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‘Sounds like you’ve got the beginning of a plan. Don’t sweat the long-term, it’s really not that important. Don’t feel tied down to some schedule! Just do what you feel you should at every moment, and you’ll do fine!’ Kalmia said to him about the first part.

‘Oh,’ Vivia blinked a little in surprise when Skylar told he was not giving her Celebrity. She quickly waved her hands in front of her with a mildly awkwardly panicked expression. ‘Don’t worry about it! This feels right, too! I mean, it’s not as if I could possibly expect you to give me one of your companions, I’m- I’ll happily accept her if you ever decide you want to give her to me and she’s fine with it, but I’ll never ask you to give her to me, that’d feel wrong. I’m also trying to consider her feelings on the matter here, but, er, yeah. Okay?’ So Vivia said. That’s about it.

‘Heh, sounds complicated. Good to know there are Team Virtue members about trying to combat these Amethyst individuals, albeit perhaps they should be a bit more wary about who they attack. In any case. Good luck, tomorrow! Good night, Skylar, Vivia!’

‘G-good night!’ Vivia quickly called to the professor as she realized she’d been spoken to as well. Then she sighed out after the end of the call. ‘It’s going to be a while before I’m able to convince myself that I can relax around her again, huh…’ she lamented somewhat, but then they could say good night and each get a separate bed to sleep in and that’s fine.

So, the next day…

Skylar indeed woke up before Vivia, and got ready to do battle with his team. He did some training in order to get his weaker Pokémon some levels… and that’s totally fine, so, hunt some bugs and fighting types and eventually…

Smiley grew to Level 12! Smiley learned Haze!

… Honestly, it’s really hard to train any Pokémon to a higher level than that around here. The Pokémon just aren’t strong enough. So, it was on towards the Pokémon Gym!

After having walked for a while, he found the Gym. It was an older wooden building, but it was bigger than other buildings in Highhill Town and had a pond built around it. Someone had dug out a ditch and the Gym stood on this little island in the middle, a wooden bridge going to the entrance. A sign stood in the front.

Highhill Pokémon Gym - Minor League.
Gym Leader: Lorette.
“The Shrine’s Bug-Maiden”

‘Hello there!’ said a guy out of nowhere, having appeared and wandered up to Skylar. ‘You’re our newest champ-to-be, aren’t you? Going to challenge the gyms of Isson and prove yourself the best there ever was? Well, regardless! If you need it, I’m here to explain the details to you and answer any questions you might have! I’ll also be giving you tips specific to each Gym, so it’s worth speaking to me even if you’re experienced!’

‘Oh, and, you’re in luck! There are long periods of time when the Gym Leader here isn’t home, but today she got in nice and early to prepare! Did she know you were coming? Did she feel destiny approaching? No idea! But here’s my explanation on the Pokémon League!’

Now, Skylar can ignore this guy and go in without listening to him, but here’s what he has to say if he listens.

With that, Skylar was set to go into the first gym.



Statement: The plot I had in mind here isn’t interesting enough and has mildly derailed already, I’m cutting this short.

Must have been quite the scene for anyone who watched, the happily yelling young girl getting scooped up on top of the huge, newly born Onix among the trees of Route 5’s shoreline at night. Still, the moment ended when suddenly she had to shout to Laurel about the unknown shape in the sky.

Laurel didn’t wait for Cutiecruel and Eryn to get back before starting the engine and making a beeline for Dragon Lake. Eryn unfortunately found herself left behind, but then some loud explosions happened over there. Now, Erebi was brought along to see it, but suffice to say there was a Pokémon Battle that took place and it was way over the level of any of Eryn’s Pokémon.

Eventually, however, the opponent escaped into the air, albeit without being able to collect any of the dragons he intended to collect. The ship came back and collected Eryn and Cutiecruel, with all the people on the ship looking a bit more exhausted now. Lin had fallen asleep, while Zak looked more than a little overwhelmed. Laurel looked satisfied, however.

‘Good call. We owe you both,’ Laurel told Eri and Eryn as he helped the latter onboard again.

That would be everything actually exciting that happened during this boat-trip. Eventually their shift was over and they’d be brought back to the base. Unless she had anything further she wanted to say to those she had travelled with, Zak took his leave with a happy wave, Laurel said she’d be welcomed back whenever she wanted to work again, and Lin’s… still asleep.

‘I’ve been told you did well. As such, in addition to the 6,000 P fee you’d normally get, you get the 2,000P bonus for being useful as well. Well done,’ the sailor at the desk told her. And so…

Eryn obtained 8,000P!

… It’s now morning. Working here forced her to stay awake all night. Still, now she’s in Lakewatch Town in the morning. What would Eryn do from here?

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.



‘A-a sensitive issue, i-is it?’ Connor asked. ‘R-Raremine Town is s-south of here, b-beyond Route 10, past F-Fr-Freecape Town, down Route 8 a-and the-then east w-when you’ve reached Route 6… I-it’s about h-half the d-d-diameter of Isson’s map, b-but it can be reached d-decently quickly and s-safely on a bike if you stick to the r-road…’ the scientist continued to explain, then Ralia teleported on top of his head when Claire was sounding like she was heading off.

‘O-oh?’ Connor didn’t look particularly bothered by either Claire’s hand on his shoulder or Ralia on his head. After Ralia had managed to convince Claire to stick around, he nodded to her request to talk privately. ‘V-very well. Th-this way, then,’ Connor gestured, and he led her some way through the laboratory to a bunch of offices, one of which he led her into. A typical office, it had a desk with a computer, plenty of shelves filled with scientific nonsense, a couch to the left and a chair for guests to sit in.

Connor sat down on the other side of the desk and gestured for Claire to sit down. From one of the shelves a flying Pokémon came scrambling out along with the sound of keys clanging about on its chain, as it flew to rub itself at Connor’s cheek. Connor lifted a hand to pat the little key ring fairy, before the Pokémon turned to stare at Claire and Ralia. Ralia especially if Ralia was still on top of Connor.

‘Klefki?’ the Pokémon asked curiously.

Pokédex Entry #707 – Klefki, the Key Ring Pokémon. A key collector, it sometimes infiltrates homes to steal keys. It never lets go of a key once it’s grabbed, so people give it keys to vaults and safes to prevent theft. Should it be endangered, it will threaten the attackers by fiercely jingkling their keys at them. Its diet consists of minerals.

‘N-now, then, wh-what did you wish t-t-to talk about?’ Connor asked Claire.

What’ll Claire and/or Ralia do and say?


@Joshua Tamashii

‘I understand. I’ll see what I can do,’ Kalmia told her, and then it was appeared that the time of the conversation was over already. Kalmia and the twins waved them off, the twins so happily saying they’d love to play with her ghosts again, and then Amelia was off. Eventually, she ended up in front of the Trainer’s School… and decided to wander in, despite it apparently being late! Because who closes their gates at night!?



‘Do you want me to come with you? The desert IS my supposed area to search, and the Mythic Oasis should be my area…’ Florrie asked Dawkin, before he was allowed to wander off. He purchased the Go-Goggles from the store, totally fine, he now had a couple of goggles that ensured he’d never be bothered in the midst of a sandstorm. Then, off to the Bug Garden, where the clerk is like…

‘Why, sure. 750P per day. Have a pick,’ he said, and let Dawkin pick one. ‘The Vivillon will simply fly along with you and obey your commands, but it will not fight for you. It’s your responsibility to bring back the Vivillon in the same state as you got it in. The Vivillon will fly home on its own when time is up, and will inform us if you treated it badly. With that out of the way, which one would you like?’

There’s a bunch of them.

After that, he’s still in Raremine…

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

… But I could imagine that he’d want to head out to Route 7, too.

Current Condition; Relatively Clear - It’s still decently calm, but who knows about later today? The usual sandstorm blows over the path to the Mystic Oasis, though.

Connected areas:
Raremine Town. A town of miners and research, on the tip between the plains and the desert.
Desert Mines. What Raremine Town stands here for! These mountains are filled with dough!
Old Tombs. Across the desert, an old and chilling place awaits those who wants to visit…
Mystic Oasis. Somewhere within that sandstorm, that is.

So, what will Dawkin do?



Chic came out, and proceeded to Sand Attack at Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf prepared to counter-attack…

… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Nuzleaf proceeds to hit himself with his increased strength as he repeatedly hits himself in Confusion, and Chic helps the process by throwing the occasional Ember. Chic easily disposed of Nuzleaf by herself. Nuzleaf fainted.

Kay grew to Level 16!

Chic grew to Level 16!

Erika was victorious! Erika gained 510P!

‘Nicely done, young trainer. Come, Master Archie awaits,’ Ramsey said, bowing briefly before (after Erika got to heal) guiding Erika up the stairs…

However, before that…

Chic has a choice to make. There’s an energy coursing through her, that she could use to make it happen here and now… or she could wait for a more optimum dramatic moment. Because, doing it in action will fully heal her.

Eventually, she headed after Ramsey, heading up the stairs, where Ramsey opened a hatch which they went through…

She arrived at a great platform, gazing out over a sea of trees.


‘Good to hear! Good luck on your journey, then!’ Leila told him happily, as she saw him off. Dunstan was turned towards chemistry instruments and seemed satisfied with his part. Indeed, Florrie followed after Dawkin, and was there for when he asked his question.

‘Oh, yes!’ Florrie told, somewhat excitedly as it was a question she knew the answer to. ‘The area of the Mythic Oasis is always covered by a sandstorm, you may want to purchase some Go-Googles at the store, I think they go for 1,200P... Or if you don't mind not seeing, you can skip that. Anyways! The nearby Bug Garden allows you to rent their Vivillons, who have the ability to skillfully track down water, regardless of environment! We use them to find the Mythic Oasis within the sandstorm! It's like it moves, so it's the only reliable method to find it that we have... Though you could try your luck, I suppose?’ Florrie says.

In case he then heads to the Bug Garden.

The Bug Garden was a building, a fairly large building with plants around it and promising more plants inside.

There were signs.

“Bug Garden

Feel free to visit and enjoy
Vivillons for the purpose of finding the Mythic Oasis can be hired for 750P per day
They are not for fighting
The Pokémon in the garden are wild, but we appreciate avoiding holding battles in the garden

Thank you for your consideration”

What's Dawkin's next action in Raremine Town?

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.

@Joshua Tamashii

The kids and the Pokémon playing over there, Tim and Tom seeing it as a challenge that the ghosts could just turn intangible, Amelia and Kalmia could have their discussion.

Kalmia listened to what Amelia had to say, her expression turning serious and putting one leg over the other as she listened. At the end the professor had put a hand on her chin as she considered.

‘It’s not a wish that is easily granted. The whole Pokémon system is built upon the six Pokémon limit. There are times where people are granted special permission to bring more than six of their Pokémon, primarily at events, but you don’t have anything that’d make you eligible for such a permission. However…’ Kalmia looked like she was thinking of something. ‘… I can see what I can do. It’s a bit beyond my authority, I’ll have to ask some people that I answer to when it comes to the PC-system. Chips or so, or perhaps something even better. You do have the privilege of having a Pokédex, which does grant you some favours in the system. Hm. Yeah, I can see what I can do. Not right now, however. I’ll need to work on it.’

Kalmia responded, looking to Amelia to see what she thought of that.

Currently in Pureplain City.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



So, Claire goes and busts her way into a laboratory!

At the entrance there were simply different corridors leading to different places where different kinds of research was being done, with fluids in tubes and Pokémon and who knows what else, a ton of researchers in white and wearing glasses around looking official. However, to make this a bit quick.

‘M-my lady…’ said a scientist approaching her, who has a stuttering character trait rather than that he’s afraid or anything like that, he’s plenty confident. ‘I-I’m afraid that m-master D-dunstan is currently at his l-lab in Raremine Town… B-but it could be t-the case that I might s-serve your needs? I a-am Scientist Connor, a-an assistant of m-master Dunstan, a-at your service…’ … So he says.

Claire’s actions?

Connected areas:
Route 10. South of Worldedge. A farmland employing multiple psychic Pokémon from Mt. Edge to help with the crops.
Route 13. West of Worldedge. A slightly disturbed route, which attracts electric Pokémon due to the proximity of the power plant.
Mt. Edge. The mystical mountain at the heart of Worldedge’s unnatural existence. Few people actually cross its fabled tunnels, most just teleport past.
Route 18. East of Worldedge. A calm stretch of land going from Worldedge to Witchpeak, part of the Allmass Cycling Circuit.

Currently in the Information District.


Kalmia watched on as Skylar presented each of his Pokémon, waving to them and greeting them each in turn. So, then…

‘Yeah, sure. You can just give the Pokéball to Vivia, and it’ll transfer alright. There’s a couple safety measures that prevents the system from being abused, but you don’t need to know about those,’ Kalmia said, explaining to Skylar with a smile.

NPCs can just hand over Pokémon in the games, so sure, you can, too. Not sure how it works, so let’s keep it vague, heh.

Then Skylar asked his second question about letting his dad have the Pokémon in his boxes. Kalmia looked a bit surprised, but thought about it.

‘Hm. It would be possible, but it’d take some complicated workings. You need special permission from high in order to be able to house Pokémon boxes, but I got mine for research purposes and with Oak’s recommendation, so it should be possible. I got the rest of the trainers boxes here, so I suppose I could part with yours. I’ll get into contact with him and see what I can do, but it could take a while. I’ll see what I can do,’ Kalmia says, listening in.

Then he transferred that part with the grunts, because that’s a thing. ‘… Hm. That is worrying. It’s not as bad as it once was, but the grunts are still out there, it would seem. I know there are Team Virtue members patrolling the area searching for them… but things like this still happen, huh. I’m sorry you had to experience that. I’ll certainly report about it for you,’ Kalmia said, sounding a bit serious.

‘Oh? You saw Entei? Cool,’ Kalmia said with a smirk. ‘Yeah, he hangs out around these parts. We know this, from occasional sightings, but they’re rare. I wonder where usually runs when we don’t see him? Still. It’s cool that you got a photo of him. Nicely done!’ Kalmia said, sounding excited. Now, then.

‘Hahaha! I’m doing fine, thank you for asking. I have less to do now that the trainers I’ve prepared are out on journeys, so I keep looking up your profiles and seeing what Pokémon you’ve all encountered and caught, only one of you have a badge yet, though. Still, I need to do my own research. I intend on doing research on Pokémon within the boxes, but I don’t know beyond that, I’ll see. You’re doing okay, too, right?’ Kalmia asked, happy enough.

Vivia was in the background somewhere. She was looking a bit awkward, given her own “betrayal” of Kalmia, despite that Kalmia had previously forgiven her.

What now?

Currently in Highhill Town.

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.
Path to Silent Shrine. To the west, the Silent Forest and the path to the shrine within.



Lure came in and easily dispatched the last of Krabby’s health with Gusts, leading to a simple victory for Claire.

Pip grew to level 13 (because she was really already at 12)! Pip learned Synthesis!

Lure is level 15. Remains at 15.

Claire was victorious!

‘ACK!’ Alfred recoiled. ‘C-could it be? W-was I easy pickings? Argh! Back to training! … But I must keep beneath level 15!? AGH, THIS IS ANNOYING!’

Anyways! Onwards to Kyle!

Ralia managed to use Confusion to down Roggenrola rather easily. However, Klink turned out a greater challenge than a mere Confusion spam could handle, and the exchanges of Confusion VS Vice Grip was one that Ralia eventually lost. Ralia fainted. Laurel used Sandstorm, but was then fainted by another Vice Grip. Then… honestly, Pip doesn’t stand much of a chance. This will end up in a loss for Claire. But here’s some experience!

Laurel grew to level 10! Laurel learned Screech!
Ralia grew to level 17! Ralia learned Magical Leaf!

‘’Ey, Rickey! We won!’ Kyle presented to his child, lifting the boy high into the air, Rickey laughing as he was lifted high, not seemingly understanding much of what had actually happened. In any case.

In any case. Claire was made to wait around for the end of the other battles, her Pokémon were healed, and then it was time to announce the results…

‘Fourth place, Pokémon Trainer Claire!’

Turns out she actually got a better standing than Kyle, because Kyle had lost an earlier match and some of his Pokémon had fainted in other battles, so she got a better position than any of her opponents. One of those over her was a kid, but the other two was a Pokémon Trainer girl that looked close in age with Claire and the winner was a middle aged man who looked considerably experienced, who was wearing this smirk… was he really supposed to fight here? Regardless. Claire got her fourth-place reward.

Claire earned 900P!
Claire obtained Little Cup Ribbon!
Claire obtained Calcium!

And then, she was free to go again. Where would she go?

Connected areas:
Route 10. South of Worldedge. A farmland employing multiple psychic Pokémon from Mt. Edge to help with the crops.
Route 13. West of Worldedge. A slightly disturbed route, which attracts electric Pokémon due to the proximity of the power plant.
Mt. Edge. The mystical mountain at the heart of Worldedge’s unnatural existence. Few people actually cross its fabled tunnels, most just teleport past.
Route 18. East of Worldedge. A calm stretch of land going from Worldedge to Witchpeak, part of the Allmass Cycling Circuit.

Currently in the Residential District.



Laurel frowned when Eryn asked about the Gible that she’d earlier encountered. He took a moment, during which he looked decently troubled, and then responded.

‘… I haven’t heard of many recent successful attacks, but once upon a time, there were many. Of course, we don’t know what happened to all the Pokémon taken them. It may be that the criminals saved a number of those dragons for breeding purposes, and still sell them for outrageous prices,’ Laurel theorized, frowning as he did. ‘… and as little as I like to admit it, yes. There’s the “Lakebacks”... don’t go there. Most activities done there are strictly legal, just murky bars, some gambling parlors and Pokémon battling… but there’s surely shady business happening beneath the surface, it’s simply hidden. Believe me, we’ve stormed those corners before…’ he said, and sighed in a way that indicated they probably didn’t find anything.

She then went on to ask Lin where she got Cutiecruel.

‘Hm? Oh, I caught her on Route 27, but you can catch a Tentacool or a Tentacruel in just about any sea-water,’ Lin replied, looking decently relaxed. She then smirked, grinning a little as she looked towards Eryn. ‘… But, be careful if you ever find yourself surfing across Route 26 through 29… There’s a pirate ship sailing about those waters, whose destructive trainers don’t care how inexperienced you are, they’ll challenge you for your loot anyway…’ Lin said, clearly intending to scare Eryn.

‘Eh, they’re not really pirates. They like to make you think they are, though, but they’re not strictly doing anything illegal and as such aren’t wanted for anything but scaring unsuspecting trainers,’ Laurel told, just musing over there.

‘Oh, I dunno… I heard something about them smuggling Pokémon from way overseas…’ Lin said, giggling a little more, but that was enough about that.

Then Eryn came upon her little disaster about the egg hatching. Laurel, close enough to hear, blinked somewhat in alarm at this call.

‘… Why, aren’t you a spot of trouble,’ Lin told, frowning at the sudden need to get up from her resting place, sitting up and looking at the egg before looking out over the waters. ‘Cutiecruel!’

Within moments of the call, the Tentacruel got up. ‘Get this girl to shore so she can hatch her Onix!’ Lin commanded, and Cutiecruel understood quickly enough. She gave Eryn a tentacle to help her onto the top of the big, blue head and then quickly swam to shore, knocking numerous Carvanha out of the way as then Eryn was left off at shore close to the woods of Route 5.

Here, the egg could hatch safely, and the huge form of an Onix evolved out of the egg. A newly hatched Onix, huge from birth, and here’s the data once again.

Eryn obtained Onix!

Gender: ♀
Type: Rock/Ground
Personality: (Up to player.)
Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.)
Level: 1
Moves: Mud Sport, Tackle, Harden, Bind
Ability: Rock Head. Prevents recoil damage.
Held Item: None.

New Pokémon caught! Eryn earned 1500 P!

Would you like to give a nickname to Onix?

‘Woah, that’s more exciting than normal. That happen often? Do you collect eggs, or so?’ Zak asked Eri, who I’ll assume stayed behind on the ship. ‘So, are you two, like, sisters?’

‘You do look quite similar, I wondered myself,’ Laurel chuckled by himself.

‘Pffth. Learn to extrapolate data,’ Lin mocked them, before leaning back where she was.

That was, though, when on a fluke, Eri might notice something. Way up in the sky, WAY up, there was an exceedingly dark… balloon? It made no noise and just hung there, almost invisible against the night sky. Now, there’s PROBABLY others also looking towards the sky… but did they have as good night-vision? … And… something similarly dark just dove from it, straight down towards Dragon Lake. This is while Eryn is dealing with a hatching egg on the shore along with Cutiecruel.


‘Very well. This way, then!’ the sailor told, pointing towards a door for volunteers to enter through and wait to be assigned to a ship.

Eventually, a young man came into the room in order to pick her up. Now, inform me if you want to interrupt anywhere, because otherwise I’ll take you for a bit of a ride.

‘You’re the new volunteer? First time, eh? I’m Laurel,’ he said, holding a hand forth to greet Eryn. ‘I’m the Lakewatcher that’s in charge of this crew. Good to meet you. Can you tell me a bit about your capabilities and what you bring to the team?’ he’d ask, and Eryn was free to answer whatever.

‘Alright. Let’s move,’ he said, and then it was out towards the docks. A sailboat was prepared there, and there were two other individuals there, prepared to go out on the waters. A Youngster and a Swimmer…

‘Zak reporting for duty!’ the youngster said, excited.

‘Hm,’ the swimmer just made a noise looking at them.

‘Good to hear you’re in high spirits today again, Zak! Yeah, this is Zak, and this is Lin, they’re also volunteers,’ Laurel said, gesturing first to the youngster and then to the swimmer. ‘Zak, Lin, this is…’ and left a spot for Eryn to potentially introduce herself.

With that done, it was onto the ship. The ship was a simple sailboat, pretty suitable in size for four people. Sail because that’s so exceedingly much cheaper than running an engine all the time, albeit the ship had an engine. It was a simple already prepared sail, Laurel just had to pull a rope and the sail unfolded itself in order to give them some speed, because there was some wind tonight. And, if there wasn’t, they had solutions to that.

‘Fly, my birds! Be my lookouts!’ Zak called, releasing no less than three Pidgeys to fly off over the lake.

Pokédex Entry #16 – Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. They are docile Pokémon that avoid fighting, kicking up sand in an enemy’s face or using Whirlwind to avoid battles. They have sharp senses of direction, capable of finding their nest or destination from very large distances. They inhabit tall grass where they search and prey on small bugs.

‘They all have Keen Eye as their abilities! Nothing will get past them, and I’ll be earning more money to support mom with!’ Zak called proudly, not the first time he was out here, obviously.

‘Nothing over the surface, anyway. As for under…’ Laurel said, opening a Pokéball, which called out a fierce-looking blue seahorse to stand on the edge of the boat.

Pokédex Entry #117 – Seadra, the Dragon Pokémon. By flapping wings, fins and tail, it’s able to swim backwards as easily as forwards. The fins leak poison, which cause fainting but are also valued as ingredient in herbal medicine. It sleeps among corals, and is highly aggressive against those that come close, fending off enemies with its toxic spikes.

‘Seadra, keep a lookout under the surface, and don’t let the Carvanha bite!’ Laurel said, and Seadra nodded before jumping into the water. … Now Laurel looked towards Lin, who was lying trying to sleep in the ship, arms under her head, eyes closed. ‘… Lin,’ Laurel called her attention.

‘You know the deal,’ Lin said. ‘I’m only relevant AFTER we’ve been engaged in battle. At that time, I’ll defend with my full power. Until then, I’ve got nothing.’

‘Lin, I know you have a Tentacruel.’

‘But she’ll be bit by Carvanha!’

‘She’s way too tough to be bothered by the common fish in this lake.’

‘Tsk,’ Lin made an annoyed noise, until she surrendered and took out a Pokéball, throwing it back. A decently huge Pokémon with great red orbs on it took shape and grabbed the side of the ship, tilting it a bit.

Pokédex Entry #73 – Tentacruel, the Jellyfish Pokémon. It lives in complex rock formations on the ocean floor and traps prey using its 80 tentacles, which are normally kept short but can extend seemingly endlessly by absorbing ocean water, which wrap around prey to weaken them with poison. Its red orbs glow when it grows excited or agitated, and allows it to fire harsh ultrasonic blasts.

‘Cutiecruel, look out for infiltrators trying to get into Dragon Lake underwater, will you? Oh, and blast apart any Carvanha that tries to bite you,’ Lin commanded, and the Tentacruel nodded, before letting go of the ship and diving underwater, making the ship jerk to somewhat. With that, Laurel was satisfied albeit Lin was a bit annoyed, and they could be off.

Followed by Seadra and Tentacruel under the water and numerous Pidgeys in the air, their ship sailed onto…



Against Monnie.

Laurel VS Hoothoot! Hoothoot managed to miss the first Laurel with the first Hypnosis, allowing him to get a first Sandstorm. Then it became a Bite VS Peck fight… and due to Tinted Lenses, Hoothoot still did regular damage with Peck! That, and because Hoothoot was double Laurel’s level, meant that Laurel wouldn’t be winning this battle, despite buffeting Sandstorm on the bird. Tez came in and used Imprison, a usually hilariously useless move that now meant Hoothoot couldn’t do Hypnosis. Monnie wasn’t able to understand she couldn’t use Hypnosis anymore, though, so Claire could use this moment of confusion to easily Confusion down the Level 10 Hoothoot with her Level 15 Bronzor. The sandstorm died down.

Laurel grew to level 6!

Tez VS Clefairy! … Sing did nothing! Tez resists both Disarming Voice and Pound, and just Confusions away! This battle is a cakewalk, albeit Clefairy’s high Special Defense meant it took a while before it fainted, managed notable chip damage! Clefairy fainted!

Pip VS Luvdisc! Pip alternatively used Growl at first… but for some reason Draining Kiss is a special move, it was unaffected by lowered Attack! Razor Leaves did way more damage, though. Still, Draining Kiss taking health from Pip and Growl doing nothing meant the battle was decently equal… until Pip got in a good Critical Hit, Super Effective! Luvdisc fainted!

Claire was victorious!

Don’t win no money in an official tournament battle, though.

‘Ooooh… I didn’t hold back, but I lost anyway… Good battle, big sis!’ Monnie called to Claire.

Then, Alfred.

Lure VS Machop! … Karate Chopping at Lure did, like, nothing but be an annoyance, and Lure could Gust him into oblivion afterwards!

Lure VS Onix! Lure shot Razor Leaf at Onix, doing magnificent damage! However, Onix’s mildly put awesome Defense meant he could take at least one of those! She took a decently damaging Rock Tomb back, which lowered her speed! This lowered speed meant Onix outsped her enough to do another Rock Tomb, hurting her down to under half health, but then she Razor Leafed again and that was enough to KO Onix!

Pip grew to level 11!

However, then it was Krabby. Krabby was Level 15. That said, Krabby has poor Special Attack, meaning it’d take three Bubble Beam’s to do even half damage to Pip. Pip also needed three Razor Leaves to take out Krabby, but Krabby was faster. Krabby shot Bubble Beam after Bubble Beam, none of them doing the secondary effect of reducing target Speed. Pip also shot Razor Leaf after Razor Leaf… but didn’t get a Critical Hit. Krabby had been reduced to 20% health when a final Bubblebeam took the last of Pip’s health and fainted her.

What would Claire do, now?

Against Cornelia.

Laurel VS Cyndaquil. Sandstorm and Smokescreen was exchanged, but honestly, Sandstorm is a powerful wind and as such the Smokescreen was blown away. Cyndaquil was buffeted. Then they started attacking. Now, the thing is, Cyndaquil is Level 13. He may be at a type disadvantage, but Cyndaquil still did the more damage, especially since Laurel didn’t have any Super Effective moves to pull. He bit into Cyndaquil and did damage, but ultimately higher-level Embers and Quick Attacks did the more damage. Claire switched to Zeal, who took some Quick Attacks but could efficiently take out Cyndaquil with two Power-Up Punches.

Laurel grew to level 8!

Zeal VS Lillipup… after Zeal had two Power-Up Punches already. … Zeal slammed his opponent down easily, meeting that Take Down in the middle and took the damage from the brutal attack, but Lillipup took a far more brutal blow and fainted.

Lastly, Abra. Abra teleported behind Zeal, but Zeal was attentive enough to spin around and SCRATCH, with 3 Power-Up Punches backing it. Abra took massive damage but still grabbed the arm and threw Zeal into the ceiling, dealing a decent chunk of damage. Zeal was more than capable of coming down on his own and dealing another Scatch, fainting Abra.

Claire was victorious!

‘A-aah! You’re good! I-I should be able to do that, too, as soon as Cindy evolves… Th-thank you for battling me!’ Cornelia said, amazed at Zeal’s performance, ultimately bowing to Claire again.

Finally, Kyle.

Pip VS Roggenrola! Pip Growled, reducing the power of the Rock Blast Roggenrola shot at her. Three rocks hit her, doing some damage. Then, onto Razor Leaf! It does a hefty chunk of damage to Roggenrola, but unfortunately Roggenrola’s rocky defense defended it from taking even more damage. She was hit by another Rock Blast, though this time only two rocks. Growl again, reducing Rock Blast’s capability further, which was good because next time she was hit with five of them. Pip shot another Razor Leaf… and missed! Roggenrola somehow got out of the way! Another Rock Blast was shot at her, hitting thrice, doing very little damage now. Pip could do one final growl, but after the next Rock Blast it was time to switch Pokémon.

Laurel VS Roggenrola. Leer took down Roggenrola’s Defense a notch. Then he was hit with three rocks, that took a bit of a chunk of health. He bit Roggenrola, which did a little bit of damage. Then he was hit by three rocks again. He used Leer again, dropping the opponent’s Defense down further. Then he took three rocks again… and now Laurel was about to faint. Most certainly would if he attempted to Bite again. Roggenrola had taken a great deal of damage, but would certainly survive another Bite.

What would Claire do?



‘Back to the Pokémon Center sounds nice,’ Vivia says, and heads with Skylar back towards the Pokémon Center. Then… there was the matter about Celebrity. Vivia looked towards Skylar, a bit surprised.

‘Wha, you mean it?’ Vivia asked, sounding a bit confused. She then took a moment to consider, during which she was considering how exactly to ask this in a way that didn’t insult Celebrity in any way, shape or form. Eventually, she gave up on asking this question, instead going for. ‘… Yes,’ Vivia said, nodding to him, eyes a bit wide, still. ‘She’s so cute and so. I’d be happy to, if you… feel that’s best,’ she said, remaining serious.

Then Skylar tripped over an ancient vase in the midst of a wet forest and alleviated the atmosphere a bit. In any case. Moving on. He healed at the Pokémon Center and then called Kalmia.

We’ll say that Amelia’s visit and this call takes place on slightly different times.

‘Hello, Professor Kalmia speaking! What’s up, Skylar? Oh, yeah, I just got your Goomy! Nice catch! Interestingly enough, you’re not the only one to catch a dragon!’ Kalmia said with an audible smile, and now Skylar’s free to talk.

Still. Currently in Highhill Town.

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.
Path to Silent Shrine. To the west, the Silent Forest and the path to the shrine within.


@Joshua Tamashii

Jacques raised a hand and a smile, making a light tip of his hat at Amelia for the thanks before he departed. Now, onto Kalmia’s residence.

Since they were fleeing keeping to themselves, Tim and Tom probably ignored those that just fled from them all the time, at least until they had a plan for how to engage.

‘Ehehe, but he doesn’t have a single Gym Badge yet~!’ Timothy said with a grin about his brother.
‘We know, we have looked at the Professor’s computer~!’ Thomas followed it up with, grinning as well.

‘Yeah, ask permission before you do that, next time,’ Kalmia said, sighing. Then Amelia showed all her Pokémon…

‘Oooh, a bunch of ghosts!’ Timothy sounded excited.
‘Look! That one’s shiny!’ Thomas pointed equally excitedly at Phantump. Then they both took off towards Amelia’s Pokémon, assuming she let them out for them, because that’s what it felt like to them.

‘Boys! You should ask the Pokémon if you can play with them before you… jump right in… oh, sigh. I need to find a handbook on how to deal with children. Was this what Dawkin was dealing with every day before he went on his trip? I heard it’d been hard, but…’ Kalmia sighed a bit while Tim and Tom so excitedly went on. ‘Still, I couldn’t take care of all these Pokémon on my own, I have research to do…’

Then Amelia said she had something to ask of Kalmia, with a serious face. Kalmia looked at her with slight surprise, sitting back in her chair with a decently professional expression.

‘Alright. Ask away, and I’ll see what I can say,’ Kalmia replied, looking directly to Amelia right now. Regardless of what antics the twins were doing.

Pumpkaboo found a Max Potion somewhere with Pickup!

Currently in Pureplain City.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



‘Hm. Aren’t you eager? Very well,’ Dunstan said approvingly, standing up. He went through the lab and opened a storage box, lifting out a truncated octahedron, similar to the one that Florrie had. He went over and handed it over to Dawkin.

‘We’ve managed to duplicate a few of these. Here you go.’

Dawkin obtained Zygarde Cube!

‘This is the Zygarde Cube. Whenever you encounter one of the cells, you can store it inside this. It’ll also give you a hint if there’s a Zygarde Cell in your current area. I have a couple, so if there’s anyone else with a Pokédex that you’d entrust with this mission, you can send them this way and you can hunt side-by-side. Leave the desert and the immediate area around here to Florrie, that’s where our Zygarde was broken apart after all, while you go seek far and wide over Isson for the rest. That should work out, right?’ Dunstan said.

‘W-welcome aboard!’ Florrie said, sounding excited to have another ally.

‘If there’s anything you wonder, you can find us either here or in Dunstan’s lab in Worldedge City. Except for that…’ Leila said…

‘Right, I’ll give you my number, so you can give updates on your progress. Alright?’ Dunstan said. Unless Dawkin had any complaints, he was then handed Dunstan’s contact information.

‘That’ll be all, right? Now off with you, then,’ Dunstan said, turning back to his chemistry research with the vials and such…

‘… Sorry about him. Was there anything else you were wondering, or are you good to go?’ Leila asked.

‘I-I’ll follow you out, at least…’ Florrie said, for whenever Dawkin was actually on the way.

With that, Dawkin was free to leave out to Raremine Town again, unless he had other business with these individuals, things to ask, etc.

What would Dawkin do?

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.


‘Oh, yes. That happened, didn’t it? You didn’t get to see my best side, I’m afraid,’ Leila told before giving him a kind smile. ‘I’m Leila, Pokémon Trainer, and representative of the researchers of Raremine as well as Worldedge. Pleased to meet you.’

Florrie blinked a bit.

‘D-did I ever introduce myself?’ Florrie asked, suddenly frozen in place. She then spun around to Dawkin. ‘I-I’m sorry! I’m Florrie, Pokémon Trainer and lab assistant! Pleased to meet you!’

‘… And I’m Professor Dunstan,’ the man said, casually saying that he’s the most famous researcher in Isson. He put his hands in his pockets and stood, looking over to Florrie. ‘So, Florrie. Your reasoning is that because he has the Pokédex, we can trust him?’

‘Y-yes!’ Florrie said, bewildered. ‘He’s been entrusted with one of the very few Pokédexes that the foreign professors made, this must mean he’s a worthy and dependable trainer to be entrusted with something like that! If the Professors trust him, then so should we! Besides, that Pokédex already knows about Zygarde and told him upon scanning Zei…!’

‘Is that so?’ Dunstan says, not sounding particularly convinced. ‘Leila, what do you think?’

‘Hmmm, I think he has his head on straight,’ Leila said, probably recalling how he made her and Kristy not fight. ‘Besides, it’s not like we have a lot of options, now, do we?’

‘I suppose not,’ Dunstan says, and then looks towards Dawkin. ‘Well, then, kid. Would you like to partake in a possibly dangerous mission that might involve taking on criminals and threats of a scope you can’t even imagine with little to no backup? We can’t tell you anything until you agree, but it is for the sake of the betterment of the world,’ Dunstan asks, staring blankly at Dawkin.

‘Now, now, Dunstan, don’t intentionally try to scare him away,’ Leila told, giving him a smile. ‘We can tell you this much, at any rate. Zygarde 50% form long inhabited the Desert Mines. We found him, noted that he existed, and then didn’t bother him. Zygarde consists of a collection of separate cells, the more together the more powerful. Zygarde is mainly regarded as the guardian of the ecosystem, who rises up to destroy those who threatens the order of life on this planet. The 50% form is a form it takes to monitor. It uses some unknown senses to keep track of all the threats in the world, and should any of them cross the line it will summon the rest of its kind and become the 100% form, capable of whatever you’d expect a Legendary to achieve.’

‘So when we found it, we obviously let it be. We don’t mess with Legendary Pokémon, but I did try to study it as best I could,’ Dunstan said. Then, his look became serious. ‘However. A week or so ago, someone visited the 50% form… and blew it open, scattering the cells. We’ve tried seeking in the desert and in the Desert Mines, but we’ve only found enough to create the 10% form. Basically, we need trainers to seek through the rest of the world for Zygarde Cells, and protect them from whatever person it was that destroyed the 50% form…’

Dunstan shakes his head a bit, looking grim.

‘… However, more importantly. We can’t allow whoever destroyed Zygarde to do it again. He must have done it with a purpose in mind. As such, information about what we’re doing must be kept under wraps.’

‘Dunstan doesn’t trust the Pokémon League, and any normal trainer might be connected to the man who tore Zygarde down in the first place, so we’re terribly short on options,’ Leila said with a smile. ‘Not to mention, we have our regular businesses and troubles to manage…’

‘… So, there you have it. We recollect the cells, make the 50% shape, let him monitor whoever destroyed him somewhere safe. Then Zygarde can administer whatever judgement he decides appropriate when we get there, as the 50% shape should be able to summon the rest of them,’ Dunstan said, shrugging a bit before looking towards Dawkin again.

‘What say you? Think you can gather Zygarde Cells around the world while keeping them and the information about them safe?’ Dunstan asked. Yupp, that’s the question. ‘If it’s rewards you’re wondering about, then I do have quite a bit I could offer. You can name your price, and I’ll see if I think you’re worthy of it after a while.’

What would Dawkin respond?

‘… How did he learn you had Zygarde with you?’ Dunstan asked Florrie.

‘I, um, used Zei against him in a Pokémon battle…’ Florrie told, looking away, mild panic in her face.

‘…’ Dunstan did not answer, just looking towards her with a blank face.

Anyways! Dawkin’s actions?

In case he just up and leaves.

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.



‘Hm-hm, I’ll consider it. Farewell for now, and good luck on your own endeavours!’ Braith told as Eryn made her way away.

Later, at the Lakewatcher Base.

‘You’ll be assigned to a team which may contain a combination of official patrol members and other volunteers, depending on how many are working at the night. You can bring a friend along if you so wish, you’re the only one actually working?’ he asked, because, like, matters of pay. ‘However, there may be times where you’re sent off on a smaller boat on your own if we’re investigating something fishy or a battle occurs somewhere and you’re either sent as reinforcement or perhaps to stay as a look-out while the rest are the reinforcement. We intend to be as flexible as possible. Expect the unexpected.’ So he says.

Does that answer her questions? Does she want to ask anything else, or does she want to try this out?

In case she didn’t want to.

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.


Erza commanded his Pokémon to attack, and neither had any trouble blasting off their attacks, despite the accuracy loss! Summer shot an ember, and Croagunk yelped from the sudden burst of fire-type damage, the blast managed to leave a lasting fire! Croagunk was burned! In addition, Flora drained at Makuhita, the upped Special Attack taking out the last of the Fighting-types strength and the super-powered mass of confusion fell fainted to the ground. At this point, Dale had realized he wasn’t about to win this battle, Burn ensuring he wouldn’t be doing damage, but he did what he could to do as much damage as possible!

‘Croagunk, Poison Sting the fox!’ Dale commanded, and Croagunk launched at Summer to sting her with his fingertips. It hit, doing some damage to Summer…! … But she managed to avoid being poisoned! Next turn the next Ember and even a weakened Mega Drain was enough to finally bring down Croagunk as well.

Flora grew to level 15!

Summer grew to level 15! Summer learned Fire Spin!

Erza was victorious! Erza gained 5206P for winning!

Fake Out, Mud Slap AND Poison Sting had probably reduced Summer to about 65% health.

Flora only took a Mud-Slap, so, like, 88%, perhaps.

Dale passed by close on his left side. ‘Keep the amount you just won secret, now, won’t you?’ Dale whispered, before walking on to join the rest of the Black Belts and Battle Girls.

‘… Mud-Slap, Poison Sting… It occurs to me, but you’re fighting pretty dirty, aren’t you?’ Madeline told Dale, looking a bit displeased. Dale grinned.

‘Fighting dirty is a way of fighting, Made!’ Dale told her happily.

‘Hmpf, if you say so,’ Madeline said, and then walked forward. ‘Okay, me next!’

And then Erza promptly beat her (as established in earlier posts).

‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH-!’ Hector grinned as he let out a loud shout, revving up his right arm, making ready to battle.

‘I’m fired up! I’m fired up! You beat them all! Awesome, AWESOME!’ Hector grinned, and the rest were moving to make room. Even those that had just been training before were now looking over to see the action, Erza having gained quite an audience from the inhabitants of the gym.

‘Kid! What’s your name!?’ Hector asked, still grinning at him. He’s wait for a reply, and then call out. ‘You’re now a recognized challenger of a Pokémon Gym! From here on out, you’re expected to face any opponent with guts and glory, fight your way through any challenge until you’ve secured your badge! I am Hector! Leader of Redcoast City Gym! You’ve challenged me, AND I’VE ACCEPTED!’ Hector shouted, and then reached out with his hands to the sides, palms upwards.

‘ISABELLE! CONRAD!’ Hector called out. Basically instantly, a Battle Girl and a Black Belt grabbed a Pokéball each and threw them over the room so that Hector could catch them in his left and right hands respectively… and his arms crossed in front of him so that he caught each ball with the hand that had started on the opposite side.

‘We’re making this a double battle. We keep it going until either of us run out of Pokémon. I will only use these two. This does not mean your challenge will be easy. I wish you good luck, because you will need it,’ Hector said, before throwing the Pokéballs up into the air, the two balls crashing into one another. The impact was enough for the balls to open, and two creatures fell down.

‘The Gym Battle for the Challenge Badge begins NOW!’



Erika managed to pass Ellyn and Maple unnoticed, the two girls continuing to wander on chattering, or mostly Maple chattering anyways. Then, she listened to the guy by the gym, before making her conviction to him.

‘Now that’s the conviction of a champion-to-be! Go make her proud!’ Gym Guy told her, giving her a smile and waving Erika into the Gym. With that, she ascended the stairs and engaged the first opponent. Tanya, the Aroma Lady.

‘Safeguard!? Fuhuhu, I see you’ve prepared!’ Tanya laughed out as Tara blocked the Stun Spore with said move. Tara VS Shroomish, Tara found herself Leech Seeded but Peck did way more damage against Shroomish anyway. Shroomish managed two counter-Tackles, one of which caused a lucky powerful Critical Hit on Tara, but Tara regardless won out the battle with Super Effective Pecks, and Safeguard protects against Effect Spore since Gen V!.

Tangela Vine Whipped at Tara, but wasn’t able to block Safeguard being reinforced once again. Chic came out, and Tangela kept up the Vine Whips because they were his best possible attack at this point. Chic took some Vine Whip damage, but in the end Ember did far more damage and Tangela fainted, with one more turn of Safeguard to go.

Eep VS Treecko! … Absorb, Quick Attack, Leer. Doesn’t entirely matter, Eep stonewalled the lizard, none of its attacks particularly effective against her superior defense. Confuse Ray made Treecko hurt itself half the time, Ingrain neutralized any damage Treecko managed to do, and then Acid did the rest. Notably, though, Tanya’s Pokémon in general were obviously weaker than those Erika had trained. No levels awarded.

Erika was victorious! Erika gained 342P for winning!

‘Fuhu… hu… Well! I did my job! I keep all the kids out, as the weakest trainer of a Pokémon Gym! But, honestly, it’s a bit demoralizing, having to sit here with an intentionally weak team and have trainers with five days of experience beating me day after day…’ So Tanya complained a bit, but nonetheless smiled and gestured to Erika to move on.

She met with Daisy again.

‘… Oh my. It seems like I’m not very… oh, well!’ Daisy said, first a little taken aback, but then reinforcing it with a smile, still engaging in the battle like this.

Eep VS Whimsicott! Eep Ingrained herself, while Whimsicott successfully spewed Stun Spore around her, paralyzing Eep. This meant Whimsicott was fasted for the next move, firing off a Mega Drain for neutral damage, high Special Attack clashing against Eep’s higher Special Defense. Unfortunately, Eep couldn’t move due to paralyzation, letting Whimsicott do another Mega Drain, but Ingrain was actively working against the damage. Next turn Eep managed to send out a Confuse Ray that hit Whimsicott, confusing the target.

Next turn Whimsicott damaged itself in confusion! This while Eep shot Super Effective x4 Acid at the cloud, which did some serious damage! Next turn… Whimsicott damaged itself in confusion again, while Eep kept Ingrain healing and shot another Super Effective Acid! And that… that was too much! Whimsicott fainted!

Eep grew to level 15!

Kay VS Lombre! Neither Pokémon had a move that was especially effective against the other, so it was a straight up competition for who could outlast the other’s moves! Lombre fought with Bubble, who was a bit faster and as such struck first, but… but Foul Play was a so much more potent attack move it was ridiculous. The dark ball of energy slammed into Lombre multiple times, far stronger than its own Bubble. No critical hits or special effects, Foul Play just did far more damage than Bubble and Lombre eventually fainted.

Tara came out first against Vivillion. Vivillon came speeding across the distance between them at a great speed, but Tara still managed to get off Safeguard in time for when the Sleep Powder came falling. Safe for now, Erika switched to Sno… who immediately took a pretty powerful Struggle Bug attack upon exit. Sno replied with an Icy Wind, doing super-effective damage and slowing the bug down a bit. Safeguard protecting her, Vivillon Stuggle Bugged again, doing considerable damage and leaving Sno with considerably little health… but Sno successfully sent back a strong Icy Wind, trapping the flying bug in a hail of ice! Critical Hit! Vivillon fainted.

Sno grew to level 16!

Erika was victorious! Erika gained 445P for winning!

‘Ara. Looks like you won. You’ve clearly done some training, and caught a Swablu for the status effects. Good job! You can now keep going!’ Daisy said, still with a smile.

Then, against Ramsey.

Chic VS Skiddo. Skiddo got a Leech Seed off on Chic first, but that did little to balance the damage Chic did with Ember back. Chic found herself tackled, taking significant damage, but Chic managed to topple Skiddo as intended with Ember, burning the grass-goat down. Skiddo fainted.

Chic is almost to level 16… like, it wouldn’t take a fainting an opponent, necessarily, but perhaps just a bit of pressure and determination in a heated battle…

Tara VS Leafeon. Sand-Attack was immediately met by Mist, the sands doing nothing but dispersing against the protective fog that Tara had called upon. With that, nothing had happened that round. Ramsey then simple commanded Leafeon to Quick Attack, so it became a Quick Attack VS Peck battle. Now, here’s a thing. Leafeon has an absurd amount of defense, and a respectably high attack power, more so than Tara. Even with all forms of type-advantages, Tara was not necessarily doing more damage per hit with Peck than Leafeon was with Quick Attack. Then, came the time when Tara had to raise a new Mist… and succeeded, but then came Leafeon with a powerful SLAM of a Quick Attack, striking Tara down from midair. Critical hit! Tara fainted. However, Leafeon didn’t have all that much health left. Say 35%. Still, Leafeon still stood, watching for the next opponent.

Despite having fainted, Tara put up a good fight, so…

Tara grew to level 15!

Relief Pokémon was Gibs, who showed up in front of Leafeon. Sandstorm first, blowing up a huge storm of sand in front of Leafeon… who unleashed a flurry of Razor Leaves at Gibs, which not only hit despite Sand Veil but also managed to score a highly damaging Critical Hit at the dragon-ground type, doing heavy damage! Gibs was almost out by that single attack! Next turn, after Leafeon got buffeted by some sand, the two hurt Pokémon faced off with determination… and one unleashed another hail of Razor Leaves, while Gibs blasted off a fiery surge of Dragon Rage! … The leaves arced around the Dragon Rage and cut into Gibs, the dragon-type misfortunate enough to suffer ANOTHER Critical Hit despite the sandstorm! Gibs fainted! … However! The Dragon Rage he’d shot flew on towards Leafeon, who was too tired to dodge! The Dragon Rage fire hit straight on in a purple burst, sending the eeveelution rolling back and curling together…! Leafeon fainted!

Gibs grew to level 17!

Kay VS Nuzleaf! Ramsey peered at Kay for a bit, and then decided to go with just shooting Razor Leaves! Kay got up her Reflect, halving the damage of the dangerous leaves. Nuzleaf was faster, so it got off another Razor Leaf attack, hitting Kay for half normal damage again for one complete damage… and then Inkay Swaggered him! Attack raised sharply, but he was confused! This, however, meant there was one dangerous attack between Kay and Topsy-Turvy… And Nuzleaf successfully threw out Razor Leaf, and what’s even worse, it managed to get a Critical Hit on Kay, and Critical Hits bypass Reflect to become even worse! Kay fainted!

Tara, Gibs and Kay had all fainted against Ramsey’s Pokémon. All to critical hits, notably, which had nothing to do with anything but bad luck and Razor Leaf’s increased Crit rate. Nuzleaf’s attack had been raised significantly, but he was confused. Reflect still guarded Erika’s team for two more turns. What would Erika do to reply?



Both Vivia’s and the wild Goomy paused what they were doing when the rest of Skylar’s Pokémon inserted their opinions into the situation. Wild Goomy was already looking like she’d decided she’d overstayed her welcome… and that’s when Celebrity did what Celebrity does best: take issue with that someone else was getting her pats. Goomy spun around in wild panic and then did her best attempt to spin about more to slide off and save herself, but Celebrity sung out her song that hit the wild Goomy head on, and Goomy fell asleep.

Skylar, taking advantage of this, grabbed a third Pokéball and threw it at Goomy, the sleeping slime being absorbed into the Pokéball once again in a shine of light…

It rolled once! It rolled twi-!


‘Sure, I’d be happy to. Always nice to meet an young person actually interested in exploring ruins!’ Wilhelm said, happily providing Eryn with his number. Then, it was off to heal.

Fortunately for Eryn, food only costs money if you’re in Redcoast City (in exchange for that they might become happier by eating there), so she gets to eat for free. It probably cost money, but we’re not counting it. They did get a couple curious looks walking through town, given she and Eri looked like identical twins.

So, then, here’s a thing. Trainers on their own, that’s sort of easy to find anywhere around here. People who are actually on the level where they can challenge Lesley? Now those are rare, the cream of the crop. She kept her eyes on the door… then this somewhat fancily clad man with lavish ear ornaments stopped beside it. He opened a Pokéball, and this decently huge purple dragon-bat cross took shape, and he started having a conversation with his Pokémon. Suppose he matches the description?

So Eryn walks forth to talk to him…

‘Oh?’ he makes a curious sound, looking in their direction. ‘What are these precious saplings doing talking to little old me? … Hm-hm-hm, I do suppose I do look like someone who would have the experience they’re seeking…’

‘I’m Braith. A pleasure to meet you, two identical misses,’ he said, giving Eri a curious look as he looked between the two of you.

Too late, can’t escape now.

‘Landmarks and the like? Hm-hm. Do you little ladies know about the true Dragon Lake, then? Sure, all of the lake is typically called the Dragon Lake, but most is just Route 14. In the northern half of the lake, however, there’s a place with rocks surrounding it, a closed-off section surrounded by cliffs with a single entrance in the south. This is where the dragons truly live. That’s where their nests are, and where they live out their young lives, usually. That’s the fort that the Lakewatchers protect. How’s that for a landmark?’

‘Mining inside the Frozen Cave is always fun, though I’d dissuade you from trying to go deeper inside, Route 9 and Mt. Chill is not for inexperienced trainers. If you’d like to go to Cooldome City, go through the eastern Tunnel. Cooldome City doesn’t have much to offer the less experienced trainers, other than as audience when more experienced trainers clash. Those born of Cooldome City are a different sort, molded for Pokémon Battle… It’s a sight to behold. Still… if you look into the lone house on Route 5, the Trail Master should be able to prepare something fun for you. Hm-hm.’

‘If you wish to cross Route 6, I recommend trying out doing it via the Rapidash service. Few things beat travelling over the plains as such high speeds, I guarantee. Oh, and don’t be afraid of getting lost in Endless Forest. Just head straight in any direction, and you’ll come out of it eventually. It’s a pleasant forest where you don’t have to worry what direction you’re going, just entrust yourself to the forest itself, and you’ll find your way. It’s such a pleasant experience.’

‘Oh, this town? There isn’t much here. Explorer’s Guide Service has maps and can give you tips on finding Pokémon, if you find yourself backed into a corner. Otherwise, it’s just obsessed with their dragons. There’s Descent Tower, but it’s really only good for one visit then you’ve basically seen it all. There isn’t much down there, unless you like that sort of thing, I suppose. No, the reason I’m here is Lesley. Even among the Major League Gym Leaders, she’s known to be a challenge. I’m going to be overworking Cloyster, that’s for sure. No worries, she can handle it. I haven’t challenged Lesley yet, but it’s sure to be a thrilling battle. I’m only a few steps short of the Pokémon League challenge. Hm-hm-hm!’ so he says.

In case she still wanted to ask for his contact information.

‘Oh? My number?’ he asked. ‘… Now, now, that’s a little too much excitement. What would happen to my reputation if I was found collecting contacts among the young female trainers of the world? Hm-hm-hm, I digress. Very well, I’ll give you the honour of having my contact information. Only because, I’m honestly worried the next person you ask that will accept may be a far worse person than I am, hm-hm!’ … And with that, obtained Braith’s contact info.

Now, then. Onwards.

Lakewatcher Base. The place is a decently big building with random trainers just walking about and getting prepared for their duty. They’re probably the main employers of people in Lakewatch Town, and the force always standing on duty to fighting off the supposed dragon-poachers that were so numerous in the past. Team Amethyst has been in decline, but still. There’s plenty of smaller ships docked by the building, and they seemingly had a personal harbour. Regardless, Eryn headed in and to the counter to the receptionist. … Who, along with most of the employees, probably, looks like a typical sailor.

‘Welcome, trainers. Have you come to help us out tonight?’ he asked, looking at Eryn and Eri. ‘Allow me to explain. We have a fair amount of patrollers each night, but we always have use of volunteers that also ride around at night preventing any infiltrators from trying to catch themselves dragons when they think we’re not watching. We offer 6,000P per night per trainer, albeit we may halve it if you fail to prevent an infiltrator or even retract it entirely if it’s reported that you were lazing on the job. You’ll be part of a team, so we need to know we can count on you. … Oh, and if you try to make use of the position to catch a dragon, we’ll have you pay a 20,000P fine and be banned from working in Lakewatch Town, taking the Route 14 ferry or even surfing on this lake ever again, and probably have Lesley absolutely hate you if you ever feel like challenging her gym.’ Just minor things.

‘We do appreciate flying Pokémon with the ability Keen Eye or water Pokémon that can keep a lookout under the surface without falling prey to Carvanha. If you have any of those, we reward 8,000P per night instead, or 3,000P per night if you’d just leave the Pokémon for us to use over the night. That’s all. What say you?’

So he asks.

Though, like, if she says she asks to just hang along a patrol…

‘… Hm. Yeah, that’s fine. Extra pairs of eyes we don’t need to pay for, I suppose, for a limited time,’ he’d reply, looking at them quizzically. ‘I’m going to say that the penalties for betraying our trust still applies, however.’

So, what would Eryn do?

In case she didn’t want to head along.

Connected areas:
Wet Caverns. Water-filled caverns that are located to the east. There’s a small hill to climb to get to the entrance.
Route 5. The main exit of Lakewatch, leading to a grassy incline connecting mountains, forests and plains.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.



‘Wait, that’s… that’s a Pokédex!?’ Florrie blinks a bit in realization. ‘Th-then, you’re…!?’ she looks at Dawkin wide-eyed. ‘O-okay, let’s go!’ she said, still wide-eyed and thinking about it as they were heading on.

Feel free to continue having the conversation with Amelia until you’re both satisfied, I’ll continue describing what’ll happen after.

After healing at the Pokémon Center, Florrie was there waiting for him. She looked nervous.

‘… I’ll answer your questions, if you come with me to the Raremine Research Lab. It’s… a sensitive subject,’ she informs. So, would Dawkin follow her to the research lab? Entirely up to him, of course. If not, skip this next hider.

… And if he didn’t? What’ll he do, then?

Connected areas:
Route 6. The Vast Plains open up to the north of Raremine. The shorter paths lead to Route 8 and 16, while west far enough leads to Lakewatch Town.
Route 7. The single rocky desert of Isson, it connects to the Desert Mines, the Old Tombs and to the Mythic Oasis.


@Joshua Tamashii

Feel free to continue having the conversation with Dawkin until you’re both satisfied, I’ll continue describing what’ll happen after. Though, okay, that does look like an end.

‘Alright. Okay, Aero, we’re getting a passenger,’ Jacques told his Aerodactyl, who gave a nondescript cry that didn’t really sound like a confirmation but okay. With that, assumingly, Amelia would head over to obtain this ride. Jacques put on some form of harness on the flying dinosaur Pokémon that he could hold, and then informed Amelia to hold onto him. We’ll go with the assumption that this doesn’t feel as absurdly dangerous as it would be in real life. With that done, and Jacques making sure that Amelia had a good grip, he commanded Aerodactyl to lift.

Aerodactyl lifted with powerful waves of his wings, the rock-Pokémon’s wings powerful after having been trained by an Elite Four, and the Pokémon easily lifted both humans high up into the air, allowing Amelia one impressive view. She could see all over Route 6, all the wild Pokémon running around. In the distance over Route 8 she could see the rising town of Freecape City, leaning over the edge of the cliffs towards the ocean. Unfortunately, preventing her from seeing further north was Mt. Chill, the mountain range higher than Aerodactyl was planning on flying. South was the desert she’d just left, which really didn’t look particularly large from up here, but the eternal sandstorm over the western part made it somewhat hard to judge.

Flying west at a high speed, they headed over Endless Forest. Trees blocked sight of everything else. Further north was Route 5, and north of that was Stillwood Forest, within which Stillwood Village was housed. Now the Mt. Strength mountain line presented itself in the north, as Jacques took a turn to fly over Dragon Lake on the way. On the south was the mountain that housed the Wet Caverns… Odd was it, perhaps, that the top of this mountain opened itself up like it was a volcano or something, but it was too high up there so Amelia could not see what it contained.

Regardless, soon enough they flew past Highhill Town, Silent Forest on the right, Infested Woods on the left and Route 2 and 1 closer to beneath, as they approached Pureplain City. From this altitude, it was obvious just how far the suburbs of Pureplain City had spread, and what a massive plain Pureplain must have been before Pureplain City had grown up to occupy it. That said… it was time to touch down.

Aerodactyl landed them right in front of Kalmia’s lab. A simple building with an outgrowth on the side that was Kalmia’s own home. Jacques helped Amelia down, before recalling Aerodactyl and giving Amelia a smile.

‘That will do. I won’t fly you back, however. That journey you’ll have to do again. Good luck on your future endeavours, Amelia. Now, time for me to go bother Dorian about a matter, then it’s right back to seeing to Angelique…’ Jacques said, sighing a bit before tilting his hat a bit and starting to wander off.

Now, Amelia had found herself by Kalmia’s lab again. Under the assumption that she’ll go over to the door…

If she knocks or otherwise calls for attention, Kalmia comes over and opens the door. If she just opens the door, she’ll find that it’s open and that Kalmia’s sitting by her computer on the other end. Regardless, the following scene is displayed before her.

So, there’s a bunch of hot servers in the far away and right. There’s shelves and furniture arranged in a circle… and there’s a bunch of Pokémon here for Amelia to dodge if she wants through. Specifically, every single Pokémon that has been put inside the box by one of Kalmia’s trainers.

With other words, unless their players have something against it, in here are…

@Rune_Alchemist a Beedrill and a Ledyba
@Pirouette a Poliwag and a Pikachu
@Ephemeral a (lot) Meowth, a Lillipup, a Growlithe, a Castform and a Duskull.

and of course, a (i’d appreciate if you kept a list updated somewhere, profile or in your posts) Yamask, a Golett and a Spiritomb.

Any of you can have your Pokémon impact the scene if you so feel like it. Just take the following paragraph into consideration.

More than that, however, there were two children here. Two giggling, happy children who was currently occupying their time chasing after and playing with the various Pokémon in here, with plenty of treats on their belts and willing to give pats to whatever Pokémon wanted them, but was also actively seeking out and trying to engage with the shy ones and chase them down if so be it! Though, while the twins were unfamiliar to Amelia, didn’t they look somewhat similar someone Amelia had seen not long ago…?

‘Amelia! Come in!’ Kalmia said, looking surprised but happy to see her.

‘Oooooh, a trainer! Are any of these yours!?’ one of the kids immediately stopped to ask.
‘Have you met with big bro!? How's he doing!?’ the other twin asked. Both were really eager.

‘… These are Timothy and Thomas, Dawkin’s younger brothers. Since Jacques stole my last assistant, I had to get new ones. They’re are enthusiastic, I'll give them that, and are also a whole heap of trouble,’ Kalmia said with a little smile, Tim and Tom grinning widely at Amelia, not catching that last bit. ‘Anyways! I just received your Pokémon, and you’re already here! Your Pokémon are over there, safe and sure!’ Kalmia said, gesturing over to the Pokémon, among all those other Pokémon.

Now, what would Amelia and Pokémon do?

‘… Goom,’ Goomy said as Skylar reached down to pat her. So, the Pokédex says that grabbing a Goomy is bad, but patting is probably fine. Skylar would find the surface of the Pokémon to be exceedingly slimy and slippery, to the degree punches and kicks just slide off without doing damage apparently, but he still managed to pat the creature, the little slimeball shuddering slightly under his touch.

‘Go-ooom~’ Goomy made a pleased noise, and then was offered another banana. The Pokémon was quick to accept, happily biting on another banana while being patted by Skylar. Seeing how this was going so well, Skylar could take his next Pokéball and tap Goomy with that one, too. Goomy was transferred into the Pokéball, which fell down onto the forest floor to roll.

The Pokéball rolled once. It rolled twice. It rolled thrice…!



Claire earned herself plenty of waves from the staff at the Game Corner as she left, calls of that “I hope you’ll return!” and otherwise, as she kept her new Larvitar and went on with her journey. She entered the more peaceful Residential District. Here the atmosphere was calmer, far more families and children walking about, having little laughs… or crying their hearts out for a reason or other… while Claire continued her wandering through the strange architecture of Worldedge City. That was, before she found this little stadium marked the Little Cup, which she entered and went to the front desk of…

‘Welcome, miss, to the Little Cup stadium!’ the man behind the desk said. ‘Little Cup exists to ensure even the smallest of us get to experience Pokémon Battle on a level with actual stakes. Miss, you…’ he smiles at her. ‘… are a bit older than the average contestant here, but we accept all entrants! You need to pay 300 P to enter. You’ll battle four trainers in a row. Each battle is three-on-three, but you can bring all six of your Pokémon and select which to use before each battle. You get to heal between each battle, as well. At the end, the one who won the most, or let the fewest of their Pokémon faint, wins a price! This is partly money, and partly other little goodies that are sure to spread joy! First to fifth place are all rewarded! … Are you interested in partaking?’ the man said, offering a ticket.

300 P. Would Claire partake?

Or if she heads of elsewhere.

Connected areas:
Route 10. South of Worldedge. A farmland employing multiple psychic Pokémon from Mt. Edge to help with the crops.
Route 13. West of Worldedge. A slightly disturbed route, which attracts electric Pokémon due to the proximity of the power plant.
Mt. Edge. The mystical mountain at the heart of Worldedge’s unnatural existence. Few people actually cross its fabled tunnels, most just teleport past.
Route 18. East of Worldedge. A calm stretch of land going from Worldedge to Witchpeak, part of the Allmass Cycling Circuit.

Currently in the Residential District.


‘… Hmpf,’ Valerie made a noise as she put Claire’s name on her mind, but otherwise just disproved of the amount of noise she made. With that, Claire boasted to the crowd, none of them actually looking too interested in an autograph though they did seem surprised at her winning. Then, it was off to the price corner.

‘Yes, ma’am!’ the lady behind the desk said, starting to collect the coins. ‘That has to be one of the shortest amount of time anyone has ever obtained 20,000 coins in at this Game Corner. Well done! One Larvitar coming up! Which gender do you want?’ she asked.

What would Claire do now?

Or, if she’d like to head off somewhere else.

Connected areas:
Route 10. South of Worldedge. A farmland employing multiple psychic Pokémon from Mt. Edge to help with the crops.
Route 13. West of Worldedge. A slightly disturbed route, which attracts electric Pokémon due to the proximity of the power plant.
Mt. Edge. The mystical mountain at the heart of Worldedge’s unnatural existence. Few people actually cross its fabled tunnels, most just teleport past.
Route 18. East of Worldedge. A calm stretch of land going from Worldedge to Witchpeak, part of the Allmass Cycling Circuit.

Currently in the Entertainment District.

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