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Interested! But I'll need some time to work on my character sheet tho.

Do you think you'll need another day for the quest?

Also, I have a feeling that @13org's second (well, third) character will be coming after the quest.
This wasn't how I planned for the Varjan vs Seleth fight to end but Seleth's plan of attack was...

So kudos to @Rune_Alchemist for diverging my plan into something better.
Seleth's words hurt. Well, it hurt just like the others.

And Varjan was sick of it. He wanted it to stop and the perfect opportunity presented itself.

I stood over him, ready, but not yet. It was not up to me, you see. It was Seleth Thenri's choice.

To be honest with you, I was here for more than the usual reason. I waited with bated breath for the Dark Elf's choice.

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

You knocked Annabelle off of Vitalion and sent her towards some gym equipment. Vitalion was still clutching his most sacred place when you issued your ultimatum to the crime lady.

Annabelle quickly retaliated by throwing a small weight at you that you evade easily. She rushed at you with a barbell and you made your shot but Annabelle was still agile. She rolled to evade the beam and swung the barbell at your hand, disarming you from your crystal hilt. She swung again and hit your head before pressing the barbell to your neck, pushing you to a wall with your neck under threat of being crushed.

"F***ING DIE ALREADY!" Annabelle screamed at you.

And then Vitalion hit her in the head with a weight, making Annabelle lose her grip on you. The Head Captain then put her in an armlock with him behind the crime lady. "Now, Beastkin! Knock her out now!" He ordered as Annabelle struggled.

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS & ENI) ~~~

Hisana successfully seized Keith's stick and used it to deflect Enishi's blow.

Keith intervened by kicking away the stick from Hisana's hands. Seizing her neck, Keith began strangling her. "Nothing personal, dear." He said before going for some hooks that were sure to knock some daylights out of Hisana. "You want action so badly? Go see the Caldeyrons." He told her. "And maybe, just maybe, you can get out of Zauberheim alive."

The mercenary began laughing as he strangled Hisana. "But first you need to get out of this alive. Hehehehe."

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

Varjan had no reply to your taunt but you could feel that anger from his glare and tears from his eyes. He began walking a steady pace towards you, without a care for your plan.

You launched your spear through the Amplify barrier, strengthening the spear as it flew towards Varjan. The prodigy formed a circle and the amplified spear bounced back towards you, strengthened twice now after passing through the Amplify barrier again. You moved out of the way thanks to your prepared Dark Step and the twice strengthened spear bounced yet again from your Mirror spell, passing through the Amplify barrier thrice now.

You saw Varjan ready his hands for a spell, a protective one likely, but stopped suddenly. The spear continued its course and plunged into Varjan's body, impaling him. The crowd made one collective gasp as the mortally injured Varjan fell to the arena floor, a pool of blood quickly forming around him. The audience went into a frenzy as the officials scrambled into action.

However, your senses suddenly focused onto the bleeding and crying Varjan, as if he cast a spell upon you. "Seleth..." He weakly muttered. "I don't... I can't feel... anything. It's perfect. So perfect." His bleeding mouth coughed up some blood. "Do it... finish me... end this nightmare." Again, he begged that you kill him. "Please... Seleth... I want it to end."

"Just pull the spear... off me."

Just Outside the Main Arena

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

"I...I would be lying if I said I wouldn't find to be a little off-putting. But of course you'd be a marvelous heir, your grades are stellar and potential such as yours is only seen once every few generations. As your sister I'd do everything within my power to support you. Although, Lutz, I have to admit that your question is rather left-field. Did something happen to provoke this inquiry?"
Lisianthus von Zauberheim

Lutz relaxed considerably. "Oh! Well in that case, mother and father have considered putting me as the heir instead of you." He answered with insensitive honesty. "You see, Razelia may not approve of someone who was beaten by some Dark Elf and so you might have a hard time ruling. So, they've thought that I should be King of Razelia next since my record is unblemished."

Before you could collect your thoughts on the matter, a loud gasp came from the arena. As if the entire audience made one collective gasp. "What was that?"

You and Lutz enter the arena to investigate. You two then see the scene: Seleth Thenri was standing before a downed and impaled and bleeding Varjan Caldeyron. "Whoa."
Recruiting Forde Briar
~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

Um...Haley, maaaaybe we should change the subject yes? W-Why don't we talk about where we can eat after this job's over?
Vară Riemsianne

"Oh, keeping it a secret eh?" Haley chuckled. "I understand, I understand."

Forde then emerged from the tent, looking as happy as a daisy with a skip in his step. "Hahahaaaaaa! Mordus' gone done pissed his pants when he I told him I was with the giant monster outside! Hahahaha!" He slapped his knee. "Anyway, I must thank you girls for this. Here." Forde tossed a small pouch to Haley.

The Siren shook the pouch to hear the clinging of coins. "You ARE going to help out George, right Forde?"

"Of course, of course! No problem, girls!" Forde embarked on his sickly steed. "Now I'm off to find my map!" And with that, the grave robber rode away. As much as he could anyway with such a malnourished ride.

Haley sighed. "Well, at least we got paid. So, do you girls--" She was interrupted when someone emerged from the tent, a man covered in fur clothing with a skull mask on his face. "Wait, are you Mordus?" Haley asked in surprise. Mordus did not answer and upon seeing the transformed Titanica, bolted away in the snow.

The Siren watched Mordus for a moment before resuming. "As I was saying, do you girls wanna get back to the guild or, like what Vară said earlier, find a place to eat first. Maybe get something warm to drink too."

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

Morgan's wave of destruction devastated the furious birds and their slingshots. The moth kaiju's powerful gusts and lightning bolts scattered the avians and a wake of destroyed slingshot contraptions were all that was left.

All of the slingshots were broken before Morgan. All but one which was crewed by a single red bird. The bird, instead of riding the slingshot, put a glass jar of sardines onto the slingshot and fired it. Morgan was too high up in the air for the fishy snack to reach so instead, the jar landed on the hands of Sylvia.


A mighty cry of a great bird was heard. The shadow of a massive creature, far bigger than even the transformed Morgan and shaped like an eagle, blocked the sun and hovered momentarily over the monster girls. The titanic creature then dove, aimed straight at the jar of sardines the Altissima sisters had. Morgan's winds and lightning had no effect on it and the creature crashed onto the moth kaiju but no momentum was lost.

Both the massive eagle creature and the transformed Morgan then crashed into the Altissima sisters.


"Morgan! Sylvia! Vivian!"

The trio jolted up to Neil calling out to them. They were outside the apothecary with a blushing but worried Neil beside them. "Are you three alright? You guys burst out of the apothecary screaming about birds. Morgan flew around a bit and Sylvia and Vivian began running for any sort of cover. You know for a plant monster, you guys sure are fast." Neil explained. "I had to stop you from getting too far so... I got covered a little by your nectar." The boy showed his upper body being splashed with Liliraune nectar.

"What happened?" Darren arrived. "What's going on?"

"What's going on?!" Neil was incredulous. "I thought you fixed your drug!"

"Well, it appeared it was going well. We were even talking about international trade at one point."

Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (YNG)~

"So what's the plan? We hit their reinforcements? How many we're talking about?"
Yang Bethlehem

"Yes, we will ambush them. The contingent is small but quite formidable, but we have enough numbers to take them on and we have the terrain advantage." Felipe replied.

"And we can offer you a few things to assure your success. Namely, Sonarra is not alone in this."
Ozzy Skyway

"Hahaha! I like your enthusiasm, little girl!" Felipe laughed. "I am curious as to what you can do. Now then, we ride!"


Soon Yang and Ozzy were out of Sonarra and into the Varjan countryside. The land was dark and foreboding with bones and skeletons waylaid across the fields. Those that still had flesh left were pecked on by crows or nibbled by rats and other such vermin. Riding alongside was a large group of Sonarran rebels, warriors and horsemen. Their gear resembled Varjan arms heavily, being part of Varjo and all, but fortunately their colors were more light brown than the blood red of Varjo.

Soon, the rebels were at the pass and the Sonarrans have begun digging in and setting up the ambush. Over yonder, in the distant south, Varjo itself could be seen. Its high walls could not hide the dark spires and towers that jutted out of the blasted capital. The place radiated malice, madness and indulgence. A monument of Man surrendering to the devils in their hearts.

Felipe went over to Yang and Ozzy. "Do you two have anything special that can aid us? A little trick up the sleeve that can give us an extra punch in the ambush?"

Laying The Foundations 3

"You know, the first monster I saw up close was some kind of plant...flower..thing. It had two people inside it though. That kinda made me toss out any kinda of expectations of what you might look like. I apologize if I stereotyped you in anyway. I didn't mean to do so."
John Clark

"Oh? You met a Liliraune then. They're a monster like an Alraune but with two people inside one flower." Talia realized that that answer was not much and rectified. "Well, an Alraune is a plant monster that usually stays stationary in one flower and secretes nectar that has many uses. Mainly as an aphrodisiac for attracting mates."

"You don't need to worry about taking up my time. As far as taking another request, I'm not really much of a fighter. I practice with all the weapons I make to be sure they are effective and made properly but I dont really fight."
John Clark

"Oh, don't worry. Not all requests require combat. Some just needs you to do one little thing. Some requests even resolve themselves." Talia assured.

You and Talia began laying the framework of the barn with the materials in hand. Some progress was achieved but nothing significant. The day was soon over and you and Talia were done for the moment. Dusk had arrived and the arrival of a wagon brought forth a familiar face, it was Bartholomew Barker, the man who invited you to this guild.

"Bart, welcome back. Have you found a crew to work on the hole?" Talia greeted the guild master.

"Yeah, yeah. They'll be here sometime tomorrow. Maybe in the morning." Bart replied tiredly. Noticing you, he asked. "And who're you supposed to be?"

Oh yeah, I forgot to say about that one.

The Chain Attack from the Lightsaber doesn't need extra AP.

Eh? Your post indicated it was the shoulder.

So several things:

1) I'm going to assume Yuno used Calamity instead of God of Death since the latter is an auto skill and your description indicated it was actually Calamity.

2) Since Yuno's Lightsaber has 'Dismember' and Calamity has 'Area Attack', she actually dealt 4x damage to the Zombies since they're Legion-type. So that means the Zombie mob has been destroyed.

3) Also, I forgot that Yuno has Defend skills on her Parts that she can use to negate Damage on any of her Parts so I've been dealing out damage willy-nilly. Sorry about that.
If you choose to use a Defend maneuver, just indicate in your next post which Parts have been saved.
Remember, you can only use a Defend maneuver once per Turn (unless indicated otherwise). That doesn't mean you can only Defend once per Turn though. If you have two Parts/Abilities that has Defend, they are both usable but only once.

4) Why is Yuno's Bone damaged?

Dead Factory


Battle Map



Soldier (x5)


Hound A



Hound B





Player Data

Yuno Current AP = 4

Rosemary Current AP = 6

NPC Data


HOUND A (AP = 5)

HOUND B (AP = 5)




Yuno, with her Calamity ability, used her Lightsaber to deal damage to all her enemies in her area. The Zombie mob were wiped out and the Hound (A) and the Goliath had some of their parts obliterated.
[AP = 8 -> 4]

Rosemary shot at the Hound (B) near her with her Dual Pistols but missed.
[AP = 8 -> 6]

The Goliath roared and swung its Monster Hand at Yuno. The attack connected and the Goliath shifted its Spike on its hand to deal more damage.
[Attack Check = 9]
[AP = 7 -> 3]
[Yuno's Fist, Forearm, Entrails, Spine and Reflexes parts have been damaged!]
[Yuno has Parts/Skills that has Defend. She can use that to negate the damage on some chosen Parts.]

The Hound (A) on Yuno attacked her again with its Saberteeth but the Doll was wising up to its moves and the bite missed.
[Attack Check = 2]
[AP = 7 -> 5]

Meanwhile, the Hound (B) on Rosemary made its first attack. It tried to bite with its Saberteeth but the Doll was quick on her feet and the attack missed.
[Attack Check = 2]
[AP = 7 -> 5]

It was Rosemary's turn to move.
@GreenGoat @Skyswimsky

Waiting on y'all.
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