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And now it's on!

Also, don't forget that you can take Madness Points to reroll checks.

Dead Factory


Battle Map



Soldier (x5)


Hound A
Hound B
Zombie (x6)







Enemy Data


HOUND A (AP = 9)

HOUND B (AP = 9)




Rosemary shot down four of the zombies in the mob. Yuno and the Goliath would be the next to move.

The Goliath moved closer to the Dolls. Its Long Legs gave it more area to cover, moving to the same area as Yuno now.

Dead Factory


Before Yuno and Rosemary could agree to a course of action, the factor's alarms blared. "That can't be good." Greene remarked.

The growling of hounds were heard as well as the shuffling of steps. A mob of regular zombies appeared and with them were two fierce undead dogs, their teeth bared against the intruders. Another group of zombies appeared but they were armed with guns and wore security uniforms. And last but not least, one of the Goliaths in the operating tables teared off its restraints and went to join the opposing force. "Are guns even gonna work against that thing?!" Greene panicked as he took his position.

Yuno and Rosemary's choices were made for them, they must fight.


Battle Map




Soldier (x5)


Hound A
Hound B
Zombie (x10)







Enemy Data

GOLIATH (Max AP = 10)

HOUND A (Max AP = 9)

HOUND B (Max AP = 9)

ZOMBIES (Max AP = 8)



Rosemary was the quickest among all the combatants, so she moves first.

Notes: Single Session, Test Run, 1 Companion


@GreenGoat - Rosemary

@Skyswimsky - Yuno


Notes: Complete escape from the Factory

Karmas Achieved


Dead Factory

"Yeah, let's just get out of here. Do you know of anyone else in this facility, Greene? There were voices, earlier. And here."

"Err, no. I just got here not too long ago." Greene took the journal from Yuno and gave it a quick skim. "Damn. But hey, this must be several hundred years old. These Goliath thingies must be long gone now, right?" The human speculated optimistically. "You know, I find it weird we've stuck this long and I haven't gotten your names."

The trio left the Factory Manager room and back into the corridor. With all available areas explored, the party moved forward to the metal door at the end of the corridor. Yuno and Rosemary did not need much effort pushing it open. The area beyond was a dark factory covered with high ceilings. There was a speaker there with shouting and commanding voices flowing out, the source of the commanding voices heard from the corridor. The sounds of countless work machines were also heard.

This was the undead weapons manufacturing factory. Numerous people are working and assembling something huge. The working people looked terrible. Their bodies were rotting, most of their hair had fallen off and work clothes worn out. They were Zombies. They were working on what looked like a giant human that was obviously being assembled. This was likely the corpse giant 'Goliath' from the journal, still being assembled and created after all this time.


The scene before Yuno reminded her of something. Her past as an unwitting research subject for a Necromancer was given clarity. The scene was not an exact replica of the experiment but the tools, the tables, the lights, the Zombies assistants were all there. The now clear memory may have brought old pain for Yuno but it also brought forth a new one. A new memory from her past.

[Yuno has gained a Memory Fragment. Roll or select one from the tables]


[Roll a Madness Check. Since both characters are forewarned, add +2 to the roll.]

"Okay, I guess I was wrong. They're still making 'em." Greene was a bit perturbed by the sight. "What do we do, girls?"

No, no. It's a regular interrogation.

It's a fail. 5 below is a fail and 6 above is a success.
Recruiting Forde Briar
~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

As soon as Titanica showed herself in her towering, bestial form, the knights panicked and hurriedly fled with their important belongings, leaving behind their tents and the campfire. "It's a Dragon! Run for your lives!" Some mounted their horses while others simply fled with the armor on their backs. Not one ounce of resistance was shown.

Once the coast was clear, Forde emerged from the hiding spot. "Good job gettin' rid of them clowns." He congratulated Titanica. "Now keep an eye out in case they get back. Let me find Mordus in one of these tents." He told the monster girls as he inspected the tents.

"What? You're just gonna leave us here?" The Siren spoke up.

"There's a campfire to keep yourselves warm."

"Ugh!" Haley gave up as she approached the still burning campfire to warm herself. "Oh uhh, thanks Vară. For keeping both of us warm. Do you think you can make this fire burn hotter?"

"Ah! There you are, Mordus! You little--" Forde could be heard in one of the tents along with some minor scuffling. Haley paid a bit of attention before returning to warming her feathers in the campfire.

The interrogation took longer than expected and the monster girls were likely getting bored. Haley certainly was. She inhaled and a smirk appeared on her face. "You know, girls." She began, attempting to draw Vară and Titanica's attention. "We monsters have this ability... to smell- sense the energy of others. Other monsters, men, especially men." Haley stifled a chuckle. "That lets us know that we have... partners." The chuckle finally got out.

Haley's eyes turned to Vară and Titanica. They were playful as was the smile that was her mouth. "I'll admit though, some monsters are better at this than others."

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

The Altissima sisters dug the hole as their temporary shelter were blasted to smithereens by the hostile birds. The hole was soon big enough to fit the Liliraune and Morgan with a stone slab for a roof. The angle of the new shelter made it difficult for the birds to hit it reliably.

However, the sounds of exploding birds could still be heard above the hole. They were relentless in their assault and may soon find a way to breach the hole. But with this brief moment of reprieve, perhaps Morgan and the Altissima sisters could now devise a plan to escape this predicament unharmed.

Unharmed as far as hallucinations went.

Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (YNG)~

"No, we're just wanderers and passer-by. But after seeing the state of what Varjo did to others while coming here, I think we should do something to help the people."
Yang Bethlehem

"Ahhhh, I find that hard to believe, ate. That you two are mere travelers, ignorant of the land that is Varjo." Felipe was skeptical of Yang's claim but then he shrugged. "Normally we would have you captured since you might be enemy spies but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. We shall see if your words are true, ate."

A waiter approached and wiped the table clean. "Bring us some ale." Felipe ordered.

"The Varjans have seized the poor Sonarrans by the throat... and trying to destroy our way of life." Felipe began. "The people are scared, confused. Some of the Sonarrans think of joining Varjo since they have no hope for the town." He then firmly declared. "We must show them that Varjo is not invincible. That Sonarra can be free from its reign of terror!"

"We've received word that there is a small contingent of Varjan troops heading to the garrison to reinforce it." The waiter from earlier came back with two mugs of strong ale. "We must not let it be. We must show that the Varjans can be broken and that the Sonarrans are strong." Felipe then grabbed a mug and raised it towards you, inviting you to toast.

"Ano ang masasabi ninyo? Are you two with us?"

Laying The Foundations 3

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. You are much more attractive than I thought you would be."
John Clark

"Oh? What did you think I would look like?" Talia teased. "A hulking monstrosity twenty feet tall? A fat and ugly being with a horrible one eye?" The Cyclops giggled before resuming.

"Anyway, I believe Neil was talking with Nephele. She's a Dragon and a member here. However... she told us she would be leaving for personal reasons." Talia sighed. "Must be why Neil's upset. Those two were close." The Cyclops said wistfully.

Would you mind showing me where you plan to build the barn? I literally just got here and have no idea where I'm going.
John Clark

"Next to the fenced in field, behind the guild." Talia gestured with her thumb. "Come, I'll show you."

The Cyclops led you outside and to the grassy fields behind the main guild building. There, you found a decently-sized field surrounded by poor but workable fences. Within the fenced area were two brown horses lazing about under the sun. "I want to build the barn next to the fence. Well, into the fence so things would be more convenient. What do you think?"

"I have no illusion that we're gonna do this in one day. And I'm not gonna make you keep helping me until the barn is completed so if you want to do another request the next day, it's alright."

~@13org, @Restalaan (DIT), @AzureKnight (NAG)~

(@13org will be GMing this quest)

Alrighty then. Also, roll a Madness Check once Rosemary reveals to Yuno about the journal.
Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

Annabelle managed to block your aerial attack with the weight but, surprisingly, did not retaliate. You heard her weapon clang to the ground and you then see her lunge at you, grabbing your crystal shield and used her superior strength to wrest it from you followed with a punch to your face.

She then swung your shield at you and you were sent crashing into some gym equipment. Before she could do anymore, Vitalion came with a sword thrust which Annabelle narrowly evaded. The Head Captain and the drug lady then duked out briefly with their weapons before Vitalion manged to disarm Annabelle from her stolen crstal shield and knock her to the ground.

Vitalion was about to deliver the final blow but Annabelle rose, sending a fist to the Head Captain's crotch. "Urgh!" Annabelle then rose up fully and delivered a sharp spinning kick to knock out the Head Captain.

Annabelle then picked up Vitalion's sword and prepared to finish the Head Captain off.

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS & ENI) ~~~

”Keith darling, it was fun while it lasted. Don’t take it personally, it’s all business. Well, mostly fun it I’m being honest.~ ❤️”

Keith, pinned to the ground by Hisana, made no attempt to resist. "Don't worry, hon. I'm not taking it personally. He might be though." The mercenary motioned to a bird flying high in the sky.

Enishi's bird made its move and ensnared Hisana in its trap, weighing Hisana down that she could barely do anything. Keith used this opportunity to get off and stand back up.

”Go ahead Hisana, make your move. I’ll run you through with my blade and freeze every artery in your damned body!”

"My hero~!" Keith swooned over Enishi. "And that's what you get for messing with the law, reddie! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." He then taunted the ensnared Hisana.

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

The sudden Dark Javelin surprised Varjan but he was quick enough to avoid it. Although by doing so, you were freed from his boot.

You rose to your feet. Barely, but you still had enough strength to keep even footing. Meanwhile, Varjan stood before you with nary a scratch on him. However, you saw his eyes darting to and fro, struggling to focus and keep themselves opened. His breathing became heavy and his form was getting weary. Varjan gritted his teeth as his senses began to buckle against the 'enhancers'.

"You talk big, Seleth." Varjan began, glaring at you with narrowed, tired eyes. "But I've yet to see you truly attack me. Show me what you've got."

Varjan went on the defensive by taunting you. It was clear to you that he was trying and recover strength and focus since the drugs' side effects were beginning to show themselves. Still, knowing Varjan he likely had a counterattack ready.

On The Way To Seraph Academy

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

”Regardless, I am grateful for your concern, Lutz. Please, put your mind at ease. Now then, I believe the final match of the tournament is today. Why don’t we ask mother and father if it’s alright to watch Seleth and Varjan duke it out, eh?”
Lisianthus von Zauberheim

You and Lutz were allowed to watch the Grand Finals of the tournament. Quite dismissively, though, as your father merely waved you off with a 'Do whatever you want'. However, you also noticed your father and mother eye Lutz who appeared to cower from their gazes. That could not mean anything good.

With that, you and your brother made way for the arena where the last battle of the Grand Academy Tournament would take place. On the way though, Lutz began. "Hey sis, ummm... Let's say, hypothetically, you were umm... you were no longer to inherit the crown." Your brother started with a very strange premise. "How would you, umm... take that?"

"Again, this is just being hypothetical. It-it doesn't mean anything... much."
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