Avatar of PatientBean


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Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
21 days ago
It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
2 mos ago
2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Do I bring Calliope back for this or nah?

Location: New York City, Verity's Office
Skills: N/A

After responding to a few blah emails, one got her interest. She had been waiting for it for a while now. An exclusive interview with her. She had done interviews before, of course. When her show first started gaining traction, she and her co-stars were invited to do press interviews and late-night talk shows. After a few seasons, the well dried up for interviews.

That is until she took charge.

The divorce was popular. It swelled interest in her and her show again. This time, she was seen in two lights. There were those that saw her as a manipulative cutthroat who didn't love her husband and was probably cheating. The others were staunch supporters praising her for getting out of a toxic relationship that was bordering on abusive. The reality was, both sides were correct in different ways.

She quickly sent off a response, agreeing to the interview and setting up a good day and time. She would have Trudy do some research on them before the meeting so she knew what to say and do and how to look. Part of the battle was always knowing beforehand the types of questions they would ask. Were they truly interested in a businesswoman making it on her own or did they want to stir the drama pot a bit?

Either way, if they messed with her, they were dead.

Prudence Knight

Location: The Sanctum Sanctorum
Skills: Knowledge (Religion)
Spells: N/A

As the rest went to deal with the veil and Ananym, Prudence stayed behind with Runa, Klara, and Annika. Runa seemed to be willing to listen, though she continued to not choose for herself, instead offering up a challenge. Prudence didn't want to take it for herself, she wanted Runa to decide on her own terms if she would help or watch the world burn.

Prudence took the horn and began to drink. It tasted like salt water. Due to her new vampiric nature, she did not need to breathe and could continue to drink, though it appeared endless.

Prudence was reminded of a tale she heard when she was younger. A myth about Thor and his attempt to outperform the giants. The giants gave him impossible tasks and it seemed Runa was attempting the same. But surely there was more to it?

"It seems I cannot do it. Child, do you know about the myth of this horn and how to overcome it?" she asked Klara. Or perhaps Annika knew how to, though Prudence doubted it. Either way, she could not figure it out.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Cafeteria
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: N/A

As Sabine looked into the wolf's eyes, she could have sworn it looked happy. Perhaps that was her own mind playing tricks on her. After all, she knew better than anyone how memory plays tricks on people.

Could she really blame Leah? Someone she cared about was threatened, nearly torn apart, of course she would do all she could to stop him. Even at the behest of her own girlfriend. Marrok was pierced with the sword in front of Sabine's eyes. A few blinks and he disappeared in a puff of smoke, her no longer being held in his arms or him in hers. Once it settled, the maze shifted and they were back on the dance floor at the Halloween Party. But this was no longer a party. It was a murder scene. But who was the murderer? Leah for slaying the beast? Nimue for setting it all up? Or her for allowing it all to transpire anyway.

Nemo had it right. There would be no heroes today.

Sabine felt intense guilt wrack her heart. She held her wrist and rubbed her thumb against it, was she trying to feel pain? She felt sick. She could hear Leah's voice but she couldn't make out the words. Was Sabine angry with Leah? In a way, yes. Danni disappointed her. Dorian disappointed her. And now Leah. Were they correct? Possibly. That didn't mask the harm done.

Sabine wiped the tears forming in her eyes as her gaze drifted down to the werewolf carcass beneath them. She shook her head. No she was not all right, but now was not the time.

"Let's just go check in on April." Sabine turned and headed for the exit, whether or not Leah followed her. She would have to suck it up for April's sake. But she knew as soon as she was alone, the hurt would manifest and consume her.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry smiled at Neil, who was trying to make her feel better. It didn't stop the anxiety from creeping up, both at her inability to due much and the looming time clock on the asteroid blowing up, but it was still appreciated. Before she could respond, Pietro sped back in and warning them about the side-effects of being super-speeded. Perry attempted to brace herself, but once back in the hangar, she leaned over and almost lost it.

Taking some deep breaths, she made her way into the Blackbird. It would have to hold them all. What choice did they have? And Lance announced they were still missing three people. Perry bit her lip, wondering if she could do anything. She hated feeling like this, but it was up to Pietro to gather Mary and Jaclyn and then they had to get off of this rock. And travel through space back to Earth.

Prudence Knight

Location: The Sanctum Sanctorum
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Prudence could feel her words had impacted Runa. Whether or not the woman believed her remained unknown. But even the young child had done her part and prevented Jack from doing any harm to Runa again. Prudence chuckled lightly. "A useful skill child. Keep him in check." It wasn't a command so much as it was a hope that she would continue to aid Runa on this side.

Jack was correct though, a choice had to be made.

"I know not what goes on in your mind and heart Runa, so I cannot make that choice for you. I merely suggest that what you believe is the only action you can take may not be the correct one because someone else told you. Someone else that, perhaps, relies on you to see it through. If they need you, you have power and control. If you decide not to help or to destroy the veil, let it be your own choice. Whatever action you take, I will aid."

Location: New York City, Boardroom -> Verity's Office
Skills: N/A

With the meeting being done, Verity met Trudy in the hall as she handed her a stack of documents. Truly, Trudy was the main character. "Literally would die without you Trudes. I'll get it squared away in my office. And thanks for the car fix." Her mind flashed back to the accident and the man on the bike. Probably some schmo not worth the headache she continued to nurse.

After bidding Trudy farewell, Verity made it inside her office, tossing the stacks of paper on her desk. She'll sign them in a minute. She took a seat and closed her eyes. If it wasn't one thing it was another lately. Her phone chimed. She glanced and saw his name with a knife emoji next to it. What the hell did he want?

She ignored it and started signing the contracts. He probably wanted money. It was usually about money. Well he wouldn't get another dime off of her.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Cafeteria
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: Perception, Memory Manipulation

They descended into what looked like a maze. As if it wasn't bad enough, they would now have to find their way through. Leah seemed to feel the same way. As they walked, Sabine was about to offer her two cents before she felt a presence. Too late to notice it, Sabine was grabbed and held in feral claws as a beast gripped her. She struggled but could not break through.

Leah jumped into action quickly but did not manage to get her out. Sabine eyed her new enemy, gauging it. Though it was a werewolf, that did not mean it couldn't be manipulated. There was a mind in there. So Sabine closed her eyes and gritted through the pain as she entered the beast's mind palace.

when she opened her eyes, she saw red. It was like a blood miasma was covering the beast's thoughts. She could sense violence. Anger. She saw familiar faces pass by. Herself. Leah. April. Danni. Dorian. Each one came through to her, but each one was ripped. Violently blood-soaked. This was what the beast wanted. Everything she held dear, destroyed.

She got to work. She didn't want to put it down unless she had to. She attempted to replace the memories with positive ones. She got through a few of them, but it would take more effort.

So she put all she could into it. Memories of her loved ones. Leah, April, and herself becoming girlfriends. Danni's smile during the school fair. Dorian and her patching things up. The dance. The crowning. All hope-filled memories.

And it worked. She could feel the tension leave Marrok and his mind cleared. Gone was the red-fueled haze. But Marrok didn't seem to know what to do. It began to...cry? Sabine couldn't imagine a werewolf crying, but here it was. And then it hugged her. "Umm....there, there?" she said, patting Marrok's back.

"It's fine now Leah, don't hurt him. He's on our side now." Safe in the arms of their new friend, she tried to speak to him. "I hope you enjoy peace. Think you can help us shut this whole thing down, once and for all, and help more people?"

Prudence Knight

Location: The Sanctum Sanctorum
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Prudence let out a light titter of a laugh. Soon, it crescendoed into a full uproar. Truly this was remarkable. Is this what the future held for the people in her time? Jack did what Prudence thought he would and attacked Runa. But the old woman was more capable than perhaps Prudence gave her credit for as she manifested herself back again amongst the living.

It was evident Runa could not be swayed to their side, but that didn't leave the idiots she was paired with to plead with her anyway. And to use a child to do so? "Do you all truly not understand? She is not choosing herself over you, she is choosing a higher power. You will not sway her mind by pleading like beggars at her heel. Grovel if you must, but I will not kneel for anyone."

She walked over to Runa. "I think I understand, O wise crone. You have seen, or rather witnessed, death immaculate. I would offer pity if I felt pity would be received so all I can muster is understanding. My family was killed because we were different. Something as simple as flesh paved the road for monsters to take all I held dear. So I will not plead like these fools with us. All I will say is that I, too, have a master whom I owe a great deal. And it is upon this new mantle that I realize that I need him no longer. I can serve a master in myself. So do this for yourself. I will stand by you."
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