Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
Avatar of Omega Man

Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

The world had seen better days. The Justice League was dealing with an international incident and in talks with the UN about the formation of a Justice League Europe. The Teen Titans had just fallen apart and there were several heroes who’d fell in between the cracks of the last big crisis. Two long-time friends who’d seen time with both the Teen Titans and the League decided to get together and do something about the superhero shortage. Maybe the younger heroes had given up. Perhaps the slightly older heroes had fallen on hard times. Wally West (aka the Flash) and Vic Stone (Cyborg) pitched the idea of an academy for younger heroes in need of training to a few billionaire friends. After deciding against the name ‘Justice University’ the pair of heroes and their backers decided on the obvious name… Titans Academy.

Setting up shop in Midway City after a spike in metahuman crime got national media coverage, Cyborg and the Flash took a different approach with their ‘school’. They took in young metahumans between the ages of 16-25, and there were part time and full time members each with a different mentor. The Flash already protected Central and Keystone City, so he’s part time. Cyborg tackled the full timers and relocated to the Midway branch of STAR Labs while his team lived at the academy. It was pitched to the mayor of Midway City as a police academy of sorts for the next generation of superheroes.

Midway City was once the stomping grounds of Hawkman as well as the Doom Patrol. Regular metahuman threats included more savage individuals like Lion-Mane, and there’s talk of Robotman losing his mind and wrecking a local bar. However the boys may get some help in the form of another old friend…


1.) No back-to-back posting. Posting will be restricted to 3-4 posts per player per Episode. Larger storylines will have higher post caps as well as Character-centric Eps.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GM controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) Episodes will stagger. Today Ep. 1 will begin. Tomorrow Ep. 2 will begin. Just to make things easier on the GM's controlling the mentors and setting the stage for everyone.

12.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM@Lord Wraith will take control and HIS word will then be law.

Episode List:

Ep: 1 – Magnetic Monster – A scientist studying magnetic fields at STAR Labs has an accident in his lab that fractures his mind and Doctor Polaris is born. After Cyborg is ripped apart, it’s up to the new students at Titans Academy to save the other scientists and civilians. But will they be enough to stop him from escaping?

Team: Blitz, Oracle, Flamebird, Shattercrash, Accelerate , Sacrifice, with Cyborg

Ep: 2 – Additional Adversaries – When a young metahuman with the ability to become multiple individuals attempts to rob a department store the Titans get the call…. from one of their own inside the store! Is the team experienced enough to locate and contain them all? And just how many Billys are there? Numerous.

Team: Shield, Origami, Dragonson, Shuriken, Chemaxzord, Gravitas, Apparition

Ep: 3 – The War Room – After there was more collateral damage than expected in and around STAR Labs, the Flash decides to introduce the team to the holographic training area and holo-droids of the War Room. However, heroes can get hurt and this is no video game. And what will the team think of their newest teacher... the man called ARSENAL?

Team: Everybody!

Ep. 4 – Burn Out or Fade Away- After a lecture about supernatural opponents and artifacts with Raven, the team gets a tip that Fadeaway Man has been spotted on the east side of Midway City after committing a heist in Delta City days earlier. After an assist from the Titans vet, the team is introduced to Arsenal’s uncle… the WWII era hero called Guardian. Why did he stop by, and what interest does he have in Alexander?

Team: TBD

Ep. 5 - Dark Flash - When Wally West is corrupted by the darkness of the Negative Speedforce, the Titans travel to Keystone City to save his enemies! The Dark Flash attacks Iron Heights Metahuman Prison and a riot ensues. If not for Captain Cold finding his cold gun and slowing down the speedster, the Titans wouldn't stand a chance. But who can contain the Negative Speedforce power?! [XLR8? Blitz? Shattercrash?]

Team: TBD

Ep. 6 - Apokolips How - Intergang, opens up a portal to Apokolips and Brimstone happens. Over twenty feet tall, spitting fire, and just two blocks away from a sold out baseball game. Which Titan got a power up enough to do some damage to something so high tech? And what will be discovered in the 'post credits' scene of the first 6 episode arc?!

Team: Everybody!

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Monster

Interaction(s): @Blizz - Shattercrash | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @Hillan - Accelerate | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @PatientBean - Oracle
Post #1.01: STAR Labs Lunacy

Titans Academy, Midway City
2:14 pm

It was another Wednesday; their second to be exact. The team was still getting to know each other. Everyone had been given a quarters in the new Academy. Cyborg was on the grounds due to some experiments at STAR Labs with magnetic fields messing with his mechanical body parts and operating systems. There was a gym that many of the young metahumans at the academy took advantage off. Many of them had not known what to expect with this living situation. The part-timers didn’t seem to care. Out of nowhere an alarm went off in the building. None of the newer recruits knew about the alarm but some of the first ‘students’ had heard them being tested days earlier. Nevertheless, Cyborg’s voice came over the communication systems.

“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”

The students heard him in the gym. The one’s in the kitchen and dining area either left their food or ate as much as they could before getting up in a rush. Everybody wanted to see action. And the adrenaline was high. Several students had come through the doors, and it seemed like there was always a new face or two.

“I don’t really have a suit, Cyborg. I usually just wear this shirt cause it has the cool looking knife on it with all the other details.” Switchblade said with bits of food stuck in the shaggy slacker’s facial hair.

“It reminds me of old rock album covers. The mask is a nice touch.” Cyborg commented as other students began to fall in. “You were one of the part-timers Flash brought in, what exactly was your power?” the mechanical hero asked.

“The ability to take a knife…. And make it bigger.” Switchblade explained pulling out a type of throwing blade that quickly transformed into something akin to a buster sword.

Cyborg explained to the group after everyone available met at the helipad that there were two objectives. Save any and all civilians. Get to the bottom of the disturbance. Accelerate and Oracle were on crowd control. The rest in mere moments would be in the grips of twisted metal at the hands of Doctor Polaris.

When the team hit the scene in a Boom Tube flash, metal was already being ripped apart in the Lab and thrown around and where once stood a scientist now floated a madman in a helmet forged of debris. Switchblade rushed in without thinking twice and turned his throwing knife once again into a buster sword.

“How primitive. Do you not see the power I wield?” Polaris questioned, taking the bladed weapon from the young hero with his magnetic power and using it to slash at the oncoming heroes. Cyborg dodged the attack but the moment the mad-scientist realized he was a man made of metal, almost like something out of a comic book, he ripped most of it right out of the hero.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Vic screamed, “Get the… civilians… out…” he muttered before what remained of the hero passed out from the shock.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @Blizz - Shattercrash | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Hillan - Accelerate | @PapaOso - Sacrifice
Post #1.01: Laws of Attraction

Groggy eyes slowly creaked open after yet another night of restless sleep. An all too eager alarm from his phone penetrated the young man's skull, the repetitive tone reverberating off the bones that comprised his now pounding head. Scattered around his bare torso were mounds of once fluffy stuffing, clearly the remnants of his latest victim. An empty pillow case tossed haphazardly onto the floor confirmed his suspicion.

Silencing the alarm, the man let out a low growl before collapsing back against what was left of his bed. The Titans Academy had only been open for a couple of weeks now, but Lincoln 'Link' Thrope had been working in the employ of Victor Stone and S.T.A.R. Labs for the better part of a year. Link would have referred to it as his probation period if that didn't make him sound ungrateful.

No, this was his second chance, a new lease on life. Five years ago, Lincoln had his world turned upside down. That night was such a blur. Despite the haze, he could still remember the party, and the taste of liquor, but most of all, he remembered the girl. He would never forget the girl. The look on her face, the sound of her cries and what she became seconds later. After that, it all blended. The smell of pine needles, the feel of the cool air, the pale light of a full moon and the pain of every one of his bones rapidly breaking and reforming.

Giving his head a shake, Link felt around for another pillow only to reluctantly give up upon finding another handful of loose cotton. It was likely a futile goal to try and bundle his sheet into a makeshift pillow, there was no doubt in the wolfman's mind that his sheet was more likely a collection of ribbons given his current state of fatigue.

It wasn't unusual for Lincoln to 'sleep-shift', as Vic had so dubbed it. Link wasn't a peaceful sleeper. He didn't curl up and fall into a deep slumber. Instead, he was often visited by the ghosts of his past, the screams of his victims and the ever-present guilt of the blood spilt.

There were precautions taken to try and reduce any unintentional shifting, however. Wally and Vic had worked with Link to isolate his triggers and even consulted a couple of experts in the field of curses and the macabre. Cracking his neck while rolling into a sitting position, Link's eyes were drawn to the whiteboard full of the "rules".


Glad to see that one is working out so well...

Link allowed himself the sarcastic thought, but contained the eye roll. It was a well-intentioned list, and there wouldn't be any harm in him getting a good night's sleep. It was just, that it never happened. His healing factor negated any over-the-counter sleeping pills, and the constant nightmares took care of the rest.

Stretching his arms forward to touch his toes, Lincoln straightened up before making his way towards the closet to get dressed. He'd already made the mistake of going down to breakfast in nothing but his boxers once since the academy doors opened. Shockingly, not everyone was quite as comfortable with casual nudity. But then again, not everyone shredded their clothes regularly to transform into a giant wolf.

It was a short walk from his quarters into the joint kitchen and dining area. No doubt Vic had planned that intentionally to ensure that Link would be enticed to eat every morning. The smells of sizzling sausages and fresh bacon grease wafted towards him, his enhanced senses picking through every layer of the aromas. Link could have told exactly what each had been smoked in, the herbs and spices put into them and even the diet of each animal before it had become the delicious breakfast the other students would get to enjoy.


His stomach growled again. Wally and Vic felt that meat incited animal-like urges in Lincoln which would make him transform. That made this particular experience very hard. Long gone were the days of dining on a beautiful porterhouse steak down at the yacht club with his father. Now were the days of yogurt parfaits and scrabbled eggs.

Sitting down to eat what passed as a meal, Lincoln lifted the fork to his mouth only to jump as the entire building began to echo with an alarm. An annoyed growl escaped his lips as Cyborg's voice echoed through the dining area.

“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”

Furrowing his brow, Link looked around briefly before lifting his plate to his chin and emptying its contents into his mouth. Quickly chewing, he wiped his mouth before swallowing hard.

It was time to go to work.

There was a part of Blitzkrieg that assumed he would never get used to Boom Tube travel. The sudden location changes heavily screwed with his sense of equilibrium and even now he was severely regretting scoffing down his breakfast in the manner he had.

The assembled team was an odd hodgepodge of academy members. Cyborg himself was leading the mission, and while they mostly comprised of students he saw constantly around the building, there were at least two part-timers in the form of Accelerate and Switchblade.

Accelerate and Oracle had been assigned to crowd control and Blitz felt a twinge of jealousy of not being assigned to work with Kennedy. Nonetheless, there wasn't time to dwell on Switchblade launched into action. The large sword was quickly turned against the group, and Blitzkrieg found himself moving out of the way of his alleged ally's weapon.

Cyborg fell next, the villain's powers making quick work of the mostly machine hero. It was clear most conventional weapons were not going to work here. In hindsight, it would have been nice to bring Origami on this one. Thankfully they had Shattercrash and Flamebird, not to mention himself.

Time to put on the gameface.
With the academy having been open for such a short time, very few students were aware of who or even what Blitzkrieg was. While some might have seen his partial transformation before, no one outside of Cyborg had ever seen Blitz in his full form.

If things started improving here, they still wouldn't.

His eyes glowed red as he allowed himself a partial transformation. Fangs extended in his mouth as his ears grew pointed. His scruff became thicker and more prominent as did his brow. Blood dripped from his hands as claws replaced fingernails.

"Accelerate! Get Cyborg out of here!" Blitzkrieg roared, "Shattercrash, Flamebird, take the offensive, Sacrifice see if you can support them." Turning to Switchblade, Blitz growled as the younger boy scrambled for another knife to throw toward their opponent.

"YOU! Stop throwing knives and help Oracle with crowd control."

Without a further word, Blitzkrieg split from the group, scaling a nearby wall to the next floor. Without Accelerate, Oracle and Switchblade were going to need his help if they were to get these citizens free from harm.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @Blizz - Shattercrash | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice
Post #1.01: Cybernetic assistance

Like every time his phone buzzed, his day was already ruined, because he knew that whenever someone was in trouble, he had to pick up their slack and bail them out. Today would turn out no different for Midway's fastest teenager. Cyborg called him from off-base, first his phone and then his bracelet, the very same that Flash had insisted he would wear to make sure he didn't get into more trouble, a sort of house arrest except Midway was his house, perhaps his cage. Yeah, like trapping a tornado in a vacuum cleaner. He ditched the book he was reading, grabbed a few energy bars from the mini fridge and darted over to the tower. He lived 6 miles away and it took him 11 minutes to make it over there, arriving in time to unpack his tunic from his backpack, putting it over his tanktop, the bottom matching perfectly against his stressed jeans. Cyborg told him something about how holes in his clothes makes him less aerodynamic, but Rufus wasn't listening, instead focusing on the information displayed on the screen to his right, off of the helicopter pad. He had never been teleported before, he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

Everyone else gathered and the speedster was still lost in his thoughts. How did teleportation even actually work? Wormholes? Wouldn't that run the risk of folding the planet in on itself, creating a calamity every time the Justice League were too lazy to walk to the store to grab batsnacks. Surely that wasn't it. Not even they were that irresponsible... Then again, Cyborg was gonna lead a team made up off mostly ex-criminals, half-assed halfpint heroes and absolute rookies into battle. Does the teleporter destroy you and then rebuild you again, atom by atom? Doesn't that have great existential consequences, are they all just silently agreeing to a suicide pact standing here, waiting for their demise and then immediate rebirth? His wish to bail on the whole project increasing with each thought popping into his head, problem was that if he left the city-perimiter, one of the other speedsters would know and while he was fast he wasn't gonna outrun anyone with a yellow lightning bolt on their chest. Frankly, this whole setup he was forced into had to break some kind of federal law. He finished his last energy bar, the 9th he had eaten in a little more than five minutes. He hadn't paid any attention to a word going on around him, instead looking at the teleported info. What were Zeta-tubes anyway? Different from Gamma Rays? Omega Beams? The machine lit up and a beam of light hit him and he fe-

Oooooh fuck me was the one thought that popped into his head as his stomach turned upside down, appearing inside of the tumultuous STAR Labs. A full on combat zone. His eyes darted accross the scene as he did his best to keep down the calories he had just consumed. Werewolf-lad started barking orders, which given other circumstances, Rufus would've poked fun at him for. But seeing Cyborg lose his cybernetics in a matter of seconds put things into perspective. That's not to say it was the right perspective, in fact, he saw countless flaws in Blitz's plan. Polaris was using magnetism, electromagnetic spectrum control, probably. Take out his connection to energy, he'll run out of juice. Or short circuit him. Rufus spotted several exposed high-voltage wires across the room. He figured he could grab them and zap the good doc before Polaris could as much as throw a screwdriver at him.

But hey, orders were orders. He let the heroes do the fighting, instead insisting on piecing Mr. Stone back together again. Frankly, he found it upsetting that Cyborgs body was made out of magnetic materials. Truly felt like an oversight.

"You sure you're not made out of LexCorp materials, Cyborg?"

"G-Get my cybernetics kid... Fast. Lungs at 10%..."

"I can just reattach them?" he asked and Cyborg nodded, clearly, the mechanical man's robot bits were of Scandinavian-'all you need is a hex-key'-design.

"You got it. I'm on build-a-bot duty."

His body froze, on instinct, taking in his surroundings. From the corner of his eye Rufus saw a piece of shrapnel come at him from behind as he stood over Cyborg, hearing it whiz through the air. His left foot lifted from the ground before coming back down again, propelling him into a backflip. His hand grabbed the piece of shrapnel, and with a left arm that made him the worst pitcher of every softball team he had ever been on before getting his powers, he flung the piece of metal - a former hard drive - right in front of the face of Sacrifice, sending both pieces of shrapnel to the floor, preventing it from taking the young man's eye.

He went on to gather Cyborgs parts, as he did he also made sure to chuck any piece of debris he could at the maniacal doctor. It wouldn't do much damage, but it certainly might cause a distraction. An arm canon here, a cybernetic eye there, some processor power, each bit would put Cyborg into a more stable state, allowing Rufus to carry the mentor to a safer place, away from the battle where the Brobot could be reassembled.

"Where did you learn about mechanical engineering anyway, kid?" Cyborg asked, once his respiratory was reassembled, a procedure that wasn't non-complex. Rufus smirked and shook his head. The senior Titan's mechanical eye was now operational, allowing him to project the schematics for his body in front of the two, making Rufus's job of reassembly a breeze.

"I dabble. Hard to find stuff to fill the day."

"I used to love video games, y'know... Before, right? Well, I can't do that anymore." He began, using a pair of tweezers to a connect the cybernetic nerves to Cyborg's mechanical spine that luckily, the doc couldn't rip off.

"Titanium?" the boy asked, clinking the tweezers against the non-magnetic metal.

"New Gensisium." Cyborg corrected with a painful sigh and Rufus shook his head as he had a soft grin, connecting the next piece.

"You made that up."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Online

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @Hillan - Accelerate | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice
Post #1.01: A Wavy Future

Kennedy sat on the couch, staring at her phone. She had been there a few minutes now, debating on if she should make the call or not. She hadn't told her parents that she was now part of the Titans Academy. Her uncle knew and she begged him to not tell them. Not yet. She would be the one to do so. But how could she explain this to them? They still saw her as a walking timebomb. Who knows what will blow up around her? When her powers developed, she had been popular. The envy of everyone at school. Now she was a pariah. Or she felt like one.

There were some cool people here that she met. Link, for one. Her heart thumped a bit harder in thinking about him. She hadn't really made friends here, per se. Sarina was cool. So was Kwang-Jo.

She began to press numbers when she heard Cyborg's voice.

“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”

Though she did not have a suit, she knew this was the real deal. She joined the others for transport and prepared to be as big of a help as she could.

It happened quickly. Cyborg having his machine parts literally ripped out of him. Chaos growing. Plans shifting and changing. She was tasked with crowd control and she chastised herself for not being able to see the present danger. She would make up for lost time. Blitz seemed to gain control of the situation, allowing the others to form the offensive. Smart as those he tasked with it were not liable to be as hurt as Cyborg. Accelerate ran to help him, leaving her and Switchblade to tend to the civilians.

Kennedy reached out for a vision. Her eyes glowed as she sensed everything around her. People continued to scream. She saw Blitz shoot up the building. She also saw part of the wall that he was climbing up fall as he hoisted himself up, falling down on a group of civilians frozen in panic. An explosion nearby hit two others huddled. And further falling debris was starting to crumble. They would need to hold it all together to get the civilians out. Once they were safe, they could tackle the menace.

She came back. She looked up as Blitz jumped to start climbing. "Blitz! Jump off elsewhere, that wall is going to come crumbling down!" She ran over to the two civilians huddled. "Come with me. Now!" She grabbed both of their arms and led them away towards the exit. The explosion happened and the two with her looks over in confusion. "You saved us..." Kennedy nodded and gently pushed them towards the door."Get out and as far away as you can!" She looked over to Switchblade. "The place is going to crumble down. Can you do anything to hold it in place while I get the rest out of here?"

She hoped her words hit as she continued to lead people out. Hopefully, the others could handle Polaris.

The vision hit her at that moment. The trouble with her visions is, that as much as she could control them, part of them also controlled her. In the vision, she saw Rufus, after working on Cyborg and fixing him up, speed off and grab exposed electrical wires. While the others were fighting off Polaris, he sped back at the man and attempted to jack him with the electricity. A solid plan, sure. As he reached Polaris, Rufus jammed the wires at the man.

And they fizzled and died.

Polaris laughed and grabbed Rufus by the neck, "Nice try." She heard a crunch as Polaris chucked Rufus towards the others before the vision ended.

Kennedy took a few deep breaths. She could not let that happen. She turned herself invisible and began searching for Rufus.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @PatientBean - Oracle | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @Hillan - Accelerate
Post #1.01: Opposite Forces

Evie's alarm went off right next to her head during that quiet hour of the morning where the sun wasn't quite up, but the sky wasn't quite dark either. Light poured in through the windows of her room as she flung herself out of the bed with the grace of a tractor tire, onto her feet before the blood could rush to her head. It was three months since she first showed up at this place, and every day served to drill a new routine into her having left home. The first part of that routine was to wake up with the sun to get a head start. She was doing that now. Rolling her neck, stretching her arms and shoulders, then her legs. Evie's joints popped like an empty plastic bottle clacking against the ground as she grabbed a fistful of what she called “the essentials,” her phone, two energy bars, rolled up hand wraps, and her earbuds. All of this happened in the span of two minutes, with throwing on a fresh pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt making it three, before she even turned on the lights. Reaching the hallway made it four minutes.

It was a little over three months now since Evie first got here, and so far, she often felt like the one high school student among a group of grade school students. Most of the students at Titans Academy were wide-eyed metahumans or otherwise “super” in their own right, but lacked the confidence she had as she walked across one arm of the comically shaped building to the other. One earbud was currently in her ear as the other dangled from her shirt collar as she crunched down on one energy bar after the other. As she walked, she was hooking her free thumbs into her hand wraps and slowly getting them looped around her palms. Evie was very much a morning person, enjoying the quiet atmosphere of early day, and taking advantage of the overall deficit in distractions that gave her additional time to dedicate to the second part of her morning routine: The training.

The gym was completely empty. Good. Evie instantly broke into a run around the gym, starting slow and gradually picking up speed with each lap, until she was running as hard as she could after 15 laps around the gym, as which point she slowed down to a walk the same way after another 15. Evie took a short break while flipping through her phone. She walked over to a punching bag and started a playlist titled “Soundtrack for Fighting God.” The first song started, and Evie put it on full blast as her hands started glowing.

What followed was an entire hour of noises that could have been mistaken for explosions had anyone been around to witness it.


Evie laid into a punching bag with ferocity of a machine gun, like the rapid-fire drums of heavy metal. Each punch was punctuated by a burst of neon fuchsia light that rippled across the punching bag in a shower of sparks. A full second didn’t have the chance to pass in the time that one fist left the bag and the other made contact once again.


The floor around her bag to shake as her arms began to wear a mantle of the vibrant glow that assaulted the punching bag without end, like the rumble of a million feet stomping through bleachers. Evie’s arms were starting to burn from the brutal workout, while light traveled up and down her like fire, she would maintain this until either she was too fatigued from such an intense exercise, or…


Evie reared her left fist back into a haymaker, and slugged the punching bag, leaning into her right leg. The bag swung upwards from the collision, and her left leg absorbed every drop of light brimming from her as it was brought up in time with the punching bag’s fall. The contact resulted in a blinding flash and a sound similar to a deep whip crack. The bag was destroyed, and the entire gym rumbled like an earthquake. Evie was carried into the ground by the motion, tumbling only somewhat gracefully as clumps of foam and nylon were exploded across the gym, leaving half of the punching bag hanging from its spot. Faint trails of neon light were left behind from concussive shockwave. Kicks were not Evie’s strong suit. Hopefully no one would know that it was her who just destroyed a perfectly good piece of training equipment. Now that she was warmed up, it was time for breakfast.

Breakfast, however, was cut short as the alarms went off.

“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”

Evie immediately sprung for her gear in a level-headed dash to the armory, and was at the helipad in record time. Teleportation wasn’t something she had much experience with. Interestingly enough, she never faced a teleporter at Blackburn, and she wasn’t a tech whiz who knew how an engineered teleporter worked. Evie- now Shattercrash- stumbled a little as she found herself in STAR Labs surrounded by her fellow Titans-in-training. The lab was an absolute mess. Scattered degree, broken glass, and a mad scientist in front of her. Shattercrash’s eyes darted around the room under her fuschia colored hood. The glow of her power emanated faintly like the flame of a candle as she processed the situation.

Cyborg was in pieces… literally.

"Shattercrash, Flamebird, take the offensive-

You read my mind, furball.

Shattercrash was wearing black, knee-high boots than began to glow brighter and brighter along with her right arm. Shattercrash broke into a run and pushed off the ground with a loud booming sound, slingshotting herself across the lab as she turned her shoulder towards Polaris. Her plan was a simple one: Wait for an opening- check- and punish the Doctor for letting his guard down with a frontal body slam.

In that sense, she was living up to hers as well.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
Avatar of PapaOso


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Episode #1: Magnetic Monster
Interactions: None
Mentions: @Lord Wraith@Hillan

The early morning air was chilly as Liam filled his lungs with it. Deep breath in…deep breath out. He stood hunched over with his hands on his knees as he tried to control his breathing. He had already sprinted a mile and hoped to jog a few more before the day truly started. The cold morning air was a constant reminder that he should be using the state of the art performance center provided to him by the program, but Liam hadn’t worked his way up to that just yet. Of course he’d used it during the organized training exercises that had happened thus far, but on his own he needed a little more acclimation before integrating himself with the others so comfortably.

It had only been a couple of weeks since he arrived and though he had met…or at least been in the general vicinity of most of the others in the program, he still felt like a stranger. It was as though someone was going to actually notice him and realize that he wasn’t supposed to be here, call security, and have him arrested for trespassing. It didn’t matter that his name was on the official roster. It didn’t matter that he had met both the Flash and Cyborg in the last few weeks. He still felt like none of this was real and that he was in a restricted area without the proper credentials.

It was that feeling of not belonging that also motivated him to wake up so early. Of course, there was the fact that he hadn’t slept a full night since arriving here that helped in its own way, but he definitely felt an obligation to train as much as he could to catch up to the others. Not that it was possible, at least in his own mind, to catch up with the other people in this program. They could do incredible things that were far beyond his own capabilities. It didn’t matter though. He had to try. It was the only way to earn his keep here. It was the only way to make his father proud. So all he could do was make the attempt.

A voice rang out over the speaker system.

“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”

Liam’s breath stopped all together for a moment as though he forgot how to breathe at all. There was an emergency. Everyone was supposed to suit up and head to the helipad. For a moment he simply hoped those in route got there on time to help, but seconds later realized that HE was among those expected to be in route. His heart dropped and finally he gasped for air. The panic within him was rising, but he couldn’t let it win this time. He had to make his father proud. So, he just ran…as fast as he could towards the helipad. It was the only thing he could do to thwart the panic. Run and breathe. Run and breathe.

Once Liam arrived at the helipad he once again felt out of place. This time, though, might have taken the cake for the most out of place he had ever felt. Seeing everyone in their own versions of superhero suits and tactical gear made him realize that he hadn’t “suited up” at all. Not that he had a cool suit of his own to begin with, but it was only now that he realized all he was wearing was a pair of gray joggers and his favorite faded-red D&D hoodie. Well, at least he was wearing running shoes.

Everything happened so fast. As soon as he arrived they gathered together, the teleporter did its thing, and boom they were there in the thick of chaos within a blink of an eye.This was only his second time teleporting. It was just as unpleasant and disorienting as the first. Seconds later Cyborg was down and Blitz was yelling out orders to the team, but Liam didn’t hear a fucking thing. As soon as Cyborg hit the ground his panic set back in. There was a storm raging in his mind louder than any of the chaos around him. In that moment he froze, stuck in slow motion as everyone around him moved at the speed of light. It was almost as though he had the opposite of Accelerate’s power…instead of super speed it was debilitating slo-mo. Except this wasn’t a meta-human ability. It was a panic attack.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #2: Additional Adversaries

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - The Shield | @Birdboy - Shuriken | @WXer - Dragonson | @Mistress Dizzy - Origami | @Zaibatsu - Gravitas | @rocketrobie2 - Chemaxzord

Post #2.01: One Man Army

Midway City Mall,
1:37 pm

A younger guy in a red hoodie walked into one of the restrooms on the first floor next to the food court. He stole a pair of sunglasses on his way through at a kiosk. Then for roughly twenty minutes the same young guy in the hoodie, now also wearing sunglasses, exited the bathroom area like an army of himself dispersing throughout the vastness of the shopping center. Every thirty seconds or so another red hoodie wearing duplicate stepped out and just went out into the mall in a different direction than the last.

The girl from Gotham drew one of the short straws. If going to the mall for supplies was a chore, somebody had to do it. She hadn't got too far into the task when she noticed something like three or four of the red hoodied men looking suspicious. They appeared to be looking for something, but what? The rookie hero knew she had to call her mentor at the academy....

Chie did her best to keep her cool but her eyes lingered to be sure that a hooded figure was always in sight as she mosied her way to the women's room. Once in, she locked the door. She wasn't about to take any chances, not on a mission that Flash might see at least. Ducking into a stall as she pulled out her phone, Chie performed the routine of pulling up Flash's number like it was clockwork. She knew that if anyone could handle this quickly and discreetly, it would be him. Chie waited patiently until the phone finally picked up, and with no hesitation she spoke.

"Got a situation at the Midway Mall, mind sending me some back-up?"

Across town,
Titans Academy

The Flash made it a point to check in at least twice a day at the Academy. He had a day job back in Keystone City, working as a mechanic in the KCPD’s garage. Along with Cyborg and an assist from some of the earlier picks for the Academy they’d managed to build the new home base for this next generation of Titans in less than three weeks. He approached one of the students, a young girl that looked to be getting swallowed by shadows….

“Is Cyborg still recovering from yesterday?” the masked speedster asked.

“I think so, he sent some of the others to the mall for some supplies for the academy…” the girl began to respond when the Flash cell vibrated in his pocket.

“Huh, I’ve got a voicemail but I didn’t hear it ring…” he commented sorting through his thoughts before Dragonson and Chemax caught his attention, “It might be important, can’t just wait for people to call you back these days…”

He messed around with his phone for a few moments before selecting the new voicemail and listening.

"Got a situation at the Midway Mall, mind sending me some back-up?"

It was Shuriken. Something was going on at the mall. Wally quickly yelled to everyone within range of his voice…

“Cyborg didn’t send her alone did he?!” he asked before the shadow girl spoke up.

“Shield and Apparition both went with her, why what’s up?” the girl asked as Dragonson, Chemaxzord, Gravitas and others approached.

“Looks like we’re going to the mall for today’s lesson…” Flash responded.

Midway City Mall,
1:48 pm

People were running and screaming everywhere, as Billy Numerous and his duplicates were tearing the mall apart looking for something. They weren’t even trying to be subtle about it now as the original Billy was getting aggravated. Alex and Arina were in the arcade, and with the loud noise they had no idea what was going on… yet.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @Hillan - Accelerate | @PatientBean - Oracle | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @Blizz - Shattercrash

Post #1.01: Expect the unexpected

Sarina had been up early this morning, struggling to sleep because of her new environment, she found herself having a protein shake before going for a morning run, whether or not she was allowed out at that time she didn’t care, she wanted to clear her mind in what has been a bust period for herself and others. Sarina had been helping out somewhat getting things set up, tests and god knows what else, after her morning run and freshning up with a shower, Sarina had found herself wondering aimlessly, one thing she hated was sitting around doing nothing for to long, she had planned to hit the gym but it sounded like world war three was going off in their, instead she opted to go to STAR labs and check up on her suit.

The Ex-villain working to become hero, arrived, all seemed calm considering the place was full off eggheads and made her way over to where her suit is located, the lab working on it had a bunch of engineers working on fine tuning her suit, one of them in particular was probably over excited in showing off a domino mask with some fancy built in tech, although that was not anywhere near ready yet, it was a weird feeling working in a STAR Lab with a bunch of Brainiac’s which were no doubt smarter than herself. In her past this would be a place she would attack herself if it was ordered by her past peers, of which she still wanted revenge on.

Suddenly out of nowhere alarms had gone off and chaos ensued, a part of labs was under attack, but by whom or what she didn’t know. A call came from Cyborg that the labs was under attack and for several of the students to suit up. ‘Thank you captain obvious’ Sarina thought, it was long before hearing screams and booms or thing being wrecked, all this did think was put a sly grin upon her features. Looking at the frightened engineers she was working with, she went to work immediately. “I’m suiting up, the other add-ons can wait.” Taking the suit, she went off suited up out of sight.

Coming back into view, people where still hanging weather trying to hide under desks or wherever they could find. “The hell you all still here for, Move it!!! Evacuate, and for the love of god don’t follow me, I got an idiot to meet” with that many scientist and engineers began their evacuation efforts as Sarina made her way to the centre of this problem. The sight she saw was one she didn’t expect, was that a scientist using debris for armour? Soon the other titans a teleported in while Sarina was attempting to dodge debris. “Bout bloody time you lot turned up” she quirked, already having a cut on the side of her face with some blood trickling down, to say Flamebird was angry would be stating the obvious.

Before the redhead could make up a new coordinated plan however, Switchblade went in like an idiot, before she could even have a go at the guy she found herself having to dodge his own weapon, this situation was so irritating to her, but she was stopped in her tracks as she bared witness to Cyborg literally being turn to pieces, all his cybernetics ripped out of him, it was so dam brutal. She had seen and done many bad things in her time as a bad, but still the sight of it caused her to pause for a brief moment.

Sarina snapped out of it when Blitzkrieg began barking out orders, it was necessary to get the group to focus if wanted to get out of this alive quite frankly, problem was these titans barely had any time to train, talk about being thrown into the deep end. She nodded in agreement and focus her efforts on the mad scientist while the other did crowd control and rescued cyborg. Looking at sacrifice “Do what you need to do.” She didn’t quite understand his powers but, but from what she had heard it was meant to help boost others? If that was the case it sure be helpful right now, however she had not noticed he had locked up during the chaos.

Watching Shattercrash power up and leap into action against their current enemy. The booming sound was louder than she expected but hopefully that would be more than enough to grab the attention for the mad doctor. It was time for a team up weather it would work she had no idea. Flames flickered to life in both her palms, pretty medium in size, her suit moments later reacted to the heat and area started lighting up, as thus Flamebird had entered the arena. Watching her alley, she times her attack accordingly, swinging her arms one after the other releasing a couple of fireball which curled lightly in the direction of the doctor, she had to make sure she didn’t hit Shattercrash, hopeful one of their attacks would distract while the other hit, only time would tell.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location:Titans Academy
Episode #2.1.C&D: Additional Adversaries

As the ending credits ran on the small laptop, ME sloppily lapped his ‘hands’ onto the device’s top and slammed it shut. There was no ill emotion behind the sudden act, simply a lack of fine motor controls (and likely a lack of said motors to begin with) that currently plagued the amoeba-on-steroids called ME.

”GREAT WOW BUT NO GOOD BAD. THIS INFORMATION OF STREAMED HAS BEEN MAKES ME FEEL LEFT AND RIGHT INSIDE.” ME commented, sharing his feelings on the piece of art with his fellow Titan.

The Titan that had accompanied ME in this ocular odyssey was left speechless for a few moments. Only after piecing together his thoughts did the prince begin to speak. “That… was the greatest live action media production I have witnessed since coming to the surface.” Granted, those were far and few between but it was still high praise. “Though, I’m somewhat disappointed the doctor never said those words the social media denizens were clamoring about. Did I somehow miss it while being enthralled by the visuals and story?”

“LIKELY. COMPUTOR WEB WILL BE GREAT IN BEING CORRECT.” The alien commented, his sludge-like body, oozing down a bit from his robotic carapace as he took a break from holding his form together. With a sudden jerk, his body became more cohesive again and placed the laptop in his beaten and battered backpack. His robot body was built to be brutalized but the measly human-made backpack was never meant for the wear and tear of a genuine temp and part-time superhero.


The image of undersea raiders attacking the royal tax collectors manifested in Dragonson’s mind as ME mentioned pirating the next movie they would be watching. While the term didn’t make that much sense, context clues allowed him to make an educated guess with his response. “I'm certain the Sillan coffers won’t be missing the few sycees I'll use to purchase our next film. Though, what exactly is an umpire?" The term felt familiar but perhaps he was confusing it with the empires that had risen and fallen while the kingdom of Silla stood proud.

”BLITZ WITH UN-FUR, NON-MUSCLE, NO STAR-RADIATION. HOT.” ME explained, beginning to head for the door ”FEED WITH DINING TO REQUEST WITH ME?” ME said in a tone that could be interpreted as if he was asking a question the Sillian.

“Ah, I suppose it is time for supper… Or perhaps lunch? I’ve honestly lost track of time.” The lack of his personal servants attending to his every whim was quite the shock at first all those years ago when he first left for the surface, and even today Dragonson needs a nudge towards fulfilling menial tasks every now and then. As he stood up from his seat in order to get to their next destination, the rush of blood and the numbness of his legs were enough to cause a noticeable ache. “Damnation. I honestly do not understand how you surface folk deal with being weighed down… Perhaps I shall petition lord Cyborg for a water pool in my suite to counteract this sensation.”

”YOU PREACH TO ME WHO IS GROUP OF ZEALOT SINGERS. GREAT BAD AMOUNT OF WEIGHT TO EARTH.” ME commented in agreement, moving out of the room and dragging his backpack behind him. After leaving the room ME’s focus was immediately drawn to the speedster veteran mulling around the tower, messing about with his communicator. Everyone’s favorite martian made his way over to see what was going on.

Upon hearing the Flash mention the mall as the team’s destination for their next lesson, Dragonson’s curiosity had to be addressed. “Sir Flash, how are we to proceed towards the location? Personally, I would love to take an aero plane if one was available for use as I haven’t been to the sky yet.” The prince had assumed that this was a leisurely outing. After all, why else would anyone go to the mall when you can use delivery services for all your perishables and luxuries. Regardless, the pair were ready and raring to go though they were currently unaware of the threat that awaited for them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by YourNameHere
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YourNameHere Insert Custom Title

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #2: Additional Adversaries

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - The Shield | @Birdboy - Shuriken | @WXer - Dragonson | @Mistress Dizzy - Origami | @Zaibatsu - Gravitas | @rocketrobie2 - Chemaxzord

Post #2.02: Arcade Antics

The vibrant colours of the grass and the beautiful flowers blooming in the open did nothing to prepare Arina for this heat. It hadn’t taken her long to regret tagging along on the “family” trip to the mall - and within less than twenty minutes of being there, she had convinced Alex to accompany her somewhere fun. Due to the limited options, that just so happened to be the arcade. Currently, she was standing in front of a claw machine, her ice blue gaze fixed on a large black humanoid plush toy; that eerily reminded her of her brother's abilities. Her head tilted to the side for a moment and her brow ever so slightly creased - she couldn’t tell if she wanted it or wanted to set it on fire.

She jutted her hip out to the right, allowing her body to rest on that side, her short black dress dancing ever so slightly in the draft created by the fans and air conditioner of the arcade. “Do you have any siblings, Forcefield?” she asked, her voice a calm lull, despite having (once again) gotten his alias wrong..

She didn’t pull her eyes away from the plush toy as she spoke, her arms casually folded across her as she awaited his response. Arina didn't know that this was Alex's hometown, and that he'd been to this particular mall and this particular claw machine hundreds of times. He would've spent the rest of his inheritance to get that plush toy, thankfully it only took him another dollar and fifty cents.

"I'm an only child," he commented, "Is the Shield not a good enough codename?" he then asked with a smirk as the claw finally found its mark.

"M'lady." Alex said with a big doofy grin, handing her the ebony plush. He'd only met the girl recently but he already knew he'd go to hell and back for her if need be.

That's when things took a turn. Out of nowhere two of the Billys in red hoodies came into the arcade and started flipping machines upside down. Another came in behind them and assaulted the guy behind the prize counter. The two Titans were out of costume, but with everybody running scared it didn't seem to matter. There were at least a hundred Billys tearing the mall apart now. Alex projected his badge looking shield and ran at one of the Billys and backhanded him with it.

"What have you idiots got against Mortal Kombat?! This game is a classic!" Alex exclaimed.

Arina’s intense focus on the plush shattered at the sound of Alex’s coin going into the slot and her blank gaze fell upon the opening. The sound of his voice caused her head to turn slightly so her sapphire orbs could snap upwards to him as she listened to his response. An eyebrow quirked up for a moment,

“Siblings are overrated,”

Her voice was half-hearted, and she knew, despite his attempts on her life, she’d not trade her brother for the world… her sister she’d take or leave. The corner of her lips twitched upwards at his question and she fully turned her body towards him only to be met with the toy. She blinked a couple of times before her blank expression turned into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes and she reached out and took it, lifting it above her head as she examined it.

“It’s so cute, don’t you think?”

He didn’t have time to give her an answer when two… no, one guy, split into two… or twins… entered the arcade, trashing it. Her expression dropped as she watched the scene with little amusement. She and Alex looked like civilians, and she silently wished they could just keep pretending, but she knew his personality wouldn’t allow for that. She was proven right as Alex immediately jumped to action, and with a sigh she watched as he attacked one of the adversaries.

She stood back and folded her arms over her body, hugging the toy Alex had just given her, watching the two trouble makers intently. They appeared to be searching for something, and judging by the guy's obvious growing frustration, she grew interested as to what it was.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As chaos reigned in the mall, one young hero hopeful was holed up in the library. She was curled up in one of the comfortable chairs by the stacks, her long legs folded underneath her like a sun-drenched cat. Softly, she read aloud to no audience.

“Yo te he nombrado reina.
Hay más altas que tú, más altas.
Hay más puras que tú, más puras.
Hay más bellas que tú, hay más bellas.
Pero tú eres la reina.”

Her voice fell and rose with each stanza, her golden eyes shining as she absorbed each word of the Spanish love poem. Lifting her gaze off the page, she sighed. “Man, Neruda knows how to treat women.” Practicing reading and speaking in other languages kept her mind fresh.

So far, this Academy had no one she could really test herself on. She could think circles around these so-called heroes. It was laughable. If this was the next generation of heroes, she might as well switch sides now. Then again, free rent was free rent.

She clearly heard Flash’s voice from down the hall. With an irritated huff, she snapped the poetry book shut. Duty called, apparently. The book slid back onto a cart with a lazy wave of her hand, and she ducked into her room to gather a few things.

She joined the small group who was standing by. She was wearing some easy dancing clothes, reinforced shoes, and carrying several reams of high quality paper in an array of colors. Purples, pinks, greens, pretty much everything but standard printer white. “We’re going to the mall? Good. I need to do some therapy shopping.” When Dragonson spoke up, she almost rolled her eyes. The Prince needed to brush up on the local culture. And maybe refer to a map. But he was literal royalty, and delicious to look at, so she’d give him a pass.

“Your Highness, the mall is too short a distance for a plane. Even a small one would have nowhere to land.” She gestured to the boom tube setup. "Unless I'm way off the mark, we're taking those. I hope you have a strong constitution." With that, she steeled herself and stepped through the portal.

After stumbling out the other side, and thankfully holding down the contents of her stomach, Kijani took a quick, sweeping look of the area. The first thing to catch her eye was a guy in a red sweatshirt and shades. Two of them - no wait, three? As she got her bearings, one of the reams of paper tore itself free and settled into a floating orbit around her. Then she simply headed toward the sounds of chaos.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zaibatsu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You ask me what her name was called
But I found it hard to write

Jiri's eyes shot open as she woke with a gasp. She pushed herself up into a seated position, using her arms as support behind her. The Czech girl's eyes darted around the room and momentary panic set in as she didn't recognise her surroundings. She breathed deeply, calming herself. She remembered where she was, Titan Tower. She'd never seen anything like it before and she sure as hell never expected her to live in a place like this.

She drew her legs up to her chest and hugged them close to her, pressing her lips against her knees and staring into the darkness. That horrid nightmare had plagued her less and less since moving to the U.S. but it definitely seemed to rear it's ugly head any time something good happened to her. It was like no matter what she did she couldn't escape her father.

She touched the long scar that tore its way across the left side of her face with one hand and threw her bedsheets off herself as she slid her feet onto the floor. Jiri moved into the small, en suite toilet in her room, flicking the light switch on her way in and turning on the sink. She splashed water on her face and rubbed her eyes, it was always hard to sleep after that dream. Jiri caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror and her eyes were immediately drawn to the scar. Her lip quivered for a split second before she pursed her lips and furrowed her brow. The time for weakness was over, it was time to be strong.

She didn't like looking in the mirror. Identity was a strange topic for Jiri. The people she'd met so far seemed so different from anyone she'd met before, and not just because one of them was primarily slime and another was supposedly the prince of the sea. She felt one dimensional around them, like she had to impress them, but without showing it.

She returned to her bed, grabbing her mothers ribbon from the desk in her room and holding it in her hand before grabbing her phone and pulling it up to her face. She'd be awake for another hour at the very least, she might as well watch something while she waited for her body to tire out. On nights like this there was only one thing on her watch list, something she'd never expect herself to admit to her new colleagues at the academy. The Great British Bake Off.

Jiri's morning was spent a bit differently than usual. She'd usually get up and do some exercise, and then head to the gym to do some bag work. She'd gotten to sleep a little later than she'd expected and thought she deserved a lie in as a result. She scrolled on her phone seemingly endlessly while wrapped in a coccoon of blankets. Her eyes glanced up at the clock. It was well passed time to get up. She groaned, crawling out of bed and heading for a quick shower before getting dressed and heading out.

She tied her hair with the red ribbon as she approached the group surrounding the flash. She overheard Kijani mentioning the mall and watched as she stepped through the Boom Tube. She'd only been through one of these once before, and it was only as a demonstration so the students would be prepared for the nausea that followed. Jiri's eyes scanned the other students listening to the speedster. A few she didn't recognise but there were two she definitely did. Dragonson and Chemaxzord. She'd interacted with the two of them a few times, but she'd honestly been trying to avoid them since their first meet. She felt bad being that people often had the same problem with her, but she honestly found it hard to understand them sometimes, and for very different reasons. They were almost like polar opposites in the way they spoke. Chemaxzord spoke in necessities, it was like only the important words mattered to him....her....them....it? She'd need to clarify that with another student, she wasn't quite sure what the green ooze was, but she definitely didn't want to get on their bad side. Dragonson was entirely different. To Jiri he might have well of been reciting the entire script to Richard III in perfect shakespearian every time he opened his mouth. It was lovely to listen to, but the flowery words of a Royal were lost on Jiri if they were spoke in English.

She awkwardly looked at the two, struggling to think of what to say.
"Hey so I'm just gonna..." She glanced over at the boom tube and tried to subtly point at it. "I think I'll just follow Kijani." An awkward last glance announced her departure as she stepped into the portal.

An immediate feeling of sickness washed over Jiri. She didn't eat breakfast before stepping through. This was her first mistake and one she'd immediately regret. Kijani was just ahead of her, she rubbed her eyes and breathed deeply, jogging to catch up with her.
"Hi!" She spoke as she caught up to her, matching her pace as they walked. "Sorry I didn't actually catch why we were here, I'm guessing it's not to check out the summer collection?" She joked, gesturing to a clothing shop that they walked by.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Midway Mall

Episode #2: Additional Adversaries
The bathroom was eerily silent as Chie finished putting everything into her bag in an organized order. She felt like a fool for not bringing her trademark weapons. Without them, she felt truly powerless against the overwhelming numbers. She took a deep breath to try to calm her shaking nerves, it never seemed to get any less terrifying dealing with villains. She was just glad she had brought her staff, a habit left over from walking the streets of Gotham.

"OK, pull yourself together girl!" She said, slapping her cheeks, a futile attempt and quelling her nerves. To bolster her bravado, she extended her staff to its full length and gripped it with the might of a Valkyrie. As if on cue, the sounds of panic outside rose to a crescendo and Chie felt herself fly into a frenzy. She swung the bathroom door open and charged out to find a couple of security guards being absolutely pummeled by a group of identical hoodlums. Chie continued her charge, now letting out a battle cry as she sprung forward and swung her Staff in a ferocious flurry.

Caught off guard and startled by the girl's bravado, the young man(s) were battered quickly as she swung first into one man's face, then sweeping the legs of another before thrusting her staff forward and sending another flying into a nearby kiosk filled with small yet incredibly annoying toys that began moving and singing from the contact. The remaining four tried to rush the dangerous woman and put up a good fight, but ultimately Chie was just too tough. She won the fight, but not without earning herself a split lip and a black eye. Chie made sure to give one of them a final kick as they lay in a pile beside her.

With the fight over and Chie's feelings quelled, she quickly moved to the guards. They were already getting up but their pained groans told her everything. She offered a handout and one of them, a particularly portly man with an incredible mustache took her offer.
"Thank you..." She rasped out as she easily lifted him to his feet.
"Yeah, you saved our lives," The other said in surprise.

Chie wanted to let them inflate her ego a little more, but she was part of the titan's academy now, she didn't have time to dawdle. This was a test, a chance to prove her worth as a hero to Cyborg and Wally. Still, she couldn't help but speak loudly and proudly, like she imagined heroes should.
"They'll be time to thank me when the mall is safe. Try to get people somewhere safe, I'll handle the rest" She said with gusto. The two cops looked at her with a perplexed look and it slowly dawned on Chie that she wasn't in uniform. Being ordered around by a girl in a pinafore dress wasn't something armed guards do often. Still, the man with the mustache nodded in agreement, much to her relief. She didn't waste time rushing off, partly from feeling embarrassed but mostly because she had friends to find.

As Chie began moving towards the center of the mall, she found herself weaving through crowds of people running the opposite way. She was surprised that most of the hoodlums seemed identical, but she was too busy looking for her fellow heroes. Chie peered into store after store looking for them until out of the corner of her eye, she watched a hoodlum get sent sprawling onto the ground outside the entrance to an arcade. Bingo. Chie came running, jumping a couple of arcade consoles to get the claw machine in the back. Her two friends were there, seeming just as shocked by all of this as she was. Chie took a moment to gasp for air, she had run all the way to them after all.
"Bad... guys... one... guy" She managed to puff out between breaths as she rested on the side of a Galaga machine.
"I called for back-up"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #2: Additional Adversaries

Interaction(s): @YourNameHere - Apparition | @Birdboy - Shuriken | @WXer - Dragonson | @Mistress Dizzy - Origami | @Zaibatsu - Gravitas | @rocketrobie2 - Chemaxzord
Post #2.06: Arcade Antics II

After knocking one of the duplicates out cold, the beaten Billy dissipated. Alex turned his attention on the one that had come in specifically to beat the sense out of the guy behind the prize counter. Kid was just doing his job, exchanging tickets for prizes... then BAM! After taking a few punches the guy eventually ran off, and at this point Alex had seen the cameras and noticed a 'superhero mask' prize behind the counter and put it on while in the middle of handing this additional Billy his lunch. All the while Arina stood there watching as the other Billy continued to look under everything in the place.

Her movements were barely noticeable, and before the guy knew what was happening, he was met face to face with Arina, under a table - his eyes widening slightly at her still bored expression, "You lose something, Friend?" her voice was soft, as if she were trying to soothe him, and as if she'd never worn the bored expression seconds ago, her face turned warm as she gave him a small and gentle closed eyed smile, "Perhaps we could help you find whatever it is," she offered her tone laced with silk as she opted herself and Alex up for the task, regardless of any protest he might make. That's when Shuriken came running into the arcade.

"Bad... guys... one... guy…" she said out of breath and leaning against a classic video game, "I called for back-up."

"It won't take the others long to make it here with the Boom Tube thing, you two should probably try and hide your identity too..." Shield started grabbing a few more of the domino style masks from behind the wrecked prize counter. He grabbed the last Billy by the collar and asked "You've done enough damage. Tell me what it is you're looking for or I'll send you to the same duplicate hell the others vanished to."

"John Constantine won an enchanted lighter in a supernatural poker game that could summon the demon lord Neron for one favor. He supposedly lost it somewhere here in the mall while passing through Midway…" the kid in the red hoodie said crouched down on the ground with the Titans surrounding him.

Arina’s ice blue irises flickered upwards towards Shield as he handed her a mask, “You didn’t steal this did you?” her lips twitched upwards at her own joke for a moment before she watched him grab the guy, demanding he talk. Her expression turned blank as she listened to the duplicate dude explain his predicament. She didn’t really acknowledge the arrival of other team members, she only shoved the toy Alex had won her into the hands of the red hooded opponent.

Working its way upwards, her body began to take on the form of smoke and just as her face dispersed, leaving no trace of human body behind at all, her voice echoed an ominous sentence, “Summoning demons sounds like a fun afternoon activity.”

The sound of a soft thud indicated she had been unable to take her clothes with her this time. She inwardly sighed trying to cast that issue to the back of her mind as she concentrated on expanding herself outwards, so the area was in contact with the smoke. She slightly adjusted the consistency and color so the Titans could see a little easier. Once she was satisfied with the surface area, she began to sift through all the matter she had enveloped herself around, looking out for anything that remotely resembled a lighter.

"I didn't win that for you. Tell the original hooded guy we're coming for him." Shield proclaimed knocking out the Billy and catching the black plush after the red hooded adversary dissipated from the haymaker. Alex turned to Shuriken, "Let's go find the others."
Back at the Academy Wally was waiting for Chemaxzord and Dragonson to go through the Boom Tube in the back of the building that Origami and Gravitas had already gone though. He understood their positions. Neither of them knew what they were in for. Maybe Chemax, but not at all in any way to help the situation.

"There's enough Titans on the scene to take down whatever group of criminals is wrecking the place. I want you two to help me take care of getting any civilians still inside to safety. Any questions?" he asked walking backwards into the Tube in front of the two rookie Titans.


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Monster

Interaction(s): @Blizz - Shattercrash | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @Hillan - Accelerate | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @PatientBean - Oracle
Post #1.07: Stand or Die

The power was out. There were emergency lights flashing. People were scared. While Accelerate attended to Cyborg’s remains, he also bolted civilians one at a time outside. Switchblade was upset that he’d been demoted to saving civilians, not realizing what an important aspect it was for the job. He’d helped get two civilians outside to Accelerate’s five or six. And the young speedster is trying to keep Cyborg alive somewhere within STAR Labs as well. That’s when Switchblade came up on Sacrifice. He wasn’t wearing much of a battlesuit… he actually looked like a civilian having a panic attack.

“Hey man just calm down, everything’s gonna be okay. We’re the Titans.” Switchblade stated, not realizing telling someone to calm down was about the worst advice to give to somebody.

That’s when fit hit the shan. As Shattercrash lunged at the airborne antagonist, Dr. Polaris created an electro-magnetic field that repelled the young hero with the same force she struck with sending her through the ceiling of the center ‘hub’ of the laboratories and outside. He didn’t much care if she’d survived. Switchblade and Sacrifice looked on in awe of the wreckage and Flamebird doing what she could with what cover she had to try and tag the madman with a fireball. It didn’t seem to do anything to make Cassidy’s panic attack any better.

True to Oracle's vision, the wall beneath Blitzkrieg started to crumble as the Wolf-Man ascended to the next floor. Unable to propel himself high enough to grab onto the ledge above, he was forced to descend back to the main floor. Link's landing narrowly avoided a mid-air collision with Shattercrash as the other hero was effortlessly deflected by the magnetic madman. Quickly taking in the chaos around him, Lincoln realized they needed to switch up their strategy.

“Flamebird, we need cover fire! Switchblade, get Sacrifice out of here! Accelerate, you're with me, you hit him low,” Blitz cracked his neck before flexing his claws. “I'll hit him high!” He roared before bounding forward.

All of you against just one of me?! Just… one. Yes… Polaris screamed fending off all of the advances towards him as he began to rip more of the steel foundation from within the laboratories.

“You have to get through to Emerson!” a scientist still within the building cried out. “He suffers from a personality disorder!” he continued before a female hero could be heard and not seen.

“I’ll try to reach out to him, but you need to get out of here. It’s not safe!” Oracle said coming into view before the man’s eyes.

“A magnetic pulse last week did something to Emerson, he hasn’t been the same. Somebody said his meds were in the trash, now he’s calling himself Polaris…” the man continued before Switchblade could be heard in the distance.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Monster

Interaction(s): @Hillan - Accelerate | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice
| @Blizz - Shattercrash
Post #1.01: Loose Threads

Kennedy was pulled from her invisible trek by a scientist calling out for help. At first, she assumed he just needed to be taken outside for safety, but his words were for the protection of Polaris, rather than himself. If the scientist's words were to be believed, Polaris wasn't evil, not really. Kennedy didn't understand psychology fully, but she knew enough to know that medication when used appropriately helped combat significant symptoms.

After she popped out of invisibility and told the scientist she would help Polaris (and ensure the scientist got out), Kennedy quickly pulled up a vision. The others were being thrown about every which way and, if she didn't stop him soon, the others would be hurt further and Polaris might be hurt or worse.

Kennedy tried to see where the medication was. One thing she hated about her visions was that she had very little control over what she could see at the moment. The pills could be in the trash can right next to someone, but unless that person looked, she couldn't tell. What she did see was Blitz. This caught her attention, especially as there was an intense fire behind the werewolf's eyes. Blitz lunged at the metal-controlling man and, in a quick, fierce swipe of his claw, thrashed open the man's throat as blood spurt out, soaking Blitz before the man crumpled.

Kennedy was brought back, gasping for air. She knew Blitz had difficulty controlling his powers sometimes, but if she didn't stop him, Polaris would be killed and as much as he was hurting others, it was beyond his control. If Kennedy could save him (and Blitz from killing another person) she would do all she could.

Kennedy ran back into the main room, seeing the others continue the fight against Polaris. She also caught Blitz, who appeared just about ready to unleash hell on the man. "Wait Blitz, don't!" she yelled. "I know what you want to do, but don't kill him! He's not himself. A co-worker of his said he has a personality disorder and is on medication. If you all can hold him, I'm going to try to find his meds. They said it might be in the trash." Kennedy was fully aware she was putting herself in a dangerous predicament, but the others needed to know not to fully hurt the man also.

With that, Kennedy attempted another vision, hoping to see if someone else found his medication now that they knew what to look for.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @PatientBean - Oracle | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @Hillan - Accelerate
Post #1.01: Falling Star

The good thing about Shattercrash's power was that it allowed her to move with explosive bursts of speed, propelling herself forward like bullet from a rifle, with the potential to broadside an unfortunate target from potentially hundreds of feet away with the force of a freight train. The downside to her power was that the ability to slingshot across a city was not even remotely comparable to super speed. Shattercrash had to put complete trust in her trajectory from the moment her feet pushed off of the floor to the moment she collided with something that wasn't nailed down, and as it turned out, you can't trust your trajectory when a mad scientist flipped in 90 degrees upwards. Before she could slam into the man, Shattercrash was sent through a ceiling and out of the battle into open air like a piece of trash. The ceiling was punched open with a sound like a reverberated whipcrack and a flashbang of fuchsia-purple light, and the Titan kept sailing upwards like a rocket.

Ordinarily, being flung into the ceiling like that would be an instant death with the amount of force she collided with, but the glowing shell of kinetic energy circling around her was the most cushioning she could ask for, and as the manifested inertia dissolved into concrete, Shattercrash experienced the equivalent of a baseball bat to the face, and she would most definitely be feeling that in the morning... In every bone she had. It was at that moment when she realized that Doctor Polaris clearly had some kind of well-trained reaction time if he could flick her away that fast.

She could still feel a crackle of force running through her bones as she sailed upwards, getting hit physically did that to her, and as the cold morning air rushed past her, that was when she fully realized what just happened, and by then, she was at least a thousand feet in the air and falling back down. It wasn't the first time Shattercrash had flung herself straight into the air with her powers, she often kicked up into the air to see how far she could go and how much of an impact she could sustain with her landing. This, however, was a record-breaking height by a landslide.

Now you've done it.

When she started falling further down, Shattercrash reached deep into her power's reserves, and lit up in the sky like a miniature sun, violet light poured into the lab through the hole that Shattercrash was flung out of. The same hole she was aiming for as she intended to blow Doctor Polaris into the next dimension. Tactically speaking, turning into a missile for the sole purpose of punching someone wasn't the smartest decision when collateral damage and innocent lives were a factor. However, one couldn't blame Shattercrash for pulling her punches. Besides, if was either she cushioned her fall with an absurd burst of kinetic devastation, or splat against the ground like a bug on a windshield. If anyone asked, she would say she was killing two birds with one stone.

"YOU JUST MADE THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!" She yelled as she was falling.

Did anyone hear her? Probably not, but they'd definitely know she was coming.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by YourNameHere
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YourNameHere Insert Custom Title

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #2: Additional Adversaries

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - The Shield | @Birdboy - Shuriken | @WXer - Dragonson | @Mistress Dizzy - Origami | @Zaibatsu - Gravitas | @rocketrobie2 - Chemaxzord

Post #2.08: Borrowed Bodies & Broken Bones

It was odd, she thought, that even without a corporeal form made up of organs and what not, she could still feel anxiety. Arina had dispersed herself and had been making the futile effort of trying to sense a freaking lighter. She sighed inwardly at her own stupidity, in all places, of all things, she had no clue what possessed her to think she’d be able to sense it. Instead, she focused on trying to find the original among the duplicates. She wasn’t sure, but she figured she’d found the general vicinity, sensing an area nearby where a group of them were clustered, so she floated that way.

Upon entering the food court, one of the duplicates passed through her, attempting to wave the smoke away with his hand. As she swirled around the force of his motion, using it to further obstruct him. The smoke of her entire body entered his mouth, eyes, nose and ears - filling his body in mere moments. The duplicate gritted his teeth and it looked as if his muscles were restrained for a second.

This would go a lot easier for the both of us if you would stop resisting me.

She felt herself waiver for a moment before she focused, being careful to not accidentally oxidise him. After a moment of stillness between the two, he stretched his arms out, his fingertips reaching out and closing into a fist again. He stretched his neck from side to side and took an unsure step forwards - heading back towards the rest of the Titans. He stopped for a moment, catching his appearance in a shop window,

“God, you look ridiculous, he muttered, his voice sounding an octave higher than it had back in the arcade.

As soon as Chie put on her mask she noticed one of her fellow heroes had gone missing already. Frustration and fear were starting to get to her, but she had learned to stay calm and keep organized in her few days at the academy. Flash taught quickly and she was a fast learner after all.

"Woah, woah, Slow down. I’m not going out there without a gameplan. she said more shakily than she thought. Why was she choking up today? She'd been in far worse situations. Still, she fought through the fear as always. Back up is coming, and they’re after the lighter, not us. Let’s search the arcade. I need to find something to throw anyway, without my Shurikens I’m at a disad- She began to reason her way out of a bold manuever when out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a familair figure. Without thinking, she reached for a nearby prize on the shelf, a lava lamp, and tossed it at the ‘enemy’ at break neck speeds.

That’s not a bad throwing arm, ever play baseball? Shield commented back-tracking into the arcade. The game-plan is to regroup with the others and give them what information we have. Flash might have a plan, but for now we’re just winging it.

Baseball, basketball, pretty much any game that requires me throwing stuff, yeah... she replied casually. With him confirming her fears, Chie sighed in frustration, I hate winging it, but you’re right. We can find Apparition later. Let’s go. She stated, readying her staff once more, clutching it with white knuckles.

Smoke still in a slight haze filling the area, the duplicate stiffly turned from the mirror, eyes widening slightly as his eyes landed on the lava lamp hurtling towards him. Instinctively his arm flew up just in time for the metal to connect with his right forearm, causing the glass to shatter, shards imbedding in his face, one in his eye. His ulna was visibly snapped, and the radius clearly fractured, and he fell to the ground, smoke pouring out of his eyes, nose, mouth and ears, allowing him to begin screaming as the smoke pooled in front of him, forming a now naked Arina. Her eyes were narrowed into a glare as her icy irises fixed on Shuriken.

“The hell? her voice was void of anger, if anything slightly annoyed. Her hand reached for her right forearm, rubbing it ever so slightly - she felt no pain, however a ghost twinge reverberated through the two bones, as if they ached.

You throw lamps at every man you come across? she asked, folding her arms over her bare chest, she stood straight, as if she was not at all phased by her lack of clothes, her legs positioned so one partly crossed over the other, covering the majority of her lower area. No wonder you’re single. her lips twitched upwards ever so slightly at her own quip.

I only throw lamps at rampaging villians Chie was quick to correct as she nervously averted her eyes. She had remembered Apparitions powers but the finer details had alluded her in the heat of the moment. Still, she was relieved no one was hurt, save for a miserable clone, she felt a sting at The comment about her relationships though, and it took everything in her power not to snap back.

Look, just warn me before come up to us in a new body” she clarified with a moan of frustration..

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Episode One: Magnetic Monster
Interactions: @Omega Man- Switchblade @Blizz- Shattercrash

Chaos ensued around Liam in slow motion. His derealization from the moment was actually the only thing keeping him from falling into a full fledged panic attack. He was there…but he wasn’t. His mind was elsewhere in his memories reliving the best and worst moments of his life like a movie. This trauma response was probably some form of coping mechanism that he hadn’t even gotten the chance to mention in therapy yet, but here in the moment he wasn’t sure if it was the only thing keeping him alive or if it was putting him in more danger than he already was.

It became clear, in the milliseconds that had passed since he began to disassociate, that he wasn’t ready for this. He was no Titan. However, another realization came to him as debris crashed around him, bodies were flung about, and blood was spilled…the realization that he would NEVER be ready for this. In a weird way that thought brought him back to reality a bit. It wasn’t comforting, but it was honest. The kind of honesty that makes you wake up from the episode of self loathing that is definitely going to get you killed. As he snapped out of the moment of panic he heard Switchblade’s advice to calm down. Moments later he heard Blitz’s command to get Sacrifice out of here. Sacrifice wasn’t going anywhere.

In an instant he took in everything that happened over the last few seconds…minutes he honestly wasn’t sure. He processed everything as quickly as he could. Shattercrash had been launched in the air and was now falling back towards the lab in a burst of brilliant violet. [i]She’s going for Polaris[i]. Liam looked over to Switchblade with an assuring nod.

“I’m okay. I can help.”

He looked back up towards Shattercrash through the hole in the lab's ceiling. It was clear that she was targeting the man that had sent her flying in the first place. Sacrifice would make sure that she hit with as much force as she could. He focused on her and the violet energy that illuminated the area. He could almost feel her power as he channeled his own energy. Grabbing his left middle finger in his right hand he took a deep breath and snapped it…

Grimacing in pain, Sacrifice felt the surge of energy grow within him. He channeled it and focused it towards Shattercrash. A cord of distorted air that most wouldn’t even notice connected between the two of them like an ethereal tether. Even from this distance he was able to feel the connection. As his energy became hers he focused on amplifying her abilities as much as he could. He would never be like the others. He would never be the hero flying down to land a mighty strike against the enemy…that just wasn’t in the cards for him. However, he’d make sure that hero had as much juice in her tank as he could so that she could be the big damn hero they needed to save the day.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Monster

@Blizz - Shattercrash | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @PatientBean - Oracle
Post #1.02: Writing on the wall

The plan? Yeah, that went out the window along with their teenage thermokinetic warhead. Wolfboy wanted him to strike Polaris low, Oracle was going to find this mysterious, alleged medicine. Cyborg was missing one more processor chip, that had been damaged in the disassembly, Rufus was soldering it back together using clobbed-together equipment properly under dimensioned for the task, but he made due. Cyborg had hacked the cameras in the lab, giving a clear view of the professors lab from earlier in the day, before he had Polaris'd out. With this, he could confirm that there were in fact heavy-duty anti psychotics on his desk and that the doc regularly took four tablets.

"Oracle's right, Accelerate. There is medicine in the office. We can save him." Victor told Rufus whom nodded, checking the video feed being projected from Cyborg's robotic eye.

Beyond that, Cyborg could also scan Shattercrash's ever-growing kinetic payload, further increased by Sacrifice. That kid really just poured gasoline on a nuclear fire. The scan wasn't good. The calculations were also projected in front of the speedster and he gulped, he could tell the prognosis wasn't good. With quick overhead math and judging by Shattercrash's track-record of feats, they were all dead once she struck the lab with terminal velocity.

"Fuck me." Rufus exclaimed in desperation, and Cyborg chuckled.
"Facing near-certain death's part of the gig. Keep your cool." He told the junior-Titan, the speedster shook his head.
"Keep your sage-advice to yourself chuckles." Plugging the last piece in, allowing Cyborg full access to his body and abilities, he burst into action.
"Help Oracle get the meds. I've got payback to get from the professor." The senior Titan redied his sonic cannon, aiming to hit the professor with a sound-attack to knock him down a peg.
Rufus nodded, ignoring the orders Blitz gave - He figured Cyborg had seniority and if the two of them wanted to fight over who would bark orders, he'd leave it to them. He pushed himself into high-gear.
He ran past Oracle, making sure to grab a piece of metal from the ground, hastily and quite poorly writing a message on the wall in front of her - he was moving too fast for the sound of his words to be heard and he couldn't touch her without hurting her. Message read
"GtG Lab, 4 Meds. Don't DIE" carved into the corridor of the lab.

Inside of the lab he tore through the trash of all 28 employees even clearing out the utility closet in a few minutes, finding the meds inside of the furthest reaches of Polaris' desk, next to which he found a metal bracelet with it's electronics exposed. When the ginger-haired Flash had caught him in Gotham, Rufus had been forced to wear something like this. It made him slow.

"Inhibitor bracelet... Was the doctor working on this for himself or someone else?" He quickly covered the electronics and prayed that the Jekyll part of Polaris had been working against his Hyde-alter-ego.

He bolted, meds in one hand, collar in the other. But he felt his tank running empty. He was starting to run empty. But Shattercrash was coming in any moment and if they were lucky she'd just kill the professor. Rufus knew there were another way. Once again, a sonicboom rocked the lab where the battle took place, leaving another carving behind next to his teammates.

SAVE HIM. the crude carving in the floor demanded. The bottle of pills were left next to the message. The upper sections of the roof were getting torn apart by the teenage blur, letting his limits go and moving faster than what was safe around people, heading towards the hole where Shattercrash had left. Carrying all of the momentum of Mach 4 behind him, he leapt out of the hole, a blue streak heading towards the purple comet. Inhibitor bracelet in hand, he could only hope that he could fit it on the Kinetic Crisis's arm before he passed out, but he felt his head getting every lighter as they neared collision.

As he could see the face of his teammate coming at him with the full intent of tearing the magnetic maniac a new one, a thought hit him.
How the hell was he gonna survive this?
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