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3 yrs ago
Nicely done. You should look at princess' profile now!!!! ;)


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@Potter I LOVE HER especially with the whole robin hood thing haha that's so sweet! you can move her to the char tab if you'd like & edit the 2nd character into the same post later (=
also i should have mentioned this in PMs it's totally my fault, but instead of having both anorexia and bulimia (which is unlikely for someone to get dxed with both) you might want to consider anorexia nervosa with b/p subtype or restrictive bulimia nervosa or EDNOS - just some suggestions!
(if there's any other combo of the two that someone knows please enlighten me, i don't mean to sound like a know-it-all pfft)

@sakurasan YESSSSS thanks so much! i havent seen shameless but i'm all about the redhead ian character i'm weak

YAY. I'm gld you do. :D. I can change it, that's fine with me. Thank you. :)
One down! :D I had trouble with the younger part of her history and apologize. If you would like me to add more, I will do my best to add in more information.

I would like to join and will get a character up as soon as I can. :)

Ariana followed her sister but kept glancing over her shoulder. She didn't necessarily trust those men but she trusted Riley's judgement. Still, the pang in her stomach told her otherwise. She hadn't seen him often in the summer and she wondered if this was why. Had he found these guys and decided to hangout more with them? She wondered if she had done something to offend him.. Her sister's voice broke her out of her reverie.

"Hey uh I'm sorry to take you away from Riley and all but who are all those boys?" Alcina kept her voice quiet, something Ariana was grateful for her doing. Who knew if they could hear them or not? "I don't recognize any of them and the way Alex reacted makes me feel like they could be big trouble. I wouldn't suggest hanging out with them until we all get to talk to Riley about it if that's okay. I saw even James and Jason tense up at the sight of them and I'm getting such a bad feeling." She stared at Alcina who was rambling now, nervously. She hugged her twin and nodded.

"Sure, Alcina," She agreed calmly to ease her sister's mind but couldn't help but rebut once. Ariana smiled at her. pleasantly and tucked hair band her ear. "It's Riley, Al; I trust him. But as you wish." She gazed around to find Mike now entertaining Shay. It struck her like a cord breaking on a violin to see him acting that way. Although they weren't close friends, Ariana was aware of his power: the ability to sense danger. He must have sensed it enough to come by Shay's side while Alex berated Riley.

What had that guy said to anger him? It baffled her. She wasn't used to seeing Alex this mad. Ariana watched nervously and then looked at James. He had Rose nad Emma behind him and was trying to use Jason as well. Alcina must have seen too, because she commented next on it. Furthermore, she must not have agreed with her earlier comment. Her heart twinged inside and she bit her lip. The anxiety was starting to affect her now.

"Look at him, Ri... He's shielding Rose and Emma from them. Something isn't right and you know it. Alex is like a big teddy bear that would never hurt anyone. Why would he grab Riley like that if it wasn't really serious? You gotta give them some space and convince Riley to do the same. How about you and I go check out our dorm together?"

Ariana sighed in frustration now and turned back to face Alcina. "Okay, Aly, I get it. I do. I will give them space." She paused and then nodded eagerly. "I'd love to do that. I hope we get the lake view. Come on!" She hugged her twin and glanced once more over at Riley before disappearing inside with her. She changed the topic, no longer wishing to discuss Riley. The butterfloes in her stomach, the ache in her chest and heart, were starting to mount. She had to talk about something else. By now she hoped Alcina could catch onto the subtle signs of a rising anxiety attack.

"I'm so happy you're my roommate, Aly. It'd be so weird if you weren't. I love you. I'm so glad you're my twin and I have you." She hugged her tight and stared at her silently, hoping she'd pick up on it. She didn't want the surroundings students to know that slow-Ariana, unlike smart-Alcina, was having anxiety. They weren't nicknames of her creation but the others. "We can go to the assembly later. Right?"


The tough thing about Rose was never knowing if she was serious. The joking nature of Jason, Shay and Rose was something he dreaded. How would she survive this without being serious He needed to know she understood. The way Jason explained it to her did the act itself justice, but he was terrified she wasn't buying it. Tears of frustration, anxiety, and dread were making him flustered. He tried to breathe calmly, like his therapist taught him, but it only worked so much for him. The sheer knowledge the superior were here openly and the Guardians had done nothing was enough to send him over the edge.

What if Mortimer had seen Rose? It looked like he had... The guy had eyes for blondes and could pick them out of a crowd faster than a cheetah taking down a gazelle. He watched as the students piled into the school now. James hoped Moe hadn't seen yet and turned to Rose and Jason, tuning into their conversation.

Rose saluted Jason after hearing his speech. "Yes sir! I promise!" He sighed. The fact she wasn't being serious only angered him irrationally. Why couldn't she just say she understood and be done with it? While he didn't want Rose knowing about his past, or why he acted how he did now, he wished she could pick up on it.

"I'm holding you to that missy." Jason said sternly. James thanked him with a quick nod and looked at Rose.

She nodded, as if knowing they weren't buying it, James figured. "I'm being serious I just don't want to let them to ruin my mood you know?" The couple watched as teachers ushered students into the dutioruium for the usual pre-school lectures. He hated them but maybe the distraction would have benefitted them. "Oh my God not an assembly." She whispered in horror and got on her knees then huggedh is legs. He glanced down with a smirk on his face at her. "You can't make me go in there! Pleeeasseee noooooo!"

Jason followed her gaze and grimaced, "Oh hell to the no I'm ditching that bullshit. You two in?"

"YES. Let's ditch and go find where the good food at before everyone else." Rose said, not letting go of James legs. "FOOOoooooOOOOd!"

"Okay first," James looked at her as he brought her aside, still attached to his legs now. They had managed to dodge the teacher's vie and now were free to roam - as long as they didn't get caught. That he could manage. He turned his attention back to Rose.

"You have got to tell me you fully understood what Jason told you without making it a joke. This isn't high-school shit Rose; it's serious and more serious than you may realize. Those guys are actual criminals and have escaped jail together at least four times. Please don't make this a joke or something because it's not." He paused, waiting to see her reaction and then added, "And yeah, we can go get food. What would you two like? I'm in the mood for eggs."

With one final glance around, James looked to see if anyone was nearby. He couldn't see or sense them and finally relaxed; but only slightly enough not to raise alarm.


The guy interested in her smiled and waved to her. "Goodbye. See you soon, Shay." Shay froze and looked over at him. See you soon? She raised her eyebrows at him and grimaced as if to say "yeah right". Thank God Alex took her arm and pulled her inside because she was seconds away from giving a snarky response. Her temper had flared and then died down quick enough.

Alex led them inside silently, making Shay wonder what he could have possibly heard. She knew the dudes were creepy, but had it gone that far? She had never imagined herself in a situation like this. It made her nervous and anxious and all she wanted to do was go cuddle Alex and watch a marathon of movies. She wondered if that would be possible. Would those guys come around again? The likelihood of it seemed realistic enough. When they sat down on the couch, she waited for him to speak. She knew he was collecting himself. When he finally spoke, Shay felt a wave of relief and turned all of her attention onto him. She loved his voice so much. She scooted close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love you, beautiful. I'll be fine. I'm just not used to getting so mad I guess." Alex replied, putting his arm around her as well. "That guy was just the creepiest dude I've ever had to listen to. I feel violated even having to hear his thoughts." He shuddered, "Stay far away from all of them okay? Promise me."

"I'm so sorry you heard it, hon. I agree he was really creepy and they were overly built too. I don't like that much muscle. Damn, what do they need it for?" She was unaware of it but in a month or too she would know exactly why. She swallowed and rested her head against his. "I promise. I promise on everything I will." Though she was a reckless girl and enjoyed the thrill of danger, she knew better than to go looking for that kind of trouble. Shay smiled at him reassuringly and kissed his forehead. "I promise. You can count on me. Alex. I also know you rarely get pissed at shit." Shay watched his gaze turn to the auditorium and followed it with a groan.

"Ugh. Kill me now."He groaned, getting up. "I hate these stupid lectures. They say the same dumb boring shit." He let her guide him anyway even though the two of them didn't want to go. She hugged him close to her and kept a firm arm around him. She felt safer by his side and hated how girls looked at him as if they had a chance.

She glared at Brittany, a girl their age and grade who fawned over Alex and tried to get them to break up often. The girl looked a like frightened rabbit and scurried off like one. She glared once more and sat them near the last row so they could get out fast. Despite this, the teachers beckoned them closer and Shay scowled at them and moved only a few rows up with Alex. She pulled the arm rest up to lean against him and rest her head against his neck.

She smiled up art him and kissed his chin to reassure and calm him more. God, she loved him. She couldn't imagine her life without him. Her eyes teared at the thought and she ducked her head so he wouldn't see. She never wanted to know what it would be like and that dude cheeped her out. It made it seem as if she might know this year. She felt dread but never let it show. She turned her head back up and leaned against him and hold him. She didn't care if PDA wasn't allowed. It wasn't as if they were making out like Chris and Hanna were a few rows down from them.

She sighed and looked for the others but it was hard to find them. She figured the Salvatore twin brothers had skipped. Alcina and Ariana were somewhere but she didn't know where. Shay would have like them to all sit together but she wouldn't force them to sit through this dumbass lecture. She tried to tune it out by thinking of happier topics - such as being with her friends or flying. God, she was so excited to fly...


Liam watched Scarlett then Jessamine with an impassive mask. He wished he could go hangout with Skylar and her sister, Leslie, but he was stationed here now. It was irritating and he really wished he could yell at Scarlett for her lack of effort. He knew she could do better than this but she wasn't even trying. Of course they knew the basic plot lines. Still everyone fawned over it like she had revealed a huge secret. "Thanks babe," He heard Scarlett say to Jessamine with a smirk.

He couldn't help but admire, despite his anger, at their teamwork. The two were successful superior hunters and guardians. They had found more superior than any other duo. Scarlett's tactics among Jessie's sickeningly sweet attitude were surprisingly one of their most defensive-offensive strategies. Nonetheless, after their fight when she had been in the superior, he'd never forgive her nor like her anymore. He couldn't stand her but he kept it to himself for the rest of everyone's sanity.

He sighed and looked around at Jessie then to the new girl, Lucy. He stared in shock. Toby's little sister was here now? The whole damn family were Guardians now. Liam knew Toby had the most dangerous position: being a double-agent at Victor's castle in England. Liam also knew Toby was aware of his status as well but the two kept each others secrets. He wondered where Toby was and wished he'd join already. He could not stand being in here alone. At least he had Jessie but she was with Scarlett, so it was hard to count on that.

"Welcome Lucy," He greeted and smiled at her sweetly. "I'm Liam, one of your brother's friends'."

"Fake-friend," coughed Scarlett under her breathe and drank her latte as if to say she had a tickle in her throat. She'd have more than a tickle" she'd have his fist or knife through it.

It was quiet enough that nobody could make it out but himself. He clenched his fists and kept a calm exterior though inside he was boiling. He looked around to see if Ben or Toby had entered but they hadn't. Where were they, he thought impatiently? He sighed and tried to focus on how he would train Alcina and Ariana this year. He needed them to work together power wise and unite their powers. Their wind and water were going to be huge against the superior. With Jason's added fire and Shay's ability to create storms, the four were power-houses. Rose's force-fields were vital as well to protecting everyone. Alex, with mind-reading, could warn the others of oncoming danger. His telekinesis? Powerful and defensive together. James' ability to naturally know what to do strategically were an added bonus. Liam knew this group could be unstoppable if they all had enough training and the mindset. He also knew the superiors were aware of this as well. Hopefully he could start with the Grave twins and Aidan could get the two girls. Alex needed work, though.

He sighed. How could he look the kid in the eye when he knew his sister's and dated one of them? It was so awkward. He promised Skylar though he would keep an eye on Alex and Emma and protect them to the best of his ability. That was the least he knew he could do for her. Liam turned his attention back to the meeting as older Guardians came in to round everyone up. Thank God. Could they finally end this so he could do his duty?

Multiple vampires entered the scene, jumping down form buildings. She gritted her teeth and exposed her fangs now, which were sharpened to perfection. This would be difficult especially when protecting Zane. Still, years of experience and training reared its' ugly head and morality was lost. She would do whatever it took to protect him. Zane gripped her to his body but she wiggled free. It was him who needed to be defended; not her. Her fear had heightened to a new level. The blood from the dead human was enticing but she kept reminding herself of the situation. She had fed two days ago, and could manage going three days without. Anything more pushed it...

Kate went to move forward, to snap at the woman's stupid ugly cackle, when a blond haired boy joined the fray. He stood in front of them and introduced himself as "Micah Darling". Perhaps he knew Wendy Darling, she thought dryly, and watched the exchange between the two. He seemed noble, though she wasn't sure of his extent. That is, until he mention the queen herself. Kate stared with wide eyes. He knew the Queen as well? Shit. Shit. This woman was so fricken screwed. Kate could have laughed with glee but she kept her composure. She kept her arms around Zane and held him close to her instead of the other way around. She kissed his cheek quick despite the tension.

As Micah's army of vampires slaughtered the rest then burned them, Kate found Zane cradling her closer. He looked so terrified. Her heart, if it beat, would have died of grief. She shhed him gently in a soothing voice and rubbed his back. She went to speak, to further console him, Micah Darling spoke once more. "I am dreadfully sorry for this mess. Clearly there are a lot of vampires out of line lately."Micah explained. "I am going to have to take you two back to my home for the night. There are other clans out tonight and it is quite unsafe for a newborn such as Zane." Her boyfriend stared at him, and Kate gently untangled herself from him to wrap her arms around is waist and rub his lower back once more.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. The only thing that smelled good to me was some dead body and I couldn't-"

Micah decided to cut him off right there, stating, which only pissed off Kate. Was this the shit-head who had bit him? What a pompous self-righteous arse. "Zane you know very well what happened to you. It's not wrong, however. I will feed you and explain everything, please follow right this way... And everyone, thank you for your aid tonight. You were all marvelous."

"No problem, sir!" "Of course!" "Anything for you!"

Kate could have gagged, but she recognized the importance of Micah and his army. They had saved Zane's life among hers, though she hadn't been as defenseless. She rolled her shoulders and clenched her fists. This pompous Peter-Pan boy might have saved their lives, but Kate was uncomfortable going to his house or place whatever the hell the guy owned. He probably had a damn mansion, Kate thought. Whatever, she sighed and followed, keeping Zane close to her. She had to text Xander but she wasn't sure if she was able to with these vampires crowding them. That also annoyed her to no end. She hated standing or sitting close to people without knowing them. She pulled Zane gently way from the pack to give them space and continued walking.


Riverbury High SChool 7:30 A.M.

The start of term was always something people dreaded. For some, they called off sick or played hookie. In Holly's case, neither option was doable. The very act would not only land her in detention in school, but grounded at home. She was stuck here for nine months and she wished to do nothing more than to hunt vampires instead. It was easier and something she was capable of overcoming with confident. For her, school was a nightmare. Ever since last year mid-November, school had become torturous for her. High School was always challenging for people, yet for those on the bottom of the totem pole like her, it never ended. The in person bullying she received was tantamount, but the online? Forget that.

She remembered shutting down her Facebook and Instagram. She sighed as she strode up the steps of Riverbury High School and into the school itself. People hung out on the stairs, deleting the inevitable beginning of school. She didn't look at anyone and headed to the cafeteria where they were supposed to sit until classes began. She kept her backpack gripped tightly in her hands, hoping that nobody would try snatching it from her.

Her outfit was simple to attract less attention. She wore a light-weight black t-shirt with a pair of denim ripped jeans and purple Sketchers. She had a hoodie her backpack just in case. Since she trained and worked out, her muscles were noticeable and she didn't want to hear the commentary. Holly kept her hair in a braid over her shoulder. She loved to wear it that way, even as a kid. She sighed as she entered the cafeteria and scanned it for an empty table. The chatter of the students was deafening and she wondered how the hell everyone was so talkative. Even the hall mods and staff seemed baffled by it. It was only 7:42 in the damn morning. She groaned and sat down at the table fast before anyone noticed her and took off her backpack. The damn thing had to weigh at least twenty or more pounds. What did these teachers think, forcing them to carry this much crap? It was unbelievable. She set it between her legs safely and rested her head on her arms.

The previous night she hadn't slept well. Her parents were arguing over her behavior and where she should apply for college and everything else Holly didn't want to think about or knew. She loved fitness and exercise, along with engineering and science. Yet, none of those topics seemed good enough for her parents. It wasn't feminine enough to them. She didn't care too much what they thought, but she knew they would pay for what they wanted and not her. It was an always on going discussion that Holly wished would just bury itself. She wasn't interested in English or being a teacher. She had no patience for that and hated school enough already.

She tried to drown out the noise of the other students and focusing on happier things. Maybe after school she could hangout with the other hunters. Perhaps they could get ice-cream to try making the start of school not as bad. She rubbed sleep from her eyes and stared out the window. How badly she longed to go outside and run or lay in the park doing nothing. Holly groaned and stared at the clock while counting down the minutes until she could escape this damn place.

"Oh yeah? I bet you must be pretty hungry. It was a long ride."Rose told her while setting a plate of food and lemonade in front of her. She jerked her head in a sort of nod clumsily and then cleared her throat. Thank God, she thought, that Rose broke the awkward silence by saying,"Aw look it's your bunny slippers."Her smile was genuine which soothed Persephone's fears she had looked like an idiot. "I missed seeing those cute little things. Are they still warm and cozy?"

"Y-Yeah," Persephone replied and looked at her vegetable omelette; then back down to her feet and up. "They are. Where are your slippers?"There was this annoying habit she had where she used her hands to talk as if they were a language of their own. It was a quirk her parents had been trying to help her with when she became nervous or humiliated herself. Since the tragedies, she was not able to help herself. "Your slippers." She tensed when Xavier came in and looked at Rose. Persephone ducked her head and began to dig into her food though without much excitement. It only prolonged her suffering on Earth.

"It smells delicious, Rose. Wonderful job, honey."He came over and fixed himself a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. "Sit down and I'll get you some, too."He made a plate for Rose and set it down. He sat across from them and began to eat hungrily. "This is so good, Rose. You're an amazing cook. I'll have to get your help when cooking." He winked at her though he had nothing to say to Persephone. That much was expected, almost wanted. It meant there was not a rude comment coming her way. Currently there was none and Seph thanked God for it, but she knew it was because Rose was here and he wouldn't do it in front of her.

She stared at her omelette and gobbled it up to ease the nausea rising in her stomach from her thoughts.


The music blared out of the car as Marcy hung her arm out the window. She enjoyed car rides in the summer more than anyone knew. It was relaxing and peaceful and some of her best memories were in them. She remembered driving with Jessie, Isabelle, and Shay and singing at the top of their lungs along to the music. Marcy could not sing for her life though she could dance. When Jessie, Victorie, and her danced in the car, the others, including the guys, would yell at them for being distracting even though they secretly found it hilarious.

She smiled to herself and turned up volume. She remembered the party the seniors threw the previous night and grinned to herself. It would be amazing, fun year, and she was so so excited for it. Marcy was always intoxicated by enjoying life and friends in general and was easily excited. Even school, though as annoying and hellish, was exciting. She hoped she'd be with her friends. And dear God, dance started up too. Marcy couldn't help but tremble with joy.

The song skipped ahead and she refocused on it to sing along. "Oh girl, you're shining like a fifth avenue diamond and they don't make you like they used to and you're never going out of styleeee!" She giggled along to the song instead of singing, since she screeched like a cat. She loved Hunter's patience with her and how he let her sing. "You're over my head, out of my mind, thinking I was born in the wrong time!" She looked at Hunter and fell into hysterics. Her voice had cracked awkwardly at the higher notes. She could not wait to go home because she knew Jessie and Izzy were there and oh God, they could hangout together. She managed to stop giggling and leaned back in her seat.

"Sorry," she told him and snorted into laughter. "I'm done. I swear."How many times had she told him that lie? She turned her head away to keep from laughing more. Marcy grinned and rested her head on the back of the seat.


James watched from the window and opened the side door to join the others. Inside, he had been watching TV and eating cereal out of the box. No matter how many times his parents told him, James found himself repeatedly doing it. He couldn't help it. Applejacks tasted amazing; though he had enough manners to know to clean up after himself. It was almost a silent deal in the family: do it if you'll clean up after yourself. Jason, on the other hand, could do better. He laughed to himself. He was not sure how Marcy was related to them: she was polite, well-mannered, and followed the rules to a T. She was the model child, even if she was not their full sibling. He thought of her as one and didn't think differently. Though Mar was a model child, he was above average and Jason, well... He shook his head, smirking.

He joined Jessie, Jason, and Isabelle and looked at them.
"New neighbors?" he quizzed in a soft voice and looked over. "I saw them from inside. I didn't see any parents, did you?" [olor=orange]He sat down on a the bench nearby. [/color]"We should probably quit staring, don't you think?" He smirked at Jessie and turned away. It was an unspoken conversation around the group that he had a crush on her. It was something he tried not to think about and keep out of his mind. Besides, the way he had heard her swooning over the tall, dark-haired boy, was a hint she was not into him. James knew better than to chase her, anyways, and ruin their friendship and make it awkward. Besides, the tiny blonde looked adorable and he wanted to talk to her.

He looked over at them. "Mar's coming home today, right? I miss her." Unlike most siblings, the trio were incredibly close. It shocked their parents most of the time. He went to continue speaking when someone jumped on him from behind. He screamed and stumbled while the person slid off of him to crack up hysterically. He recognized it as Shay. She must have come in from the background or around the house because he hadn't seen her. She had spun him around to see his expression, too.

"YOUR FACE!!"She doubled over, laughing and holding her sides. He glanced at her, scowling, though amused. She wore a tank-top and running shorts with a matching pair of tennis shoes. Her long black hair that he admired, was pulled into her trademark braid. She had sweat pouring off of her, though she paid no mind toit. She doubled over, laughing. "God, his face!"

James sighed, shaking his head. "I'll get you back. Don't worry."

"Yeah, right," She rolled her eyes and grabbed a water bottle form the cooler outside.She took the cap off and chugged it.

James turned away and looked at the others.
"So, it's just three teens together? That's odd."

"You're odd, fraidy cat." Shay told him once she was done chugging.James sighed to keep his patience, though he couldn't deny the grin on his face.[/center]

The silence around the neighborhood disturbed Katherine. Despite the rain, there were hardly any yells of screams of pain and agony as someone died. It disturbed her far more than drinking blood - which repulsed her; far more than insects, snakes, and children. She felt a shudder run down her spine. It meant the vampires weren't out hunting, but planning an attack. Whether or not it was Lee's group, Desiree, or another, she was not certain. She gritted her teeth and tried not to grind her fangs against her teeth. The atrocities she had witnessed and continued to were leaving a permanent mark. Kate had noticed she was becoming less emotional towards it. Although it was key for her to remain stoic, she also missed that side of her. She brushed a hand through her tousled pixie hair and sighed. Her hands shook - ever since that day.

Fury and fire rushed through her but she blocked out the memories by focusing on the night. She loved it. It was mysterious, calming, and terrifying all in one. The darkness soothed her and the rain eased her tension. Xander would tell her she was crazy for going out but it was the least of her worries. The silence caused her stomach to churn. It was unnatural and disturbing. It did not last however; moments later, cries reached her ears. The rain almost drowned it out but her hearing was sharper. She paused to listen. More cries and the swift sound of punches. She rushed forward, sniffing the air. A familiar scent filled her nostrils: Zane. Zane, her boyfriend and one of her best friends. She rushed forward faster now, not bothering to feign running like a human. If she had a beating heart, it would have bounced out of her chest. Her ribs would have ached and her eyes could have teared. Yet, being undead meant all those functions did not work anymore. She wasn't sure if she liked it or not, but it wasn't as if she could change it.

When she arrived at he scene, Kate stared in awe momentarily then lurched forward. She was thankful in that moment to wear pajama bottoms and not her pleated black skirt."Get off of him you sack of shit!" She grabbed the women around the head and body-slammed her onto the concrete. The tantalizing aroma of the corpse entranced her though she told herself to focus. "If you want to live to see another day, you'll get the hell out of here." Kate moved in front of Zane offensively, exposing her fangs. "I'll rip your throat out regardless of who you are. I don't give a damn. I won't let you hurt this boy."

Bewilderment struck her: what was Zane doing in this position? Was he being hunted, or worse, had he been turned? She noticed a distinct difference in him. He did not seem human by the way he smelled. The tension in his muscles, she had noticed, was inhuman.Repulsion struck her hard. Had this bitch turned him or someone else? If he had, she would kill them. Zane did not deserve to be in this position.Heartbreak clutched her but she allowed her fury to push passed it. At least, she told herself, she was a vampire and could help him - Xander, too. She kept her poise and glared at the vampire.

Shay followed Alex and Alcina towards Riley's group and Ariana. Though James had beckoned her over, she wasn't leaving these two to fend for themselves. She watched as they neared the group and couldn't help but stare at the tallest one. He was so muscular. She was in awe and fear. It was frightening how much muscle h had - Shay thought he could break every bone in her body with a punch. Still, she reflected that she took care of herself and worked out as hard as possible. It was not easy to intimidate her either. She bit her lip when they approached and listened to the conversation. When Alcina took Ariana aside, it left Alex and her.

She gazed up at the muscular boy - or man, she wasn't sure what his age was - and swallowed hard. He was staring intently at her. Shay gazed at his biceps and down to his legs. He had to be at least 250 pounds - there was no way he weighed less. Shay jumped, seeing Alex's expression change and finally broke her gaze with the guy. She stared in shock at the unexpected anger on his face and frowned. What had he been thinking to anger Alex? It had to be inappropriate and bad to make him react that way.

Shay watched Alex roughly take Riley aside and looked back at the muscular guy and his red-haired friend. She looked between them and then inquired, "So, I take it you bench press. How much do you bench? What are your names?" She shifted uncomfortably on her feet,grabbing her right arm and holding it. Still, Shay kept her shoulders down and her stance poised. It wasn't something she'd let bother her. Also, she doubted he'd do anything; but a feeling in her gut told her otherwise. Shay took a few deep breathes and then inhaled sharply when she was grabbed from behind.

"Shayla!!" The familiar yell of Mike's gruff voice filled the air. Her eyes widened and she looked over her shoulder. "My buddy! My winged-devil-angel-girl!"

"I can't be both- " She gasped out as he spun her around lightly and laughed. Mike held her tight so she couldn't wiggle free. She giggled, grateful for his distraction, though worried he might be hurt by one of these two.

"Yes you can!" He let go of her and set her on her feet. Shay dizzily grabbed his arm, laughing. The courtyard spun around her. The worry of the two guys had vanished momentarily. "You're like half Satanic and angelic. I don't know how you do it. But me? I'm just... Neither. My wings aren't a great color, it's like God looked at me and said 'fuck your wing color' but that's okay, because I'll dye them this semester."

"God, I forgot how crazy you are. Jesus Christ." She grabbed onto his arm, laughing and staring at him, trying to warn him of the tow nearby. He grinned at her, followed her gaze, and raised his eyebrows. He was able to sense danger as one his powers and perhaps sensed something was off. It had to have been it because he normally wasn't one to interrupt others. "dye your wings? Is that even a thing?"

"No but we'll make it a thing and we'll be the presidents of it. Okay? Mike and Shay, the founders of dyeing your boring mutations another color."

"Alright, Mikey, whatever you say." She laughed at him and turned to find Alex coming back. She sighed in relief and Mike nodded to him, briefly staring at him. Shay guessed he was letting Alex know he sensed danger and that's why he had come over. She wasn't sure why else, since not much else had occurred.

Mike nodded to her. "I'll be on my way and I'll see you in class. And if I don't, I'll find you, and drag your ass there, AP buddy." He winked at her and moved away to his own group of friends.

"I swear," She muttered, snickering. He also had the ability to track people. His powers were underrated and not many people took them seriously. Shay however could find the value in them. She watched him leave and turned back to Alex. Shay intertwined her hand with his and looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. What happened, Alex? Can you tell me please? And can we move away? They're so weird...

"It was nice meeting you but we have to go. Chow." She wasn't eaiting for a yes or no. She waved to the three and glanced at Riley with concern. He was going down a dark path and she was able to recognize it. Shay swallowed. She'd speak to him when he wasn't around these guys who looked like thugs. She moved away with Alex, tightly wrapping her hand around his hand. She rested her head on his shoulder and looked up at him once they were away. "Sweetie, are you okay?" Her tone was soothing and calm. She rested her hands on his shoulders and rested her forehead against his. "I'm here. I love you. Breathe, okay?"

The teachers beckoned the juniors and seniors to the auditorium for a mandatory lecture. It was a half day so they were able to start class after all the damn lectures and presentations. Shay led Alex there, keeping a firm grip on his hand.


James wouldn't answer Rose's questions. Now was not the time and he wasn't going to divulge much information. He wasn't sure what to tell her - that they were thugs, murderers, and offenders? He wasn't sure where to begin without mentioning they were superior. It would become obvious and he wasn't sure he could handle her knowing about that world. James wanted her out of it for the rest of her life. It seemed as if that wasn't going to happen anymore. He was thankful that Jason approached despite being late. He fought back one of his signature sighs of dismay and looked at his twin.

He grinned at Emma though and kept her close to them. Using technopathy, he texted Jason, "Wtf are they doing here?" He kept Rose and Emma blocked by Jason and his body. He didn't want them to set their filthy gaze on these two. James glanced at Emma and grinned. "You're going to have such a great time here, Em." He told her enthusiastically, although he found it hard to say. It wouldn't be a fun time if the superior came around.

James followed Rose's gaze, keeping his hand in his pocket by his phone. He blocked Emma's view of Alex but watched through a nearby reflection from someone's phone. Alex had taken Riley roughly aside but he didn't know why. He guessed Louis had said or thought something provocative about Shay that angered him. He knew the Louis and Lindon well enough to know it had to have been the case. James exhaled deeply, turning Rose away and looking at his twin intently. There was fear in his eyes but wouldn't let Rose seing it. He needed to speak to Persephone to see if she knew about any of their plans or schemes, but he doubted he would be able to communicate with her. She was always too deep in the superior or not allowed to have a phone. That meant he had to sneak off to the camp and he wasn't leaving Rose's side with these superior around.

James ran a hand through his hair and smiled for Emma's sake. He followed the others inside and baid goodbye to Emma since elementary school kids had a tour of the school. He made sure she was moved safely away and not by the superior before striding off with Rose and Jason.


"They're not even trying to be inconspicuous." Scarlett stared outside from the Guardian's lounge nearby the front entrance. "It's unbelievable."

"They knew we can't do much without risking student's lives," replied Liam with his arms folded as he massaged his forehead. It felt as if someone were constricting his blood vessels.

"I know that," Scarlett retorted with an eye roll. "I'm stating the obvious."

"When you knew the answer?"

"I'm going to take the broom near you and shove it down your throat."

"So pleasant, aren't you?" Liam glanced at her as the other Guardians and Superior Hunters watched their hundredth bickering match.

"Not with shits like you."

"Can we please not argue?" A guardian asked them tiredly and looked at them. "We need to focus on the task at hand. Our students are in danger as long as those superior are around. Not to mention the ones lurking in the forest."

Scarlett bit her lip, trying to maintain her composure and not punch a wall. She took deep breathes, nodding. "Right now they're not doing anything but conversing with one another. Skylar took out a group of sups. The thugs with Jason are dead mysteriously. Seph's trying to hide. Damien's scheming. Not much is going on. I'm sure Torie and Vince are plotting evil shit. The usual."

"Were those visions or just observations?"

"Both." She sat down and grabbed her iced tea lemonade and drank it whole to keep herself from gazing at the others. It was common knowledge that she had been friends with the superior. She had been once as well. Still Ben had her captured and hadn't given up on her yet. It had been two years and her attitude and behavior was only starting to become satisfactory. She sighed and set the glass down after swallowing her tea.

"Do you know what they're going to do?"

"I'll make a scroll of all their plans and ideas and send it to you." A collective sigh answered her and she forced a smirk away. One of them left to go ask Ben to handle her instead because they didn't have enough patience. She sat down and stared down at the notebook left for her to scrawl down her visions. She picked up the pen and sighed. "Who do you want me to look at in particular?"

"Anyone," replied Olivander, thanking God she had finally cooperated. Scarlet looked down and concentrated hard. She began to write down ideas though they weren't surprising to her. Louis wanted Shay as his own and more, Ezra planned on obsessing over Alcina. As a result of James' keen protection over Rose, she wasn't involved yet, though her father - Victor - had plans for her. Damien wanted his twin daughters as superior. She kept her notes vague because her head hurt from the thousands of plans and ideas. Besides, she hated most of the people in the room and it was irking her to help them. Liam of course was on her nerves constantly. They had been friends from the superior though she wasn't allowed to mention it. It was something the group wouldn't know about.

Scarlett set the pen down and pinched the bridge of her nose. She took deep breathes and continued to stare at her notebook. It wasn't going to help that Ben was coming because his kindness to her made her feel guilty for being uncooperative.

"I don't know why Ben cares abut her or think she's helpful." A guardian named Kerry muttered to her friend, thinking she wouldn't hear it or see it in a vision. Scarlett blocked out their conversation and refilled her iced tea and continue sip it, waiting for the next lecture coming her way.

The guardians and superior hunters would never understand the puzzle that was Scarlett.


Persephone watched her brother leave and sighed. The living room she stood in connected to the kitchen. She strode into the kitchen and out the sliding back door. It creaked eerily but she paid no mind to it. Her gaze flicked around. The backyard was tidy and fenced in. Around the boarder of it all were a variety of perennial plants. She recognized lilies, daisies, and tulips. The last one were her favorites. Her mother used to buy her tulips for her birthday every year. A pang shot through her. What would she do without her mother? It was too odd. Her head began to pulse and she gripped the sides gently with her thin fingers. It shocked her to know that her brother had taken her out of the psychiatric unit. She thought he would have left her there...

"Persephone ...."the voice she had been hearing since their parent's death, returned. She jumped out of her skin and looked around with wide eyes. Where was it coming from? She circled around the yard, trying to find the source of it. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, except the plants and bugs. Clearly the voice wasn't coming from the bugs. There was no way that group of bees or the caterpillar nearby were speaking to her. "Persephone...."

She smoothed her hair around her face which was drenched in sweat. If Xavier saw or knew she was hearing voices again, he would flip and send her back to the psych ward. Quickly she ran inside, glancing to see her siblings were still outside. She shut the bathroom down, after running around trying to find it, and shut it tight. Persephone scampered to the shower and fumbled with the faucets. It didn't matter she had nothing to change into. She bit her lip and watched the water rush out of the shower nozzle. Persephone stripped down and hastily jumped into the shower. At first it was silent until....

"You can't run. You can't hide. We're here..." Persephone clutched her head and sank to the bottom of the tub, tears filing her eyes. They streamed down her cheeks. She wondered if was hallucinating or was truly schizophrenic as the doctors labeled her. Maybe she was or wasn't. All she knew was the voice were real and she didn't know where they were coming from. Persephone dug her nails into her skin, waiting for the insanity to end.

- x -

Twenty minutes later, she left the shower. She looked to see new towels had been brought in, courtesy of she presumed Rose or Xavier. There were fresh clothing too. She sighed in relief and thanked God for her privacy. Slowly, as if coming back to life, Persephone readied herself. Once finished, she changed into her knit pullover, tank and light sweatpants with her bunny slippers. A small warmth filled her heart briefly. Xavier knew she loved those slippers and thankfully they had survived. The small gesture of kindness was uplifting.

Persephone glanced sideways in the mirror at her deep, grotesque scars and sighed. She hair down to help conceal her them and exited the bathroom. She glanced downstairs to discover Xavier was unpacking their belongings. Further inspection told her that Rose was in the kitchen. Without a sound, she came down the stairs and sat on the landing away from the window. Ever since their parent's death and the glass, she was terrified of being near windows. Seph tensed and then scampered into the kitchen with Rose. Xavier watched her run passed him and sighed.

"Careful, alright?" He called to her and she nodded fervently.

She sat on the chair and stared at her sister, managing a vacant smile. "H-h-hey. It smells good."


Xavier stared down at Rose. Her statement sounded shady, although her smile seemed trustworthy. He sighed, unsure of what to say or do for her. He wasn't letting it go, though he'd question her later. Rose seemed like glass and he was afraid of shattering her. Deep down, he knew something was inherently wrong that she wouldn't admit. The bruises she had after their parent's deaths told him otherwise from her not witnessing anything. Her statements from it to the police were logical. Still, Xavier caught her skipping up now and then. He decided to change the subject for her sake and stood next her ruffling her hair, as she said:

"I just had the great idea of preparing some food. I'm going to go get some out of the car and make some snacks and lemonade in the kitchen. You should show Persephone around the house."

"Alright Blondie. Sounds good," He looked around the neighbor to spot two girls and one guy staring at them. He grimaced. These people seemed nosy as hell. He didn't need the spectators eying them. They were under enough pressure. He stared for a few seconds and nodded to them, hoping they would leave. Their family, what was left, needed space. What the hell didn't people understand? He tersely looked to Rose, muscles taut with a quivering jaw. "Just go inside. I'll get it right away for you. Make sure Seph isn't doing anything she shouldn't be, alright?"

Xavier quickly found the food bins and carried them inside. He set out the items Rose had spoke of and hoped she'd checked on Seph for him. With a grunt, he continued unpacking. It was easy since he had lifted in high school and vigorously took his anger out during the gym workouts. He sighed and grabbed the girls' suitcases and hauled them inside. After, he grabbed his own and set the all in the living room. He frowned, looking outside, having lost track of Persephone. He had no clue if Rose had even checked on her. Frustration boiled up inside of him and clenched his fists. He couldn't handle taking care of both of the girls. Xavier had only begrudgingly taken her out of the psychiatric unit once her doctors declared her well.

He sighed and went upstairs to discover that she was in the bathroom, showering. The sound of the houses' running water was foreign to him and he hadn't been able to locate its' precise noise. He hoped she wasn't engaging in any unfavorable behaviors; then realized all the sharp objects weren't in the house yet. After darting downstairs, he found her ruffle bag with her name on it and grabbed a pair of clothes for her. The black haired-boy ran up to the bathroom while the shower still ran and set them inside fast. He quickly left and came back downstairs.

"Okay," He told himself in a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "Unpack," As he unpacked, he looked over to find Seph sitting on the landing. One glance at the window sent her scampering across the living room into the kitchen. He bit his lip, knowing the cause of her fear. Still, he needed her not to run. If she fell and hurt himself, he might have a stroke. "Careful," He called to her, eyes narrowed. A feverish nod answered him. Xavier grunted and continued to unpack and sort their belongings.

I thought I might be able to post but I don't think so. Sorry guys, I'm dropping out too. Life is busy.
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