Avatar of PatientBean


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current 2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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13 days ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
25 days ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)
29 days ago
Ummm I'm gay so I listen and I DEFINITELY judge
2 mos ago
Happy Christmas everyone!


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cursing/Hex Magic
Spells: Storm's Chosen

Prudence waved off the old woman, not that she would see. It mattered little in the moment, but she was one to be feared by all. Lowly demons or not. Above her, a demon had attempted to fly at her and exploded. She felt the heat on her skin. She also noticed an intense, burning pain inside her mouth. It was a similar sensation when she drank from the cup. Painful, yes, but not all-together unpleasant. After all, to do what she do she accepted a certain amount of pain. If only to send it beck tenfold.

Speaking of such, she had paid little attention to anything other than the demons, who had been attacked by someone. Prudence noted it hadn't come from Ed or Runa. She heard the voice call out and saw yet another man had entered the fray. Joyous day, another male. Prudence fought an eye roll as Ed called out to him. "Either help with the fight or get out of the way." With that, she summoned her storm again.

This time, the storm cloud was huge. Enough to engulf a swarm of the devils. And in doing so, the cloud crackled and rumbled, almost shaking. It crackled with energy and, soon, it shattered and shocked, ending the lives of 30 demons. Prudence felt pleasure seeing their corpses. "If they do not fear me now, I will ensure they fear me by the end."
Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Well this was interesting.

Danni and Dorian managed to finish their run only for their bomb to blow up with them in the cross-fire. Sabine knew already the bombs were real but she didn't think too much of it except for being slightly annoyed, but she knew from her poking around in Nemo's brain. Seeing Danni's sad face enraged her and knowing it was partially Nemo's fault lit a fire in her. But what had cooled it off was the understanding of maybe why Nemo did what he did.

After all, inside the school they may be safe, but stepping outside as potential heroes meant they would be dealing with those who had no qualms about killing others, even children. Hell, the next bomb they deal with might actually be another real bomb and there will be no Nemo or Firestar there to protect them. A harsh lesson, but necessary.

Still, Danni and Dorian were nearly killed and that couldn't fly. "I get why C4 was used, but it nearly killed them! And us, for that matter. Even though I ensured Percy had all the skills necessary to defuse the bomb, it still went off. I have respect for you but the minute you put any of us in danger like that again, lesson or not, I will melt your brain to mush!"

Still, their team was not at its best. Danni and Dorian had abandoned Zelda, though Sabine was sure Zelda was partially, if not fully, to blame, she and Percy hadn't meshed and, even in the moments they had, there was still unspoken tension. If they had any hope of doing this, they needed to put their shit aside.

"This is going to be rich coming from me, but we suck. We are supposed to be a team and we aren't acting like it. There's too much unspoken nonsense going on. We all need to step it up if we have any hope of winning this thing. I wanted you all to work together for the same reason I put me with Percy. We don't know each other outside of our friends group but that's not going to apply when we leave here. We can't just up and abandon our teammates because of anxiety or because they said something mean that one time. That would make us no different than the enemies we are fighting against. We all have stuff we need to work on. I have stuff I need to work on. If I am willing to put differences aside and work with you all, I hope you extend me the same courtesy."

With that, she walked over to Danni, offering her hand. "Come on Danni, let's get you to that shower."

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cursing/Hex Magic
Spells: Storm's Chosen, Infestation, Vixen's Pain

Prudence was thankful, to some extent though she would not admit it, that her unlikely allies had fought alongside her. The man had managed to provide an...adequate shield to protect them while the old woman unleashed hellfire worthy of the Devil himself. Granted, it seemed she could not aim as the fire rained down on the demons and them. The only thing protecting them was the shield and even that soon fell.

It seemed Prudence needed to continue to take matters in her own hands. She was the Devil's vessel, after all.

She eyed one of the demons near her and cursed it with bugs. Soon, the demon felt cockroaches crawling around his skin, infesting him. To her dismay, this seemed to pester him very little. "Tis not for entertainment, demon. If thou wishes, I can make it worse." She called upon the storm again and shot out a lightning strike, hitting that same demon and stunning it.

Not one to just let it lay there, Prudence quickly went after another demon, sending out another curse. This time, the demon elt pustules on its skin. Though Prudence made sure her mark was felt. The painful boils would be seen on the demon's genitalia. Prudence smirked, knowing full well that even a demon would feel that. "I suggest thou leave demon, less you are reckoned with forces beyond comprehension. Or does more fire and brimstone sound welcome?"
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

LOCATION: Recreation Room

Brooklyn finally had her answer as Bulk responded to her only to make her feel like a jerk. In her defense, she liked dogs but didn't want to own one and dude here had major Golden Retriever vibes. "You're right, I don't scare easily. In fact, had you come up behind me I woulda popped you one. You seem tough, but I guarantee I am tougher. Bigger dudes than you have tried to mess with me and now they drink their steak through a straw like it's a Yoohoo."

To signify this, she cracked her knuckles. "Thanks. Special ordered and customized to my likes." Brooklyn realized the conversation was growing stagnant. She rolled her eyes. She supposed she should get to know the guy after he made his way over like a kicked puppy. "Name's Brooklyn. So Brian, what's there to do around here, seeing as it looks like I'll be spending more time over here than I thought? Don't get me wrong, soon as I am able to I am breaking out of this joint. But I figure I may as well have some fun before I bring it all down to rubble."

Brooklyn took another glance at the room, seeing if there were cameras or guards or just anyone she felt would get in her way if she tried. She was with others like her so she would have to reconcile with that fact. She hadn't met someone she couldn't take down, though that didn't mean they didn't exist.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Enhanced Empathy/Mediumship
Fit Of The Day

Perry nodded at Flynn as he pushed over the alien she had helped freeze, sending it to the ground in shatters. "Nice teamwork! I set them up, you knock them down! Especially since the last time I tried I nearly broke my foot." She was keenly aware that everyone was seeing her spirits now. Flynn thought it was cool, at least. "Yeah so, everyone, aside from the alien ghosties, we have my two buds! Detective Ed who can freeze things and Barry the super security guard who can taze. They've been accommodating so far!"

Detective Ed didn't react but Barry waved. Perry looked over at Fabian and tried to get a sense of him. Was he telling the truth? She couldn't be 100% sure, but he seemed to be truthful this time, which was annoying. At least she got to punch him.

She attempted to see if other friendly spirits were nearby but to no avail. Detective Ed decided to take matters into his own incorporeal hands and froze another alien. "Nice! Knock it over Flynn!" This was just in time for the explosion to rock them about. "Explosions aren't super great on a good day. I suggest we wrap this up quickly and get out of here before other things blow up."

Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Sabine went into the locker room and retrieved a fresh uniform before she turned the shower on and got in. As the water ran down her, her mind wandered. She couldn't help but think back to the fortune she received. She hated that it rattled her so much. And on top of that she was part of a team that, if she were being honest, she would not have picked. Danni was her golden boy, that went without saying. Dorian was good in her book from before until his little possession stint. Percy turned out to be okay in small doses. And she didn't know Zelda at all.

Not an ideal situation.

Ater finishing her shower, she dried off and got changed before coming out to the training room again. She noticed Firestar there and the big bear dude. What was his name? But she also noticed Zelda. Last time she checked, Zelda was supposed to be with Danni and Dorian in the obstacle course. "Did Dorian and Danni kick you off the team? Seems rather rude of them. I put you lot together for a reason. If we are going to be a team, we need to work together with people we might not get along with. I'll speak to them when they manage to finish." She didn't believe they kicked her off and fully expected Zelda to have just ditched them, but she wouldn't say that outright in front of Nemo or Firestar.

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cursing/Hex Magic
Spells: Storm's Chosen

It seemed they would not go quietly into the good night as they attempted to leave, only to be bombarded with a slew of dark creatures, all calling for the death of the sorcerer's supreme. Prudence didn't have to guess who they meant by that. "Twould be a waste of time to fight us, demons." They did not listen, however, and sent fire at them only to miss.

Runa did not seem worried. Prudence wondered what the old woman had tucked up her cloaked sleeve. Prudence waved her hand around, calling forth a storm cloud. It appeared above them as light crackled inside it. "A storm comes!" she called, sending lightning hurtling at their foes.

One strike missed its mark, but the other two did not. One strike hit the demon and obliterated it while the other was hit and stood still, stunned from the shock. These seemed to be easy foes, but even a swarm of lesser demons could still be dangerous.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Mediumship
Fit Of The Day

Perry didn't want to hear another word from the smarmy douchebag but before she could eviscerate him on an intellectual level, he zapped both her and Mary with some ray of light. She didn't need some Care Bear "magic is love" bull. Still, after she was hit she felt....better. Lighter? "Hey man, consent is important, even healing someone."

As she walked forward, she felt something...off. It felt like she was using her powers, but not really. She looked around her and, suddenly, spirits started to form. She hadn't expected to find any spirits on this asteroid but what she saw really stunned her. Materializing, the spirits formed into gray aliens. Straight out of a science fiction movie. What was even more bizarre (for everyone else) is that they would see them too. Almost like her powers seeped into the environment. To make matters even more interesting, everyone would also see Detective Ed and Barry.

Before she could say anything, the alien spirits got antsy and began to attack. "Oh fuck this!" Perry turned to fac Cortzez and decked him across the face. "That's for causing whatever the hell this is!" Barry attempted to shock one of the aliens, but it only stunned the one and barely registered. Detective Ed freezed another, but could only do so temporarily. Perry then, trying to look badass, kicked the iced alien, only to send it wobbling a bit, but otherwise standing. She hopped on one foot, "Mother fu-, god dang it! So, alien spirits are here and are not happy! Any ideas?
Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Sabine felt fine. She didn't cheat. The whole point of this exercise was to get through the training course with your partner and make it to the end. To that effect, they had won. They would have been done if Dorian had not stepped in to throw them nearly to the front again. Far as she could tell, she ensured that fact.

Percy didn't seem all that jazzed about their win. Perhaps it was because he was made a fool of, again, by the same boy. "For what it's worth, we wouldn't have won without you. The first two obstacles were all you and we only got through the last two because I needed your help. So take the win and enjoy the pizza. And shower, because the next time you blow chunks all over me, possessed or not, I will end you."

She made her way over to Nemo, unsure what the others were doing. Since Dorian flew off, she assumed he was going back to the others to finish the race. "Shower sounds good. Going to take a quick one and change. Should be back out when they finally finish." With that, she made her way to the showers to change into a clean uniform and wash Percy's bile off of her.

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Prudence would have normally balked at being chastised by her Lord, like a small child being scolded by her parents for taking an extra sweet. Instead, she felt invigorated. The power dynamics between the two of them were always one-sided. She relied on him and he, in turn, provided for her. Now, after drinking the contents of the cup and feeling the surge of power inside of her, she felt like she was in control.

"I assumed as much. I do not doubt that I am more in tune than they. Darkness consumes light. Tis the natural order." She glanced around. "Yet, I was summoned here by some force. I felt like you could not come here willingly. I drank the cup, I felt the power, I stand before you now purely because I chose it. My Lord, you will forever hold a place in my heart for granting me the power to crush my enemies and bring to you what you richly deserve," Prudence gave a pause. She was relishing this. "But I believe I shall call on you from now on. Until as needed, my Lord. I shall be referred to as My Queen." With that, Prudence broke the trance she was in, coming back to the others.

She looked around, seeing the new person among them. "Apologies, tis unknown to be what just occurred. I see we have a new member among this unwilling group. Shall we be off elsewhere then?
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