This situation was irksome to say the least. I was not arrogant enough to think my presence here had caused it, but a lot of talk had been circulation about my platoon. Kayden's Conquerors the whispers had said, at least from what I'd heard. Had a ring to it, but it was also the thing to make petty men jealous, though as I said, I was not so full of pride I thought that was entirely the case. There was something else going on there, I gently warranted. Maybe if I did some digging I could find it, but first I would need to attempt to smooth things over with their CO.
I stood up, my chair sliding back from the movement. My face was neutral, and though Sel would later tell me she knew I was mostly making a show, I admit I also had an inkling of truth to my meaning. "Don't get the wrong idea, Corporal." I said to Sel. "You did a bloody damned noble thing, but you're not assigned to do damned noble things, you're assigned to me! If Kolcek wants to get himself killed, don't die trying to stop him! If he's an idiot, it's his problem. Besides, you won't do that again, will you Kolcek?"
My words were icy, and his smile faded. He shook his head vehemently. "No sir, not again."
"Good, and you better make sure of it, or you'll be a liar as well as an idiot." I barked. "I can handle idiots, I can even handle liars, but there's no room for idiot liars in the platoon. The Commissar wouldn't even get a body by the time I was done with you. Are we clear?"
He nodded, too nervous to speak. I took it as the best answer I would get, and drew my officer's cloak about my shoulders. "Dismissed." I told them without further ado. "Not you, Corporal. Stay behind." Sel gave me a look but stopped, Boffin and Kolcek almost tripping over themselves as they tried to squeeze out the door at the same time. Morek waited, knowing he was exempt. Sometimes, I felt like the squat only nominally followed my orders because he felt like there was nothing better to do. Either way, he had proven loyal so I'd take it for what it was.
"You're on light duty." I told her, grabbing my sword belt and strapping it to my slim waist. She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head.
"Is that all, sir?"
"No. To your earlier thanks, no need to. I know you've saved my life, already... Word travels," I explained, and I could see it dawned on her that I had heard she had halted a coup before it had even begun. Though before it got awkward, I continued. "I am going across the ship to meet with their lieutenant, see if I can find a solution to all of this. Be careful around here, and keep an eye on anyone not in our outfit. Now, you're dismissed."
She gave me a crisp salute. "Sir," she said, and left. Of course, at the time I had no idea what activities she was in to, nor what she was about to do. If I had, I would have confined her in the office with a welding torch.
I turned to Morek, who already had my chainsword in his hands before I even had to request it. I took it and slung the weapon onto the swordbelt already snug on my waist. "Wear the ripper gun, but on your back. And bring a dataslate. Make sure you look like you're busy when I need you to." I told him. Morek pursed his lips, his large dark beard shifting, and he shrugged. Good enough for me.