Avatar of PatientBean


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14 days ago
Current 2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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16 days ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
27 days ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)
1 mo ago
Ummm I'm gay so I listen and I DEFINITELY judge
2 mos ago
Happy Christmas everyone!


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by PatientBean>

Discord really did kill OOCs for good, huh.

I'm just tired of seeing my notifications say someone posted in PRCU only to have it be a constant back and forth between y'all when there is a Discord server you could be doing that in.
There's a perfectly good Discord server where these 'hilarious' back and forth gif wars could be occurring
Color me interested

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.66: Doing It Right This Time

Interaction(s): Banjo @Hound55, Makenna @Tackytaff
Previously: I Told You so

It could have gone better. She could admit that much.

Soon, almost everyone was joining the fray. This all could have been avoided had Banjo not insisted on going to socialize with others. Though in his defense, he was met with resistance for no reason. And then everyone else came up to diffuse the situation or make things better and it reminded her of home.

No, not the picture-perfect home they showed for cameras. The real one. Her parents arguing. Her brother locked up in his room pretending he was someone else's child. And her, alone. Always alone.

And to come here with no expectations of being a part of any team or forging connections, she decided to give it a try and the one person she found was tolerable and cool was seemingly doing all he could to not be with her. Did he hate her?

Trace's words could have bothered her had Banjo not intervened. Even if it was tame compared to the lashing he gave Inigo. Calli got the sense he was holding back. Was it for his benefit? Trace's? Either way, Banjo seemed to have noticed someone else in need of some cheering up as he made his way over to the lone girl. Calliope hadn't noticed her. Though in her defense, Calli didn't really pay much attention to the others. Calliope left them to get it sorted as she followed Banjo. The girl had noticed them. And then promptly spilled her guts all over.

Before Calli could run up to check on the girl, Tad and another person named Jessica had made their way over, checking on her, tasking Banjo and her to let the others know about dinner. Calli had a feeling it was a way of getting them back to the others and not doing any more damage to the girl, despite not saying or doing anything. Though Calli was sure she heard the argument and Banjo's raised voice. She was probably worried Banjo was about to lay into her.

Calli sidled up to Banjo and laced her hand in his. As they got to the others, Calli called over to Mackenna. "Tad said to let you know that there are three types of kababs. One with chicken and one with veggie, but do not eat the ones with red peppers though as that is beef."

Before she knew it, Tad was back over to them. Chewing them out for how they were acting and letting them know about tomorrow. Calli was surprised. A team swap? She was sure this was the team she would be stuck with. Hadn't she thought before about that possibility? Of being able to be with a new team? At this point, did she want to? Did Banjo? She wondered who, if any of them, would leave. Wasn't this supposed to be about team-building? Granted, they didn't do a fine job of that thus far, but surely some time together had established something?

Calliope enjoyed storms, but even then, she wasn't thrilled about being caught up in one. Even with a tent as nice as the one provided. "So, what are everyone's thoughts on this team swap? I'll be the first to admit I had considered that possibility back at the campus. Now, I don't know. Hard to say if I think this team will flop or not on day 1. We didn't get off on the right foot, so maybe we can try to fix that now? I'm Calliope. My power is ice manipulation." She opened the floor to others.

Was she fighting for them to stick around? Or was this an attempt to solidify whoever wanted to leave?
Sabine Bassard

Location: Mailroom
Skills: Super Cool Sword Skills
First Day Fit

Sabine let the sword rest in her hand, unsure as to how to proceed. On the one hand, she was just given a gift by her mother, who was supposed to be dead, opening up all sorts of wounds and leaving lots of questions unanswered. Did her father know? Was her mother okay?

On the other hand, she just got a fricken cool sword!

Sabine moved the sword around, comfortable in the mail room alone with Mai. "Well, at least this isn't like a typical American high school where this would be immediately confiscated. Hell, half the student body walks around with weapons and some can blow things up with a wave of their hand. Though, how I got it leaves me..."

Before Sabine could finish that thought, she had been playing around with the sword when she felt, something. Almost like the sword was calling out to her to tell her 'hey dude, I got some awesome things to show you'. Sure enough, when Sabine unleashed what she felt, a force field appeared around her. The force field pushed some papers and other office supplies around them, but otherwise caused no other damage. Mai, who would have been within the realm, would also be protected by the force field.

"Holy crap! Okay, wow, that happened!" Sabine shut the field off before sheathing the sword along her hip. It looked more badass that way.

"Well, that's a thing I know have. Shall we head back to the birthday boy and the others and see what's next for the rest of the day?" Despite her approval of the sword, in the back of her mind, Agatha's fortune replayed itself. Dealing with the past. The gift from her mom. It had to be connected.

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.59: I Told You so

Interaction(s): Banjo @Hound55, Iñigo @Mao Mao, Haleigh @Kuro, Rory @webboysurf
Previously: Kumbaya

Calliope stood there.

It was interesting, what occurred in those few minutes since they walked over. Not all of it was bad. Haleigh, the girl in the wheelchair, was a real sweetheart. Everything else slowly turned to shit as Iñigo ignored her and looked over to Banjo and proceeded to then ignore him, adding insult to injury. Banjo, unsurprisingly, rose up and laid into Iñigo.

This was also on top of one of their own literally shooting into the sky, though that was the least of her concerns at this point.

And then as if the situation wasn't bad enough, wonderboy decided to mosey on over and tell Banjo to calm down! As if inserting yourself into an argument that had very little to do with you wasn't annoying enough, he then only pointed out that what Banjo did was wrong. And if Calliope was being honest, Iñigo was the bigger dick in this situation.

"With all due respect, you know very little about the situation so maybe just focus on your football throwing and let the grown-ups have a discourse," she said to Rory. "As for you," she addressed Iñigo, "I came over here offering help and you didn't even acknowledge me, let alone how rude you treated Banjo, who also only offered help. A simple 'no we have it' would have sufficed, but as you clearly didn't even know about the lever I'll wait for a 'thank you Banjo' instead. We're supposed to be a team and bonding and stuff and I'll be the first to admit I cringed at that aspect, but at least I am trying. Banjo was trying too, and you essentially spat in his face."

Calliope took a beat to calm down before she went on, acknowledging Haleigh now, "Sorry, Haleigh. I agree that this should not be how things are handled. God, can you even imagine us at this point working as a team if this is how we act with each other on day 1? Sorry, Rory, about my grown-up comment. You meant well."

She walked over to Banjo, putting her hand on his in an attempt to get him to calm down. "You were right to suggest talking to the others. This was a misstep. That's all."
The fuck is Arena RP?

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
The Homecoming Trials #1.48: Kumbaya

Interaction(s): Banjo, Iñigo, Haleigh
Previously: Opening Up

You might as well have told Calliope you planned on shooting her dog and throwing its lifeless corpse into a pit by the look on her face. She was actually enjoying a conversation with someone at this school, and someone a part of her team, and had made multiple attempts to show she was interested in having some fun later and his suggestion was to go talk to the others.

Men really were clueless.

Calli sighed and resigned herself to this. Hell, Banjo was more enjoyable than she thought, maybe the others were too. Calli glanced around to check. She wanted to avoid the football dudes as much as possible. She would rather freeze her own tongue and rip it out than play any sport, especially football. Her eyes caught on the girl in the wheelchair. It seemed she managed to get someone to help her. At least she wouldn't be staying in an actual tent and roughing it. She couldn't imagine what that would have looked like with her condition.

And that's when Calliope chastised herself. Wasn't this ableism? Assuming that the girl couldn't handle actual camping just because she had a wheelchair?

Deciding then and there that out of all the others, those two were probably her best bet, Calli walked over to them, assuming Banjo would follow close behind. "Hey, do you need any more help? We got our tent up and figured we would come and check on everyone else. You know, get this whole bonding thing started. I'm Calliope, by the way." She said this to no one in particular, hoping one of them would speak up to her or at least tell her to fuck off.

The other person there was of some interest too, though she couldn't vocalize why. Perhaps Banjo knew? Or would say something, probably put his foot in his mouth.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: ???
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

It seemed that most of them were fans looking around. What, were they expected to just sit here and wait for whoever had taken them to do whatever they intended to do? If what the others were saying was true, they all won their respective fights and, as some gross example of an award, was dragged here. "So we all won our fights and were taken here. I don't know about all of you, but I don't consider this a reward for a job well done. Whatever they have planned here, I am not waiting around to find out. Another reason to get up and look around. We have powers and can fight, as evidenced by our victories, so may as well use them."

Perry got the sense there was some unspoken tension surrounding some of the others. This was not the time and place to hash that out though. Perry got up to follow Bethany when he door opened and out came an incredibly handsome man. Like, it had to be a crime to be this good-looking. Maybe that was why he was locked up? Pull it together Perry!

Mary acknowledged the man as a SHIELD agent. Another person who was attacked. "Great! The more, the merrier. Let's get going!" Perry followed Mary, who opened the door to a hallway. She stuck close to Flynn (for obvious reasons).
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