fights, lust, envy, gluttony…you know, most of the bad habits someone can have xD.
If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?: Visit his mother more often. Sing to her more often.
What is your greatest fear?: He won't admit it, but he’s very afraid of heights.
What are your pet peeves?: People who act better than everyone else just because they have money. People who waste food. Animal cruelty. People who care more about religion than practicality, people who refer to children as “progeny”, ect.
When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?: He’s better off alone, but he has a bad tendency to search for a fight.
Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?: He can do both, but it usually ends with his fists.
Episode #1: Magnetic Monster Interactions: None Mentions: @Lord Wraith@Hillan The early morning air was chilly as Liam filled his lungs with it. Deep breath in…deep breath out. He stood hunched over with his hands on his knees as he tried to control his breathing. He had already sprinted a mile and hoped to jog a few more before the day truly started. The cold morning air was a constant reminder that he should be using the state of the art performance center provided to him by the program, but Liam hadn’t worked his way up to that just yet. Of course he’d used it during the organized training exercises that had happened thus far, but on his own he needed a little more acclimation before integrating himself with the others so comfortably.
It had only been a couple of weeks since he arrived and though he had met…or at least been in the general vicinity of most of the others in the program, he still felt like a stranger. It was as though someone was going to actually notice him and realize that he wasn’t supposed to be here, call security, and have him arrested for trespassing. It didn’t matter that his name was on the official roster. It didn’t matter that he had met both the Flash and Cyborg in the last few weeks. He still felt like none of this was real and that he was in a restricted area without the proper credentials.
It was that feeling of not belonging that also motivated him to wake up so early. Of course, there was the fact that he hadn’t slept a full night since arriving here that helped in its own way, but he definitely felt an obligation to train as much as he could to catch up to the others. Not that it was possible, at least in his own mind, to catch up with the other people in this program. They could do incredible things that were far beyond his own capabilities. It didn’t matter though. He had to try. It was the only way to earn his keep here. It was the only way to make his father proud. So all he could do was make the attempt.
A voice rang out over the speaker system.
“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”
Liam’s breath stopped all together for a moment as though he forgot how to breathe at all. There was an emergency. Everyone was supposed to suit up and head to the helipad. For a moment he simply hoped those in route got there on time to help, but seconds later realized that HE was among those expected to be in route. His heart dropped and finally he gasped for air. The panic within him was rising, but he couldn’t let it win this time. He had to make his father proud. So, he just ran…as fast as he could towards the helipad. It was the only thing he could do to thwart the panic. Run and breathe. Run and breathe.
Once Liam arrived at the helipad he once again felt out of place. This time, though, might have taken the cake for the most out of place he had ever felt. Seeing everyone in their own versions of superhero suits and tactical gear made him realize that he hadn’t “suited up” at all. Not that he had a cool suit of his own to begin with, but it was only now that he realized all he was wearing was a pair of gray joggers and his favorite faded-red D&D hoodie. Well, at least he was wearing running shoes.
Everything happened so fast. As soon as he arrived they gathered together, the teleporter did its thing, and boom they were there in the thick of chaos within a blink of an eye.This was only his second time teleporting. It was just as unpleasant and disorienting as the first. Seconds later Cyborg was down and Blitz was yelling out orders to the team, but Liam didn’t hear a fucking thing. As soon as Cyborg hit the ground his panic set back in. There was a storm raging in his mind louder than any of the chaos around him. In that moment he froze, stuck in slow motion as everyone around him moved at the speed of light. It was almost as though he had the opposite of Accelerate’s power…instead of super speed it was debilitating slo-mo. Except this wasn’t a meta-human ability. It was a panic attack.
Mentor – Cyborg (I’m open to Flash if needed though)
Status – Full-time
Personality - Sincere, Hesitant, Envious
Experience - Very little. He only recently got accepted into the program and given his niche abilities he honestly doesn’t know what to expect for his future with the titans.
Powers - The ability to heighten / enhance the powers of his allies at the cost of a physical sacrifice. Example: Liam watches as his ally struggles to maintain the forcefield that stands as the only thing protecting civilians from falling rubble. He takes a deep breath and snaps his finger, activating his ability to amplify the powers of others. This gives his teammate just enough juice to hold the forcefield until the civilians are safe. Liam also possesses a heightened healing ability that teeters on the edge of being superhuman.
Weaknesses - Liam’s primary ability requires physical harm to be done to him in order to work. Yes he heals a bit faster than the normal human, but otherwise he is just a man. One who lacks the training or metahuman capabilities to feel like anything other than a burden to his teammates.
Bio- Until recent years, Liam was just an average guy. Anxiety ridden, medicated for the chemical imbalances in his brain, and just trying to scrape by. That changed when his father drove him across the state to drop him off at college. About 45 miles from campus they suffered a car accident that caused their vehicle to roll over a dozen times.
Liam regained consciousness to find himself hanging upside down in the vehicle with smoke filling the air around him. His arm was trapped and the seatbelt was the only thing keeping him in place. He saw his father desperately trying to force the door open to get to him, but it was clear that the door was bent in place. Liam tried to force his arm free but was met with nothing but a stabbing hot pain.
What he didn’t notice at first was that when he tried to pull his arm free and the pain erupted within him, the air around him distorted and the smoke cleared in a line directly between him and his father. As this happened something surged within his father and he was able to pry the door out just a little bit further than before. Liam did the only thing he could think of in that moment and used his free hand to unbuckle his seatbelt. This caused the entire weight of Liam’s body to pull against his restrained arm. The pain was immense, but his arm stayed in place. With every second that Liam hung there the pain he felt pulsed through his body and the line of distorted air and smoke between him and his father grew more noticeable. Eventually, he took notice.
Moment after moment his pain surged a bolstering strength within his father that was beyond a man filled with adrenaline. They could feel and see this palpable connection of energy passing between them. His father grew stronger and stronger until finally he pried the door from its frame and was able to free his son. At that moment, Liam and his father realized that he wasn’t so average after all.
He's 6'4" with a runner's body.
He's borderline obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons.
His favorite movie is Bladerunner.
He's bisexual but doesn't know it yet.
His favorite band is Coheed & Cambria.
His favorite food is Biscuits & Gravy.
Apparently he's fond of things that are Something & Something.
More to come :)
SAMPLE POST - The pitter patter of rain on the car’s windows had a calming effect on Liam as his finger hovered over the call button on his phone. It wasn’t enough to ease the storm in his mind completely, but at least it was something to talk the edge off. The last few months of his life had been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. Really you could say the last three years, but especially these recent months had pushed his Lexapro dosage to its breaking point. He hesitantly let his finger hit the button. Two long rings later a voice answered.
“Hey son, I was worried you weren’t going to be able to call before your flight. Everything good?” The voice was caring but cautious in tone.
“Yeah...I uh...I pulled in about ten minutes ago. It’s pouring rain here. Of course I didn’t bring an umbrella.” Liam let out a forced laugh before a few second pause that felt like minutes. “Can I ask you something? I don’t want you to judge me, but I feel like I have to say it.”
“Of course son…You can always ask me.”
“Does that mean you won’t?”
“Won’t what?”
“Judge me.” There was another pause. This one longer before his father replied.
“I’m not going to judge you son. Why would I? I am so proud of you.”
“Are you only proud of me because of this Titan Academy stuff? Because I’m joining it?”
“Of course that makes me proud. Is that so bad?”
“No…it’s not bad, dad, I just wonder what would happen if I didn’t go. If I didn’t join. I feel driving away right now and forgetting this whole thing but I know that it would disappoint you.” Liam’s voice cracked as the final words left his mouth. Another pause.
“Son, you can’t run from this. Look, when I was in the war there were many times I was afraid, but….” Before his father could finish Liam cut him off.
“I am not YOU dad. I’m not a soldier in a war or a fucking super hero. I’m fucked up and I have been for a long time. I wasn’t able to keep my shit together enough to stay in college. What makes you think I can be useful to them? I’m nothing but a liability.”
“I don’t believe that for a second and neither do you. What you can do is absolutely what a hero does. The very nature of your ability is all about helping others. You can be as much of a hero as any one of the Justice League or the Titans or…” Liam cuts him off again.
“But what if I don’t want to be a hero, dad? What if I just want a chance to fucking live? It was your dream to be a big bad war hero and a badass. That’s not my dream. I don’t even know who I want to be.”
“See that’s where you’re not seeing things clearly Liam. This is the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have to figure out who you are. Please…don’t waste this.”
“I just want to make you proud. I want you to be proud of ME…not what I can do or who you think I am...me.”
“I am proud of you son. No matter what. But I’m begging you. Don’t make a mistake that’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life. Do the right thing. Promise me.” There was a final pause between replies here. Much longer than before. Eventually, Liam answered.
“Okay. I promise. For you dad. I’ll give it everything I have. But...I have to go. The plane’s about to leave.” After the thought was finished Liam ended the call before his father could reply. No goodbyes...no thank you...It was time to go to work.