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I’m not really sure how I could describe his powers in more detail, but I’d be perfectly happy to place some form of restriction or limitation on them, if you’d like.

Did you have any specific game-breaking things in mind that you were concerned about him being able to do?

As it is now, his mystical abilities are exclusively for combat. He can’t create portals, reshape large swaths of his surroundings, or anything like that. It’s just an attack he can use on an enemy, or a single object. (Is that the kind of clarification you're looking for?)

As for the story beat you mentioned, I wasn’t implying that the Ministry would keep her in a lab, just that they would want to study her performance in the field, but I can remove it if you’d prefer.
I imagine she'll find Wilhelmina very interesting, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing their potential interactions!

@Izurich Oh crap... It has now been corrected! And thanks! I'm glad you like her.
Since all the cool people are doing it, I suppose I'll take a shot at this-

In stark contrast to her usual bubbly hyperactivity, MDP watched silently as the various participants of this latest drama arrived and made their cases. She was glad to hear that Rachel had decided to postpone the dimension’s destruction, at least for the time being, but the inquisitor’s obvious hatred for Dan’s realm still bothered the whimsical girl. Then there was the fact that Mayra was part of the opposing side in this little debacle… Nevertheless, when Penny moved to stand with the forces of Beacon, MDP was quick to join her. This move wasn’t exactly to show her support for Beacon, so much as her support for Penny. Indeed, the childish girl was firmly dedicated to staying by her girlfriend’s side, regardless of what anyone else might think. Whatever adversities presented themselves, she and Penny would face them together, and she had faith that if they did so, then a peaceful outcome for everyone would surely be attained. It may have been a painfully naive way of thinking, but it made perfect sense to MDP, and that was all that really mattered.

Taking Penny’s offered hand, she listened as the mechanical monarch stated who she believed the culprit to be. “Like, Penny Wenny’s totally wotally right!” the whimsical girl agreed. “Those Minty Winty people weple are, like, super duper meanie weanie heads! They’re super duper sneaky weaky, too! And, like, Magical Dream Princess would know, ‘cause she got tricky wickied by them herselfy welfy…” she added, frowning at the thought of just how big a mistake she’d made to ever work with the Mint. A moment later, however, she brightened back up as an idea occurred to her. “But, like, if everybodywody works together wether, Magical Dream Princess just knows we can put a stopy wopy to their evil wevil plany wanies and savey wavey Christmas Whistmas and Danny Wanny’s placey wacey, too~! (giggle!) We can make our very wery own Christmas Whistmas miracle wiracle of wuv and justice, ‘cause, like, that’s what magical wagical girls do~!”
What's this?

Initially, MDP had been so happy as she watched Penny’s second match. Just as with the mechanical monarch’s prior match, the whimsical girl had taken up the role of a vivacious cheerleader, jumping around with her usual hyperactive glee as she encouraged her girlfriend to do her best. However, the childish girl’s bubbly demeanor dissolved in an instant, as she watched a clearly concerned Penny concede the match by dropping into the pool. “P-Penny Wenny…?” MDP gasped, her eyes going wide with shock and her pompoms vanishing in twin puffs of glittery pink smoke. A moment later, the cybernetic girl emerged from the pool and began walking away, only to pause as a sudden eruption of power from the bottom of the pool violently warped and twisted the water. L-Like, what’s going onsie? the whimsical girl wondered. Her ADHD addled mind struggling to make sense of what she was seeing, MDP watched in stunned silence as Dina leapt into the pool, followed by Penny herself, before another massive detonation of mystic power blasted Penny and Tenebra into the stands. “Penny Wenny!” MDP cried as she rushed to her robotic girlfriend’s side. The mechanical monarch appeared to be fine, however, as she quickly jumped back into the pool, presumably to retrieve the still unaccounted for Dina. Once Penny had done so, MDP promptly raced over to make sure everyone was okay. Thankfully, with Penny and Tenebra’s help, Dina’s very unpleasant-looking injuries were soon completely healed, and MDP found herself feeling warm and fuzzy at the sight of the former opponents working together.

Then Dan announced that the tournament was being put on indefinite hiatus because the Black Mirror had disappeared…

Now, MDP wasn’t too sure about what, exactly, the Black Mirror was, but she did know that it belonged to a horror, and if it was missing, that could only mean trouble. Lots of trouble… Penny apparently agreed, seeing as how the mechanical monarch wasted no time in heading back to the winter island. MDP followed after her, but decided to give her girlfriend some space. Penny was clearly on edge, but despite how much MDP wanted to wrap the cybernetic girl up in a big hug, and cuddle and snuggle with her until everything was better, even the innocent Princess of Dreams knew that this wasn’t the time or place for such things. MDP would still be nearby, of course, ever-ready to help her girlfriend should the robotic girl need it, but she would be far enough removed so that her bothersome hyperactivity wouldn’t get in Penny’s way. Thus, she used every ounce of her willpower to keep herself at a respectful distance and allow Penny the freedom to do things at her own pace. She only hoped that, ultimately, everything would work out…

Upon MDP and Maribel’s departure, Connie, Gaia, and Amanda had gone back to looking at books, but a short while later, the dream magician informed them that she, too, had to get going. Bidding her friend farewell, Connie gave Amanda a big hug, before presenting her with a Christmas gift (A book of whimsical landscape paintings, along with a painting by Connie herself). Once Amanda had taken her leave, Connie and Gaia had continued to relax in the bookshop until Dan's announcement about the missing mirror shattered the small store’s peaceful ambiance.

“O-Oh, g-gosh!” Connie exclaimed upon hearing the troubling tidings. “W-What do you t-think h-happened to it?”

“I don’t know, little sister,” Gaia replied with a frown. “But regardless, I sincerely doubt anything good will result from this development… Come on, Connie,” she added, rising to her feet and returning the book to its place on the shelf. “We should probably get back to the others and decide our next course of action.”

“O-Okay,” Connie said with a nod, as she followed after her verdant friend.

Soon enough, they had rejoined Shane, Rose, and Iris, who had just exited the arena. Unsurprisingly, the twins and magical boy were equally concerned by the recent turn of events. Rose and Iris, in particular, said that they needed to rejoin Kayli at once. After promising to meet up again later, Connie gave a shaky wave as the twins hurried off. Meanwhile, after talking things over with Shane, Gaia had decided that they should return to the lodge and see what they could do to assist with resolving the situation. As they headed out, Connie couldn’t help but frown at the current state of their “Christmas Party”. So much drama had already taken place, and it seemed as if even worse was to come. Not only that, but many of her friends had either left for various reasons, were far too busy to bother with her, or were simply nowhere to be found. Now she was just left with Gaia and Shane, making her once again feel like something of a third wheel. At least they would be returning to the winter island, she reflected. That would surely make things seem a little more festive, right? She certainly hoped so…

Although she was somewhat upset that no one seemed to like her idea of having a group hug, MDP knew that she had more important things to worry about. There wasn’t much time left before Penny’s next match, and the playful Princess of Dreams had just remembered that she had yet to apologize to a certain friend for missing her match. Thus, the whimsical girl had set out to do so before the next round began. Upon finally catching sight of the friend in question, she gave a squeal of delight as she bounced over.

“Mayra Wayra~! (giggle!)” MDP called out, before glomping the dragon girl and squeezing her tight. “Like, Magical Dream Princess is sooo super duper sorry for missing wissing your matchy watchy!” the bubbly girl told her draconic friend. “She, like, really really wanted to be there to cheer Mayra Wayra on, but she was, like, super duper busy wusy training waining with Penny Wenny, but, like, Connie Wonnie told her all about it~! (giggle!) Like, she said that you were totally wotally awesome wasome, and that you even weven turned into an actual wactual dragon wagon~! (giggle!) Like, Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies that must have been sooo super duper cool~! (giggle!) But, like, Connie Wonnie also said that you losty wosty…” the whimsical girl added with a frown, before brightening back up again an instant later. “But then she said that you weren’t super duper sad about it, which made Magical Dream Princess super duper happy wappy~! (giggle!)”

The scene MDP walked into had three individuals in conversation. There was the green-haired, elfin girl Lea, looking at Mayra with a stern expression. There was Mayra, smiling right back and nodding. Then there was Jelena, who was sitting and kicking with her legs looking slightly bothered about something.

Then MDP called out, making Lea frown as she looked over, Jelena turn from looking bothered to chuckling, and Mayra turning to curiously look over before being promptly glomped.

‘Oh!’ Mayra called out in surprise at the realization that she’d been glomped, and immediately kicked to spin around with a minor fiery burst to spin with the dreamy girl while grabbing ahold of her in turn. ‘Heeey, it’s the dream princess!’ she called happily before eventually not actually coming to a stop but would totally try to keep spinning throughout the conversation.

‘Haha, no worries! You can’t be everywhere at the same time. That’d be a cool power…’ Mayra said, immediately distracted. ‘Anyway, training with Penny, eh? What kind of training? Did you beat her? Hahaha!’ The idea of MDP beating Penny in anything was hilarious.

‘Yeah, I did that! It’s too bad the rules say you lose if you just touch the water, because I could totally have beat her if it was a real fight! I’m tougher than that! Oooh, but that Avatar power, though. That is SO SWEET! I wonder if she’d tell me how she got it? Aaaah, I want to fight her again…!’ Mayra said, giggling about events that had transpired.

‘… Hmpf. Don’t forget,’ Lea just said, before turning and walking.

‘Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it,’ Mayra replied, still focused on MDP as she waved off Lea. Jelena was leaning a hand on her chin as she was inspecting MDP clinging to the dragon girl for the moment.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Mayra’s spinning hug didn’t seem to bother MDP in the slightest. In fact, the whimsical girl found it quite fun! “Weeeee~!” the playful girl cheered, while giggling happily. Then Mayra inquired about her training with Penny, and a small blush began to color her cheeks. “Weeeell… We mostly wostly just played aroundy woundy…” MDP conceded, while slightly averting her eyes. “But, like, Magical Dream Princess also helpy welpied Penny Wenny practice wactise some special wecial strategy watagies~!” she added, quickly brightening back up. Mayra went on to ask if MDP was able to beat her cybernetic girlfriend. “Like, she did manage wanage to do it one timey wimey, but that was only because Penny Wenny let her~” MDP replied with a giggle.

MDP grinned broadly as Mayra talked about her match, but her expression changed to one of slight confusion when her draconic friend mentioned a power she had never heard of before. “Avatar Wavatar~?” the innocent girl inquired. “Like, what’s that~?

‘Hahaha! Yeah, play-fighting is fine. One of these days, I want to fight her, too. Not just fighting for fighting's sake, but like a real encounter with an objective beyond our control, and… hahaha…’ Mayra thought it was amusing to think about it. She listened to MDP’s bunch of comments, and then grinned at the last mention.

‘I had to ask that, too! Apparently it’s a power that allows you to use every specialization, AT THE SAME TIME! Something about at reduced magic strength and it taking a bunch of mana to do, but that girl boosted herself with all enhancements imaginable for that last attack, and used both time and darkness to catch me! That’s like, SO powerful! Hahaha!’ Mayra laughed as she discussed this.

They’re still spinning, Jelena’s raised an eyebrow at them.

Hearing Mayra’s desire to fight Penny caused MDP to frown slightly. “Like, Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses that might be fun to watch…” she conceded. “But, like, Magical Dream Princess wouldn’t be able wable to cheer for Mayra Wayra if she was fighting Penny Wenny,” the whimsical girl added, looking somewhat upset. “A-And you and Penny Wenny might get hurt, and, and, Magical Dream Princess would really wuv it if you and Penny Wenny didn’t fight and became friendy wendies instead~! (giggle!) Unless…” she said after a moment as an idea occurred to her. “By fighting each other wother, Mayra Wayra and Penny Wenny can helpy welpy each other wother get stronger wonger, then that would be, like, totally wotally okie dokie~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl declared with a big smile.

A moment later, MDP gasped in shock when Mayra revealed just what Avatar allowed one to accomplish. “Wowie zowie~! Every wevery magical wagical thingie wingie at the same timey wimey~?! That’s, like, super duper powerful wowerful~!” the whimsical girl exclaimed in amazement. “Like, Magical Dream Princess had no idea something womething like that was even weven possible wossible~!”

‘RIIIGHT!? It was so awesome…!’ Mayra had to say about the Avatar-power. Taking that first, because on that first part… Mayra had a lot more to say.

‘Hahahaha, no, getting hurt’s part of it!’ Mayra declared with a wide grin. ‘Back where I came from, those battles happened all the time! The leader of the pack was the strongest one, and her power could be challenged at any time! There were battles to decide who led what pack, battles to decide who gets to hunt where, and battles to decide who gets to mate with the one they want! Those battles with something on the line, those were the greatest! Now, nobody actually aimed to kill the opponent, the more of us the stronger we are, after all, but some bruises and bleeding was always part of it! That’s not even mentioning the battles for our survival against other species… They were so exhilarating!’ Mayra said, smiling widely. Her home dimension was a very different place.

‘Here’s not entirely the same, it’s not the strongest that leads, and things are a lot more complicated most of the time. But I get to hunt random monsters and get paid for it! It’s great! And, and, battles DO happen! And there’s a whole lot more friends! I’m stronger than I once was, too! It’s great!’ Mayra said, the dragon girl decently excited as she spoke.

They’re still spinning, and Jelena is starting to wonder if she should do something to stop the spinning. Maybe they were about to drill through the floor or something. Or burn through. Mayra’s feet was on fire continuously propelling them to spin, after all.

As MDP listened to Mayra’s explanation of how things worked in her home dimension, the whimsical girl tried to wrap her ditzy and innocent mind around what was being said. While she certainly didn’t like to see her friends get hurt, even with her currently watered-down intelligence, she could still understand the basics of what Mayra was telling her. Animals who lived in packs behaved in a similar fashion, after all, and if no one got killed, then she supposed it was okay. That wasn’t to say she didn’t have any questions, though.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses that’s okie dokie…” MDP replied with a thoughtful frown. “But, like, where exactly wactly did Mayra Wayra come from~?” she inquired, completely oblivious to the fact that they were still spinning around.

The question prompted Mayra to very suddenly give a burst of flame in the opposite direction of their spinning, making them come to a complete stop. She gazed intently at MDP, before grinning with wide eyes at her. ‘Would you like to see!? I could totally take you there! I could introduce you to the pack, show you the sights and the battles, and…!’ Mayra said, not answering the question.

‘Mayra’s a dragon from the dragon-dimension,’ Jelena answered in Mayra’s place, chuckling and leaning back over there. ‘It’s filled with dangerous and wild monsters, and there’s no civilization, technology or even humans to speak of. Mayra here has never once actually been human, and had to learn all human things from scratch. As for the dimension, I don’t recommend going there if you don’t like things trying to eat you whole, heh,’ the girl with the mechanical limbs continued, with some more chuckles.

‘Oh, she could totally handle it! Dream princess is strong! Besides, I’d be there, too!’ Mayra defended with a grin, to which Jelena just shrugged.

MDP was slightly taken aback by Mayra’s offer, but quickly recovered her usual bubbly disposition. “Wowie zowie~! Like, that soundy woundies super duper fun~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl cheered, innocently oblivious to any potential danger until Jelena spelled things out. However, MDP’s main take-away from the explanation was perhaps somewhat different than what the metal-limbed girl might have hoped… “For realsies~?!” the whimsical girl exclaimed, her eyes going wide. “Mayra Wayra’s an actual wactual dragon wagon~?! That’s, like, sooo super duper cool~! (giggle!) And, like, Mayra Wayra’s totally wotally right about Magical Dream Princess being super duper powerful wowerful, and if Mayra Wayra was there too, then she’d feel, like, super duper safey wafey~! (giggle!) Oh…” she frowned, her voice trailing off as something occurred to her. “But Magical Dream Princess just remember wembered… Penny Wenny’s next matchy watchy is starting super soon, and, like, Magical Dream Princess wants to be there to cheer her on, so, like, maybe waybe we can visit wisit later water~?” she inquired hopefully. “And, like, when we do, could Mayra Wayra maybe waybe turn into an actual wactual dragon wagon, and could Magical Dream Princess maybe waybe ride her~?!” she asked, her eyes glittering with excitement. “Could she~?! Could she~?! Could she~?!”

‘See!? She’s totally safe!’ Mayra insisted happily. Jelena shrugged.

‘Whelp, it’s on you if she gets eaten by a plant, crushed by a behemoth or poisoned by a manticore or something,’ Jelena figured. There was a reason why Asengav had wanted to tame something from that dimension, it’s really dangerous.

‘Teh-heh, yupp! Dragon made into magical girl form! It was really weird at first, but I got the hang of it!’ Mayra declared with a big smile. There then was the part about needing to watch Penny’s match. Of course Mayra understood that, and…

‘That’s fine. Mayra’s going to need to ask a couple people for permission and help, first, as she can’t actually get back on her own, she needs the help of people who can actually cross dimensions to get there,’ Jelena mentioned, and Mayra acted like she hadn’t heard. Then there was the part about riding Mayra…

‘That’s not a good idea. When Mayra goes back to being a dragon, she loses-’ Jelena started.

‘OF COURSE you can! It’ll be great!’ Mayra completely cut her off.

… loses her human gifts and becomes basically a beast that can’t necessarily see the difference between ally and prey, but you know what? You do you, you’re apparently safe, what do I know, Jelena finished, a bit more quiet.

“Yaaay~! (giggle!)” MDP cheered, completely oblivious to Jelena’s concerns. “Like, Magical Dream Princess always wanted to fly aroundy woundy on a dragon wagon, and it’ll be even weven better wetter if that dragon wagon is a friendy wendy, like Mayra Wayra~! (giggle!)”

‘Great! It’s decided, then!’ Mayra says with a grin. Jelena sighed behind there.

“Okie dokie~! (giggle!)” MDP chirped, while winking and flashing a peace sign. “Like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies she should probably wobably get going nowie, but she’s, like, really, really looking forward to visiting wisiting Mayra Wayra’s homey womey~! (giggle!)” she added with a cheerful smile. Twirling around, the whimsical girl gave voice to a stream of happy giggles, before racing off to the location of Penny’s next match, her arms held out like a pair of airplane wings. “Bye bye for nowie~! (giggle!)”

‘Byyye!’ Mayra waved after her with both hands and a wide smile as MDP skipped away, Jelena looking on with a slight frown as she watched the scene that was currently concluding. She waited a couple seconds before she said what’s on her mind.

‘Are you sure making friends with people from this world is a good idea?’ Jelena asked, looking with a little frown at Mayra.

‘Eeeeh, what’s the harm?’ Mayra asked, shrugging and smiling so happily.

‘She’ll be really hurt, you know,’ Jelena reminded, continuing her incredulous look.

‘Haha,’ Mayra gave a brief laugh, before looking back at Jelena with a happy grin. ‘Yeah.’

A Search to Get Some Answers

Connie, Gaia, and Amanda would be alerted to the arrival of a new visitor to the bookshop by the chiming of the front door’s bell. This was followed by the sound of a sweet, if rather high-pitched voice.

“Pastel-chan~? Pasteeel-chaaaan~ Oh! Like, there you are! (giggle!)” MDP exclaimed happily, before giving voice to a squeal of delight. “And, like, Connie Wonnie and Gaia Waia are heresie, too~! (giggle!) Like, Magical Dream Princess hopes she’s not interrupting something womething super duper important wortant, but, like, she has something womething really really super duper important wortant she has to ask Amanda Wanda!” the whimsical girl added, looking strangely determined.

“O-Oh! U-Umm… N-No…” Connie stammered. “W-We were j-just r-realxing a-and l-looking at some b-books. Oh!” she gasped as a thought occurred to her. “I-Is P-Penny o-okay?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

“Yeperooni~! (giggle!)” MDP declared happily. “Like, Magical Dream Princess helpy welpied, and fixy wixied Penny Wenny aaaall up~!”

“O-Oh, w-wow! T-That’s great!” Connie marveled.

“It, like, totally wotally is~! (giggle!)” MDP agreed with a big smile. “Oooohh~! That picture wicture is, like, sooo super duper pretty witty~! (giggle!)” MDP exclaimed, her eyes glittering with childish wonderment as her ADHD once again struck with full force. “Like, Magical Dream Princess would really really wuv to look at all the pretty witty picture wictures with you girls~! Oh! But, like, firsty worsty, she has, like, something womething really important wortant to ask Amanda Wanda!” she added, finally remembering why she’d come to the shop in the first place. “So, like, Magical Dream Princess also heard from Penny Wenny that the Cradle Wadle people weople are super duper mad at Penny Wenny and Sanctuwanctuary, and since Amanda Wanda was part of Cradle Wadle, Magical Dream Princess wanted to ask why they felty welty that way,” the whimsical girl explained in her typical rambling manner. “So, like, does Amanda Wanda know why they’re so angry wangry?”

"W-Wait what?" Amanda blinked in surprise. "I don't understand, yes, things have gotten out of hand but why would-" Before she could continue on, a dark rift appeared besides her, causing the punkish girl to flinch.

"Because, my dear girl~!" Maribel's voice could be heard from the nightmarish portal, then the woman herself would pop out with a smile, appearing radiant in contrast to her magic. "It wasn't anyone's call! Only that Vanhorn boy Maura cares for~" She giggled. "I must say, he is quite an interesting fellow. His anger reminds me of Lauren a bit. And to face Beacon's best with no fear? Eheheh, No wonder she kept him alive~"

“Eeep!” Connie yelped at Maribel’s sudden appearance. “O-Oh… M-Miss M-Maribel…” Connie sighed in relief, placing a trembling hand over her chest. “Y-You s-startled me…”

“Huh~?” MDP inquired, tilting her head in confusion. “Like, what boy is Maribel Waribel talking about, Amanda Wanda~?”

"One of Maura's, from way before she arrived in Penrose. That's all I know, sorry..." Amanda frowned.

"Oh chin up, Love, we all have our secrets~" Maribel reassured her. "Admittedly, I don't know much about him myself. Apparently he's on Beacon's 'shoot-on-sight' Sinner list, so that might be something. Perhaps I can convince him to become a witch like our little group~" The witch chuckled, patting Connie's head.

“H-He s-sounds k-kinda s-scary…” Connie whispered, while nervously playing with her hair.

“Huh…” MDP replied, looking thoughtful. Although she didn’t really understand everything that Maribel had said, even her ADHD addled mind was able to grasp the basics, and they didn’t paint the most pleasant picture… “Like, Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses she’ll have to go findy windy this person werson and have a talky walky with them… Like, does Amanda Wanda or Maribel Waribel know his namey wamey~?” she asked with a hopeful smile.

"Well I can't tell where he'd place on their list." Maribel shrugged. "But judging by the reactions, I'd probably not piss him off~" She giggled once more. "Though I don't think he enjoys the infamy all that well, he could be reasoned with if you catch him in a good mood."

"...You've been spying on people."

"Duh~ This place got boring after awhile. Quaint little vacation spot, but not exactly my style~" The nightmare witch looked back to MDP. "Apparently his name is Finnegan. Yay high, brunette, half-blind but his eye color's like this pure red atleast when transformed? Last I checked he was gonna go see what this Penny lady wanted with him."

MDP’s eyes widened at that last bit of information. “B-But, Magical Dream Princess was just with Penny Wenny before she came heresie!” the whimsical girl explained with no small amount of exasperation, stomping her foot like an annoyed child. “Like, Magical Dream Princess would really, really wuv to stay and look at pretty witty picture wictures with you girls, but she, like, really, really, really needs to talk to Finnegan Winnegan super duper bad!” she told her friends, looking somewhat upset. “So, like, bye bye for nowie~!” she called over her shoulder as she bounced out the door, only to pop her head back in a few seconds later. “Oh~! And, like, super duper thankie wankies for the helpy welpy, Maribel Waribel~!” she added with a big smile. “Magical Dream Princess, like, super duper appreciates it~! (giggle!)” With that, the bubbly girl disappeared out the door once more.

“O-Oh, g-gosh…” Connie spoke up in the wake of MDP’s rapid departure. “I-I h-hope e-everything w-will b-be a-all r-right…”

“I hope so too, little sister,” Gaia agreed. “For now, let us try to avoid getting involved in any drama, and trust in our friends to resolve whatever new issues have presented themselves.”

"I would've asked if she needed a shortcut, but I'm not sure the clash of specializations would bode well with my realm..." Maribel boredly stated. "Ah well, maybe Lauren could help settle things. Or make them worse, who knows~?"

Amanda only blinked, processing what just happened. "...I need a drink."

"Well then, I might as well take my leave too! Take care of each other~! Ciao~!" With a wave goodbye, Maribel slipped back into her portal.
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