“Okie dokie~!” MDP told Penny with a wink and a playful peace sign salute before bouncing over to glomp the twins. When Ronin confirmed that she was indeed interested in hearing about the whimsical girl’s recent adventures, MDP’s happy smile grew even wider. “Yaaay~! (giggle!)” she cheered in delight. “So, like, firsty wirsty, Magical Dream Princess met Mister Wister Flower Wower, and became friendy wendies with him~!” she began. “Thensie wensie, Magical Dream Princess met Chloe Whoey and became friendy wendies with her, too~! (giggle!). Like, after wafter thatsie whatse, Magical Dream Princess met Mayra Wayra and asky waskied if maybe waybe she could take Magical Dream Princess to visit wisit her homey womey placey wacey like we talky walkied aboutsie woutsie at Danny Wanny’s beachy weachy placey wacey, and, like, she totally wotally said okie dokie~! (giggle!) Firsty wirsty, we racey wacied downy wowny a mountain wountain, while this rocky wocky thingie wingie played taggy waggy with us~! Thensie wensie, we met a super duper biggy wiggy flower wower, but he was super duper grumpy wumpy, so Magical Dream Princess made him takey wakey a nappy wappy, and made sure to give him extra wextra special wecial dreamy weamies, too~! (giggle!) After wafter thatsie watsie, we met these silly willy bearsie wearsie thingie wingies and played with them, too~! Thensie wensie, we tried to play with the planty wanty people weple, but they wanted to be left aloney woney, so Magical Dream Princess said sorry worry and gave them some super refreshing weshing rainy wainy to apolowolowgizesie wisey for bothering wothering them~! Thensie wensie, we rode on these super duper amazing wazing griffon wiffon thingie wingies and thensie wensie, Magical Dream Princess jumped in the ocean wocean, and made this super duper funsie wunsie trampoliney winey thingy wingie, but Mayra Wayra didn’t wanna come in and Magical Dream Princess thought it was because she didn’t make a funsie wunsie trampoliney winey thingy wingie for her, too, and she started to get really worried Mayra Wayra might be angry wangry with her, but Mayra Wayra said she wasn’t, and thatsie watsie made Magical Dream Princess sooo super duper happy wappy, and thensie wensie Linus Winus came to play taggy waggy, and we had lots and lots of funsie wunsie together wether, but thensie wensie a big meany weanie head showed up and Magical Dream Princess and Mayra Wayra made him go bye bye, and thensie wensie we went to the mountain wountians and Magical Dream Princess played hidey widey seeky weeky in all the rocky wocky thingy wingies up theresie wheresie, and after wafter thatsie whatsie, Mayra Wayra took Magical Dream Princess insidey widey the mountian wountain and it was super duper steamy weamy, and thensie wensie, she took Magical Dream Princess to a super duper special wecial valley walley where her dragony wagony family wamily lives, and there were soooo many dragony wagony people weple theresie weresie and Magical Dream Princess wanted to make friendy wendies with them allsie wallsie, and we played taggy waggy for a bitsy witsy, but, like, thensie wensie this supper duper biggy wiggy and meany weany dragon wagon started being super duper nasty wasty and tried to hurty wurty Mayra Wayra’s mommy wommy, so, like, Mayra Wayra and Magical Dream Princess made super duper sure to teachy weachy him a lesson wesson in being nicey wicey, and thensie wensie, he went bye bye and everybodywody was super duper happy wappy and we played lots and lots of super duper funsie wunsie gamey wamies together wether~! (giggle!) Thensie wensie, Mayra Wayra said she was the bossy wossy dragon wagon nowie, which Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies is, like, sooo super duper cooly wooly~! (giggle!) But, like, thatsie watsie isn’t wisn’t allsie wallsie~!” the bubbly Princess of Dreams added once the first part of her hyperactive ramblings had concluded. “The very werey nexty wexty nighty wighty, Magical Dream Princess met Alicia Wecia~! She was having waving a talky walky with some super duper meany weanie people weple, who said lots of nasty wasty stuffy wuffy about her! But, like, Magical Dream Princess was able wable to make them understandy wandy how awesome wawsome Alicia Wecia really is~! And, like, her super duper secret wecret special wecial imaginarywary friendy wendy Ashley Washley helpy welpied, too, ‘cause, like, she’s not imaginary waginary anymoreise~! (giggle!) In facty wacty, she’s right over theresie weresie~!” MDP added, pointing to where the Knight of Tonight was standing with Connie and Gaia.
And an animal-covered Lily.
“Awwww~! What adorable worable animal wanimals~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl squealed in childish delight as she darted over to kneel down next to Lily. “Like, can Magical Dream Princess pet your furry wurry friendy wendies, Lily Wily~?!” she asked, her high-pitched voice filled with eager excitement. “Pretty pretty pleasey weasey can she~?!” the playful princess pleaded, clasping her hands together. “Can she~?! Can she~?! Can she~?!”
Connie, who had been somewhat enraptured by the adorable scene playing out before her was slightly taken aback by MDP’s sudden arrival, although her childish friend’s cute pleading only served to make things even more wholesome.
“I think my dearest Connie may wish to pet your adorable companions as well,” Gaia noted with a smile.
“Y-Yes, I-I’d l-like that v-very much!” Connie confirmed with a few rapid nods, the cheeks of her mask still flushed a bright red. “I-If t-that’s all r-right, of c-course,” she quickly added.