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3 mos ago
Current Luckily history suggests an infinite ability for people to be shit heads ;)
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1 yr ago
Achmed the Snake
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2 yrs ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
2 yrs ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
2 yrs ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

Most Recent Posts

In Pax Astra 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sabatine hopped off the ATV feeling slightly off kilter as a result of the insufficient suspension. She snugged her gladius up on its sling, making no attempt to conceal the short powerful weapon. Several guards stirred from positions of deliberate langor, hefting their own weapons. For the most part these were slug throwers, cheaper and cruder than what the legions generally used but no less effective for all that.

Sabatine and Tiber walked up the stairs, ignoring the thugs with the stuided indifference of professional soldiers. The thugs looked nervous. There was a romance about legionaires and it was hard to kick the feeling of inferiority. It made some men trigger happy, but fortunately it was making these men nervous. The pair reached the doors and pushed them open. The interior of the building was an audience chamber supported by classic Imperial columns. A raised diaz at the end held a throne like chair on which a fit looking man with blonde hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. He wore the embroided robes of an Imperial magistrate, robes that he had no legal right to, but it wasn't as though a Pratorian Prelate and a bunch of enforcers were likely to show up and dispute the point.

Ketcharch Gorm was not alone. The hall was filled with hangers on, thugs, and supplicants. There was a haze of smoke, a smell of sweat and the background smell of proccessed alcohol. Clearly the party yesterday had been intense. Two supplicants were arguing before the Ketcharch. One was an older man, sinewy and hard, the other younger but already begining to go bald.

"Chieftan Kanos stole my fish and never rendered payment, we all know this to be true!" young one was shouting, words trembling with rage.

"Lies! I have presented the documents which clearly show the debits from my treasury!" the older one replied. The Ketcharch held up a hand silencing them both.

"Silence please, it appears the heroic defenders of our great Empire have honored us with their presence. Let us all show our respect," Gorm called in a powerful voice.

"A shame that you didn't come a few days ago Legionaires, we had quite a party to celebrate my birthday," Gorm continued, a slight edge coming to his voice. Sabatine and Tiber walked to the center of the hall, the two fueding chieftans scurrying to the sides.

"So we heard," Sabatine said drly. "Infact a couple of men came to my farm to tell me about it." Gorm sat up looking suddenly more alert. A wave of tension went through the crowd.

"Indeed... three of my friends have been missing for several days," Gorm said coldly.

"Tragically, they perished in a series of farming mishaps," Sabatine informed him, "a likely outcome for anyone who comes onto an Opal fruit orchard without the guidance of the owner."
Trinity's just chilling and suddenly she gets a text saying "kim witnessed kidnapping also madam chang knows where we live apparently. so hows ur day goin"

Trinity looks down at her phone, glances way, double takes.

Lian slumps into the couch, looking like a woman who can relax for the first time in hours. She runs her fingers through her short black hair and lets out a sigh.

"My Grandmother gave me your address," Lian explains.

"As you can imagine I was a little wierded out by that, but she is like...." she stumbles and then looks at you with embarassment.

"Well she has always been a little odd. I was out doing a delievery, and ... well at first I thought it was because I was on edge, but I swore I saw things moving on the roof tops." She draws a shuddering breath and closed her eyes.

"I bailed on deliveries and ran back to my Grandmother's reasturant, when I got there they had firetrucks blocking the street. I felt this... well this sense of dread, and I knew I would be in danger if I tried to get close. All I could think to do was run here."


You feel the statues stir beneath your touch. One of the water nymphs opens her eyes, marble lids sliding back to reveal eyes of a deep lambent green. She smiles down at you and you sense she is pleased to be awake. If you promise to waken her when you can, she will do as you wish.

Harald pulled his medical bag open and knelt beside the Valkyrie. She was still breathing, though shallow and rasping. Golden liquid stained her lips and pulled beneath her armor. It was spreading slowly, glittering in the overhead light.

"Ok, what the fuck," Harald muttered, hands hovering indecicevly, darting between the patient and his medical bag.

"Ok," he repeated, "Look you are going to need to help me get this armor off, I cant do... Jesus christ you think they teach us what to do when someone has been shot through fucking golden plate mail?"

GM Prompt: Describe Valkyrie Armor
I love that song ;)
The soldiers arrived first. They came running down the street, half out of uniform and in a panic, frantically loading muskets as they took up positions in the surrounding buildings and along the stone walls that surrounded the house. They had just about managed to sort themselves out into something resembling a decent fighting force when the Governor himself arrived. He too had dressed in some haste, his expensive purple robe two entire buttons out of alignment and powdered wig upside down, exposing the wires. He was a heavy set man, with drooping jowls and fluffy mustaches that gave him the look of an agrivatated porcupine. He took a brass speaking trumpet from his captain of the guard.

"Come out ye knaves, we have you surrounded!" he barked in a voice that quavered too much to hold much authority.

"You cannot get off the island without my leave, surrender now and I may be inclined to take pity on you!"

Sketti and several pirates snickered and several of the hostages made half hearted whimpers.

"He has a mage with him, somewhere," Calliope reported, gazing around with her mage sight for the tell tale signs. She could feel him out there, but either he was well hidden, or he was dressed as one of the soldiers. It was impossible to tell how good he was. Though the very difficulty she was having in locating him argued for skill rather than incompetence.
@Candykane They have the drop on you so you would have to create an opportunity first.

"Shit," Dashel mutters, looking everywhere but at the cops. As they close you see them reaching for weapons. One seems to be drawing a hand gun, the other a tazer. Dashel walks off keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact. THe cops let him go, arrowing in on you with increasing obviousness.

What do you do?

Lian comes inside and breathes a sigh of relief as she crosses the threshold. She sets the Chinese take out down on the living room table and collapses onto the couch.

"I'm sorry to burst in, but... well every day before I go out for delievereis my Grand Mother tells me something that will happen. Sometimes it is that I will get a great tip or meet a cute girl, but today... today she said if anything happened I should find you."

Before she can elaborate Kendra's phone rings. @Guardian Angel Haruki

GM Prompt: What is your ringtone?
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