The world had seen better days. The Justice League was dealing with an international incident and in talks with the UN about the formation of a Justice League Europe. The Teen Titans had just fallen apart and there were several heroes who’d fell in between the cracks of the last big crisis. Two long-time friends who’d seen time with both the Teen Titans and the League decided to get together and do something about the superhero shortage. Maybe the younger heroes had given up. Perhaps the slightly older heroes had fallen on hard times. Wally West (aka the Flash) and Vic Stone (Cyborg) pitched the idea of an academy for younger heroes in need of training to a few billionaire friends. After deciding against the name ‘Justice University’ the pair of heroes and their backers decided on the obvious name… Titans Academy.

Setting up shop in Midway City after a spike in metahuman crime got national media coverage, Cyborg and the Flash took a different approach with their ‘school’. They took in young metahumans between the ages of 16-25, and there were part time and full time members each with a different mentor. The Flash already protected Central and Keystone City, so he’s part time. Cyborg tackled the full timers and relocated to the Midway branch of STAR Labs while his team lived at the academy. It was pitched to the mayor of Midway City as a police academy of sorts for the next generation of superheroes.
Midway City was once the stomping grounds of Hawkman as well as the Doom Patrol. Regular metahuman threats included more savage individuals like Lion-Mane, and there’s talk of Robotman losing his mind and wrecking a local bar. However the boys may get some help in the form of another old friend…
1.) No back-to-back posting. Posting will be restricted to 3-4 posts per player per Episode. Larger storylines will have higher post caps as well as Character-centric Eps.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GM controlling the badguys...
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) Episodes will stagger. Today Ep. 1 will begin. Tomorrow Ep. 2 will begin. Just to make things easier on the GM's controlling the mentors and setting the stage for everyone.
12.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM@Lord Wraith will take control and HIS word will then be law.
Episode List:
Ep: 1 – Magnetic Monster – A scientist studying magnetic fields at STAR Labs has an accident in his lab that fractures his mind and Doctor Polaris is born. After Cyborg is ripped apart, it’s up to the new students at Titans Academy to save the other scientists and civilians. But will they be enough to stop him from escaping?
Team: Blitz, Oracle, Flamebird, Shattercrash, Accelerate , Sacrifice, with Cyborg
Ep: 2 – Additional Adversaries – When a young metahuman with the ability to become multiple individuals attempts to rob a department store the Titans get the call…. from one of their own inside the store! Is the team experienced enough to locate and contain them all? And just how many Billys are there? Numerous.
Team: Shield, Origami, Dragonson, Shuriken, Chemaxzord, Gravitas, Apparition
Ep: 3 – The War Room – After there was more collateral damage than expected in and around STAR Labs, the Flash decides to introduce the team to the holographic training area and holo-droids of the War Room. However, heroes can get hurt and this is no video game. And what will the team think of their newest teacher... the man called ARSENAL?
Team: Everybody!
Ep. 4 – Burn Out or Fade Away- After a lecture about supernatural opponents and artifacts with Raven, the team gets a tip that Fadeaway Man has been spotted on the east side of Midway City after committing a heist in Delta City days earlier. After an assist from the Titans vet, the team is introduced to Arsenal’s uncle… the WWII era hero called Guardian. Why did he stop by, and what interest does he have in Alexander?
Team: TBD
Ep. 5 - Dark Flash - When Wally West is corrupted by the darkness of the Negative Speedforce, the Titans travel to Keystone City to save his enemies! The Dark Flash attacks Iron Heights Metahuman Prison and a riot ensues. If not for Captain Cold finding his cold gun and slowing down the speedster, the Titans wouldn't stand a chance. But who can contain the Negative Speedforce power?! [XLR8? Blitz? Shattercrash?]
Team: TBD
Ep. 6 - Apokolips How - Intergang, opens up a portal to Apokolips and Brimstone happens. Over twenty feet tall, spitting fire, and just two blocks away from a sold out baseball game. Which Titan got a power up enough to do some damage to something so high tech? And what will be discovered in the 'post credits' scene of the first 6 episode arc?!
Team: Everybody!

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Monster
Interaction(s): @Blizz - Shattercrash | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @Hillan - Accelerate | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @PatientBean - Oracle
Post #1.01: STAR Labs Lunacy
Titans Academy, Midway City
2:14 pm

2:14 pm

It was another Wednesday; their second to be exact. The team was still getting to know each other. Everyone had been given a quarters in the new Academy. Cyborg was on the grounds due to some experiments at STAR Labs with magnetic fields messing with his mechanical body parts and operating systems. There was a gym that many of the young metahumans at the academy took advantage off. Many of them had not known what to expect with this living situation. The part-timers didn’t seem to care. Out of nowhere an alarm went off in the building. None of the newer recruits knew about the alarm but some of the first ‘students’ had heard them being tested days earlier. Nevertheless, Cyborg’s voice came over the communication systems.
“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”
The students heard him in the gym. The one’s in the kitchen and dining area either left their food or ate as much as they could before getting up in a rush. Everybody wanted to see action. And the adrenaline was high. Several students had come through the doors, and it seemed like there was always a new face or two.
“I don’t really have a suit, Cyborg. I usually just wear this shirt cause it has the cool looking knife on it with all the other details.” Switchblade said with bits of food stuck in the shaggy slacker’s facial hair.
“It reminds me of old rock album covers. The mask is a nice touch.” Cyborg commented as other students began to fall in. “You were one of the part-timers Flash brought in, what exactly was your power?” the mechanical hero asked.
“The ability to take a knife…. And make it bigger.” Switchblade explained pulling out a type of throwing blade that quickly transformed into something akin to a buster sword.
Cyborg explained to the group after everyone available met at the helipad that there were two objectives. Save any and all civilians. Get to the bottom of the disturbance. Accelerate and Oracle were on crowd control. The rest in mere moments would be in the grips of twisted metal at the hands of Doctor Polaris.
When the team hit the scene in a Boom Tube flash, metal was already being ripped apart in the Lab and thrown around and where once stood a scientist now floated a madman in a helmet forged of debris. Switchblade rushed in without thinking twice and turned his throwing knife once again into a buster sword.
“How primitive. Do you not see the power I wield?” Polaris questioned, taking the bladed weapon from the young hero with his magnetic power and using it to slash at the oncoming heroes. Cyborg dodged the attack but the moment the mad-scientist realized he was a man made of metal, almost like something out of a comic book, he ripped most of it right out of the hero.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Vic screamed, “Get the… civilians… out…” he muttered before what remained of the hero passed out from the shock.