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@GreenGoat @Skyswimsky

Yuno getting rekt.

Anyway, note that while the Hounds moved first, having AP 9, the Zombies and the Soldiers moved at the same time as Yuno and Rosemary, having AP 8. This means that the Parts they destroy could still be used. Not that this matters right now since none of the destroyed Parts offer skills.

Dead Factory


Battle Map



Soldier (x5)


Hound A
Zombie (x4)



Hound B





Enemy Data


HOUND A (AP = 7)

HOUND B (AP = 7)




Yuno moved to slice some Zombies with her Lightsaber but missed.

Rosemary shot down two more Zombies. Their numbers thin and their threat reduced.

The Hounds make their move. The first Hound (A) attacked Yuno with its bared Saberteeth. The canine bit into Yuno's jaw, almost tearing it off, before the Doll could get the Hound off but the undead dog was not done and went for another strike, biting into her head.
[Attack Check: 10]
[Yuno's Jaw and Kung Fu parts have been damaged!]

The second Hound (B) ignored Yuno and went after Rosemary, moving to her area quite swiftly.

As the following was happening, Yuno and Rosemary were moving too.

The Soldiers finally take their aims and opened fire. The bullets from their Simultaneous Fire hit Yuno right in the head, destroying what's left of the area while some bullets hit her body.
[Attack Check: 10]
[Yuno's Brain and one Entrails parts have been damaged!]

The Zombies swarm around Yuno and swung their claws. Yuno could not move to avoid them but she can move enough to choose which part of her body would be hit.
[Attack Check: 6]
[Yuno can choose which one available Part of her will be damaged.]

"They're tearing her apart!" Greene cried in horror. He took aim at the second Hound (B) and fires his sniper rifle. The shot missed. "Damn it!"
[Attack Check: 2]

Rosemary's current AP is 10 and Yuno and the Goliath, who also used to have 10 AP, have already moved.
Waiting on @GreenGoat to move again.

Yeah, it's preferable not to wait for other people to post unless necessary 'cause... you never know, you know?
Hey gaiz, I'm a little busy this week and the posts came a bit late so I won't be able to post an update. Will at least allow @Rune_Alchemist to post.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey gaiz, I'm a little busy this week and the posts came a bit late so I won't be able to post an update. Will at least allow the others to post.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
@Weird Tales

Well yes, but no.

There are notable differences between Monster Girl Encyclopedia and Monster Girl Quest despite heavy similarities. I recommend reading up a bit on MGE to see these differences for yourself.


To answer your question though, it's 'sometimes' and 'not necessarily a Hero'.

Yes, that is all correct.


Also, it's Rosemary's turn again. Or rather, I made another mistake. Since Rosemary's AP was 10, she should have made a move along with Yuno and the Goliath. So yeah, she can move again.

Oops, I forgot that Yuno's Eyes part is already damaged so she only has 10 Max Action Points now like the Goliath.

It's just a minor change since all the Goliath's going to do is move to Limbo.
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