Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@PrinceAlexus I'm fine with low key and something she can't really control maybe and doesn't always happen, but only sometimes.

im perfectly fine with that. roll with it.

I can give a small margin and say they have a sixth sense or so, a very lucky hunch etc.

Long as the ability is low key and not super powered etc, maybe more of a hint, or a strong guess that often proved right.

we can work with that.

Wednesday Afternoon

Late Afternoon . A bright Winters day . Weather = Sunny, Warmish with no real cloud

Corona park was a sea of orange and reds and the sun was hanging lower causing the grass than take a slightly golden effect. The bright plants of summer had died back and been replaced by the winter tones and crunch of crisp gravel on the winding paths in the forest Walk. Couples enjoyed the last of the days light, tender embraces and warm close moments.

In the cities old Harbour the old warehouse apartments brightly stood out in the harbour, brick weathered by decades of harsh weather and paint of there former companies still vaguely viable though many now where trendy apartments and shops..

The weather had begun to turn slowly to winter, nights where drawing in and the sun Sat lower in the sky. Still Sol City was bright, pumpkin spice lattees sold by the thousand in the coffee shops and the bright lights of Centre Point gleamed out visible for miles despite the changing seasons.
Wednesday Afternoon

[color=LightSteel] Late Afternoon . A bright Winters day . Weather = Sunny, Warmish with no real cloud[/color]

Corona park was a sea of orange and reds and the sun was hanging lower causing the grass than take a slightly golden effect. The bright plants of summer had died back and been replaced by the winter tones and crunch of crisp gravel on the winding paths in the forest Walk. Couples enjoyed the last of the days light, tender embraces and warm close moments. The large classical homes of Park View that lined the park where gold and orange in the light of sunset, completing a bueterful scene in the cities natural heart.

In the cities old Harbour the old warehouse apartments brightly stood out in the harbour, brick weathered by decades of harsh weather and paint of there former companies still vaguely viable though many now where trendy apartments and shops. As a boat was pulled in by rescue volunteers training on the water, a float plane came into land at its piers, part of Deadalus wide array of flying travel services from Helicopters to Cargo jets.

The weather had begun to turn slowly to winter, nights where drawing in and the sun Sat lower in the sky. Still Sol City was bright, pumpkin spice lattees sold by the thousand in the coffee shops and the bright lights of Centre Point gleamed out visible for miles despite the changing seasons.
@PrinceAlexus How would you feel about an ex-firefighter turned fire inspector with an acquired psychometric ability /learning an object's history by touch/ after a near death work accident?

Ok with first part but we don't quite stray into magical realms or so.

you can have a unnaturally canny ability to guess things, or maybe a good photographic knowledge of things etc

long as its less magical, just needs a slight altered angle, then its ok.

Looks like everything is correct and present regarding the technical bits.

Il let my Co GM Take a look, and if happy, feel free to post it up when we get the OOC live, and join in the party in IC :)

Wensday Afternoon

Wensdsy Afternoon . Free Skip . Weather = clear and Sunny winters afternoon
No planned GM events

The sun was beginning to dip into the afternoon as the long shadows of winter extended and grew, Sol City began to slowly make its slow change from golden glow to lit by the lights of millions of artificial stars blinking into the night.

Out in the City park couples made the most of a quiet momment, and others walked down the cooler forrested walks throughout the cities green heart. The large classical homes of Park View that lined the park where gold and orange in the light of sunset, as the restaurants and cafes across the city prepared for the evening rush of hungry tourists and workers who not want to cook.

In Old Harbour it's warehouse apartments large windows glittered like the marina a sea of millions of diamonds, the Volunteer rescue centre boat was hauled back onto dry land as a sea plane came into land at the Deadalus pier for flights across the city alongside there helicopter pilot rivals.

What you make of the city is up to you.

The adventure awaits. Go out and find it.
@PrinceAlexusWorking on that CS now

Great. No need to rush, you got till weekend before we even going live with OOC and IC.

@Silver Fox

The adventures of Ashton the tall continue :)
Star Messenger

Sol source of latest News since 1895

Pokey the Rhino Gives Birth! City Zoo issues naming compation

In one the furthest North recorded pregnancies in a Rhino, Pokey who recently arrived last year from civil war torn part of Africa has given birth successfully to what keepers belive to be a male Rhino Calf though mum is yet to let them near. keepers are keen to avoid a poke by her namesake horn and have decided to wait, given the rarity of a successful birth among those in captivity.

The City Zoo is taking names and we will be including a link at the bottem of the article. Male and female names are being taken, just sign up below for your chance to name Pokeys calf, and win a special tour of the City Zoo lead by its main keeper with a chance to interact with some of the animals.



Record Arrests in Sol City Crusade against Crime

Record arrests have taken place across the city as dozens of criminals have been rounded up in a major Federal oporation to clean up the streets.

The Federal task force that arrived earlier has made big steps and in the comandor own words, Agent Smith of the FBI. "We have broken there ranks, now we just need to carry the rout"

Some critics have been quick to point out the cost, and violance of some of the raids, leaving several civilians wounded in a dangerous car chase, and a arrest gone wrong that resulted in gunfire being exchanged in a public park. Lead agents have been out recently claiming to have a 112% increase in major crime arrests in the past month.

Notable arests include:

Jackie De Costa (Illegal weapons, assult on a Federal officer, attempted murder)
Bob (drugging of a woman, assult, possession of prescription drugs, sexual assualt)
Fidel Cargonia Horat (Drugs, mixed offences)
Ignotus Arweleian Boliges (Armed Robbery)
Ben Brown (Fraud, Illegal trading, Corporate Fraud, Tax evasion, Insider trading)
Jamie "Red Rob" Fraiser (wanted in Scotland for Tax eveasian and sedition)
Claire Fraiser (aiding and abetting)
George RR Martin (mass murder by pen)


@PrinceAlexusIll be Photoshopping a Welsh flag and pole into the picture I've linked to for his house

If you need me to adjust anything at all just let me know.

I don't see any, things look fine to me edit wise anyway.

No changes, long as your happy with it.
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