Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

What sort of improvements are we looking at? I'm intrigued?

Mostly smaller refinements, like over arch plot, event ideas and little things like improved locations and other bits. We learned alot on last version and got Better at doing it.

Also a few we gonna keep quiet as nice suprises :)

We are too.

We taking a few ideas from the old but we also applying some new ones to so should be better than ever. :)
@PrinceAlexusCount me in, matie!

Perfect! More the merrier.

Interest is most definitely peaked

Peaked. Great, welcome to the party.

We gonna be running soon ernough, there's some work to to do behind the scenes in the engine room before we launch the good ship Sol.

Updating maps and small issues before we ready to go but progress has been good, and making a good pace.


I'm there. 😁

Great, bring the DramaLlamacorn :)


Great, welcome. we always like new people.

as said, we should be ready to go in about a week so about next weekend.

Any questions, queries, or so just ask away. we don't bite like the vompire

Hopefully you join us on our adventure.

Yes. Just, yes.

Welcome :)
il take that as yes

keep a eye on us, we will be releasing the OOC when we are ready, maybe about a week. depends on how interest and our time goes.

Everything is all ready, we just waiting for the right time and to offer the best RP we can.

If any questions, feel free to tag me or PM etc.



Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

The Idea

Hello and welcome to our intrest check. Please sit down, read and enjoy a complimentry digital cookie. We are back with a new offering for the Guild's good citizens.

Coming off the successful completion of SOL CITY, we're looking at doing it again with a second chapter. To the uninitiated, our game follows a familiar tone and concept to what you may have seen or participated in before, but with a more focused and involved approach from the GM Staff. It’s simply a game of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, action and romance bring the world to life how you want it to be. Creative freedom is something we belive in heavily and feel that it was one of the main reasons for our success in the first game which can be found HERE.

There IS an over-arching plot line to the game, however it is constructed in such a way that allows players to involve their characters as much or as little as they wish without having to read any of the previous chapter. Naturally, there will be unexpected twists and turns to spice things up and keep interest and membership flowing. However, we want this to continue to be a growing community project that brings our fictional city to life. Thanks to a vested group of Guild members, we are fortunate enough to be able to look at doing this again and continuing in that goal.

If you have an idea, we are always open to suggestions on how we can best tailor our game to fit the players and make things work for everyone. For example, player made locations became a real hit in the first chapter along with our easy-to-use MAP that gave the city a sense of time, direction and immersion.

We want you to know that we’re committed to sticking with the game and if you decide to join then know that we would like a commitment from you as well. We’re not asking for a blood oath here, but if you wish to join, the main thing we ask is that you please consider a long-term approach for your perspective character rather than just a single scene that you may be envisioning that lasts a few posts and then fades. Our last game lasted, 500+ posts, 8 months and completed at our planned end.

Welcome to Slice Of Life (SOL)- Done differently. We made mistakes and success along the way, survived the Great Guild Lag and more.

Most importantly: We never gave up.

So, if you want to join or have any questions please drop us a line here. We don't bite! (I already killed the vampire last time.. You're OK. Just watch out for the zombie... Aim for the head. But I don't need to tell you that.

The City of Sol

SOL CITY is the largest city in the Northwestern US in our fictitious universe, taking the place of Seattle, the surrounding geography and even parts of British Columbia. Bright light and shining Sol City gained its name from being a beacon to early travelers and to this day, still draws the young and adventurous alike.

Influences are drawn far and wide with ideas from North America, Canada and Asia. Both player and GM driven plots bring the city to life for whichever route you choose to take.

Comprised of 29 different locations, neighborhoods, public buildings, pubs and dives, the City has grown from its original concept and will continue to expand and evolve with the games players that join us on this round.

So explore, enjoy, start anew and make your mark. The city awaits…
Casual... Advanced... High casual, free...

See now everyone is acting like there is a defined, legal line that a judge said so. In real practice it all depends on interpretation and how people see the lines..

High casual to me, is not same to you, and someone else.

Your trying to force sqaure pegs into round holes...

Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

The Idea Reforged

Hello all,

A little over two weeks ago @PrinceAlexus and I launched Sol City as a new take on the "Slice of Life" genre. Our goal was (and continues to be) to provide the open world sandbox that many enjoy and throw a few new ideas into the pot, and some others we know where successful.

Building off our previous success including 506 IC posts over 8 months, surviving the great guild lag and learning and evolving out ideas as needed. We are proud to bring you our new offering, rebuilt, upgraded and better than ever with 29 locations covering everything from dive bars to diamond studied events.

For those of you that may not be familiar, there is no magic or dystopian angle in our game. It’s simply a setting of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, romance, bring the world to life how you want it to be. Right now we have about twelve players, 29 locations and a nifty map (that is regularly updated) to keep track of them all. To keep things moving, we're running regular events for our time skips as well as a few unexpected twists and turns just to spice things up and keep interest alive. It is our goal to recruit 20-25 players at a minimum while the city can continue to grow without any limits.

We are wide open to suggestions and we want this to be a community project. Everyone is invited to take as much stake in the game as they please. Your plans/input/ideas are going to be valued, i.e., you can expect things like time skips and major events to be discussed in the OOC openly and feedback encouraged.

If your worried about post count, there is a summery on page... So you can be caught up in a single post, we aim to make it easy as possible to jump in be it post 5, 50 or 500. We do encourage you to read through but the summery is easily ernough to get started in our adventure.

So to sum all this up, we just want to create a Slice of Life RP, we're not going to vanish like ghosts and are committed to making a fun RP for everyone as long as they want to play with us. We both enjoy the genre and want to do things a little bit different, embrace ideas from everyone and also keep it alive with our own to keep things fresh and creative.

Thanks for reading our IC! Let us know what you think or any questions you may have.

Victoria Darya Romus “vika”

Name: “Lady” Victoria Darya Romus “vika” "Lady De Winter"

Age: 23

Appearance: Once white haired and more frail thanks to a severe illness contracted as a teanger and left with snow like skin and hair a long straight pure white. With a detailed level of braiding and details making her channel abit of Deneris Targerian. Restricting her height and build illness left her a extre. Ely light build.

After the cure, a experimental cure meant she could manage without a walking stick most of time, but needed when tired or rough ground. Still pale but alabastor and procilin tones tjan snow and striking black hair with purple and blue details. Still thin and lightly built but now slightly healthier than her thin waif like figure.

Still smaller, but favours a slightly gothic, 50's and corset elements at times with a lean to dark reds, purples, and more intense colours than the previous Victoria would ever try to wear.


Ice blue heirloom diamond ring from DRC In Africa, mined and split into a pair of rings by her sisters grand mother, and her twin sister many decades ago. Diamond is a harder, now conflict mined rare coloured diamond. "Lady de Winter"

Newly acquired Blood red gem stoned necklace close in and shorter silver chain. Edwardian/Victorian style, English origins. "The reborn Lady"

Height: 4'9

Weight: 98 Pounds


Warm weather but not heat waves
Geeky fun
Loyal to family to a fault
Laptop and digital in general.
Sweet tooth


General fitness freaks etc
Cold weather
Those who treat her as helpless
Intense sunlight, she burns easily.
Having to rely on others too much if she can help it.
People staring
Overly spicey foods
Betrayal and false friends.
Those who treat her like she is helpless despite needing help at times.
Cannot drop a issue

Zodiac Sign: Aires

Special Talent: able to perform a near pitch perfect lara croft impression and has a knack with fixing a wide range of digital devices that at times defies logic.

Former computer hacker.

Profession: Formaly doing apps and websites now working doing security, encryption and cyber security for a defense contractor/Private Military Company. Partly from home and private office, other times the companies low key well protected office in the city, Black Shield Security and Defense Research.

Bio/Personality: Born to Vesarian after he left Maria , her mother was killed in a accident when she was young and seeking a redemption for leaving his first daughter he vowed to never let down his second.

Her life was fairly normal to begin with bar her father being away alot as part of his job and often was in care of a nanny or other relatives around half the year.

She was a normal confident teanager before the condition hit her and was a promising track athlete, even attracting attention of the county scouts. All that was to come to end when she began to weaken, her skin went pale as snow and soon things looked dire.

Her father who had made his money in the shipping industry working on jobs regardless of the moral aspects and high on the financial reward soon plowed every resource he had into finding a cure for the condition and rapidly made a large dent in his fortunes he had earned.

The recovery took several years in which she was often stuck at home or hospitals and soon began learning to code apps and other digital systems. Plenty of time to learn she soon mastered it and found she enjoyed it, also meaning she could work from home and avoid some of the stares she got in public.

Though she began to regain her confidence she never was going to regain her skills and fitness she had. She eventually regained contact with her half sister and the two soon formed a strong bond once they got to know each other.

She ended up at Sol city after her father's business arrangements when exposed in a documentary on armaments shipments to Africa. With less friendly attention growing back in England she decided to move in with her sister and start afresh over in Sol City where she was just another young woman.

Her title stems from her father, much like her sister but the family wealth and estate was spent and gone several generations ago and all their current wealth was built by her father.

Her personality and confidence slowly began to recover after her illness and also earning her own money after years of being supported by her father or others. Though still needing some support she has began to regain her independence and moving in with her sister was the best option available.
and though slow to trust and warm is very loyal once her friendship is earned.

Her personality has changed slightly and fluctuated though currently her colder and darker side has begun to become more at ease with herself, working for grey clients such as defense contractors and arms companies. with her cure came more growing confidence and ability to put her extensive skills to use.

Working in coding and digital systems has meant she can escape the office and work from home, not tied to a county she was able to carry on her work even when forced to move countries. Both her father and half sister have been very protective of the youngest member of the family, despite her desire for independence she has long realised she does need some support day to day.

Living in Sol with her sister, she had a few bumps along the way and already had a intresting time to say the least. Love, won, maybe lost and a momment involving a BMW and a diamond ring. A messy gala Evening, and other social fumbles including having to support her sister after a attack early in there time in the city. Life has not been quiet for the younger Romus sister.

Due to a cure, mostly experimental in nature in Texas, she was restored somewhat and returned dramatically Raven haired, regained mobility and a more gothic style. Darker at times and willing to work a fairly grey job, the pay checks however are quite abit higher than more apceptble publicly work.

Your character's favorite song:

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself: Ctrl C… lol.
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