Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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CS is basically complete. May add bits as I think of stuff or change formatting but on the character side of things it is effectively complete.

Looks great. @Pilatus always has a look too but I think we can pre approve you before we start :)

Location wise once Pilatus agrees, I can work you in somehow, may take a a little creative thinking but il find a way.


And both mine are English... I sense some fun there to be had.

Fast start there!

So I have decided to only make him leg paralyzed, so he cannot walk. But he can still use his arms, eat, drink and speak well, so it wouldn't inconvenience the players that much. For moving around, he would simply use an electric wheelchair that he can control using his fingers. I intend to make him a person who doesn't want outside help unless totally necessary, so even though he has nurses at home, he would usually go out by himself. For movements in places that doesn't really assist wheelchair use, I'd probably have an NPC, like a fellow colleague, or maybe ask a player to help. There maybe more subtle things that I may have not addressed, but I'm sure I'll be able to address it

That seems fine, it was not out or weaken your idea or anything, just make it easy as possible for be able to write and have fun with the RP, and also make it a nice level playing field for everyone.

I'm Happy with the idea, I just wanted abit more understandong of it :)

this sounds very interesting i'd like to join.

Great, your definitely welcome. If you want to wait, we launch the coming weekend. There's a few bits we want to perfect before we fire up the afterburner for take off.

Any questions just ask, tag me, Pilatus, or message. We freindly :)

<Snipped quote by CaptainSully>

Minor changes. Il get you a new copy. New additions to the sheet.

CS Sheet

Name: (First & Last, middle if you like)
Age: (needs to be between 18-35)
Appearance: (anime-style picture please, you can also include a description if you like)
Zodiac Sign: (His/Her personality doesn't have to be a perfect fit for their sign)
Special Talent: (Any particular thing your character is good at?)
Profession: (What you do and where you work)
Bio/Personality: (one paragraph minimum, more is fine) (If in chapter one, what were you doing)
Your character's favorite song: (We just think this would be interesting)
Actor or Actress who play your Character in a movie (Optional, we just think it can better help get a idea of your Character)

(Refrence images to plot elaments, or for helping to describe a charecter are allowed. Please make these in hiders, real life, anime or drawn etc are allowed in this case.)

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age:
*What part of the world are you from?
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: (if you're on your first year, that's totally fine too)
*How often do you have time to post? (this is just a general, honest question, no judgment)
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want.

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."


Welcome, as said, feel free to ask if you got any questions, or want to know any details about the RP not included.

I hope you enjoy our adventure.


@PrinceAlexusI will try and do my CS tomorrow, if you wish?

I'm fine with that. Why would I not be :)

Use the list on page two I think it is... The one in old thread is out of date, there where a few additions.
This thread going places... Locked places.

Co GM gonna have a look. We jointly approve ideas and so, so it's just how we run things as we each have different perspectives. Helps us see ideas better.

I'm intrested. I am not saying no and far from it. I did a semi disabled charecter with a walking stick.

I'm just wondering how you would make things work out longer term and so, or feel written into corners. How they interact with the city and so. We Don, t want anyone to feel isolated and limited is all.

We do allow second charecters later on though.
@PrinceAlexus My CS is still lacking on the personality and backstory front but I've added nightclub details and a new street if you want to take a look. If you don't like it then no problem at all.


I like it. I reckon it can be worked in.

We never can guarantee what locations get used as that's often up to players, but I likw the idea :) we could be open to a metal night at some point as a lighter event.

Different format to our locations but I can make it work. I might have to add a few hiders etx but that's easy ernough.
So far I've been observing... But my interest hat wants to be thrown in this.

Your hat is welcome. Throw it on hat hook.

Should be starting up at the weekend. Or sooner if things go well.

Any questions just tag me or Pilatus, always open to help.

Your defenitely welcome :)

I haven't quite read through all of the posts yet, and I'm not quite well versed enough in the site to find the proper thread...

But I'm interested ^^'

Great. Alas a wild data burst pops up.

All main story in in the IC tab.


This link is to the old thread. However. This is optinal, and we will be launching a new arc, new ideas and so. Everyone is starting fresh. We have updated things, even added and edited locations so the new version will be even better. You can perfectly well start, just by reading the OOC of our new RP and manage just as well.

Your more than welcome to join us, we have a more up to date CS list on page one or two of the intrest check also if you want to work on a charecter.

Any questions, let me know via tag or PM and il be happy to help.

Seems dope. Count me among the taggables.

Your welcome to join us!

Great, we looking go live at the weekend, or sooner if things go well. Needs some little upgrades and so first.

Any questions just tag or message me or Pilatus, more than willing to help.

For some reasons, I feel very interested in this one. I have a character concept that I have been writing on, and may want to copy it over here to get a feel of it

Your welcome. Feel free to copy it over. Or message one of us and see what we think, all up to you.

@PrinceAlexusI too hath joined this team of thou highest British.

Is that how we speak again I forgot?

If thy sir shakes thy spear at the enemies of the queen lol.
Though glad I got to do one of his better ones at school!

Did not know this was up! I am here c:

Yay, you are welcome. :)
Theres a CS hint on page one or two if you want to get a head start.

Already this is getting very popular. That's promising!

Yep. There's been alot of planning behind scenes to achieve it though, and alot of thought gone into it. Not just luck :)
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