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Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

Dead Factory

The contents of the journal were clerical written contents such as "Winning against war" in the first half and "We are developing progressing weapons smoothly." at the latter. It seemed that it was a huge undead weapon named "Goliath" that was developed at this factory. In the journal, when it was noted that the nuclear war had started, it lead to the last page. The contents of the last page were nothing short of disturbing.

A full nuclear war has occurred. Man's foolishness is difficult.
However, if we try to burn all the nuclear weapons and we have a
superior army we can grab our victory. From now on, we will spray
cyanide gas inside our factory and simultaneously do undead
processing with nanomachines. "Goliath is mass produced it will
continue to be. All of our management positions will self-judge
from this ahead of victory. Nanomachines will soon resurrect us. A
million years of victory for the motherland!

[Roll a Madness Check. Put a Madness point in a Fetter upon failure.]

You close the journal of revelation. The knowledge within burdened your sanity. Your gaze turned to Yuno and Greene. You have no idea how the human will react but you feel Yuno would react as you do. Still, it may be the right thing to do to tell her what lied within this factory so that you two may be prepared. And so begs the question, do you reveal to her the journal or hold your tongue for now?

Dead Factory

"I don't know."

You squinted at the dirt hard trying to identify it. Real hard. You did not know why you exerted this much effort at this trivial matter but you did. You squinted harder, ransacking your brain for information. But none came but you tried still until--


Your eyes left their sockets and landed on the dirty floor. "Oh jeez! Girl, you didn't have to try THAT hard." Greene reprimanded you as he gathered your eyes and gave them back to you. "Err, they're okay but... they got a little dirty." Your eyes were covered by the grime and Greene wiped some away. "Okay, pretty dirty. But you can still use 'em. Somewhat."

Greene helped you put your eyes back on. You could still see with them but not as clearly as before. Maybe you can find some suitable replacements in the future?

[Rolled a Critical Failure. Yuno's Eyes part is now damaged]

You pull open the drawer and found a curious object. Inside one of the drawers was a magazine or comic of sorts. It was clearly old but its cover and contents was still clear as day.

You gazed upon the cover which had a voluptuous, scantily-clad woman embraced from behind by a barely-clothed, quite handsome man. Browsing through the pornographic comic, you find that this had a fairly straightforward romantic story but then came the... good parts. The pair in the cover found themselves in a love hotel and they just simply lost each other to their bodies. It was carnal lust at its finest.

The scenes in the comic awakened something in you. Your memory fragment of lust was given clarity, you remembered clearly. Perhaps you really got around in the past, having different partners on different days. Or maybe you just had one partner and the two of you... enjoyed being together a lot. Or perhaps you never actually did the deed, merely longing for it while you reading dozens of comics like the one you were holding. Regardless, you remember more of your past now.

[Rosemary has gained a Memory Fragment. Roll or select one from the tables]

In the room there was an office desk, a sofa and a reception desk with a carpet on the floor. The walls were thick and the door completely blocked the factory noise. In the past, this place was probably a luxurious room wrapped in furniture but now the room is covered with dust and the carpet has a lot of crusty black dirt. Even the wallpaper got dirty and the hung was grubby. There was a thick daily journal on the desk that was soiled. Several pistols were on the floor.

Rosemary found a pornographic comic on the reception desk. Other than that, there was nothing else in the desk.

There was a daily journal on the office desk. The journal's writing was advanced and sophisticated. Yuno and Rosemary will need to remember difficult characters and words just to read the journal. Or, they could ask Greene to read it for them.
[Action Check to read journal may be attempted or request Greene to read it]
Guys, I don't think I can do this anymore and will probably end this after the tournament because of the following reasons.

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

The cudgel man was outmatched. You easily took him down with a quick thrust to his gut. Meanwhile, Vitalion had finished off the last of the criminals without effort. He was Head Captain indeed. "Come, Beastkin. Let us finish this once and for all."

Vitalion lead you upstairs where the rest of the criminals had fled. The sight that greeted you was one of carnage, gym equipment were all over the floor with several bodies joining them. Standing in the middle was the woman whom you saw earlier, her dress covered with blood. On the other side, however, was several of the city guards. The woman was surrounded and she had no allies left. "Damn you! Damn you all!" She shrieked before taking out a vial with thick, glowing liquid inside and gulping down the contents.

She breathed in and out and began taking off her dress. Her breathes began to sound like growls as she stripped down to a black tank top and a pair of lengthy but tight shorts. "That must be Annabelle Orlov. The mastermind Keith was talking about." Vitalion said. "I have a feeling this isn't gonna be easy."

Two guards began charged at her but the woman grabbed a large iron weight and used it to block their swords swings. With one swing of the weight, she sent one of the guards flying. She then swung her gym weapon at the second guard, hitting his knee and making his leg bend backwards. The guard screamed in pain but Annabelle silenced him with one mighty swing to his head, likely shattering his skull.

Annabelle, with the weight still on her hand, turned to you next. "You want some of this! RAAAAAAAHHH!" With a battle cry, the mastermind charged at you.

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

The multi-angled lightning attack hit nothing but thin air, you had expertly evaded with your Dark Step and followed it up with your Mock Souls. The arena was then filled with your clones.

Varjan, still a bit disoriented, was further confused by the multiple Seleths running all around him. "Arghaaaaaah!" He screamed in frustration. He first seized the Seleth running behind him and punched her so hard she was sent crashing on the arena's protective barrier. Varjan screamed again as he raised a boulder from the arena floor. With another frustrated scream, the boulder exploded, sending countless pebbles flying all over the arena.

The pebbles shot like arrows none of the Seleths survived, including you. The stone blast lasted only a moment but you were practically beaten up by the pebble barrage. You hear the audience gasp as your body failed you and you sank to the arena floor, bruised and injured. You feel something press against your face and you realize it was Varjan's shoe. "Stay down, Seleth. Don't make it any harder for yourself."

You were out of breath and pain was all over your body. But you were not out of the fight yet, were you?
After much deliberation, I have come to decide that smut is an integral part of MGE and I want to bring the whole MGE experience to you all.

That is why I'd like to move this RP to a more 'open' place and I request you all to go and register to this website.
Recruiting Forde Briar
~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

"George Costava. He needs you for a plan to break into Ravager's Rest. We were sent to collect you."

"George? Ravager's Rest? Looks like that drug pusher finally found a crew crazy enough to deal with that place for good." Despite the words, it appeared Forde respected George somewhat.

"What's your story with Ravager's Rest?" Haley asked.

"I was one of them before. I fled Varjo as part of a group and made Ravager's Rest our temporary refuge before we strike out to the east, maybe get an Order city to give us a home in exchange for our swords. But it turns out, ain't nothing more permanent than temporary." Forde told his story. "I keep reminding them that we couldn't stay in the old fortress, that we had to do something. But no one listened and they began bothering the nearby homesteads which painted targets on their backs. I bailed out of there not long after."

"And now you rob graves south of an Order city?"

"What? Are you saying it's better to steal from the living?" Forde was offended by the question. "They're corpses. They don't care. In fact, I'm doing them a favor by keeping them company. I talk to them when everybody else have forgotten about them." The grave robber defended himself with questionable reasons. "I tell them it's alright to be scared an alone. I embrace them even if they're stinking and rotten. Thing is, people are cold and heartless all their lives. To me, they get warmer when they're actually cold and heartless."

Haley decided not to press the issue and only looked at Titanica in disbelief.


The ascent into Coldstep Pass was not difficult. The slopes were not that steep and the party kept a steady pace. Still, the temperatures have dropped significantly and the surroundings were now all snow white instead of grassy green. "Gods damn. Should've brought something for the cold but then again, I didn't think we would be going to Coldstep Pass for the quest."

Soon, a smoke trail heading upwards could be seen. "See that? That must be them. Come on!" Forde led the way further into the pass on his increasingly-weakening mule.

Forde led the party behind a small snow mound. Peering over, the party would see a small encampment of knights and their horses. There were four tents and about six knights. A campfire burned in the middle and provided warmth for the encampment. There were lights inside the tents too so it was likely there were candles inside. "I'll bet Mordus is in one of the tents. We need to find a way to get rid of the knights."

"Maybe we can scare 'em off?" Haley suggested. "You can transform, right Titanica? Just go all 'You have disturbed my sleep!' or something and I guarantee you these guys will be running."

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

The monster girls narrowly evaded the bombardment of birds. The fog receded further and Morgan and the Altissima sisters found that they were in some sort of basin and surrounded by the hostile birds and their giant slingshots. Birds of varying colors have taken their places in the slingshots and ready to unleash another barrage on the monster girls.

But Morgan and the Altissima sisters were not without aid. On the grassy ground were blocks and pillars of stone and wood that looked that they could be erected to perhaps form some sort of shield or barrier against the hostile avians. There was no foundation, however, and any walls that are put up might get knocked down even if they could withstand the birds. But they were all the monster girls had.

Still, these block of protection were but a temporary measure. They would be besieged by the birds until they find a way out of there.

Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (YNG)~

Without a reply from the pair, the warrior and his men slowly reached for their weapons. It seems the guild members had a fight in their--

"HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The warrior and his men suddenly burst into hearty laughter, pointing fingers at Yang and Ozzy.

"Relax, aking mga kaibigan! Relax!" He told the guild members. "Welcome to Sonarra, kayong dalawa! Let's come, eat, drink! And then we'll talk." The warrior then motioned the duo to follow him leading them inside the dreary town. The streets were barely clean and there was a slight stench of decay and refuse in the air.

The warrior motioned Yang and Ozzy to sit with him on a table in front of a shoddy, poorly-built bar. "My name is Felipe de Santa Anna. A proud warrior of Emilio Hari's rebellion against the iron oppression of the Varjans." He introduced himself. "Perhaps you have heard of him, mga ate? Emilio Hari?"

"Anyway, what are the two of you doing so deep into Varjo? Who are you?" Felipe asked, he and his men still oblivious to the the guild members' disguises. "Are you two from the guild? I posted a request there, you know?"

~@13org, @Restalaan (DIT), @AzureKnight (NAG)~

(@13org will be GMing this quest)

Like I said previously, I'll indicate if an Action Check is needed for an action to succeed. Thus, the drawer will open without your character needing a roll.

You do get a nice little gift from the drawer though. Look forward to my next post~

Dead Factory

"Doll... girls? What do you know?"

"Err, not much, I'm afraid." Greene scratched his head. "All I know is them undead things that roam the world are usually created and controlled by Necromancers. Sometimes though, some undead are created but not under the control of a Necromancer. Just like you guys. Y'all are called 'Dolls'." He shrugged. "Don't ask me more than that. I really don't know."

Just by shifting the door, Yuno easily entered the room followed by the others. They may be wary, but there was no indication here that there were any traps or enemies.

In the room there was an office desk, a sofa and a reception desk with a carpet on the floor. The walls were thick and the door completely blocked the factory noise. In the past, this place was probably a luxurious room wrapped in furniture but now the room is covered with dust and the carpet has a lot of crusty black dirt. Even the wallpaper got dirty and the hung was grubby. There was a thick daily journal on the desk that was soiled. Several pistols were on the floor.

Greene crouched down and observed the black stains on the floor and on the walls. "Hey, girls. What do you think this black stuff is?" He asked Yuno and Rosemary.
[Make Action Check to identify the black stains]

Greene then moved over to the guns on the floor. They were loaded with filled magazines. "Looks useful, don't they? But trust me, they're not." The human said. "These pistols may work on me but it won't work on you or other undead. You need something with more punch. Like this cool rifle that I have." Greene then let out a quiet chuckle as he inspected the pistols more.

Yuno and Rosemary can check the reception desk since it had functional drawers and may be hiding something inside.

They could also check the daily journal on the office. The journal's writing was advanced and sophisticated. Yuno and Rosemary will need to remember difficult characters and words just to read the journal. Or, they could ask Greene to read it for them.
[Action Check to read journal may be attempted]

Ey, iz okay. We're in the learning phase after all.
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