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The choice was made.

I knew what the choice would be. It could hardly be even called a choice anyway, given who Seleth was and the circumstances surrounding her.

Still, I stood there. Waited and watched.

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous. Now, let's get this woman wrapped up and hauled in. Oh, and I need to find my tools..."
Lumina Lusteria

"Well met, Miss Lusteria the Lustrous." Vitalion as he assisted in tying up Annabelle. "I must confess, however, that I have not heard of anyone called 'The Lustrous' in Zauberheim. Are you from here?"

Once Annabelle was properly bound, some city guards entered the trashed gym and took her away. The crime lady was still unconscious from your three-pronged assault on her vital points so there was not much trouble escorting her away. Vitalion picked his sword back up and sheathed it. The fight, and the operation as a whole, was finally over.

"You are a remarkable fighter, Miss Lusteria. We are more than glad that you have lent your aid to us." Vitalion expressed his gratitude as the scene was now being cleaned up by the city guard. "But that Annabelle was a piece of work, wasn't she? I hope I can still have children. Hahahaha!" He laughed as he patted his crotch.

"But now that our task has ended, what are you going to do now?"

Seraph Academy

Main Arena ---> Academy Infirmary

Varjan listened. He did not reply, too weak to do so, and his face was inscrutable. You saw tears flow from his eyes as he stared at you. Was he disappointed? Did he come to a realization? Varjan's eyes closed as he fell unconscious. The tournament officials then arrived and removed you from the scene. Your last sight of Varjan was him surrounded by healers and medics. He would live.


The injuries you sustained in the fight put you in Seraph Academy's infirmary to recover. The doctor who attended you was a Beastkin of long orange hair with a pair of canine ears, short of stature, wearing a white coat, Doctor Elma. An accomplished doctor in Razelia, choosing to practice her medical expertise in Seraph Academy.

"You have... well, a lot of injuries including a few broken bones and some internal bleeding." Doctor Elma said. "But those are taken care of and you should be good to go in a few hours. But even then, please don't do anything strenuous as it might open the wounds." The Beastkin explained. "If you're worried about Varjan, he's still unconscious but he's stable." Doctor Elma added. "I won't lie, the spear hit the center mass so it hit some pretty important areas. But! We have the best healers in Razelia and Varjan himself is a strong boy so he'll be fine."

"With that said, do you need anything?" The Beastkin doctor asked. "Oh and, you have visitors who want to see you. Just let me know if I should let them or if you'd like to rest some more."
Yes, that is correct.

And the Goliath can no longer move this Turn.
I'll skip Dorma this round 'cause I can't think of anything I can do with her at the moment.
Eddie & Dorma(?)

"Yeah... Freaks could give anyone shivers from the sight of them... Thankfully we were able to seal them away for good."

"Hey man, don't jinx us." Eddie warned jokingly. "I'd really hate to see those guys again."

Wadanohara begun her performance. A delicate, beautiful melody with a piano. Eddie appreciated the music played, putting a sincere smile on his face. "You know, I haven't actually met Wadanohara, have I? You should introduce me. I'm interested in what she can do." Eddie asked Samekichi. "And doooon't worry about me hitting on her. Sure, I might hit on her female familiars but not her 'cause I know you've already got her. Hahaha!" He patted Samekichi on the back again.

"But you're right about her piano skills though. She's superb."
@Skyswimsky @GreenGoat

Soldiers the MVP for the other side.

With the fight coming to an end (and it's a 50/50 on the results), I have seen that I need to make some changes to the system. Let me give you two a preemptive thanks for joining and playtesting this prototype RP.

Oh and once you guys make your moves, the Turn ends and you guys regain AP and add Madness Points and all that.

Dead Factory


Battle Map



Soldier (x5)









Player Data

Yuno Current AP = 2

Rosemary Current AP = 2

NPC Data



GREENE (AP = -1, HP = 8)


Rosemary opened fire on the Hound (A) with her Dual Pistols but her shots missed the canine.
[AP = 4 -> 2]

It was Yuno who delivered the final blow, her Lightsaber cutting the undead dog to pieces before switching to the Goliath to cut some parts off. However, the Goliath used its Reinforced Muscle to shrug off the blows.
[AP = 4 -> 2]
[Hound A has been defeated!]
[Goliath used its Reinforced Muscle to reduce Yuno's attack to 0]

The Goliath, seeing the battered Yuno, moved its gaze from her, likely thinking she was on the cusp of death and thus not worthy anymore of attention, and focused on Rosemary. Its Long Arm allowed it to reach Rosemary and attack her with its Monster Hand. The monstrosity missed, however, with the Doll moving out of the way.
[Attack Check: 4]
[AP = 3 -> 0]

As the following was happening, Yuno and Rosemary were moving too.

"Damn, that thing's big." Greene sighed as he shot at the Goliath. The shot hit the giant and knocked off a part.
[Attack Check: 8]
[AP = 2 -> -1]

The Soldiers continued to lay on Yuno. Their Simultaneous Fire hit the Doll some more, tearing off more of the few remaining parts that she had.
[Attack Check: 7]
[AP = 2 -> -1]
[Yuno's Bone and Steel Bones parts have been damaged!]

Hey, it's alright. Stuff happens.

Anyway, by rolling a 1 for a Convo Check, you have now established a Fetter towards him. I'm still tweaking out some stuff but for now, put a Fetter on Yuno for Greene:

Trusting - From the bottom of your heart, you can trust her/him. In this ruined world, she's/he's the only person you can believe in.
Universal Suspicion - All of your Sisters other than you receive a modifier of -1 to their Maximum Action Points.

"...You're my enemy too, aren't you? I'm sure of it!"
Southern District

Nekhay Tavern

"Of course, I've got no intention of causing any long-lasting or permanent damage, so don't worry. Just keep in mind that we can't keep playing nice with him."

"Yep, we can hold nothing back now." Iskah nodded at Vanessa's words, having no problem with the Dark Mage taking off the kid gloves. "Aun won't go down easily so give him your best shot, Vanessa!" The Lizardman raised a tankard.

--- THAT NIGHT ---

Iskah paid for a room where she and Vanessa could stay the night. They will need plenty of rest if they were to take on
Hound B had one Part left but I decided to kill it so as not to burden you guys anymore and to shorten the fight.

Dead Factory


Battle Map



Soldier (x5)


Hound A







Player Data

Yuno Current AP = 4

Rosemary Current AP = 4

NPC Data


HOUND A (AP = 3)


GREENE (AP = 2, HP = 8)


Rosemary continued laying down the fire with her Dual Pistols. She hit her mark and damaged the Hound (B) fighting her.
[AP = 6 -> 4]

"Keep it up!" Greene fired his sniper rifle at the Hound (B) on Rosemary and landed a fine shot, destroying much of its remaining body. The only useful part of the Hound (B) now was its mouth. "That's what I'm talking about!" The human congratulated himself before taking aim at the other opponents.
[AP = 5 -> 2]

The Soldiers opened fire on Yuno again. The bullets from their Simultaneous Fire hit Yuno in her legs.
[Attack Check = 9] [Since Arm location is completely destroyed, Legs is the chosen location]
[Yuno's Foot and one Bone parts have been damaged!]
[AP = 5 -> 2]

The Hound (A) fighting Yuno attempted another nasty bite with its Saberteeth. But the Doll was ready and the canine missed.
[Attack Check = 5]
[AP = 5 -> 3]

Meanwhile, the Hound (B) on Rosemary continued to attack despite its heavily-damaged body. Its Saberteeth missed its mark but the undead dog's body gave way and it fell to on the factory floor, dying its final death.
[Attack Check = 3]
[Hound B has been defeated!]

"Just a little more, girls! Okay, maybe quite more but we can do this!" Greene attempted to cheer up his undead allies.
[Yuno and Rosemary must roll a Conversation Check. Remove 1 point of Madness upon success]

The undead hostiles have made their moves and were now in recovery, it was the time for Yuno and Rosemary to strike.
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