Avatar of PrankFox


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A few things about me:
My name is Fox, I've been doing RP for about 11 years and playing/running TRPGs for going on 6 years. Outside of RP I enjoy drawing, writing, hiking, reading, and equestrian. I enjoy most genres of books, movies, TV shows, etc., so I'm down for pretty much anything!
I have an Italian Grayhound named Harley and he is the best dog in the world, and I really love animals in general.
I'm looking forward to getting to know some new people!

Now to the RP Stuff
-Supernatural themes are always fun
Modern in some cases

Fandoms (Does take a good plot to get me to do a fandom RP, but I'm always excited to talk about them!)
-Dragon Age
-Critical Role/Adventure Zone/Dimension 20
-Elder Scrolls
-Mass Effect
-Leviathan Trilogy (Westerfeld)
(Will add as I remember things)

Discord: PrankFox#5538

Most Recent Posts

I arrive once again.

Gonna go with moon

While the desert was uncomfortable during the day Hemlock found that he quite liked the cooler air of the early evening paired with the setting sun. It gave him a reminder of home when he would climb to the tops of the tall jungle trees and perch watching the sun fall; listening to the plants. He could tell that many of the others were feeling the same relief in the way wings flared out to the dying sun and some others decided to creep out from under the covers to explore a bit.

Juniper was chatting with one of the Silkwings that had journeyed with them, but if he was honest he didn't understand what they were talking about. It sounded like something to do with a council, but he couldn't be sure. Instead he drew absent shapes in the sand underneath him before glancing up as the dark form of Bluemoon approached.

Both himself and Juniper raised their fanned tails in greeting. He pushed himself to his feet at the question and nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be," he turned to look at his companion, "I'll be back later."

Juniper turned to face them for a moment, a smile on her face, "Have fun, don't be gone too long."

He rolled his eyes faintly before turning to follow Bluemoon as she led the way into The Scorpion Den. An ominous name he thought, but maybe it helped to keep others away. There were some scorpions that lived in the jungle that he was familiar with. Their venom was useful for a number of things. Maybe he could find some variants in the desert.

His interest was piqued as they stepped through the arched doorway. It seemed that the setting sun had drawn out more and more dragons. The streets were packed full with all shapes, colors, and sizes. He didn't know the differences, but they all couldn't be the same tribe. He looked to Bluemoon with curiosity "Why're there so many different dragons here? Isn't this where the Sandwings live?"

Juniper gave Bluemoon a bright smile, "They're all very unique as I imagine the dragons here are too."

Sandwings and Nightwings clearly looked very different, so it would make sense that the others were just as unique. Hemlock pondered how many more tribes there were around, how they might look different, and why. His father had taught him how to tell insects apart, which ones were dangerous based on shape and color, and where to find them. Was it the same with dragons? He didn't know. He had asked Juniper about the LeafSilk Kingdom, but he wasn't sure if that was an accurate representation of everywhere else. It didn't seem like it with how skewed this area was to the Sandwings.

Hemlock gave Bluemoon a smile in return, that seemed the right thing to do, "I appreciate it." He wasn't sure he wanted to become a 'functioning member of society' here in the desert. He was pretty sure he would rather pull his scales out one by one than stay in this open wasteland. Maybe he would ask her where would be most similar to what he was used to. She had mentioned Rainwings and that sounded kind of promising. If they were called that they had to live where it rained and rain meant plants right? "Maybe when it cools off a bit, when the sun gets lower?"

"Well, we don't want to keep you from your work," Juniper gave Bluemoon another smile and waved her off. She turned to look at Hemlock, "I'll probably just stay here while you go and get your tour, maybe check in on some of the others."

He gave her a nod, "That's alright." He would've liked to have her come with him, just for something familiar while he was there. He had a good feeling about Bluemoon though and she seemed to know how things worked around here. If it gave him something to do other than sit around and count insects he would take it.

Mentions:Roland @Ithradine, Sherry @Ambra

Apparently it was just as easy to rile up the princess as it had always been. Nice to see some things seemed to never change. Roland didn't appear to have changed much either. Wouldn't let any slight come to the princess and couldn't take a joke. "I don't care to know one way or the other, but for your sake it might be valuable to know," Elias commented blandly, "Might be an easier let down in the future."

He ceased ribbing the guard when some of the others began to chime in; eyebrows rising in amusement at the blue haired girls nicknames. He didn't recognize her which led him to believe she was a commoner, but she didn't appear to have any trouble shooting back at the Sylmare heir. This would be a fun bunch it seemed. Or at least some of them would be. Not that he planned on letting many of them sit around and be dour. Sure they were here to learn, but why should that mean that they couldn't have a bit of fun?

There was a vague ping of recognition of the white haired lordling that was crouched next to her, but didn't have time to rack his mind for names before the esteemed princess wheeled on him. A half smile crept across his face, "I rather think I am." He wouldn't bring up the fact that the giant of a man had been the one to start the influx of teasing.

The fact she tried to keep some decorum was a surprise, but he was more, or maybe less, surprised when the tirade stopped. Less surprised when the object of her interest became obvious. A tiny wyvern perched on the hand of the lordling. Now he recalled who the other boy was, he hadn't seen him in years but the Croix house was familiar to him. Reintroductions would be in order he supposed, but not while the whole of the Foxes had decided to clump together around Leonid.

He hadn't caught most of the conversation but judging by the flower being held out, and the glint in Parthenia's eye it couldn't be completely good.

It was pleasing to hear that curiosity was rewarded, at least in Bluemoon's eyes. So he could probably get away with asking her questions then since none of the Sandwings seemed interested in speaking to them. Beyond what they had to anyway. Hemlock had always been peppering his dad with questions all throughout his childhood, it was encouraged by the older Leafwing until he had started changing.

Nightwing. He rolled the name around in his head before filing it away. Once again, like the Sandwings, made perfect sense. The underside of her wings looked like a starry night sky. He wondered if they were little scales or just spots on the webbing of her wings. Maybe he'd find out. He frowned along with Juniper at the fact they'd been expelled from their homes too. Just another mystery to add to the pile.

His eyes were slightly wide at all the things that Nightwings were potentially capable of. He could see why others might be frightened of them. "Wow, that's a lot of different things." He believed her, what reason did she have to lie to them about something like that? "I can speak to plants, but that's not something really useful here." He stared around the barren sands around them, not a speck of green on the horizon. It made him feel more homesick than he'd expected.

He smiled wryly, "Maybe you could make up weird things that are going to happen to them, but not tell them when it'll happen and just leave them wondering."

Juniper glanced up as Bluemoon looked her way and smiled, "Yeah we are. Some of the others aren't though." She gestured to a beautiful light blue and gold dragon with four large, mottled wings, "The dragons with the four wings, that are bigger, are Silkwings. They come in more colors than any tribe I know of." She then pointed to a smaller, deep red dragon with black striped markings, "And those are Hivewings, they're usually pretty bright too. I hear they even have some Nightwing in them somewhere." She chuckled quietly, "We're pretty much green and brown, not much else."

It was somewhat surprising how knowledgeable Juniper was, but he supposed it made since she'd grown up in the LeafSilk kingdom, someplace he'd only heard stories about. And seen in flaming ruins. When his companion stopped talking he looked to Bluemoon, "Would you mind showing me around when you have the time? I can feel my scales rubbing off in the sand." That and he was bored out of his mind. There was absolutely nothing to do here and he was sick of it.

Hemlock hadn't really meant to stare, but his gaze seemed to catch the attention of the black dragon. He could now see that her scales actually leaned towards the blue side of black once she got closer. Neat. The only black he ever saw on dragons was the occasional Hivewings he saw flitting about the jungle. He was used to green which there was very little of here aside from his own tribe. If he could even consider them that.

"Faring as well as we can be," Juniper smiled thinly at the larger dragon. "Oh, that would be wonderful, thank you," she reached out to take the offered water, passing it to Hemlock first before taking some for herself. "I'm Juniper by the way, this is Hemlock." Her leaflike tail flicked out to lightly gesture backwards.

He was more focused on the water then what Juniper was saying to the large dragon, who he only just caught was named Bluemoon. Odd name. It was cool and crisp and ran the grains of sand out of his mouth which was more of a relief than he'd expected. How did these dragons stand it? He would go crazy always being in the sun, walking on hot sand, and feeling the grittiness between his teeth. It was miserable honestly. He hoped that these escorts they had picked somewhere less bright for them to go next. He also found their solid eyes unnerving, but he felt the need to keep that thought mostly to himself. Maybe if he associated them with beetles they wouldn't be so strange?

His attention was pulled back when he heard his name being said and the tail entered his line of sight. "Hello," he greeted Bluemoon, scanning her build and colors before comparing it to that of the Sandwings. Definitely didn't match. He cocked his head to the side, "What are you?"

"Hemlock!" Juniper's indignant tone chided him, "You can't just ask questions like that." She turned to look back at Bluemoon, an apologetic smile on her lips, "I'm sorry about him. He didn't grow up with a lot of other dragons."

Oh, so that wasn't something that he should just ask. How else was he supposed to learn then? "Sorry." His tone didn't sound particularly apologetic, but that's what he'd been told he should say. He still continued to look at Bluemoon curiously, but he didn't want Juniper to get upset again.

It was hot, and not the pleasant, damp kind of hot that Hemlock was used to. No, this was a dry, arid heat that beat down on every part of his body with no protection of tall trees. Not like the jungle. In the jungle he could laze underneath the wide leaves to avoid the sun, but here in the desert there was no escaping its burning gaze.

There was no way to escape the burning gaze of the other dragons that stood around him either. He had fled with the others who were escaping Pantala as the strange dragons had seemed to appear from nowhere. Sharp fangs, burning fire, all preceded ominously by the sound of rattling tails. He didn't know where they had come from, and from what he'd overheard from the others he was huddled with, they didn't either. He didn't think they'd even been thinking when they'd leapt out of the side of the jungle over open water. He was just glad they were lucky enough to go in the right direction to hit another land mass.

Even if the right direction led him to this forsaken place. The curious, occasionally hostile, looks he got from the residents of what he'd learned was the Sand Kingdom (fitting) filled him with nervous dread. He didn't know how he was supposed to act, so he just didn't. Instead he stuck close to one of the other Leafwings that he had gotten to know a bit during their flight. A small, pale green dragon with unique shades of purple to her wings called Juniper.

The two of them had been herded into a makeshift camp, if it could even be called that, on the outside of the city walls. Really just a few sheets of cloth strung up on poles that had been haphazardly pushed into the ground as some sort of makeshift shelter for them. He got a hesitant feeling they weren't welcome. He wasn't sure he'd feel welcome anywhere though. Instead he fiddled with the leaves and insects that were in his father's pouch. It gave him something to do aside from staring at the stingers that tipped the tails of their SandWing "escorts." Or wonder if what was no doubt venom that came from it would give them resistance to some kinds of poisonous plants. A curious notion.

"Something got your tail in a twist?" The light, quiet voice of Juniper asked from where she was leaned against his side. They were all wedged underneath the covers as much as they could be. "You've been awfully quiet. Not even telling me about plants."

Hemlock turned to stare at his tail, it decidedly was not twisted, before looking back to her, "No, nothing's touched my tail." The laugh he got in response only further confused him. He shrugged lightly, "Not many plants around her to talk about." Normally he could tell when plants were nearby, speak to them, use them. There was none of that here.

Instead he set his eyes looking around. Landing on the SandWings that stood around them plus a few other dragons of varying shapes, sizes, and colors that didn't match. Supposedly they were here to help move them around to other places. Find a place to stay. There was one large solid black dragon wandering amongst them, silver scales on the underside of their wings that he found particularly strange. Surely black wasn't a good color here. Maybe he'd ask what they were should they wander his way.

Mentions: Sherry @Ambra

After being forced to sit still for, however long, Elias had lost track after about the first two hours, having to trek up the mountain was a delight. It was a miracle he hadn't driven his carriage mates crazy with fingers tapping his knees or fidgeting with whatever he could get his hands on. The autumn air was refreshing though, despite the moisture in the air, and the view of the monastery from the march up was rather impressive.

The orientation speech was not so exciting, however dignified the Archbishop looked in his long robes. He made a note of the important figures that were standing in front of them. Though one of them appeared to be missing, hopefully that didn't foreshadow the rest of the year. He let his eyes wander about the rest of his classmates, many of whom he recognized and some he didn't, and what he could see of the campus. He was paying enough attention to catch the fact that Galbia's illustrious princess was made their house leader.

Delightful. He hoped that she would do a good job.

Once they were on the move again Eli elected to pay more attention. He would rather not get lost while he was here. He was curious as to where their own professor might be, but he wasn't going to interrupt. Not yet. The thought quickly left his head anyway as they were shown to the gardens. It wasn't exactly the forest back home, but the outdoor area was nice. He would rather be there than cooped up in his room or the library if he had to study.

A curious look crossed his face as a number of comments were made. First by the guy who looked like he could probably lift the monastery with one hand, and then the small, blue-haired girl. Neither of whom he recognized so commoners he suspected. Not that it particularly bothered him, his own house didn't have the most distinguished background despite what his father might insist upon. He was capable of reading history books just the same as everyone else.

He turned to Sherry with a faint grin, "I didn't know you had a type Princess."
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